USN Chaplain Bernard = hero

USN Chaplain BernardAt a time when military chaplains are all but gutted of their religion, when Islam is pushed down into the military chaplaincy, when US military generals and admirals quake at the potential usage of the word “God” in sermons because it may adversely affect their careers, there is one military chaplain with courage and testicles.

From The

Navy Chaplain Reveals the Touching Thing He Does Every Night Aboard the USS New York to Remember Each of the 343 Firefighters Who Died on 9/11

by Bill Hallowell

A touching tradition has formed aboard the USS New York, a Navy ship that is made, in part, from steel recovered from the World Trade Center following the 9/11 attack.

The chaplain aboard the vessel says a prayer over the loudspeaker around 9:55 every evening — an invocation that recaps the day’s happenings and commemorates an individual firefighter who perished during the terrorist attack.

In a video posted by Stars and Stripes, Lt. Justin Bernard, the chaplain aboard the USS New York, is observed invoking God during one of these public prayers, specifically thanking the Lord for keeping members of the military safe.

This will not, however, play well with the US military’s various chiefs of staff.  If they aren’t promoting Islam or Wicca, military chaplains find themselves predominantly hamstrung.

Some chaplains can no longer mention God or Jesus or any specific deity.  Save that of Mohammad in re Islam.  One cannot do away with Islam in the military.  That would be religionist.

Still and all, apparently Chaplain Lt. Justin Bernard shines through.

Bernard goes through an alphabetical list to find names, taking the time to research each individual in an effort to learn more about life stories — information that he then integrates into the prayers. Read more about that process here.

If history is any predictor, not for long.

God bless this man, working in the ship constructed with actual steel sourced from the fallen World Trade towers.



Adm. James Lyons: Islam as a threat doctrine

As I attempt to be clear about Islam, retired Admiral James “Ace” Lyons is equally clear about Islam, if not more so:

“Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion.”

Admiral Lyons then gets down to the essential brass tacks, the tacks of which few if any have the guts to actually speak in a public setting:

“The Obama Administration has a strategy.  It’s very simple.  Any thinking American should be able to grasp it.  It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian and pro-Muslim Brotherhood.”

Civilian handlers and executives, throughout the chronicles of the United States, have historically failed to listen to their military advisers, to the detriment of the United States and, via that, the entire planet.  Admiral Lyons tells us so — as he can now reveal, many years later, the true machinations behind the scenes in past administrations.

History exists for a reason: for us to learn from it.

And historically we find that, for example, Patton was correct, Schwarzkopf was correct and, in these cases, Lyons was correct.

It remains that this nation does in fact possess Historical Alzheimers.


Thanks to HGPSURF for the h/t.


This resonates:

Armed Forces - CowardCouldn’t pass up the graphic.  It’s completely correct.

I point to Michael Moore and Seth Rogan.  Cowards both.



Michelle Obama defends ‘American Sniper’ at veterans event

Props where props are due.

This time, to Michelle Obama.


First lady Michelle Obama urged Hollywood to give a more accurate portrayal of veterans and defended the Oscar-nominated “American Sniper,” which has received criticism for its depiction of war.

Bradley Cooper, who is nominated for best actor for his portrayal of the late Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, joined Obama and media heavyweights in Washington, D.C., on Friday to launch “6 Certified” with representatives from Warner Bros., National Geographic Channels and the Producers Guild of America.

The initiative will allow TV shows and films to display an onscreen badge that tells viewers the show they’re watching has been certified by the group Got Your 6, which derives its name from military slang for “I’ve got your back.” To be approved, the film or show must cast a veteran, tell a veteran story, have a story written by a veteran or use veterans as resources.

“We hope our country will welcome back our veterans — not by setting them apart but by fully integrating them into the fabric of our communities,” Mrs. Obama said.

You know what?

God bless you for that, Michelle.



Leftists: more American Sniper hysterical lying

Leftists just can’t tolerate the new Clint Eastwood-directed film, American Sniper.  From Michael Moore to Seth Rogen and all points in between, the pants-shitting hysteria isn’t stopping.  American Sniper is clearly the most misogynistic, jingoistic, murderous film of all time, if you would believe Leftists.

The delirious derangement continues via some unknown former Al Jazeera employee.  Literally.  A former Al Jazeera employee.  From

NBC’s Mohyeldin Suggests Real American Sniper a ‘Racist’ Who Went on ‘Killing Sprees’

by Mark Finkelstein

Ayman Mohyeldin has suggested that Chris Kyle, the real “American Sniper,” was a “racist” whose military missions were nothing less than “killing sprees.” 

With opinions like that, you might imagine Mohyeldin to be some unhinged bloviator from the bowels of the anti-American far left. Or, an NBC foreign correspondent [who formerly worked for Al Jazeera] who regularly reports on events in the Middle East.  Which is exactly what he is.  Ayman vented his bile on today’s Morning Joe.

As with Moore and Rogen, Mohyeldin slanders a man who cannot fight back and defend himself, for the simple reason that he is dead.  His family must continue to hear, read and see this continuous barrage of cowardly bullshit, and that is despicable beyond belief.

But it is what Leftists do.  There is no respect, no sanctity of life, no consideration for the living, for the survivors of Chris Kyle and his friends and fellow soldiers.

There is no respect for the American soldier.

And thank you very kindly, Mr Obama, for continuing to foster these kinds of displays during your administration — which condones these ridiculous, pathetic and, frankly, anti-American and anti-country outbursts.

There, I wrote it: anti-American.

I am now part of Jingoist Central.

And pleased to be so.