Obama dismisses IRS targeting of conservatives: ‘They’ve got a list, and suddenly everybody’s outraged’

Obama, Lying to AmericaAs far as Mr Obama is concerned, no big deal.  It’s what he does.  Get used to it.

From the DailyCaller.com:

by Brendan Boredelon

President Obama rejected the notion that the IRS’ targeting of Tea Party groups was illegal — or even improper — during his interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Thursday.

Obama was at American University to sell his flailing healthcare law to the young people upon which the insurance exchanges heavily rely. As promised, Matthews allowed him to make his pitch with no tough questions or pushback.

But the interview became interesting when the Hardball host asked why Americans were growing increasingly skeptical of government. Obama noted that the media never seems interested in government success stories. “When we do things right, they don’t get a lot of attention,” he said.

A wonderful little dismissive comment in the last paragraph:

President Obama later passed blame for his failures onto his cabinet agencies — claiming that “somebody somewhere at this very moment is screwing something up” — and repeated the nauseating platitude that “government’s not somebody else. Government’s us.”

With Mr Obama it’s always the same: seldom is he ever responsible for any failures within his administration.  But more importantly: if the IRS’s purposeful targeting of Conservative groups was a non-issue, then why did this occur:

Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the IRS tea party targeting scandal, retired from the agency Monday morning after an internal investigation found she was guilty of “neglect of duties” and was going to call for her ouster, according to congressional staff.

And why did the interim IRS commissioner get fired?



Finally: Mr Obama admits his philosophy revolves around Roger Ebert

This past week Mr Obama spoke in Hollywood, campaigning as he was for not much in particular.  As is Mr Obama’s bent, “when the going gets tough, I get to campaigning.”  Start making more of that coin, Mr Obama.  That’s all you know.  Hit the campaign trail.

The going has, of course, been somewhat tough, since it appears that Mr Obama is under a bit more scrutiny as of late.  Obamacare.  Iran.  Lying.  You know; small stuff like that.  Ahem.

From TheWrap.com:

President Obama defended his policies during an economic address at the DreamWorks Animation campus on Tuesday — including his struggling health care reform — by quoting the late film critic (and fellow Chicagoan) Roger Ebert.

“I was fortunate enough to get to know Roger, and was always inspired by how he handled some really tough stuff,” Obama said. “He said, ‘Kindness covers all of my political beliefs.’ … When I think about what I’m fighting for, what gets me up every single day — that captures it.”

I find it intriguing that, only now, Mr Obama releases information indicating his entire philosophy revolves around a Chicago film critic.




Krauthammer on the Iran agreement: “it’s the worst deal since Munich”

First, Charles Krauthammer is referring to the deal recently negotiated via SOS John Kerry and the nation-state of Iran.

Mr Krauthammer weighs in:


Charles Krauthammer:

It’s really hard to watch the President and the Secretary of State and not think how they cannot be embarrassed by this deal. Think about this. Half a dozen times, the Security Council has passed resolutions which said Iran has to stop all enrichment otherwise there will be no change in sanctions, no relief. Which means six times China and Russia — not exactly hardliners on Iran — have signed on to this.

And what is the result of this agreement? Iran retains the right to enrich. It continues to enrich during the six months. It is promised a final deal in which we’re going to work out the details of its enrichment. And remember, enrichment is the dam against all proliferation. Once a country anywhere can start to enrich there is no containing its nuclear capacity. So it undermines the entire idea of nonproliferation and it grants Iran a right it’s been lusting for for a decade. That’s why there was so much jubilation in Tehran over this.

Second, there’s a relaxation of sanctions which have really caused the Iranians to hurt, to worry about the stability of the regime, and to come and negotiate. What happens on sanctions? There’s going to be a huge infusion of cash which can reduce the inflation, can alleviate the shortages. Already the rial, the currency, jumped three percent instantly as a result of this agreement. This is a huge relief for the Iranians, and it can only increase over time. What do we get in return? I just heard the Secretary of State say we’re going to get a destruction of the 20 percent uranium. That is simply untrue.

What’s going to happen is the 20-percent enriched uranium is going to be turned into an oxide so it’s inoperative. That process is completely chemically reversible, which means Iran holds on to its 20 percent uranium and can turn it into active stuff any time it wants. This is a sham from beginning to end. It’s the worst deal since Munich.

Adolph Hitler         and     Neville ChamberlainAnd Charles Krauthammer, with whom I sometimes disagree, is completely correct in this case.  The Iranians have quantified the so-called “agreement” as not only a “win” for Iran but, now, they are saying the Spite House lied.

No precedent for that, eh wot?

From the WashingtonFreeBeacon.com:

by Adam Kredo

Iranian officials say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.

Iran and Western nations including the United States came to an agreement on the framework for an interim deal late Saturday night in Geneva. The deal has yet to be implemented

The White House released a multi-page fact sheet containing details of the draft agreement shortly after the deal was announced.

However, Iranian foreign ministry official on Tuesday rejected the White House’s version of the deal as “invalid” and accused Washington of releasing a factually inaccurate primer that misleads the American public.

Translation: Iran will do what it wants when it wants and the so-called “deal” negotiated by John Frigging Kerry means less than sputum from your lungs.

One crucial question to the following paragraph:

“There’s nothing built on trust,” Kerry said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “We’re not sitting here pretending that Iran is going to suddenly turn over a new leaf. We have to prove it. And our structure in this agreement, I believe, will adequately prove it.”

If you don’t trust Iran, then why did you negotiate with Iran?  And, further, what is IN this deal for the United States?

Sometimes the simple questions are too obscure.




So, Mr Obama IS a LIAR and YOU just became his DUPE: “WH: ‘It’s True’ Some Americans Won’t Be Able to Keep Their Health Care Plan Under Obamacare”

From The Weekly Standard:

White House spokesman Jay Carney explained at today’s briefing that “it’s true” some Americans will not be able to keep their health care plan under Obamacare:

As immured here forever via YouTube — and note that Jay Carney is the sacrificial lamb, not Mr Obama himself:

Again, I repeat for the dullards and mental mutants who voted for Barack Hussein Obama because “he’s gonna pay for my gas and my mortgage”:

Of course he will.  He promised.  Then you voted for him.  Then he placed his specially-sharpened knife from the Spite House directly into your back.  For regular American Taxpayers, he utilized his even more customized Deeper Spite House Stiletto, guaranteed to bleed you more effectively and with a greater tax yield.

I have but one question for Mr Carney: just what was it about the following series of clips that were unclear to yourself and the entire nation?  How did Mr Obama equivocate?  It all seems rather clear to me:

And let me emphasize: Mr Obama didn’t just make that statement once.  He made it, as documented above, numerous times in numerous venues.

America, the lot of you are brain-glazingly ignorant.  But for those who are not Parasitic Free Cheese robots and fall into the category of regular American Taxpayers:

You have no idea how you about to be fleeced further.

Let the bloodletting commence.




The truth about the “government re-opening” and the debt limit:

Debt CeilingFrom the DailyCaller.com:

There’s no actual debt ceiling right now

by Alex Pappas

There’s no actual debt ceiling right now.

The fiscal deal passed by Congress on Wednesday evening to re-open the government and get around the $16.4 trillion limit on borrowing doesn’t actually increase the debt limit. It just temporarily suspends enforcement of it.

That means Americans have no idea how much debt their government is going to rack up between now and Feb. 7, when the limits are supposed to go back into place and will have to be raised.

There is no dollar amount set for how much debt the government can accumulate between now and then. The suspension strategy was employed first earlier this year during previous fiscal battles in Congress.

The nasty little truth that no one will tell you.  Plus: what’s actually in the bill?

Looks like the “stopgap bill” is packed with pork.

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

That’s rich! Sen. Lautenberg’s millionaire widow pockets $174K in shutdown deal

By Stephen Dinan

Buried inside the new stopgap spending bill are several goodies, including nearly quadrupling the maximum price of a dam project on the Ohio River that is turning into a boondoggle — up to nearly $3 billion.

The bill also includes $174,000 of taxpayer money for the widow of the late Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg. The death gratuity, which has been paid to widows of other lawmakers in the past, raised hackles since Lautenberg was a multimillionaire, while the government is $16.7 trillion in debt.

Are you serious?  Are the Demorats and the Republicans pressing porkish fluff into what is perceived as an Emergency Bill to “keep America solvent”?

In one word: yes.

Thank God there’s a semblance of sanity within:

But lawmakers did nix one provision that was in an early draft posted online — they canceled authority to build another Coast Guard cutter, as a cost of nearly $600 million.

Wow.  I was sweating that one.  Far be it from us to approve the construction of something as trite and unneeded as another stupid and unnecessary USCG ship.

Included in the measure is money to pay back all of the states that signed agreements funding national parks within their borders during the shutdown — with interest.

Payback with interest.  How generous.  With YOUR hard-earned money.

The measure also repays all federal employees for the days the government was shutdown, including the hundreds of thousands who were furloughed and didn’t work.

Hello?  Government Welfare?  Getting paid to not work?  What kind of a wonderful deal is that?

It also:

-Lets the Defense Department continue assisting African forces pursue Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, a rebel group accused of atrocities.

Right.  In a “last ditch moment” bill designed to keep the government running.

My Congressman, Tom McClintock, wrote:

The debt limit exists for a simple reason: to assure that public debt isn’t recklessly piled up without Congress periodically acknowledging it and addressing the spending patterns that are causing it. If a debt limit increase is supposed to be automatic, as the President suggests, there really is no purpose to it.

A new dimension has now appeared in this discussion. Unlike every one of his predecessors, this President has vowed that unless Congress unconditionally raises the debt limit, the United States will default on its sovereign debt.

The President has been ruthless and vindictive in the way he has handled the shutdown, refusing House leadership’s offers along the way. I now believe that this President would willfully act to destroy the full faith and credit of the United States unless the Congress acquiesces to all of his demands. His every statement and action is consistent with this conclusion.

If the Republicans acquiesce, the immediate crisis will quickly vanish, credit markets will calm and public life will return to other matters. But a fundamental element of our Constitution will have been destroyed and a perilous era will have begun.

And that did occur.  In the hindsight of this article, the Republicans did in fact “cave.”

The power of the purse will have shifted from the representatives of the people to the executive, in which the President sets spending levels and vetoes any bill falling short of his demands. Whenever a deadline approaches, one house can simply refuse to negotiate with the other until Congress is faced with the Hobson’s choice of a shut-down or a default.

But here’s the point:

The nation’s spending will again dangerously accelerate, the deficit will again rapidly widen, and the economic prosperity of the nation will continue to slowly bleed away.

This impasse may have started as a dispute over a collapsing health program but it has now taken on the dimensions of a constitutional crisis.

You and I both know this is true.


McClintock and Sean Hannity audio here.

McClintock and Mark Levin audio here.

Obamacare - Let Them Eat It