What we already knew about Obama: uninvolved, uninterested

From the WeeklyStandard.com:

Democrats Privately Calling Obama ‘Detached,’ ‘Flat Footed,’ ‘Incompetent’

by Daniel Halper

CNN’s John King reports that Democrats are privately calling President Obama “detached,” “flat footed,” and “incompetent.”

Let’s let the video and CNN actually speak for itself:

Sometimes the truth actually bleeds through.

Obama will go down as the worst president in the history of the United States.  According so some damned-near traitorous Leftists:

“And what more and more Democrats are saying privately is scathing, calling the president and his team detached, flat footed, even incompetent.”

I would also add: self-involved, non-interested, naive, arrogant and narcissistic.



Trey Gowdy: the “Enforce the Law” Act

Isn’t it odd — and don’t you cringe — when you find that a member of our House of Representatives proposes a law that would “force” DC to obey the law?

Isn’t that the greatest of abominations you can feature?  We have to propose a law that mandates laws get obeyed?

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), proposed the ENFORCE the Law Act, which aims to bring our current Imperial Presidency into line with such heretical things as the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.  Mr Gowdy speaks here:

The WashingtonTimes writes:

The Founders described the “long train of abuses” at the hands of a king that triggered the need for a change, in the form of a Declaration of Independence. Runaway governance is back, and President Obama is the conductor.

The Constitution set up peaceful mechanisms available today to deal with overreach that weren’t available to the revolutionaries of 1776. Today’s lawmakers must use these to brake Barack Obama’s disregard for the Constitution before that “long train” grows longer.

The House could consider as early as this week the Enforce the Law Act, granting either the House or the Senate the explicit authority to file a lawsuit against the president for failing to carry out his constitutionally mandated duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”

It directs such lawsuits to a three-judge panel of a federal district court with appeals going directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, the measure’s Republican sponsor, blames Mr. Obama for the need to act. “This administration’s disregard for the law,” he says, “has reached an unprecedented level from a constitutional perspective. … This bill … will give Congress the authority to defend this branch of government as the Framers and our fellow citizens would expect.”

How is it that we seem to have found ourselves here with — on its face — such an incredibly ridiculous bill?