The hypocrisy of Millennials

DilbertThey didn’t mind voting for Obama.


They just don’t care for the environment he created.

But, being the brain-dead imbeciles they are, they would likely vote for him again and will vote for Hillary Clinton because she’s a she.  A real she, I might add.


Poll: Obama Millennials Want to Leave the America They Created

by Ben Shapiro

A new poll from TransferWise shows that 35 percent of those born in the United States would consider ditching their home country to live elsewhere; that number skyrockets among those aged 18-34, the so-called millennials, 55 percent of whom said they would think of taking off if given the chance.

Most of those millennials cite economics as a chief factor in their desire to leave: 43 percent of men and 38 percent of women said they’d leave if they could get paid more in another country.

The rationales for staying in America, articulated by Americans, are particularly weak: 59 percent say they would stay because “it is home,” another 58 percent say they would stay thanks to romantic and family ties – and then the stats drop precipitously, with just 22 percent stating they would stay for the democratic society, 17 percent for the culture, 10 percent for the good future for children, 5 percent for wealth, 3 percent for low crime, and 2 percent for low taxes.

But just how did they get to this place?

Primarily by none other than Barack Hussein Obama, who hastened their demise with his myriad of plans destined to rock those rockable.  Oh yeah.  Millennials.

You bought it, you voted for it, you live with it.  Except that you don’t want to.

Imagine my shock.



Please read the entire Ben Shapiro article — all excellent points he makes.  Plus, here’s an interesting tidbit:

The National Institutes of Health found that for people in their 20s, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is three times as high than the generation that’s 65 or older. In 1992, 80 percent of people under 23 wanted to one day have a job with greater responsibility; ten years later, 60 percent did. Millennials received so many participation trophies growing up that 40 percent of them think they should be promoted every two years – regardless of performance.


The Millennials’ Man Card: canceled at birth?

Man CardI don’t customarily venture out with any frequency into society as, over the years and due to the nature of my job, I have been disabused of mixing into the heavily-populated public on my days off because, predominantly, I believe the bulk of society sucks.  And they certainly suck whilst I am at work.

Today, however, I made an exception and an immediate observation.  The exception involved attending a packed theatre with my wife and her sister in order to see the new Avengers movie.

Whilst in public, I had my Observatory Skills set to “stun,” and noticed a disturbing number of young male Millennials with chicks who had clearly abrogated their Man Cards.  In other words, I was stunned at the number of young males who were not only passengers in vehicles shared with chicks, but also had the female purchasing their tickets.  And this was just within a few hours of only one given day.

Are the balls of male Millennials the size of dwarf peas now?  Or have they even descended?

Is the so-called Modern American Young Male so terribly emasculated that he fears to do something as simple as driving a vehicle and deciding where to go on a given hour in a given day?

I posed this question to my wife and her sister.  Her sister indicated that yes, in general this is now true, as she watches the very same thing occur in Texas where she lives.  My wife also chimed in, as she indicated people at her work talk about the young boys dating their daughters and how they defer to chicks and would rather have the chicks pick them up and decide what to do and where to go.

How very interesting.  How interesting that I continue to note the wide disparity, at my job, between those males who come back from military service to become cops, and the other Millennials who sign up to become cops.  And trust me, there is a wide disparity.

At a time when feminists and women are screaming that men are too testosterone-filled and that rape is rampant on the campuses across America — and that 1 in 5 women are raped in college — the truth is that women drink like sailors, fuck like sailors, and are told they must have regrets in the morning because they are victims.

No wonder men are losing track of their masculinity.  Society and education is beating it out of them, one Leftist at a time.  You know, “male privilege” and all that customary Leftist psycho bullshit pap.

Sorry if I’ve minced words here, but I still ask: where have all the Man Cards gone?  Canceled at birth?

Your thoughts?



“Me” generation unable to repair itself and others: literally

MillennialsMillennials or Generation Y: are they lazy?

This should come as no shock from Millennials, as it’s all about “them” and servicing “them.”

From the

Young people are ‘lost generation’ who can no longer fix gadgets, warns professor

by Sarah Knapton, Science Editor

Young people in Britain have become a lost generation who can no longer mend gadgets and appliances because they have grown up in a disposable world, the professor giving this year’s Royal Institution Christmas lectures has warned.

Danielle George, Professor of Radio Frequency Engineering, at the University of Manchester, claims that the under 40s expect everything to ‘just work’ and have no idea what to do when things go wrong.

Unlike previous generations who would ‘make do and mend’ now young people will just chuck out their faulty appliances and buy new ones.

This is equally applicable to the US as well, because helicopter parents have ensured that their very special and unique children must attend college rather than learn trades in such areas as vehicle repair, HVAC service, plumbing, electrical, woodworking, metal fabrication, welding, or anything even remotely physical.

As a result, Millennials are shocked — shocked I tell you — to discover their $100,000 university degree in philosophy or Pan-African studies allows them to pour coffee at Starbucks or provide free internship somewhere, and only half of work is full time.

An interesting aside about Millennials:

Another blow to conventional wisdom: Younger Americans interact less than their baby boomer parents, apparently choosing Facebook over facetime. “Conventional group membership, attendance at meetings, working with neighbors, trusting other people, reading the news, union membership and religious participation are all down for young people since the 1970s,” said The report provided to Secrets.

When Baby Boomers die out, when Gen Xers die out, just who will make repairs on the necessities of life?  Because even living in a “tiny house” or a 500-square foot apartment or taking the bus or the train or riding a bicycle will require someone who knows how to repair said objects.

There’s a new world dawning, and I fear young people are ill prepared — or even interested in preparation.