8 thoughts on “Zone

  1. Dear BZ: Here is another small example which I think you may like. I have no affiliation to this site. Rather it is an example of how the Democrats pay attention to detail.


    Thought you’d enjoy.

    Veritas et Fidelis Semper

  2. I’m sorry, BZ, no. They had a feature on the Democratic Party avertising how they support the Military with an accompanying picture. Only the picture depicted a Canadian Soldier. Maybe one has to go back a little farther.

    My apologies. The Party pulled the ad yesterday, but the site still showed the photo and article.

    Veritas et Fidelis Semper

  3. BZ, please don’t go to the home page, but if you do the article is titled “Nancy Pelosi is all for increasing funding to the Military if she can recognize them”. Hope that’s okay.

    Veritas et Fidelis Semper

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