Muslim: “women in Europe deserve it”

Islam Helped by GOWP Leftist WomanDeserve what?

Being molested and/or raped on the streets and alleys of Europe.

And no, I’m not kidding.

And yes, GOWPs (Guilty Overeducated White Persons) overseas are telling women to cover up and that it’s their fault for tempting these poor refugees from other countries, who simply need to be understood.

Muslim Imam Women Deserve to be RapedAn imam in Cologne, Germany, Sami Abu-Yusuf, at the Salafist mosque, says “if they (women) walk around half naked and use perfume things can happen.  A man, a woman, it’s like putting oil on a fire.”

If only Western Civilization had known this earlier, think of all the rapes we could have prevented.

First question popping into my head?  Where are all the feminists, outraged at this man’s comments?  Not just locally or nationally, but globally?  The answer is: cowering in their kitchens.  Feminists only attack those physically or primarily mentally weaker than they are — those who fear being labeled.  Muslims couldn’t care less what women think; they freely kill and mutilate women by the bushel, daily.  Feminists don’t attack Muslims because they know Muslim men will kill them; perhaps even institutionally-brainwashed Muslim women as well.

Of course, that isn’t limited to feminisnts; MINOs are this way also: Muslims In Name Only.  You know, the so-called “moderate Muslims.”

Always good to excuse assaults on women by Muslims.  Women, realize: you are a legitimate target by Muslim refugees.

Conventional GOWP wisdom is that these occurrences are merely a few statistical aberrations.  From

Cologne Imam: Girls Were Raped Because They Were Half Naked And Wore Perfume

by Oliver Lane

Warning women against “adding fuel to the fire”, the Imam of a Salafist Cologne mosque has said the victims of the New Year’s Eve attacks in that city were themselves responsible for their sex assault, by dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume.

Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: “the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire”.

Sami Abu-Yusuf is the Imam of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne’s Kalk neighbourhood, just one of thousands of such establishments practising in converted residential, retail, and industrial properties serving the booming Muslim population of Europe. The mosque, which is named as preaching the fundamentalist Salafist creed of Islam was raided by counter terror officers in 2004.

The emergence of Salafism in Europe is a major concern for security services, as it considers itself the most pure, and original form of Islam and tries to obey the commands of the Koran literally. Breitbart London has reported at length recently on the extremist activities of Salafist Muslims in Germany, from mass-riots in which hundreds of men armed with kebab skewers, knives, and iron bars clashed with police and Kurds on the streets of Hamburg, to their recruiting strategies, preying on newly arrived migrants.

Which is why I say: NO SYRIAN “REFUGEES” IN AMERICA.  None.  Not women.  Not children.  None.  Europe exists now to be an example from which we must all learn.

Conventional GOWP Wisdom is that, under the guise of “multiculturism,” all cultures are equal and, as long as they are different, most cultures are actually better than those of Caucasoids.  The truth is that cultures are in fact different, not all think alike, and some cultures — like Islam — are barbaric and based upon violence and subsumation.

This is an excellent lesson for the US to learn, as I indicated.

Because: Germany is lost.  There is no regaining her back the way she was.  All the rest of Europe is on the cusp of being lost.

We cannot allow that to occur here.



Guilty whites hide EU Muslim rape epidemic facts

Islam is NOT Peace and Tolerance, MisogynistBecause, after all, it’s not prudent to screw with the Leftist meme of “Islam is the religion of peace, and Muslim males can do no wrong.”  Terrorists aren’t really Muslims, you know.  Just ask Mr Obama.

Islam is a culture of barbarity — not simply a religion — practiced by violent sodomites, misogynists, slavers, female genital mutilationists, societal supremacists and separatists.  On a good day.

Islam and LeftistsBut, oh, the truth is something that GOWPs — Guilty Overeducated White People — cannot remotely admit as they watch Islam sink its febrile Borg-like tentacles into Western Civilization the world over.

Islam Helped by GOWP Leftist WomanWith the loving and dim-witted palavering assistance of the naive GOWP classes.  Of course, it is the naive GOWP classes that Muzzies have targeted the world over and, with a demographic superiority, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trannies and the “questioning” would be the first to be put to death.  Let’s refresh our memories with this story of Muzzie Love:

ISIS Throwing Gays Off BuildingsAh, yes, the inclusive tolerance of Islam, religion of peace and understanding.

As in: you ignorant Leftists would be the first marked to be killed.  Islam just adores your willing blindness and oblivion.  Keep it coming Islam says because, after all, Islam doesn’t play short, oh no.  Islam plays the Long Game.

Especially with the goal of western domination so readily in sight.

Leftists say: these alleged “rapes” are nothing but cultural misunderstandings.  So is the fact that ISIS leaders allow Muslim males to “enjoy young boys in the absence of women.”  There are also “bacha bazi boys,”  Here is what you don’t know about Islam: sex with boys under 18 isn’t considered homosexuality.  Any old port in the storm, apparently.

Muslim Bacha Bazi Boy Being Kissed Muslim Bacha Bazi BoysFinally, from

Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture

by Tom Tancredo

An epidemic of rape cases across Europe has police in the U.K., Norway, Sweden, Germany and other nations worried. But you won’t hear much about it in the U.S. mainstream media because the epidemic is a byproduct of the influx into Europe of a million, mostly Muslim, migrants.

What has happened to put discussion of Islam’s rape culture out of bounds? Crime statistics in Europe are daily documenting the scope of the problem, but no one in the establishment press is reporting them.

Of course, the Fatwa on the proper treatment of “sex slaves” did make news, but only because it was billed as a rebuke to ISIS’s “excesses.” According to the mullahs, it’s quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as sex slaves, but you must follow proper Islamic etiquette. For example, you must not have sex with both the mother and daughter at the same time.

Come on, everyone knows that.  Let’s continue.

Why do we only read about this rape epidemic in Breitbart and the alternative press in Europe, not the BBC or CNN?

It’s not acceptable in polite circles to suggest that the “religion of peace” has another dark side besides a hundred thousand jihadist “extremists” waging war from the “Islamist State” — or the 10 percent to 16 percent of Muslims worldwide who, according to several polls, harbor sympathies for radical Islam.

Let’s not forget about this either: In Sweden, 77% of the rapes are now committed by 2% of the Muslim male population.

The total Muslim population in Sweden is estimated at 4.4% (2013 figures). Out of that 4.4% and in deducting the women and children, we can roughly guesstimate that around 2% are male. The foreign rape figures at 77.6% Muslim has been anonymously confirmed by Swedish polish in a phone conversation. The actual figure could be higher. These percentages do not include Muslims with Swedish citizenship contained within rapes in the figures categorized under “Swedish nationals”.

Good to know that Muslim rapists prefer blondes.  Grade school girls in Germany are told to “cover up” lest they offend the delicate sensibilities of easily-offended new Muslim “refugees.”

But here is the crux of the biscuit.  I don’t think I could have expressed it better.  At least one US journalist has his feet on the ground and eyes open.

It is true that a majority of the two million or so Muslims now living in the U.S. are not openly demanding that American courts follow Sharia Law. But that is because they are not devout in following the obligations of orthodox Islam. Sharia is a basic pillar of Islam, and as the Muslim population of any community grows, demands will grow for allowing the practice of Sharia in the name of religious freedom. The expansion of radical Islam and the growing success of ISIS will inspire and empower advocates of Sharia to openly challenge the traditional values of assimilation.

The Muslim rape culture is not a “dirty little secret” — it is widely recognized as integral to Islam as taught in the Koran and the Hadith. Like honor killings and other parts of Sharia, it will not be wished away.

And like honor killings, with massive Muslim immigration on the horizon, it could be coming to a town near you all too soon.

My point precisely.

Demography is prophecy.  And no one listens, in the West, to the obvious warning signals that are directly in front of their faces.  Westerners believe everyone thinks and wants just what they do.


Muslims are not here to help anyone but themselves.

Aided and abetted by Leftists, GOWPs and cowards.



Losing Indonesia next

Indonesia Religious MapMost people think that the bulk of Muslims live in the Middle East.

Or Dearborn.

That would be factually false, however.  The greatest number of Muslims do not live in the Middle East, but Indonesia.

Statistically, Indonesia is the country with the world’s largest Muslim population (205 million). Roughly 88% of Indonesia’s population is Muslim, and the nation is home to about 13% of the world’s Muslims.  99% of Muslims in Indonesia identify as Sunni.  Shia is the minority.  Approximately 1 million Muslims in and around Jakarta are Shia.  Shias are occasionally persecuted in Indonesia.

Now, ISIS focuses on Indonesia.  From

Islamic State Hopes to Expand ‘Caliphate’ into Indonesia

by John Hayward

AFP relates a warning from Attorney-General George Brandis of Australia that the Islamic State has “ambitions to elevate its presence and level of activity in Indonesia, either directly or through surrogates.”

Brandis described this as part of the ISIS vision for a “distant caliphate,” establishing a presence far beyond the Islamic State’s home turf in Syria and Iraq.

“ISIS has a declared intention to establish caliphates beyond the Middle East, provincial caliphates in effect,” he explained. “It has identified Indonesia as a location of its ambitions.”

“The rise of ISIS in the Middle East is something that has destabilised the security of Australia, it’s destabilised the security of Indonesia and it’s destabilising the security of our friends and partners, particularly here in the region,” added Australian Justice Minister Michael Keenan.

Some people state that Indonesia is the most tolerant of Muslim countries.  Already, however:

In recent years, media – both national and international – have often reported on attacks on minority religions in Indonesia (such as the Ahmadiyya and Christians). Some radical Muslim groups such as the Front Pembela Islam (Islamic Defenders Front) use violence (or the threat of violence) to achieve their ideals; also against the Muslim community itself, for example by attacking Muslims that sell food at daytime during the holy fasting month Ramadan. It is worrying that the Indonesian government and the Indonesian judiciary do not stand firm against such radical groups, indicating that the government has a weak monopoly on violence. But it should also be stressed, however, that – by far – the majority of the Indonesian Muslim community is highly supportive of a religious pluralist and harmonious society.

Is Indonesia truly the most tolerant Muslim country? writes:

Is Indonesia Really The World’s Most Tolerant Muslim Country?

by Prashanth Parameswaran

The country’s vice president claims it is. The evidence suggests otherwise.

Indonesia is the most tolerant Muslim-majority in the world, the country’s vice-president Jusuf Kalla recently claimed in a Christmas Day speech in Aceh.

While Indonesia has long been recognized as a relatively moderate Muslim country, available data point to a far darker picture of religious tolerance than the sunny one Kalla suggests. To take just one example, according to a cross-national study on religious restrictions published by Pew in September 2012, Indonesia was actually one of the world’s most religiously restrictive states. Specifically, Indonesia was one of only five out of the 49 Muslim-majority countries in the world to register “very high” ratings in both metrics used in the study – government restrictions on religion and social hostilities involving religion. The other four countries were Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen – hardly good company in this respect.

Frankly, Indonesia is vulnerable.  Elements are in place and ready to move when the time is right for Islam to explode into domination and perhaps openly public violence.  The only consolation is that, to a point, ISIS in the ME considers Muslims from Indonesia to be something of “second-class” citizens.

However, when Indonesia becomes another Middle East hotbed of violent Islamism, Australia, Asia and North America are in the crosshairs next.



After Paris, Obama triples down on EVIL

Paris Attack Bataclan Concert Site Dead BodiesIt wasn’t enough for Mr Obama to say, on May 23rd of 2013, that “the global war on terror is over.”

It wasn’t enough for Mr Obama, the very day of the Paris attack, to say that “ISIS is contained.”  When of course it wasn’t, 129 bloody bodies later.

It wasn’t enough for Mr Obama to say that he must now “increase and accelerate” the number of Syrians we place onto hallowed US soil.  Without an adequate intelligence data base this is a terribly dangerous action which jeopardizes the lives of Americans.

Because as the Paris attacks occurred, Syrians were in fact being landed in New Orleans.  And with that information, a modicum of common sense began to occur.

There began to become pushback by US governors on the Syrian “refugee” infiltration.  It was a wonderful and timely outcome stemming from a continuing wave of insanity from Obama and DC.

Mr Obama then decided that, on Monday, it was time to triple down on his stupidity as illustrated by the graphic which reflects Obama’s actual quote.

Because, as Obama says,

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France.  I’m too busy for that.”

Obama isn’t interested in American leadership.

Obama isn’t interested in America winning.

Mr Obama’s thoughts are inchoate, absurd, puerile, jejune, naive and, well, I’m running out of adjectives here.

What occurred in Paris can happen in any American city on any day.

“ISIS is an Obama creation.”
— Mayor Rudy Giuliani

“It would be malpractice on behalf of Islam to not take advantage of the Syrian  refugee crisis.”
— Dr Ben Carson

This is a proverbial “clash of civilizations.”  Either Islam wins or Western Civilization wins.  There is no “in between.”  There is no “moderation,” no gray area.

Mr Obama understands precisely none of it.  To him, this is a practice of artifice made in the vacuum of his mind.



Muslim coordinated attacks kill 129 in Paris, 350+ injured

Obama Fiddling As DC BurnsObama fiddles while the US and the world burns. He is “concerned” and “monitoring.”

Our wondrous president today declared that ISIS IS CONTAINED.  From

Obama: ISIS Is Not Getting ‘Stronger,’ We Have ‘Contained’ Them

by Jeff Poor

Friday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” President Barack Obama seemingly downplayed the threat of ISIS in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Good Morning America.”

Stephanopoulos asked Obama if ISIS was gaining in strength, to which Obama denied they were.

“I don’t think they’re gaining strength,” Obama responded. “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”

“The global war on terror is over.”
~ Barack Hussein Obama, 23 May, 2013


Isn’t timing wonderful?  Just as our CIC (Coward In Chief) makes this statement, all hell explodes in Paris at the hands of ISIS and Islam.  Six or seven attacks occurred in Paris, France, on Friday.

And yes, our sterling, stalwart and courageous president refuses to name Evil.  As Obama said, these are nothing more than garden-variety “extremists.”

Islamic evil.  Let me please repeat that: ISLAMIC EVIL.

Pipes: “Those who make all Islam their enemy not only succumb to a simplistic and essentialist illusion but they lack any mechanism to defeat it. We who focus on Islamism see World War II and the Cold War as models for subduing the third totalitarianism. We understand that radical Islam is the problem and moderate Islam is the solution. We work with anti-Islamist Muslims to vanquish a common scourge

No group has yet made claim to the attacks, but they will.  Only a fool or our president would leave those attacks unattributed.  Fool and Obama, one and the same.  Parisians were throwing bedsheets out of their windows in order to cover the dead in the streets.

We are seeing the beginnings of an entire paradigm shift, a cultural change, in Europe, that will result in what was once known as European culture kicked to the curb.

A Jihadi Urban Army is emerging in France and in Europe.  ISIS elements are already present in the US, having simply gotten their ankles most.

Is this the Religion of Peace™ versus the Religion of Evil™ ?

What video will it be this time, Mr Obama, responsible for these attacks?  Were they disaffected Muslim workers ill-paid in various Paris businesses?  Were they “poor,” “disenfranchised,” struggling to put food in the mouths of their children?

Or were they simply barbaric thugs destined to kill as many Westerners as possible?

A “hostage situation”?  It was never a hostage situation.  It was a situation destined for death.

More than 140 dead in series of terror attacks: 100 are killed after hostages are taken at theatre. Kalashnikov-wielding gunman opens fire in restaurant. Two SUICIDE bombs detonate near the Stade de France. Gunfire at shopping centre

Parisians were throwing sheets out of their windows so that the dead could be covered.

There were six attack sites.  Suicide bombers blew themselves up.  Gunmen took hostages in a venue.  Gunmen blew themselves up and perhaps first responders.
Survivors climbed out of the concert hall on ladders.  100 people dead there alone.  A mandatory curfew in effect for the first time since WWII.

The attackers shouted “Allahu Akhbar.”

Attackers detonated vests as police moved in.

200 wounded, 80 seriously in Paris.

Ah Islam, the religion of tolerance and peace.