Thanks for supporting the Orwellian Police State:

First, watch the video, then have your hands available to catch your jaw when it drops:

Now, a bit of reflection, with a large dose of reality mixed in by necessity.

In summary up front: this is precisely why the United States of America exists in its current condition, on the cusp of total bankruptcy, dissolution and revolution.

The painfully-stupid American voter.

Because these are painfully-stupid people.  They are likely products of the American public school system in larger metropolitan areas — as in this venue, San Diego.

They are people who may have been — hopefully — “educated” (although there is a galaxy’s worth of difference between education and actual learning) but they clearly lack critical thinking and listening skills.

These are the people who voted for Barack Hussein Obama because he is, frankly, black — and it is high time that a “black man” be installed in DC as president. Caucasoids voted for Obama because they are GOWPs: Guilty, Overeducated White People.  Blacks — both dead and alive — voted for Obama because their sole issue was melanin count.  Both aspects are indeed racist in nature for having done just so.

These people didn’t vote for Obama because there is a known component of the man’s philosophy and background, not because he has a long and storied past of training, education and experience with many aspects of the American Experience itself.  Not because he has labored long and hard as a worker, doing physical jobs, then menial jobs, then promoted due to efficiency and prowess, then awarded promotions due to illuminating ideas and creative applications.  He hasn’t worked one day in private business.  He hasn’t had to make a payroll.  He hasn’t had to balance one professional budget.  He has been petted and licked and groomed from so-called “community organizer” right into the oval office of the currently re-named Spite House.

He is the man who refuses to release his college transcripts, whom no one seems to recall attending any actual classes, who may actually not be born in the United States, who is completely opaque,

Obama has managed to out-Bush Mr. Bush in terms of spending, military incursions, drone strikes and the issuance of bills and EOs promoting oppression of the American people.

And we wonder why we are in our current state?

DC LampreyYes, certainly, it’s the Political Lampreys in DC.

But it’s also the people clearly displayed in the above video.


The “People.”




Long Island Middle School Bans Footballs, Other Recreational Items

Wimp KidFrom

Concerns About Injuries Prompted Ban, Port Washington Officials Say

PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — Worries about injuries at a Long Island school have led to a surprising ban.

As CBS 2’s Jennifer McLogan reported Monday, officials at Weber Middle School in Port Washington are worried that students are getting hurt during recess. Thus, they have instituted a ban on footballs, baseballs, lacrosse balls, or anything that might hurt someone on school grounds.

I swear, ladies and gentlemen, it’s another new abrogation every day, dealt by Leftists, sworn to continue the pussification of our country.  I can think of no other word.  An attempt to turn our boys into little girls, and anything physical into something evil.

But the students will have no such option anymore. They were just informed that during recess, football is out and Nerf ball is in. Hard soccer balls have been banned, along with baseballs and lacrosse balls, rough games of tag, or cartwheels unless supervised by a coach.

And there you go.  Football, out.  Tag, out.  Lacrosse, out.  Baseballs, out.  And God forbid any little girl or boy should do an UNSUPERVISED cartwheel — may they rot in public school festering hell.

But Port Washington schools Supt. Kathleen Maloney said the change in policy is warranted due to a rash of playground injuries.

Oh my God, how terrible.  Playground injuries.  Scraped knees.  Bruised elbows.  Perhaps even the occasional broken bone.  HEINOUS!  UNACCEPTABLE!

Without helmets and pads, children are much more susceptible to getting hurt, experts said.

Excellent point.  Children should wear helmets, chest plates, hockey gloves, football knee pads and motocross back braces if they wish to play tag.  They could fall.  Gravity could occur.

Long Island Jewish Medical Center emergency room director Dr. Salvatore Pardo said he has been seeing “head injuries, bumps, scrapes; worried about concussions.”

Oh my God.  A bump!  Stop the presses!  School children get BUMPS!  Even worse: school children using recreational equipment may be subject to SCRAPES!

All this whilst little Mohammad in Syria, sodomized by strangers, living off scraps from the Muslim Brotherhood, forced into a Madrasa, taught how to fire an AK-47, is twice as tough — at age 11 — as most current US Army soldiers.  And as US soldiers already know in the Middle East about Muslim men: women are for procreation, men and boys are for pleasure.

I am so, so glad I never had children.  How do parents dare to expose their children to any public school venue at all, these days, if they want a fit, sane, intelligent, creative and sound-thinking bit of progeny?




7th-graders suspended for playing with airsoft gun in own yard

toygun25n-2-webAgain, more of the “pussification” of America.  I apologize, but I can think of no other more appropriate word than that.  This nation wants to turn its boys into girls, and its success into abject failure.


Two seventh-grade students in Virginia Beach, Va., were handed long-term suspensions Tuesday that will last until the end of the school year for playing with an airsoft gun in one of their front yards while waiting for the school bus.

WAVY-TV reports that 13-year-old Khalid Caraballo and Aidan Clark will face an additional hearing in January to determine if they will be expelled for “possession, handling and use of a firearm” because the guns were fired at two others playing in Caraballo’s yard.

A neighbor saw Khalid shooting the airsoft gun in his yard and called 911, telling the dispatcher, “He is pointing the gun, and it looks like there’s a target in a tree in his front yard,” the station reported.

Are you serious?  A kid got suspended — at school — because of what he did NOT ON CAMPUS but in his own front yard, not during school time?  Are you serious?

Yes.  These liberal genetic mutants are very serious.

The school’s so-called “zero-tolerance” policy on guns extends to private property, according to the report.

So there you go.  Government school control extends, now, not just on school grounds but on your very own private property.

Let me also add, for those of you who are convinced I am a racist: the kids involved may have been black.

What?  Not perfect little Caucasoids interrupted by logical play?  A few actual black kids oppressed by Leftist schools?

In a word: yes.

Khalid’s mother, Solangel Caraballo, said it’s ridiculous that her son and his friends were suspended because they were firing the airsoft gun on private property.

“My son is my private property. He does not become the school’s property until he goes to the bus stop, gets on the bus, and goes to school,” Caraballo told the station.

But: there you go.  NOT thinking like a Leftist.  NOT thinking that Leftists want to control every aspect of everyone’s life.  How silly of you.  Perhaps now the clouds are parting on your planet, Ms Caraballo.




Governor Chris Christie signs bill banning gay conversion therapy in New Jersey

Christie's Love At the Jersey ShoreA similar bill was signed Tuesday of last week by Fornicalia’s Governor Jerry Brown, as I documented here.


TRENTON, N.J. Gov. Chris Christie on Monday signed a bill barring licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teenagers straight, making New Jersey the second state to ban so-called conversion therapy, along with California.

The bill passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature with bipartisan support in June. Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly gay, described the therapy as “an insidious form of child abuse.”

In a signing note accompanying the bill, Christie said he believes people are born gay and that homosexuality is not a sin. That view is inconsistent with his Catholic faith, which teaches that homosexual acts are sins.

The Republican governor also said the health risks of trying to change a child’s sexual orientation, as identified by the American Psychological Association, outweigh concerns over the government setting limits on parental choice.

Really?  How about this: “The little boy who started a sex change at age 8 because he (and his lesbian “parents”) knew he always wanted to be a girl.”

Yeah.  Chris Christie for President.





More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics

Newsweek_Racist_Baby_ReduxI am astounded by this poll.

It represents the truth, but I still find it amazing to have seen the light of day.


Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Read the rest of the article.

That said, do you think this video had anything to do with the polling results?

Of course not.  And AG Eric Holder — a black man — actively deciding to not prosecute this incident on behalf of his black president?  Why, that would have nothing to do with this poll.

Would it?

Philadelphia did it again in 2012:

Whilst in the mid-90s, my Robbery Bureau supervisor (when I was a detective in that bureau) told me that I couldn’t publish the actual stats in my department regarding robberies because it could be interpreted as racist: 84% of the robberies in my entire county were perpetrated by blacks affiliated with black gangs.

My then-division commander in 2000 told me that I was not selected for promotion because I was a white male.  She at least had the balls that other male captains hadn’t.

Opposing ObamaCare is racist.  Not wanting to employ a criminal makes you a racist.  The History Channel is racist.  Your toaster is racist.  Your baby is racist.  Your cat is racist.

Anyone besides me starting to find this crap tedious?

Stupid but true and caught on video:

Stupid but true again: Mr Obama will pay for blacks’ gas and mortgages:

Tawana Brawley?

The news reports at the time, in the late 1980s, were horrific. Tawana Brawley, a 15-year-old African-American girl from the New York City area, was said to have been abducted and repeatedly raped by six white men. She was found with “KKK” written across her chest, a racial epithet on her stomach and her hair smeared with feces. She was so traumatized, according to reports, that at the hospital she answered yes-or-no questions by blinking her eyes. Making the crime even more vile, if that were possible, she and her lawyers later claimed that two of the rapists were law enforcement officials.

Ms. Brawley’s spokesman was the Rev. Al Sharpton — a dapper television personality and political commentator these days, but a fiery street activist back then. At a news conference, he named suspects.

Then, of course, it all fell apart.  Complete and utter fabricated crap.

And about six months after the hoax, Ms. Brawley’s former boyfriend told Newsday that she had invented the allegations, apparently to avoid a beating by her mother’s boyfriend after running away from home for four days.

Which was the most racist party of all historically?  Correct: Democrats.  Which party freed slaves?  Correct: Republicans.  With what party was George Wallace affiliated?  Correct: Democrat.  What party was Martin Luther King, Jr affiliated?  Correct: Republican.

Facts you do not hear or read of from the American Media Maggots.

AMM - American Media Maggots 1Who are today’s Racial and Poverty Pimps?  Correct: Sharpton and Jackson.  Check their financials.  Ask actual questions.  Have an actual inquisitive mind.

There are so many other places I could go and other things I could say.  And, of course, I know nothing about this.  Not because I’ve been in law enforcement for 42 years.  And not because I see it every day via my wife’s house, isolated, in Ghetto Centrale — a place she cannot afford to leave, where the scrawny black dude down the street slings dope every day and where our law enforcement budget is slashed to make way for the expansion of social services enabling even more Free Cheese in Fornicalia.

So, truly, am I shocked by this poll?

Not at all.  It finally starts to reflect the actual situation, in at least my state.

Does the worm begin to turn?