Mexican law enforcement officers on the Mexican side of the border, April of 2014, photo taken from the American side. Why are they hiding their faces? See below.
When you lose your borders, you lose control over who enters your country, when, and for what reason. You lose control over your right to determine your country’s future. In essence, you lose your sovereignty.
And when you have a president and a DC administration that eschews laws already extant regarding your borders, for political reasons, you lose the Rule of Law. When DC can pick and choose which of its laws to hold, you lose the Rule of Law.
Holding to law then becomes easier to eschew and disregard.
Why and how is our border porous, beyond the obvious means? Please read this, from the
Feds: Armed Mexican troops, police regularly jump border to cross into U.S.
by Stephen Dinan
More than 500 armed Mexican troops or police have strayed across the border into the U.S. over the past decade, according to numbers the Homeland Security Department provided to Congress on Tuesday that shed new light on how often the international boundary is violated by official agents.
The information comes even as the U.S. is trying to earn the release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who has been held by Mexican authorities since the beginning of April, when he drove through an official port of entry into Mexico while carrying firearms.
You read it here. Mexican Federales and military units regularly cross the border into the United States from Mexico — to the point where there are meetings to negotiate and defuse the situations. To wit:
Gil Kerlikowske, commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said in a letter to Rep. Duncan Hunter that such instanced, known as “incursions” are “infrequent” but happen often enough that Mexico and the U.S. have created special liaison units to help negotiate the situations.
Mr. Kerlikowske said there have been about 152 instances, involving a total of 525 armed Mexican military or law enforcement, who have been documented encroaching on the U.S. side of the border since Jan. 1, 2004.
At the point when we should be getting more serious about our borders, we are allowing them to leak like sieves and — further — we are corralling up those youngsters who are now entering illegally, putting them on conveyances and then dispersing them many miles AWAY from the US/Mexico border so that they may never be tracked and never be found, with the brain-glazingly ridiculous command to “go back from whence you came.”
Oh yes. I’m sure they’ll get right on that. Self-deportation. That works so well.
Just one question: why are those persons bused further AWAY from the border itself?
This is absolute insanity. I repeat: insanity.
If I were a USBP officer or an ICE officer with even ONE ounce of courage or fidelity or integrity, I would cringe at wearing the uniform. I would feel guilty for drawing a paycheck. I would hate to go to work knowing that, ultimately, I am responsible for the diminishment of my country and the corruption of our Rule of Law.
I would ask: should I even wear this uniform at all?
And: what does the oath I took actually mean, when I originally swore in?
Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it politic? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But an actual conscience asks the question: is it right?
These people are not just being bussed away from the border but also flown away from it, at least as far as Massachusetts. If there was a better place to live I’d be out of here super fast!
This is PURPOSEFUL and predatory and meant to disable and disarm and flay apart the United States of America.
And it’s working…
I could never figure out how European countries hit the skids. Didn’t they have a media to let folks KNOW? Didn’t they keep informed?
Now I know.
Yes, now you know.
And though Multi-Kulti has been a failure in Europe and Europeans are regretting it (witness their new elections), Obama and Leftists REFUSE to learn from Europe and from history.
Everyone thinks THEIR version of Socialism will work. It has NEVER worked.
You are right, BZ. Socialism has been tried many times and always fails.
And look at the death and destruction it leaves behind…
A few drones loaded with lead could put a stop to this shit in a hurry but obummer does NOT want it to stop. All those demoncrap voters are just what they need–screw us. Where oh where is Lee Harvey Oswald?
It’s all politics, and creating a new generation of dem voters…
What happens when the Dem voters realize that they have voted themselves into the disaster we have long predicted?
Should be entertaining when ‘hispania’ meets ‘islamia’.
i still say that the southern states should band together and close the border themselves using every resource they have available. Since the feds won’t do it, they should.
That is a VERY interesting and salient point! Nicely done!