Military Priests Face Arrest for Celebrating Mass in Defiance of Shutdown


Our government is out of control.

First, it was the World War II veterans who had to break down barriers to see the open air, un-attended memorial erected in their honor.  A memorial which is on public land but is supported – including the National Park Service fee – with private funds. This week there was more security surrounding this memorial — just to keep elderly veterans out — than there was at our embassy in Benghazi the night it was attacked.

And for what? To inflict as much pain as possible through this government shutdown. It’s called Washington Monument Syndrome, and it’s pure political theater.

But now there’s a story just coming to light that takes things even further. According the Archdiocese for Military Services, GS and contract priests (who are paid by the federal government as independent contractors in places where there aren’t enough active-duty priests to meet the needs of Catholics in military service) are being forbidden from celebrating Mass, even on a volunteer basis.

That could never happen.  Except when it is.

This is outrageous. It is a violation of the First Amendment. It is a prohibition of the free exercise of religion to order priests under penalty of arrest that they cannot volunteer their time to offer Mass to the faithful on base. This cannot be allowed to stand.

And read one line again:  “This week there was more security surrounding this memorial — just to keep elderly veterans out — than there was at our embassy in Benghazi the night it was attacked.”

This is insanity writ large and purposely meant to be punishing.




Obama: ‘Raising the Debt Ceiling…Does Not Increase Our Debt,’ Though It Has ‘Over 100 Times’

Obama on Debt CeilingThe Emperor is naked.


Revealed by himself.


Correct; take a look at that headline above once more.

By Craig Bannister

Raising the debt ceiling doesn’t increase the nation’s debt, Pres. Obama declared in a speech today.

In a speech at the Business Roundtable headquarters in Washington, D.C., Obama dismissed concerns about raising the debt ceiling by noting that it’d been done so many times in the past:

“Now, this debt ceiling — I just want to remind people in case you haven’t been keeping up — raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt; it does not somehow promote profligacy.  All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you’ve already racked up, Congress.  It’s a basic function of making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved.”

Obama went on to suggest that “the average person” mistakenly thinks that raising the debt ceiling means the U.S. is racking up more debt.

Discounting the sheer insanity of that statement, it’s odd, isn’t it, that the only media outlets reporting this little gem are those leaning to the right.  The rest of the American Media Maggots are reporting that Mr Obama “refuses to let the debt limit be a bargaining chip.”

This is the same man who, as a senator, ranted about having to vote for an increase in the national debt to roughly $8 trillion dollars — a drop in the bucket today.

The Emperor is not only naked, but chancred, addled and drooling.




Obama: completely and utterly incompent, confirmed by Syria:

Obama SCOAMF BookMr Obama drew his verbal red line regarding the use of chemical weapons, and now has used his own decree to paint himself into a corner.  And anyone can read Popular Mechanics.

He stated that there would be a price to pay for the use, by Syria, of gas attacks on civilians.  Following that, the UK Parliament bowed out and decided not to back PM David Cameron.

The UK Parliament produced a slap in the face to Mr Obama, but he was still going in — until he wasn’t.

On Saturday, he decreed that he was going to seek consensus for an Syrian incursion from Congress.

And the Demorats are not behind Mr Obama on this.  Even Putin’s foreign minister exhorts DC to behave like grown-ups — which it is not.

Complicated enough for you?  Enough zig-zagging and indecisiveness for you?  Obama has no coherent policy for the Middle East.  He has stated he “leads from behind” and this underscores that phrase.  The UK Guardian is on-board with Obama being an imbecile.

Continuing to prove that Mr Obama is nothing but a SCOAMF — Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure.

Sorry.  That video is so good I simply couldn’t resist.


I continue with my opinion: stay the hell out of Syria.  Let the two sides, both evil by nature, no innocence on either side, slaughter each other.

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense K.T. McFarland once said:

“The cardinal rule in Washington is that if you have two enemies fighting each other, do not try to step in and stop them.”

Truer words were never spoken, particularly applied to today’s situation regarding Syria.




July 4th

Obama Imperial FaceI’m at work today, but in celebration of this day, I recommend reading the information at these links:

The Declaration of Independence.

The US Constitution.

The Bill of Rights.

The Federalist Papers.

When in doubt, always, always go back to the basics.

God bless America, the last and best supporter of freedom on the planet and, as always, an experiment in progress.

Today’s government, unfortunately, confiscates your rights and then sells them back to you via taxes and blood.  The greatest threat to this country and its American Taxpayer is not Islam or Right Wing radicals and soldiers — as the federal government would have you believe.  It is that government itself.




Russia to provide “security,” on US soil, during national emergencies?

According to EMERCOM of Russia in a press release:

Several documents signed during joint work of Russian Emergency Ministry and FEMA rss

26 June 11:32

The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. This is provided by a protocol of the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations, which took place in Washington on 25 June.

In addition, the parties approved of U.S.-Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.

Let me repeat this tidbit in case you missed it: “provision of security at mass events.”

Meaning: Soviet “experts” providing “security” on US soil.  In most countries, who is most “expert” in providing security?  The military or police forces.  And what does “security” mean in occasion of a “mass event”?  It won’t mean people with frowns and brochures.  In my interpretation of words, “security” at “mass events” means military personnel who are armed and loaded.

Translated: armed Russian personnel on our soil to “secure” our civilian population.

Under this agreement via Homeland Security, will it include what are termed NSSEs — National Special Security Events — which include such things as international summits, conventions, even presidential inaugurations?

Anyone besides me have questions to include: why has this completely fallen off the US American Media Maggot radar?