The Clinton & DC Elite: “What difference does it make?”

Secretary of State — soon to be former — Hillary Clinton “testified” at a hearing on Wednesday, providing essentially no further insight into the attack on the Benghazi consulate in Libya back on September 11th of 2012.

Because, after all, “what difference does it make?”

You arrogant Leftist Elitist Hack, it makes all the difference in the world.

And you just contravened yourself.  Your deflection of the key issue bespeaks volumes about you, ma’am.  YOU are responsible — as you already admitted.  It occurred on your watch.  And, so, why weren’t the embassies and consulates and, in particular, the Benghazi Consulate on the highest of alert on that very important date and — further — why were additional security updates and the adding of security personnel for Benghazi refused for that station?  No, not ignored; actually refused.  It was not an issue of budget; that response is specious and incorrect.  Did you not read the cables?  Did you not read the requests for help?  Why was there no Marine presence?  Where in the hell were the Marines?  There was a 16-personnel security system turned down.  This was, literally, a War Zone.  It is inexcusable.  We had the resources.  And we didn’t deploy them.  I submit: PURPOSELY.

And you take the easy “broken female” way out: the Waterworks.  Shameful.

Clinton did nothing but pontificate and insult not only her position but the entire political system in DC as well as all of the citizens of the United States — who deserve clear and truthful answers.  She attempted jousting; she attempted witty reparte; she attempted, for five-and-a-half hours, to deflect as much as possible to some GOP questioners who couldn’t conduct a half-witted interview or interrogation for Lagos PD in Nigeria, much less sit in an open Congressional session and pose cogently crafted, logical questions in succession.  The GOP had, quite literally, FOUR MONTHS to prepare for this session.

There is nobody in custody.  There is no apparent investigation continuing.  We have a right to know the answers to all our questions.  Are we adequately protecting our embassies?  Our consulates?  In war zones?

From Rand Paul:

“Ultimately, I think with your leaving, you accept culpability for the greatest tragedy since 9/11,” he said. “Had I been President at the time and I found out you had not read the cables… I would have relieved you of your post.”

“I think it’s inexcusable,” he added.

And then Rand Paul NAILS IT:

Finally: why is there no clear timeline of this event proffered and immured and provided in a transparent fashion by anyone on either side of the aisle?

No.  There is no such thing — for an assault on sovereign American territory taking only second place to the 9/11 attack itself, since that date.

Which makes me ask: does anyone actually want to get to the bottom of the four deaths in Benghazi?

Because this — this farce, this Kabuki Theater — is eliciting nothing valuable for the nation, its citizens, its taxpayers.  Which tells me: we’ll learn nothing from this.  So the bottom line becomes: four American citizens died for no reason whatsoever.

All DC did was cover their shit like any average cat in a sandbox.


Kabuki Theatre


“High on a Mountaintop” — a video tribute to the heroes of the Benghazi attack, by Chris Cassone

High On A Mountaintop

I heard the man on the radio, said, “My son is gone and what’s to show?”
Defending who knows what for who knows why.
Half a world away they watched for real, they saw the soul of a Navy Seal
“Who gave the order for my son to die?”

Evil men telling evil lies
Just to win a vote you let them die
While that drone would only hover.
Finger pointing. They’re on the run.
Investigations have all begun.
How much more will they uncover?

High on a mountaintop. That’s the only place where I can stop this crying
High on a mountaintop. Closer to God and further from all this lying.
You know it stands to reason, and it’s shaping up like treason, we all know.

He didn’t even have to venture in, but when his brothers, they all needed him,
He was on the spot…not flying to Vegas.
Real leaders lead when they are called,
Never thinking that they’ll drop the ball
But drop to their knees for Him who has made us

9-11, baby, you should have known
Al Queida coming and they’re all alone
But where is the outrage for THIS story?
Laser target, in his sight
60 to one, yea the odds looked right.
You’ll never understand their glory

HOAM. It’s the only place I can go to stop this hurting.
HOAM Justice will come one day, I know for certain.
-I know I cannot runaway, but give us just another single day
-These heroes live forever but a coward dies a thousand times.
-You know it stands to reason but it’s shaping up like treason, we all know.

Half a world away they watched for real, they saw the soul of a Navy Seal
“Who gave the order for my son to die?”

©2012 Cassongs Music




Pitchpull had the same idea at roughly the same time.  Great minds think quite alike, sir.



Susan Rice for Secretary of State — ?

UN Ambassador Susan Rice knows that what she said about Benghazi was not true — let me make this blunt: a LIE — but “necessary” according to the Obama Administration.  She was purposely asked to obfuscate the issue and she complied.  This was not done by some kind of mistake; it was instead done blatantly and with impunity when she was scheduled for all five major political TV shows the Sunday immediately following the death of Ambassador Stevens and three good SEAL members.

Susan Rice personally and purposely and knowingly misrepresented the Benghazi Consulate story.  She was responsible for the meme and talking points becoming some half-assed and poorly produced YouTube video (Innocence of Muslims) which resulted in that individual being placed on a plethora of Islamic death lists globally.

Susan Rice was a Good Drone.  She took one or two for the team.  She lied for Mr Obama and helped him to get re-elected.  And as such it was recently discovered she was in line to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

But I submit: can you actually get a bald-faced LIAR through the US Senate with no opposition and no “holds”?

Susan Rice lied, full well knowing she was lying.  Rice had the accurate and complete story before her, and chose to carry Barack Hussein Obama’s water.

As a result, the GOP has put a halt on Rice.  Perhaps only temporarily.

Because, as far as Mr Obama is concerned, she needs to be rewarded for her fealty.

Earlier this week, the Washington Post indicated Susan Rice was in the running to replace Hillary Clinton as SoS, when Clinton steps down next year as indicated.

Check out Occam’s Razor.  It’s a payoff for lying, plain and: simple.




Petraeus testifies: “al Qaeda talking points removed”

So: who changed the talking points?


Former CIA Director David Petraeus stoked the controversy over the Obama administration’s handling of the Libya terror attack, testifying Friday that references to “Al Qaeda involvement” were stripped from his agency’s original talking points — while other intelligence officials were unable to say who changed the memo, according to a top lawmaker who was briefed.

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., told Fox News that intelligence officials who testified in a closed-door hearing a day earlier, including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Acting CIA Director Mike Morell, said they did not know who changed the talking points. He said they went out to multiple departments, including the State Department, National Security Council, Justice Department and White House.

Petraeus’ testimony both challenges the Obama administration’s repeated claims that the attack was a “spontaneous” protest over an anti-Islam video, and according to King conflicts with his own briefing to lawmakers on Sept. 14. Sources have said Petraeus, in that briefing, also described the attack as a protest that spun out of control.

If the “talking points” were changed from an al Qaeda direction to that of a shabbily-produced YouTube video available for viewing literally months before the attack on the Benghazi Consulate — and they were not changed by Petraeus or the CIA — then who changed them and why?

I believe the bulk of thinking Americans can draw their own logical conclusions: for the sake of politics.

Mr Obama has done his level best to downplay terrorism.  The “T” word was not even allowed for a time.  Additionally, if his military sequestration was to have any justification and validity, then there must be fewer tumultuous events involving violence and terrorism in other countries, instead of more.

Friday, testimony from former CIA Director Petraeus indicates the CIA knew “almost immediately” that the Benghazi attack was linked to an al Qaeda-sympathizing group, and wasn’t the result of some spontaneous popular uprising over an inane video as typified by the Obama Administration.

Now — grasp this if you will — because UN Ambassador Susan Rice is being questioned due to her non-stop attendance on all the news shows the weekend immediately following the Benghazi Consulate assault (indicating the sole cause as spontaneous outrage over a so-called “offensive” video), those persons are sexist and racist:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican senators’ angry criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice over her initial account of the deadly Sept. 11 attack in Libya smacks of sexism and racism, a dozen female members of the House said Friday.

Apparently, however, those “dozen female members of the House” are unfamiliar with the meaning of racism, as any non-public-school educated child knows that the terms is inapplicable in these circumstances.

It all makes sense now; the timing of the outing of Petraeus’s affair, an attempt to discredit him at a time when hearings were near.

Imagine that.  The clouds are parting.




Gen. Petraeus resigns: a POLITICAL PLOY to keep him from testifying on Benghazi

CIA Director General David Petraeus resigned on Friday because of an affair with a woman not his wife.


DC is literally festooned with hot-and-cold-running affairs, in every office, on both sides of the aisle.

Why Petraeus?  Why now?

Here is why, from

Petraeus was slated to testify before Congress next week on the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya. Bret Baier of Fox News just tweeted, “With Petraeus’ resignation effective immediately, he will not testify next week & lawmakers are said to be ‘stunned’ by the announcement.”

This is not coincidence.  This was timed to the Nth degree in order to protect Barack Hussein Obama.
