The EU: falling apart?

First, please watch this video regarding Sweden.

Europeans are beginning to find their limit of tolerance, as are persons affected in other countries, such as this US Army veteran. Please watch.

Further, Yahoo News indicates that the EU is on the cusp of chaos.

Europe at risk of collapse; France, Germany must lead – French PM

by Michelle Martin and Joseph Nasr

BERLIN (Reuters) – The European Union is in danger of breaking apart unless France and Germany, in particular, work harder to stimulate growth and employment and heed citizens’ concerns, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in the German capital on Thursday.

Valls said the two countries, for decades the axis around which the EU revolved, had to help refocus the bloc to tackle an immigration crisis, a lack of solidarity between member states, Britain’s looming exit, and terrorism.

“Europe is in danger of falling apart,” Valls said at an event organized by the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper. “So Germany and France have a huge responsibility.”

But wait. The very reason for leaving the EU is delineated next.

As Britain seeks to negotiate its post-Brexit relationship with the EU, hoping to restrict immigration from the EU while maintaining as much access as possible to the EU single market, Valls said it must be prevented from cherry-picking.

“If they are able to have all the advantages of Europe without the inconveniences, then we are opening a window for others to leave the European Union,” Valls said.

Hello, honesty? That’s the very damned point of it all. The EU is nothing more than welfare for the states of profligate spending. Like Greece. Cyprus.

And yet, when Brussels commanded a week ago, the UK and France decided they would not heed their masters’ call. From the

Britain and France snub EU’s emergency Trump meeting

by Duncan Robinson

Split highlights difficulty EU faces co-ordinating response to US presidential election

Britain and France on Sunday night snubbed a contentious EU emergency meeting to align the bloc’s approach to Donald Trump’s election, exposing rifts in Europe over the US vote.


Hailed by diplomats as a chance to “send a signal of what the EU expects” from Mr Trump, the plan fell into disarray after foreign ministers from the bloc’s two main military powers declined to attend the gathering demanded by Berlin and Brussels.


The split in Europe highlights the difficulties European capitals face in co-ordinating a response to Mr Trump, who has questioned the US’s commitments to Nato and free trade and hinted at seeking a rapprochement with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Let’s let the elitist view weight in.

Other European leaders have openly criticised the incoming president. European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker last week accused Mr Trump of ignorance. “We must teach the president-elect what Europe is and how it works. I believe we’ll have two years of wasted time while Mr Trump tours a world he doesn’t know.”

Right. Because the elitists must “teach” what must be kicked into some thick skulls.

Ignorance? Immigration? Withholding the truth? Overarching EU unelected mandates? Yes. Suppression of the truth. From

EU orders UK press not to report when terrorists are Muslims

by Robert Spencer

The European Union is bent on keeping the people of Britain, and of continental Europe, ignorant and complacent in the face of the advancing jihad. The globalist agenda of erasing all distinctions between nation states must be pursued even to the point of civilizational suicide and continent-wide violence.

“European Union Orders British Press NOT to Report when Terrorists are Muslims,” by Yves Mamou, Gatestone Institute, November 18, 2016:

According the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) — part of the Council of Europe — the British press is to blame for increasing hate speech and racist violence. On October 4, 2016, the ECRI released a report dedicated only to Britain. The report said:

some traditional media, particularly tabloids… are responsible for most of the offensive, discriminatory and provocative terminology. The Sun, for instance, published an article in April 2015 entitled “Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants”, in which the columnist likened migrants to “cockroaches”…

The Sun newspaper has also published inflammatory anti-Muslim headlines, such as its front page of 23 November 2015 which read “1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy for jihadis”, along with a picture of a masked terrorist wielding a knife…

These are called clues, ladies and gentlemen.



EU doubles down: Brussels wants a dictatorship

Brexit Many RanguagesBecause everyone thinks they can “do” Socialism better than the last guy.

Not like Obaka isn’t trying.

Obama Dictatorship SupremeJust ask Lenin or Stalin or Chavez or Castro or Mao or Maduro.  There’s a lot to be said for a diktat.  It simplifies a lot of things.  “Streamlining,” you might say.

Why don’t we just let British media explain things right off the bat?

From the UKExpress:

European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations ‘to be morphed into one’ post-Brexit

by Nick Gutteridge

EUROPEAN political chiefs are to take advantage of Brexit by unveiling their long-held plan to morph the continent’s countries into one GIANT SUPERSTATE, it has emerged today.

The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an “ultimatum”. 


An ultimatum because those in favor of REMAIN cheated and, despite that, lost at the polls.  Their first thought — following the shock of it all — was to nullify the vote.  They didn’t get their way.  That can’t happen.  They are Leftists.  The proles, the groundlings, the serfs, the pawns, the unwashed, the uneducated, they must obey.  “Too many ignorant people in the UK.  We need to push their votes aside and do what we, the parliament, know is best for those brain-dead Britons who voted for Brexit.”

In other words: to hell with you dimwit voters.

Brexit Londoner NOT AncientBecause, after all, those persons silly enough to vote for Brexit were clearly uneducated.

Brexit Leftist EducationOr perhaps they consisted of those who were actually thinking human beings and respected the right of cultures and countries to exist on their own?

Nah.  Racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Elitist, anti-Socialist, anti-Globalist, anti-Leftist.

But — oh my — it so gets better:

Controversially member states would also lose what few controls they have left over their own borders, including the procedure for admitting and relocating refugees. 

The plot has sparked fury and panic in Poland – a traditional ally of Britain in the fight against federalism – after being leaked to Polish news channel TVP Info. 


Under the radical proposals, EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels. 

Turning all power over to Brussels, Belgium.  Repeat: all.  Sufficiently onerous for you yet?

But others see the Brexit vote as an opportunity to push ahead with the European elite’s long-cherished dream of creating a United States of Europe.

Spain’s foreign minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo has called for “more Europe” whilst Italy’s finance minister, Carlo Padoan, is advocating a common budget for the eurozone states. 

Precisely.  A “United States of Europe” where they can finally put their boot-heels to that upstart US child.


And Emmanuel Macron, France’s economy minister, wants to go even further and set up a common eurozone treasury which would oversee the permanent transfer of funds from wealthier northern Europe to shore up Mediterranean economies. 

There; the cat is out of the bag.  Euro Elitists want that forced transfer of wealth from the “greedy, evil Big States like Germany” to the poor needy states like Greece — who make execrable decisions, grant little if any input to the kitty, but want to take as much as possible from the central till.

You know it by the name of Socialism.

And it is unsustainable.  Just peek at Venezuela.

Let me say this again, Euro Elitist Leftists: people voted to opt out of the EU because Britons saw their country disintegrating before their very eyes.  They saw their culture — and make no mistake, the British indeed have a clear and lengthy culture — crumbling outside their doors.  They saw their values and mores being overshadowed by everyone and everything un-British.

Then they said: enough.

Brexit SwexitOverall, bad news for the European Union:

The EU should regard the referendum result as a wake-up call. Discontent with how the bloc operates isn’t restricted to Britain. A survey of more than 10,000 voters across Europe published by the Pew Research Center earlier this month showed rising dissatisfaction. The proportion of French respondents with a favorable view of the EU, for example, slumped to 38 percent from 69 percent in 2004; in Spain the deterioration was to 47 percent from 80 percent.


If the Brits have “Brexit,” then how about Departugal?  Italeave?  Fruckoff?  Czechout?  Oustria?  Finish?  Slovlong?  Latervia?  Byegium?  Leaving only Germlonely?

By the way, two excellent articles on the Brexit here and here.


Europe: lock the border, it’s LESS EXPENSIVE

Syrian Refugees In Greece, Port of LesbosWait!


As documented in

Study: Border Controls Cheaper Than Mass Immigration

by Nick Hallett

Restoring full passport and security checks between European Union (EU) nations would be more cost effective than allowing the migrant crisis to continue indefinitely, a German economic institute has said.

Stop right there.

Isn’t that an excellent argument for the dissolution of the European Union itself?

The Munich-based Ifo institute said the reinstating border controls could reduce the EU’s economic output by 0.19 to 0.47 per cent each year, equivalent to €26.65 to €65.8 billion.

However, Gabriel Felbermayr, head of Ifo, said that these costs would be “just a small part of the amount that would be caused by uncontrolled mass immigration.”

One of the countries that has been worst affected by the ongoing migrant crisis is Sweden, which will likely need to spend around 600 billion kroner to fund last year’s immigration levels.

Stockholm University Associate Professor Jan Tullberg factored in the costs of extra policing and higher benefits along with the immediate costs of receiving so many migrants, and found that the Swedish state will have to spend some 580 billion kroner (£48.3 billion) on these new Swedes from now until the time they either leave the country or die.

Europeans are on a cusp.

A cusp of doom.  On the cusp of whether or not their culture will survive an inundation by other cultures who will 1) not assimilate and 2) have radically different values.


On that same note, in the US, from Pew Research Center polls taken March 17th – 27th of this year:

FAVOR THE WALL          34%


FAVOR THE WALL          63%


FAVOR THE WALL          13%

A wall on our border with Mexico would save hundreds of lives, perhaps even thousands of lives, here in the US and Mexico.

It would save lives in the US by keeping illegals from murdering lawful American citizens.

It would save lives in Mexico by keeping coyotes from taking advantage of those persons crossing who are murdered and, by those attempting to cross who are unprepared.

That doesn’t even take into account the drug trafficking. And the thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of American lives ruined because of methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin manufactured and then transported by the Mexican cartels in to the US.

Israel built the wall between itself and the “Palestinian Authority” and it works.

But now we’re not much interested in that?

Can we learn from Europe?

Will we learn from Europe?



Norway & Sweden to collapse under migrants?

Sweden BurningI already wrote about Norway here, when that nation decided to disarm its law enforcement officers recently.  The decision couldn’t have been made at a worse time.

It turns out that Norway — and Sweden too — is more concerned with being besieged by immigrants than it let on, purposely hiding various inconvenient facts from its lawful citizens.

First, from

Norway Warns Sweden Will Collapse, PM Will Defy Geneva Convention To Protect Border

by Tyler Durden

We’ve spent quite a bit of time documenting the country’s trials and travails over the course of the last 12 months during which time Sweden has taken on more than 160,000 asylum seekers.

Let’s stop for a moment to examine some facts.  The third largest in Europe, Sweden is a country of 174,000 square miles, about the size of California, with a population of almost 10 million.  In contrast, California has a population of 39 million, and New York City has a population of 8.5 million people.  Sweden has a population density of 54 inhabitants per square mile.  The illegal invader increase to Sweden is about 1.6%.

Last month, on the heels of reports from Germany that men of “Arab and North African” origin assaulted women in central Cologne during New Year’s Eve celebrations, Swedish media alleged that police orchestrated a massive coverup designed to keep a string of similar attacks that allegedly occurred at a youth festival in Stockholm’s Kungsträdgården last August from seeing the light of day.

Meanwhile, a 22-year-old refugee center worker was stabbed to death by a Somali migrant at a shelter for asylum seekers and at the Stockholm train station, “gangs” of Moroccan migrant children reportedly spend their days attacking security personnel and accosting women.

What commonality is being tacitly unmentioned?  Yes, the fact that these are all Muslims involved.

At the risk of gleeful schadenfreude (for obvious Obama-instigated reasons), I submit that what is written next was completely foreseeable — and indeed I have been writing about it for years now — as Islam brings with its staunch adherents aspects that are entirely unworkable in civilized Western cultures.

Sweden plans to deport some 80,000 of the refugees this year but according to Norwegian PM Erna Solberg, it may be too little too late to keep the country from collapsing. So concerned is Solberg that she’s now crafted an emergency law that will allow Norway to refuse asylum seekers at the border in the event “it all breaks down” in Sweden.

This borders on heresy for Europeans GOWPs — Guilty Overeducated White Persons.

Here’s how the proposal is being presented by the anti-immigration Swedish online magazine Fria Tider: “Norway is now preparing to denounce the Geneva Convention and to secure the border with Sweden by force – without letting people apply for asylum.”

Is this overstated, or is the foundering of Europe truly possible?

Yes, “worst case scenarios,” like what Sweden’s Foreign Minister Margot Wallström described last October when she said “most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year – in the long run, our system will collapse.” 

Collapse.  Not unlike the Cloward-Piven Strategy, defined as:

The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

Yes, the situation is that serious.  Yes, European countries are that stressed.  Yes, they could collapse and implode.

And with that, guess what?

Yes.  Mr Obama has already accepted roughly 10,000 Syrian and related refugees and buried them around the nation.  Ask Texas if they’ve seen Syrian refugees.  But wait; Mr Obama wants the US to accept another 100,000 in order to accept its “fair share.”

From the

White House wants increase of Syrian refugees

by Paul Bedard

The White House is quietly pushing for an increase in refugees from Syria, despite new concerns raised by state and county officials that federal help is often missing when they arrive.

President Obama’s assistant for immigration policy told a task force set up by the National Association of Counties that the U.S. is eyeing a bigger role to help alleviate the growing crisis.

Because that is working out so well for Europe.

Syrian Refugees to USHere are where the immigrants are aimed in each state.

In the meantime, on our southern border, a new wave of immigrant flooding is set to begin.

To even entertain the importation of more useless immigrants is staggeringly insane.



EU on the brink of migration collapse

Syrian Refugees In Greece, Port of Lesbos

Syrian refugees, Port of Lesbos, Greece.

The EU, European Union, is on the brink of total collapse and chaos.

So says the migration commissioner.


Ten days to save EU migration system: commissioner

Brussels (AFP) – The EU has until a March 7 summit with Turkey to curb the number of migrants coming to Europe or else the bloc’s migration system might “completely break down”, migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said Thursday.

“In the next 10 days, we need tangible and clear results on the ground. Otherwise there is a risk that the whole system will completely break down,” Avramopoulos told a press conference after interior ministers dealing with the crisis met in Brussels.

Syrian Refugee Migration SURGE MAPBut who will listen?

Will the GOWPs of the EU listen?

Is UK Prime Minister David Cameron listening?  He thinks Britain needs very much to remain in the EU.

At odds with Cameron is Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London — who thinks a Brexit is just what the doctor ordered.

The migration crisis is just one aspect of the UK’s problems, but it’s not just a United Kingdom problem but a German problem, a Greek problem, an Italian problem and overall a European Union problem.

Advanced, mostly, by Deutschland’s Angela Merkel — who opened her guilty WWII GOWP arms to the flood of Syrians which then, by extension, meant everyone else from North Africa and parts farther.

Ten day, then.  What could happen in ten days?

A breakdown.  A complete and utter breakdown — think Cloward-Piven Strategy — of the western European system on most every level you can imagine.  Fiscal, societal, physical, you name it.

And so when the EU system breaks, what else tends to break?

That’s right, the markets.  EU markets, Japanese markets and of course the US stock market.

Buckle up.