Justice Department Fights Release of Secret Court Opinion Finding Unconstitutional Surveillance

Obama Big Brother TheaterAgain, the Obama Administration — which “promised” to be the most transparent in history — is proving itself the complete opposite: the most OPAQUE in history and the most strident in keeping information from the electorate.

From MotherJones (Of all places!):

Government lawyers are trying to keep buried a classified court finding that a domestic spying program went too far.

| Fri Jun. 7, 2013 12:22 PM PDT

In the midst of revelations that the government has conducted extensive top-secret surveillance operations to collect domestic phone records and internet communications, the Justice Department was due to file a court motion Friday in its effort to keep secret an 86-page court opinion that determined that the government had violated the spirit of federal surveillance laws and engaged in unconstitutional spying.

The violations and abrogations of our Constitution and Bill of Rights go on and on and on, one abortion after the other, and still you have to dig and scrape and pry and unearth to discover what’s going on in your very own back yard, your very own country!

AMM - American Media Maggots 1Further, the American Media Maggots, like thousands of domestic cats, do their very best to paw the sand over the daily piles of steaming shit created and served up by Mr Obama in DC.  They’re happy to do it.  Overjoyed.

Then they become packed and bristling with umbrage and scarlet outrage when the obvious is pointed out: their mouths and faces are coated with years of old and cracked DC shit along with the fresh strands of fecal materials dripping from their very teeth.

Never before have I seen an American press so willing to become such abject coprophages for Washington DC.  It is beyond disgusting.  And never have I been so disillusioned by the American electorate for installing this pseudo-black American Destroyer not once, but twice — mostly because they want more Free Cheese.

This is detestable.  Beyond shameless.  I lack further abominable words at this point.

I say — and this administration proves me correct — that if you thought the political damage stemming from Washington is bad, just wait another week.

It gets worse.

Keep pushing, Mr Obama.  I don’t think America will like what’s just over the horizon.

Gird thy loins, America.  Be prepared.




The over-reaching power of the IRS and why it needs to be GUTTED

This is one chilling video, and John Eastman nails it precisely:

Following that testimony, it was revealed that, concurrently, the IRS pisses away your money:

IRS Audit Details $4.1 Million Conference

WASHINGTON—The 2010 Internal Revenue Service employee conference that has drawn criticism paid $17,000 to a keynote speaker who drew pictures of the singer Bono and the physicist Albert Einstein to inspire IRS employees to free up their thought process and find creative solutions to challenges, according to a report released Tuesday.

The conference for 2,609 employees in Anaheim, Calif., cost $4.1 million. Lawmakers had recently released some details of the conference—including videos of IRS workers engaged in a “Star Trek” parody and a line dance—but the full report wasn’t publicly available until Tuesday.

Republican Darrell Issa weighs in with logic:

“The wasteful Anaheim conference is one example of a culture of excess that plagues the IRS and many federal agencies,” said Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, (R., Calif.) in a statement released Tuesday. “Taxpayer money meant to pay for a core agency mission, the hiring of more enforcement personnel, was instead spent on a lavish party. Perhaps most disturbingly, there appears to have been little or no effort by the IRS to hold those responsible for this wasteful spending accountable.”

And watch the testimony of Becky Gerritson:


Rep. Jim McDermott (D., Wash.) gave the hearing a jolt when he questioned whether the conservatives were being unreasonable by claiming that they were entitled to a tax-advantaged status on a fast-track basis for political work. “Each of your groups is highly political,” Mr. McDermott said. “You are all entrenched in some of the most controversial political issues in the country, and with your applications you were asking the American public to pay for that work,” Mr. McDermott said.

That prompted a strong reaction from Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.).

“We have not heard any testimony that this is happening to groups that have the opposing views,” Mr. Ryan said, looking at Mr. McDermott. “So to suggest that these citizens are to blame for applying—I don’t understand how anyone can make that conclusion,” Mr. Ryan said.

These weren’t accidents.  They were acts of overt intimidation.  These acts were condoned by their administrations.  The Obama Administration.

What about Organizing For Action?  What about MoveOn.org?

There are rules for those supporting Obama.  There are separate rules for those opposing Obama.  Who knew?  Who gave the orders?  When did they know it?

Yes.  Your loving IRS.




Krauthammer: what WAS Obama doing for 8 hours during the Benghazi attack?

From TownHall.com:

Excellent question.  But no answers are forthcoming.  Stonewalling.

But here’s the point: as long as the Obama Administration stonewalls Benghazi, I’ll keep presenting information about Benghazi.

Four AMERICANS are dead, and no one is accountable.  The Obama Administration repeatedly makes public announcements that it simply doesn’t care.  It didn’t care then and it is doing its level best to crush Benghazi into the ground.  “Those four deaths meant nothing, move on — nothing to see here.”





Was Mr Obama “tied up” the night of Benghazi?

Obama Mystery Benghazi HoursDoes this article explain the reason for Mr Obama’s mystery disappearance in the early stages of the Benghazi attack?

Anyone have any information about the things hinted-at in the article?


The source Politico article is here.