11 California DOJ agents raid a home

Kamala Harris BIASEDAnd they raided the home for what?

For drugs?

For guns?

For explosives, for terrorist propaganda, for illegal aliens, for internet fraud, for child abuse, for robbery, for sexual assaults, for mayhem, for murder, for even traffic offenses?


Because video was taken of Planned Parenthood.  Video that makes Planned Parenthood look shameful and murdering.  People doing business on its behalf were caught being monsters.

Those embarrassing videos were taken by a person who lives in Fornicalia.  Under Kamala Harris’s purvey.  She’s the Cal DOJ Queen, after all.  In my opinion, Harris got there from one Bay Area Leftist regime to another Sacramento Leftist regime because of her melanin count and her vagina.  And Jerry Brown.  An ancient, doddering, Caucasoid Leftist.  What part of that is factually incorrect?

Kamala Harris, Fornicalia’s Attorney General, is not amused.  As a Leftist Demorat in the state, the former DA for San Francisco, and a recipient of MONEY from Planned Parenthood.  Yes.  The Imperial She is not amused.

From the UKDailyMail.com

Department of Justice ‘raids home of anti-abortion activist who made undercover planned parenthood videos’

by Hannah Parry

  • David Daleiden is founder of the Center for Medical Progress which made undercover videos at Planned Parenthood

  • The videos tried to ‘expose’ how the abortion provider ‘harvested organs’

  • Planned Parenthood was cleared of wrongdoing but Daleiden was indicted for tampering with a governmental record at his Houston trial

  • Daleiden now claims Department of Justice agents have raided his Orange County home

  • Seized his laptop, hard drives and all footage of Planned Parenthood

  • Daleiden claims raid is part of a politically motivated campaign against him

David Daleiden released this statement in response:

Today, the California Attorney General’s office of Kamala Harris, who was elected with tens of thousands of dollars from taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood, seized all video footage showing Planned Parenthood’s criminal trade in aborted baby parts, in addition to my personal information. Ironically, while seizing my First Amendment work product, they ignored documents showing the illicit scheme between StemExpress and Planned Parenthood. This is no surprise–Planned Parenthood’s bought-and-paid-for AG has steadfastly refused to enforce the law against the baby body parts traffickers in our state, or even investigate them–while at the same time doing their bidding to harass and intimidate citizen journalists. We will pursue all remedies to vindicate our First Amendment rights.

The WashingtonTimes.com writes:

California AG behind raid of pro-life activist slammed for Planned Parenthood advocacy

by Valerie Richardson

California Attorney General Kamala Harris is facing conflict-of-interest accusations after launching a raid on pro-life activist David Daleiden’s apartment even as she campaigns for the U.S. Senate on a pro-Planned Parenthood platform.

Ms. Harris, a longtime Planned Parenthood supporter seeking the Democratic Senate nomination, includes on her campaign website a petition asking voters to “take a stand and join Kamala in defending Planned Parenthood.”

Meanwhile, agents from her office searched Mr. Daleiden’s apartment Tuesday in Orange County, seizing his laptop and multiple hard drives while attempting to take his phone as he was speaking to his attorneys, according to sources close to Mr. Daleiden, lead investigator for the pro-life Center for Medical Progress.

LifeSiteNews.com also writes:

California AG who raided Daleiden taking Planned Parenthood cash for US Senate race

by Ben Johnson

SACRAMENTO, California, April 6, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The Attorney General of California, who is investigating David Daleiden for allegedly breaking state law, has received thousands of dollars from Planned Parenthood and hosts a petition on her campaign website asking voters to join her in “defending Planned Parenthood.”

Kamala Harris, who was first elected in 2010, is now seeking the U.S. Senate seat being left vacant by Barbara Boxer.

She received $15,000 from five Planned Parenthood-affiliated PACS in 2014, according to ElectionTrack.com.

In this election cycle, Harris has raised nearly three times as much money as her closest rival, Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez.

That total includes $254,370 thus far from groups dedicated to “women’s issues,” and a $5,000 donation from EMILY’s List to the Kamala Harris Victory Fund.

Harris has also collected signatures asking federal authorities not to defund the nation’s largest abortion provider. “Voting to strip federal funding from an organization that provides vital health services to 2.7 million Americans is the epitome of dysfunction,” her campaign website says.

But hey, there’s no conflict of interest for AG Kamala Harris, is there?  No rampant Leftist bias?

Why, perish the thought!

As San Francisco District Attorney, she refused to go after the murderer of a San Francisco Police Officer with the death penalty.  Cop killer?  Nah, too harsh.

Kamala Harris is as biased and corrupt as they come.

Therefore, what a wonderful Fornicalia senator she’d make.



Narcing for insults

SNITCHES GET STITCHES“narced” and “narcing” (verb)

To have previously been a ‘narc’ and basically ‘tattled’ on someone

Ex: “That bitch narced on me…not cool.”

At one time, according to Leftists, an extremely uncool thing to do.

Now, it’s a good thing if it involves snitching on people who may have “insulted” someone in college, or an institution of “higher” (particularly in Colorado or Washington) yearning.

Now, from the NationalReview.com:

University Launches Insult-Reporting System That Records Offenders’ Social Security Numbers

by Katherine Timpf

It’s for students’ ‘safety.’

The University of Colorado-Boulder has launched an online system where students can report people who make “hurtful statements” — and it’s so intense that it even asks for offenders’ Social Security numbers. This “Bias Incident Reporting” system is intended to “address the impact of demeaning and hurtful statements as well as acts of intolerance directed towards protected classes,” according to the school’s website.

What did I tell you?  This example hails from Colorado.

Bias reports are evaluated by the school’s “Bias Incident Response Team” which includes representatives from the office of the dean of students, the Office of Victim Assistance, and even the campus police. The reporting form asks for the meanie-head’s name, gender (better get it right!), e-mail, address, date of birth, phone number and student ID number (if the meanie-head is a student) or a Social Security and/or driver’s license number (if the meanie-head is someone else). It includes a link for “pre-authorized users” to obtain this information if they don’t have it, and the school promises to “track” and “document” all of the reports.

Only the BIRT knows.

But wait; what do we know about social security numbers?  Oh yes, that’s right.  Control a SSN and you control or rewrite that person’s life for life.

As in: Identity Theft.

Let us continue, shall we?

The reporting form asks for the meanie-head’s name, gender (better get it right!), e-mail, address, date of birth, phone number and student ID number (if the meanie-head is a student) or a Social Security and/or driver’s license number (if the meanie-head is someone else). It includes a link for “pre-authorized users” to obtain this information if they don’t have it, and the school promises to “track” and “document” all of the reports.

Meaning: we know who you are and where you’ve been and now we know what you say and, moreover, what you think.

The Dream Police are finally here.

And here’s the deal:

UC – Boulder defines a “bias incident” as “any conduct or expression in which an individual or group is intentionally targeted and that demeans, degrades or harasses an individual or group based on the actual or perceived basis of race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy of another individual or group of individuals.”

Narc your friend, narc your chick, narc your buddy, narc your partner, narc your carpet-muncher, narc anyone.  Destroy on sight.

Then, of course, go back to your dope.

Good luck investigating this bullshit, UoC.

“Proclaimed in the fog of dope, it was.”

Just remember: thousands upon thousands of your darker brethren have been shot and killed for much less.

But hey, who cares?



Why do Hollywood Leftists hate Eastwood’s film “American Sniper”?

This question was recently raised when morbidly obese do-nothing American “director” Michael Moore (an insult to the morbidly obese) sent a Tweet out regarding the real American Sniper, Chris Kyle, calling Kyle a “coward.”

Michael Moore Chris Kyle Coward TweetWhilst this sat agreeably well with Leftists, not so much on the other end of the spectrum, to include people of significant accomplishment and sacrifice — which would logically exclude Mr Moore himself.  Michael Moore was never in the military, was never in law enforcement, was never in the fire service and was never an EMT.  [Sacrifice for Mr Moore is denying himself a second pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream after breakfast.]

Resultingly, there was a resounding explosive ka-boom in social media over that completely daft and thoughtless Tweet-from-a-Twit, and Leftists haven’t been bathed in the loving pablum of an adoring public.  Neither, properly, has Mr Moore.  And Rightly so.

An entire cottage industry replete with an assload of various hashtags has, essentially, grown out of that Tweet — too damned many to mention here.  And Rightly so.

Michael Moore Michigan MansionThis is a Man of the People who promotes Occupy events and portrays corporations as execrable.  [But wait, Mr Moore; you have incorporated for tax purposes.] This is the man who would rather live in Cuba and promotes it over the United States.  Above, that is Mr Moore’s 10,000-square foot mansion in Michigan near Forest Home Township, which has no black residents.  Not loving on your black brethren, Mr Moore?  Another heaping helping of Leftist Hypocrisy, Mr Moore?

Finally, let’s point out that Michael Moore acquired fame and cash via his Leftist documentary entitled “Roger And Me,” which is predicated upon a lie.  According to his documentary he only saw GM CEO Roger Smith in a shareholders’ meeting.  In truth, Michael Moore had two actual sit-down interviews with CEO Smith but decided they did not fit the meme of his small-minded film.

Hollywood dislikes American Sniper because, as far as it is concerned, any remotely pro-American film by a Hollywood director can be nothing but jingoistic.  Period.  Even if Clint Eastwood, the doddering old fool, directed it.  [Just check out Leftist reactions of Clint and The Chair.]  Problem is, the “doddering old fool” is beloved by Hollywood Bean Counters because he doesn’t shoot twenty takes of one scene and has a reputation for bringing his films in on time and under budget.

Therefore, Leftists believe if American Sniper exists it must be, by its nature, jingoistic, warmongering, hawkish and angry.  It will necessarily glorify killing little innocent brown people on foreign soil utilizing unfair American technology by brainwashed young American soldiers who are nothing more than killing machines working for Halliburton and Dick Cheney, dangling on strings controlled by the Koch Brothers.

Another reason Hollywood hates American Sniper is that it is kicking the ass of the movie Selma at the box office.  When good Americans should be honoring MLK on MLK’s weekend, the sponge-minded have chosen to watch American Sniper.  In fact, American Sniper has made more money in its first weekend than any other Clint Eastwood movie, at $90 million dollars.

Daily Caller wrote:

Seth Rogen compared the movie to fake Nazi propaganda, and the UK paper The Guardian asked, “The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?”

One member of AMPAS has submitted that Chris Kyle was likely a “sociopath.”

A large reason moviegoers aren’t flocking to see Selma: people have had it up to here with the deification of the relentless thuggery of black males as perennial victims in the media, to include film.  Poor timing, Selma.

Oh golly gee, that’s right, Selma was also snubbed during Oscar nominations.  That evil, evil AMPAS, chaired by a black woman.  She’s surely going to Leftist Hell.

But here’s another reason people will now be paying more money to see American Sniper, including myself.  [Oh wait, I mean twice.  I’ve paid to see it twice now.Chris Kyle is dead, and can’t speak for himself.  So not only is Michael Moore the coward, he is the most craven of cowards for attacking a man who cannot in any way defend himself.  Michael Moore knows this.

So in a way, thank you Mr Moore.  American Sniper has six academy award nominations and Selma has one.  Plus, it’s only the first weekend for American Sniper.  And I have lots of disposable cash in my wallet.

I think I need some more popcorn later this week.



Leftist hypocrisy reigns supreme at UC Berkeley:

UC Berkeley - Do As We SayOnce again, Leftists wanting what they want when they want it, and disdaining certain Leftist dogma when it hits them personally in the pocketbook.

Case in point?  The Ultimate Ground Zero for Leftists, University of California at Berkeley.

From FreedomOutpost.com:

Liberal University Won’t Pay Higher Minimum Wage Imposed By Liberals

by Tim Brown

Remember all those calls by liberals for higher minimum wages for American workers? Well, it appears that the University of California at Berkeley, the beacon of liberalism, has decided to ignore a local ordinance that raised the minimum wage. The school is claiming they are exempt as a state agency.

According to Inside HigherEd:

In Berkeley, where the city’s minimum wage is $10 per hour for all private employers, the University of California at Berkeley is continuing to pay about a quarter of its student workers less than that, according to a spokeswoman, Janet Gilmore. She said the average student pay is $12 an hour.

Ah yes, this is liberal ideology at its finest! The only thing they forgot to mention was that UC Berkeley also purchased its own armored personnel carrier! After all nothing screams “budget restraints” like a tank on a university campus, right?

Wait; aren’t these the same Leftists who simultaneously scream that the police are becoming “militarized” with armored vehicles?

Apparently that doesn’t include “Bastion of Leftism” universities.

These are heaping helpings, again, of Leftist Hypocrisy unrestrained.