The nature of Evil

Not the post you were expecting but the post I created quite early on the morning of August 8th.

Because the question just appeared and lingered, refusing to go away. Past dreams reappeared oh so lovingly.

What is the nature of Evil and, if you are a Leftist, is there actual Evil in any event?

Many Leftists would insist no such thing exists. There is simply the misunderstood person who needs nothing more than your good will and acceptance.

They would insist that the act can somehow be separated from the individual.

I say that is naivete, ignorance and wrongheadedness on a stellar level. I say that some people exist in the world as nothing but examples of what not to do and whom to outright kill. There are persons in this world who are broken beyond any form of what most of us would consider a modicum of redemption.

I myself wholly believe in the existence and prosperity of Evil. I have viewed it, seen its wastes, smelled its stench in the night, known people who canonized its name, seen its carrion-strewn carcasses, looked it directly in the eye and understood when it wished to kill me.

A very brief smattering of the innumerable cases I handled:

– A mother smothered her child by putting her head in a Ziploc bag; she left the child in her crib, called to schedule a nail appointment. The child, sick, kept her from a bowling appointment and a prior nail appointment. We found her stirring soup on a stove with a dead baby in the other room.

– A high schooler, angry at having been fired from a pizza job, returned with a gun and robbed the store, shooting his once-best friend because “he should have quit after I was fired, if he was my friend.” In the interview, he was not to blame because “the doctors should have done a better job saving him.”

– A couple had decided to split up; in the process of determining who received what, an argument ensued over who owned the batteries in the TV remote. One spouse shot the other in the neck and then removed the batteries from her dead hand. The pulsing arterial spray hit the white apartment wall from a distance of 5 feet away.

– As he had lost face and was losing control of the relationship because his wife was suddenly making more money than he, a former star collegiate football player from an incredibly successful and heavily-monied family (and an obsessive-compulsive neat/control freak) peaked one night when his son would not be quiet. He struck his 5-year-old on the head, caving in his skull and killing him. His pregnant wife walked in seconds later and observed the scene. She too was killed as was the fetus. To obviate his guilt he doused all the bodies with gasoline and lighted them all on fire, blaming an unknown and unseen assailant.

— A young man who had killed six people in two days, Eric Royce Leonard, three at a pizza restaurant and three later at a convenience store, asked me if people would try to hurt him as he was being booked into the jail because, after all, it was all about him.

— Another man, Richard Trenton Chase, the Vampire of Sacramento, killed six people in two months. I was tasked with using video for the first time in my department’s history. At a victim’s home I captured video of a half-eaten baby in a crib.

These little gems keep me up at night when the Brain Theater decides to pull aside its dark curtains as I sleep.

Like tonight.


Race or cause: Leftists, which do you pick?

First, watch the video.

Then, as the good little anarchist Leftist that you are, you’re going to have to make a decision because this potentially places you in a bit of a political jam.

Do you come to the aid of the Caucasoid male who represents Antifa, or do you come to the aid of the black male who apparently is not Antifa — and in this case that’s apparently all it takes to pull out the Antifa aggression, foul language, suppression of speech and threats of violence.

Please also note the many other Antifa members wearing masks in order to conceal their identities but the primary Antifa mouth doesn’t want a camera around. Bit of a hypocrite, I’d wager. I’m being quite kind.

As a Leftist you must of course choose one of these persons to support. Let’s do the analytics.

The Caucasoid represents Antifa. That is an excellent group doing excellent business on behalf of anti-Fascists the world over. Antifa must stand up to people and disallow them from speaking or weighing in. It’s only fair. It’s Antifa’s time, no one else’s.

The man who appears to be not a friend of Antifa is black. We do not know his affiliation. All we know is that he must apparently be a bad or repressive person because Antifa does not like him and is hurling bad words at him.

After much taunting and yelling and aggression and the threat of violence, the black young man pops the Antifa Caucasoid. Antifa responds to the black young man and tells him to “knock it off.”

  • Caucasoid = Antifa = Antifa good.
  • Young black man = not Antifa = not good.

If you support the young black man you do not support Antifa. If you do not support Antifa you must be the Fascists that Antifa is warning about.

If you support the Caucasoid you do not support the young black man. If you do not support the young black man you may be a racist.

Oh my, such a terrible conundrum, what to do?

I know: support Antifa and make sure that no one sees you taunt and threaten the young black man.

That’s the ticket.



Let’s listen to Canada’s Leftist PM Justin Trudeau

This is simply too good to pass up.

Then there is this lengthier compilation.

So Leftists, Demorats, anarchists, progressives and the like think President Donald Trump is daft and embraces “too many Russians”?

Shelby Steele (author, columnist, film-maker, Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution) explains wonderfully the Leftist mindset:

Tell you what, Canada. You keep Trudeau. We’ll keep Trump.



Leftists: dissension must be ELIMINATED

Leftists DON'T ALLOW DISSENSIONFirst on the agenda: the Drudge Report (though it’s nothing more than an aggregator) and Fox News.  Then the entire internet.


First, from the

Fox targeted by FEC Dems in first-ever vote to punish debate sponsorship

by Paul Bedard

Finally making good on long-harbored anger at conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission voted in secret to punish Fox News’ sponsorship of a Republican presidential debate, using an obscure law to charge the network with helping those on stage.

STOP.  Read that first sentence again: “Finally making good on LONG-HARBORED ANGER at CONSERVATIVE media, DEMOCRATS on the Federal Election Commission voted in SECRET to PUNISH Fox News’ sponsorship of a Republican presidential debate, USING AN OBSCURE LAW to charge the network with helping those on stage.”

Would that not be unlike Lois Lerner and the IRS who complained bitterly that no such thing was done until finally the IRS admitted that precisely that thing was done?

It is the first time in history that members of the FEC voted to punish a media outlet’s debate sponsorship, and it follows several years of Democratic threats against conservative media and websites like the Drudge Report.

The punishment, however, was blocked by all three Republicans on the commission, resulting in a 3-3 tie vote and no action. The vote was posted Thursday and is here.

Imagine the results had Demorats simply owned that board, as Demorats own the state of California on most every level?

It seems that CNN sponsored quite a number of Democrat debates.  CNN sponsored four Democrat debates, of the ten documented — that’s almost half.  The GOP had twelve debates, six of which were sponsored by Fox.  That also is half.  Any issue with the FEC?

Here’s the obvious kicker:

CNN did the same thing, but there is no indication that they faced a complaint.

Do not think that the Demorats and Leftists are content to stop there.  They absolutely, incontrovertibly, wish to control the entire internet and all its content — particularly if that content is right-leaning in nature.


Also from the

Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC commissioners

by Paul Bedard

Democrats targeting content and control of the Internet, especially from conservative sources, are pushing hard to layer on new regulations and even censorship under the guise of promoting diversity while policing bullying, warn commissioners from the Federal Communications Commission and Federal Election Commission.

“Protecting freedom on the Internet is just one vote away,” said Lee E. Goodman, a commissioner on the FEC which is divided three Democrats to three Republicans. “There is a cloud over your free speech.”

What is diversity?  In the eyes of Leftists, it is a One World Barbeque — that is, all persons saying, writing and thinking the same: a Leftist fashion.  Dissension cannot be tolerated.  What the FEC and Leftists and Demorats want is the same freedom of speech one now customarily finds on college campuses in America today; that is, little to none.

BZ License To BlogIn this vein I wrote, many years ago in 2010, that I could foresee the time where I as a blogger would require a literal license to blog.  To express my opinions and feelings.

Freedom of speech on the Internet, added Ajit Pai, commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, “is increasingly under threat.”

Pai and Goodman cited political correctness campaigns by Democrats as a threat. Both also said their agencies are becoming politicized and the liberals are using their power to push regulations that impact business and conservative outlets and voices.

Of course it’s under threat.  Leftists and Demorat want absolute control of speech as well as most every other aspect of your life.  With a SCOTUS that leans far left as would occur under the lying and brazenly-corrupt Hillary Clinton, you can quite certainly wave good-bye to your Bill of Rights, with the Second and First Amendments primarily in their PC sights.

“One of the things that is critical for this country is to reassert the value of the First Amendment, the fact that robust discourse, that is sometimes cacophonous, is nonetheless a value, in fact it creates value,” said Pai.

But wait; perhaps you thought I was kidding with the whole “my blog will be involved as will yours” thingie?  Read on.

At a CATO Institute discussion on online speech Wednesday night, both said that regulators are eager to issue new rules that could put limits on what people could say on blogs, online news and even YouTube. Washington Examiner reporter Rudy Takala and Cato’s digital manager Kat Murti were also on the panel.

There it is in black and white.  Do not for a moment believe that, somehow, miraculously, you will remain unaffected — particularly if you are a Conservative.  Or a Libertarian for that matter — John Stossel, I’m looking at you, sir.

Pai, addressing Goodman, added, “The common thread of our experiences I think is this impulse of control, whether it’s the FCC and the impulse of the government to want to control how these networks operate, and the FEC to control the content of the traffic that traverses over those networks, and I think that certainly highlights the importance of the First Amendment.”

Goodman concluded, “We need to be ever mindful and vigilant not to let governmental agencies through 3-2 votes, or 4-2 votes at the FEC take that away from us.”

Let there be no mistake.  Leftists and Demorats want control of our lives, complete and utter control of what we do, what we eat, where we live, how we live our lives and ultimately what we write, say and even think.

Leftists and Demorats would truly be pleased with a 1984 environment.

1984 - Big BrotherI can see an upheaval coming, ladies and gentlemen, if Demorats and Leftists keep removing our rights and our freedoms.