Criticizing Obama: “offensive”

And to that I reply: “did someone say pull out all the stops on this post?”

Why, yes, I suppose someone did.

Obama got voted into office in his first and second terms because he is black.  Plain and simple.  He’s black enough to vote for, convenient for some, inconvenient for others.  He’s black like this:

Barack Hussein Obama Smiling

Figure 1.  Mr Obama

Not black like this:

King Samir Shabazz, Black Panther Party Leader

Figure 2.  Not Mr Obama

No GOWP would admit it, but their votes are prejudiced in and of themselves.  They would never vote for a black man who appears like Shabazz.  The nose is too flat, the skin too dark, the scowl too offensive, the tattoos, the dreadlocks; no, that simply cannot be.  He is not a “clean” black man.

And that is what GOWPs and other racists who voted for Mr Obama simply because of his melanin count acquired: a “clean” black man and nothing more.  Oh, but wait: with a few other exceptions:

He has NPD, he is arrogant, a megalomaniac, literally raised by Communists and good friends with William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (both committed white Communist insurrectionists).

William Ayers on the US FlagHis pastor was the Reverend Jeremiah Wright:

Samuel L Jackson admitted he voted for Barack Hussein Obama solely because he was black.  So did an admitted 90% + of black Americans.  And GOWPs weighed in (Guilty Overeducated White People) also for the same reason, because Mr Obama was clean (see Figure A).  Not like the other man (see Figure B).

With Mr Obama, his minions, his sycophants, his supporters, his educators, his creators, it all comes down to one thing: race.  Well, okay, and a few other things as well, to include Cloward-Piven and anarchy and tearing down America.  Heavy sigh.

Racists, all of them; including Mr Obama.  They fail to see people as individuals, they see people only in terms of color.

That said, new headlines from the WCO (Water Carriers for Obama), the New York Times:

White House Aide Calls Criticism of Obama ‘Offensive’

A senior adviser to President Obama mounted a combative defense of the administration on Sunday, saying the controversies enveloping the White House were the result of Republican lawmakers’ trying to “drag Washington into a swamp of partisan fishing expeditions, trumped-up hearings and false allegations.”

He (Dan Pfeiffer) pointedly rejected Republican criticisms of the president’s actions and leadership style as “offensive” and “absurd,” and he said the administration would not be distracted from doing the nation’s business.

And there you have it in one complete and easily summarized little nutshell: those four Americans who died in Benghazi died for nothing, and to demand the truth, an accountability and responsibility during Mr Obama’s watch is “offensive.”

But let’s just complete that sentence, ladies and gentlemen: “the criticism is offensive because _____  __  _____.”

Please allow me to fill in the final three words: “Obama is black.”

How dare you treat Mr Obama like any other president because, after all, Mr Obama is black.  Which makes anyone demanding accountability a racist.

See how easy that was?  It’s called deflection and it works for GOWPs because it stirs up emotions: they feel guilty; it works for blacks because they voted for The Black Man due to his melanin count and nothing more.

Mr Obama helps himself out because of his narrow racial views as well.

He says that, as a “African American” (a hyphenate) you must work “twice as hard.”

My point precisely!  It takes an incredible work ethic to get up at roughly noon in order to sling drugs in the neighborhood.  Oh, that’s right, yes: the neighborhood I see every day, where my wife lives.  It takes an incredible work ethic to open your garage door and invite your partying friends over late at night, drinking beer, smoking dope, and hosting all the local thump cars: dopers in their new Dodge Chargers, Conestoga Wagons, 1975 Cadillacs, black Escalades with spinners (though spinners are so yesterday).  Oh, that’s right, yes: the neighborhood I see every day, where my wife lives.  And it takes an incredible work ethic to be in your 20s and play basketball in your driveway all day, every day, with your 20-something friends as well.  Basketball is hard work!  Oh, that’s right, yes: the neighborhood I see every day, where my wife lives.  Neighbors driving newer cars, with newer toys, TVs, motorcycles, clothing, and seldom leaving the house but for a few minutes.  As in: not going to work.  Oh, that’s right, yes: the neighborhood I see every day, where my wife lives.

It took a black officer of rank on our department tons of sweat and arduous times in order to achieve his position so that he could swive women extramaritally and become corrupt to the point where the administration must keep him out of the way and buried if for no other reason than he can no longer testify in open court.  A man taken right out of the academy and placed into a prestigious unit because — wait for it — he is black.  And throughout all of that no one has fired him because — wait for it — he is black.  Where a white female Captain told me years ago that I would not get promoted because — wait for it — I am a Caucasoid male.  I still hand it to her: that took large balls to tell me the actual truth.

Ah yes, racial clarity: this country is still populated by racists.

But, I submit, they’re precisely the opposite of who you think they are.  And racism, these days, starts right at the top.

Trust me when I tell you: I am so fucking tired of racists playing the race card themselves.




Obama: lost Politico, now lost Chris Matthews

Dylan Byers from Politico writes:

President Obama “obviously likes giving speeches more than he does running the executive branch,” Chris Matthews said tonight.

“What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn’t like dealing with other politicians — that means his own cabinet, that means members of the congress, either party. He doesn’t particularly like the press…. He likes to write the speeches, likes to rewrite what Favreau and the others wrote for the first draft,” Matthews said.

“So what part does he like? He likes going on the road, campaigning, visiting businesses like he does every couple days somewhere in Ohio or somewhere,” Matthews continued. “But what part does he like? He doesn’t like lobbying for the bills he cares about. He doesn’t like selling to the press. He doesn’t like giving orders or giving somebody the power to give orders. He doesn’t seem to like being an executive.”

Hmm.  Not the same words of the formerly-ebullient Chris Matthews who absolutely adored Mr Obama not too terribly long ago.

From Morning Joe:

Yes, you heard correctly:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: He does run the IRS. He runs the Treasury Department. He runs the United States government, and he is accountable for it, and this is nonsensical.

AG Holder is continuing, however, to ensure that Obama’s and Clinton’s collective asses are covered as, below, he refuses to appoint a Special Counsel for Benghazi:

According to Mr Obama’s thoughts and actions, he is clearly an uninvolved third party.  He is not responsible.  He campaigns, he speaks, he pontificates, he scowls, he reads from a TelePrompter.  He believes, however, that to be expected to labor in any significant way in the White House is beneath him.  It should be sufficient to appear at work daily, place his feet on any number of valued and historic White House pieces of furniture, and have praise bestowed upon him (peace be upon him).

Obama Feet 2 Obama Feet 1 Obama is classless, tasteless, an empty egomaniacal suit.  And I have always believed that Mr Obama has NPD.

The train is approaching a switch; it is up to the American Media Maggots to align it properly for the Obama Train.  Will they?




Congressman Devin Nunes: the DOJ tapped phones in the House gallery!

US House of RepresentativesFornicalia Congressman Devin Nunes of the 22nd district spoke on the Hugh Hewitt show Wednesday afternoon, and revealed a bombshell: not only did the DOJ tap the phones of reporters, but Nunes indicated the DOJ tapped the telephones of the House of Representatives in the gallery area — where not only reporters use the phones, but various DC politicians.

A portion of the transcript:

HH: The idea that this might be a Geithner-Axelrod plan, and by that, the sort of intimation, Henry II style, will no one rid me of this turbulent priest, will no one rid me of these turbulent Tea Parties, that might have just been a hint, a shift of an eyebrow, a change in the tone of voice. That’s going to take a long time to get to. I don’t trust the Department of Justice on this. Do you, Congressman Nunes?

DN: No, I absolutely do not, especially after this wiretapping incident, essentially, of the House of Representative. I don’t think people are focusing on the right thing when they talk about going after the AP reporters. The big problem that I see is that they actually tapped right where I’m sitting right now, the Cloak Room.

HH: Wait a minute, this is news to me.

DN: The Cloak Room in the House of Representatives.

HH: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

DN: So when they went after the AP reporters, right? Went after all of their phone records, they went after the phone records, including right up here in the House Gallery, right up from where I’m sitting right now. So you have a real separation of powers issue that did this really rise to the level that you would have to get phone records that would, that would most likely include members of Congress, because as you know…

HH: Wow.

DN: …members of Congress talk to the press all the time.

HH: I did not know that, and that is a stunner.

DN: Now that is a separation of powers issue here, Hugh.

Not only were conversations of the reporters tapped, but conversations of DC politicians as well.

Let’s see how this little gem just happens to play out.




It just gets better: “Progressive Group: IRS Gave Us Conservative Groups’ Confidential Docs”


The progressive-leaning investigative journalism group ProPublica says the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) office that targeted and harassed conservative tax-exempt groups during the 2012 election cycle gave the progressive group nine confidential applications of conservative groups whose tax-exempt status was pending.

You mean to say that Leftists went after Conservatives under a Leftist government?  Shocking, I tell you!  Shocking!

The commendable admission lends further evidence to the lengths the IRS went during an election cycle to silence tea party and limited government voices.

ProPublica says the documents the IRS gave them were “not supposed to be made public”:

The same IRS office that deliberately targeted conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status in the run-up to the 2012 election released nine pending confidential applications of conservative groups to ProPublica late last year… In response to a request for the applications for 67 different nonprofits last November, the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent ProPublica applications or documentation for 31 groups. Nine of those applications had not yet been approved—meaning they were not supposed to be made public. (We made six of those public, after redacting their financial information, deeming that they were newsworthy.)

The group says that “no unapproved applications from liberal groups were sent to ProPublica.”

Isn’t it criminal to steal the tax information of others?

And, isn’t it — as Obama says — just another “side-show.”

Except that this so-called “side-show,” Mr Obama, is a show entirely of your creation, helmed by you, abetted by you, rubber-stamped by you.

This is the new Obama:

Barack Milhous Obama

Barack Milhous Obama

Though this will be swept aside to a major degree by Obama-fellating American Media Maggots, there are still a handful of true journalists who will cover the information, though they clearly number in the minority.

For an administration that sold itself as the “most transparent in history,” it would seem that unprecedented opacity is the actual norm.

AMM - American Media Maggots 1I am so incredibly tired that the American Media Maggots continuously portray these abrogations, these heinous abuses of power, as “mistakes.”  They are not mistakes; they were made with great purpose and, as a result, there should be criminal investigations and resulting convictions.  People should be put into prison.

And there needs to be a Special Prosecutor.  We need to know what went on in these events — Benghazi, the IRS, the AP taps — and, absent a Special Counsel, this illegal conduct will simply be whitewashed.  Someone needs to be INDEPENDENT of the DOJ and the White House.

The investigation needs to be comprehensive, thorough, honest and truly independent.  There is no room for any kind of “committee;” our government’s veracity is being undermined by Barack Hussein Obama on a scale that grows with each passing week.  It is, to quote Hugh Hewitt, “serial lawbreaking” on the part of the Obama Administration — and Mr Obama is responsible.  It is his cabinet, his employees, taking place on his Watch.

The coercive powers of government were used for partisan politics, plain and simple.




Newest Obama Admin abortion: Gov’t obtains wide AP phone records in probe

Obama-tapped-AP-1024x420Welcome to the world of Barack Milhous Schicklgruber Obama, king of the current Scandal Trifecta:

1) Benghazi.  Click here for my links to the Benghazi murders.

2) The IRS Gestapo orders audits on only Conservative outlets such as various factions of the TEA Party Patriots, as early as 2010 — groups that were critical of the Obama Administration.  Senior IRS officials have known about this for as long as two years:

ABC News actually dares to write:

The targeting of conservatives by the IRS started earlier and was more extensive than the IRS acknowledged last week, according to a draft IRS inspector general report obtained by ABC News.

As we reported on “Good Morning America” this morning, the IRS began targeting “Tea Party or similar organizations” in March 2010. That was when the Cincinnati-based IRS unit responsible for overseeing the applications for tax exempt status starting using the phrases “Tea Party,” “patriots” and “9/12″ to search for applications warranting greater scrutiny.

During this first phase, 10 Tea Party cases were identified. By April of 2010, 18 Tea Party organizations were targeted, including three that had already been approved for tax-exempt status.

By June 2011, the unit had flagged over 100 Tea Party-related applications and the criteria used to scrutinize organizations had grown considerably, flagging not just “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in group names, but also groups that were working on issues like “government debt,” “taxes” and even organizations making statements that “criticize how the country is being run.”

But that’s not all.  The UKMailOnline reveals:

The 55 questions the IRS asked one tea party group after more than two years of waiting – including demands for names of all its donors and volunteers

  • Lengthy questionnaire arrived more than two years after the Richmond Tea Party applied for tax-exempt status
  • IRS demanded ‘names of the donors, contributors, and grantors‘ and insisted: ‘Please identify your volunteers’
  • Tax collectors began in 2012 to scrutinize conservative nonprofits more closely than others
  • Documents show senior IRS officials in Washington knew of the practice as early as August 2011, but the White House says it learned last month

The IRS ultimately identified approximately 300 such organizations, many of which were independently organized in 2009 and 2010 under the larger ‘tea party’ banner. Those groups had a decisive impact in the 2010 midterm congressional elections, and became a thorn in the side of the Democratic party, costing it race after race, especially in the House of Representatives, which shifted to Republican control.

Don’t you wonder why, for example, wasn’t targeted?  Or any other Leftist organization?  If there is evidence of this, I ask: bring it forward.  I am quite satisfied there is no such thing, meaning: this was no mistake.  This was no “oopsie” event.  This was COORDINATED and it was PURPOSEFUL and it was KNOWN right up to the topmost levels of the IRS, the Treasury and perhaps even Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner — who himself is a known tax cheat
This wasn’t a mistake, it was a purposeful series of events given permission from the highest of management.  Individual IRS case officers don’t, for example, tell their supervisors what they will or will not investigate.  Their managers tell them.
And, as with Fast & Furious, a concerted series of investigatory events don’t pass unnoticed or unapproved by upper management in any federal investigatory management system.  Up to and including the AUSA and beyond.  The federal system doesn’t work off the concept of a “fresh arrest,” which is an alien concept.  As with the FBI, there is a pre-investigation and then the investigation itself — but only when approved.
Let there be no confusion: this wasn’t a Mistake.  It was a Purpose.  People need to not only be fired, but CRIMINALLY PROSECUTED for the violation of USC code sections.


The IRS wants all your personal medical information as well.

Even Tom Brokaw says: “I’m offended by the IRS.”

“I’m offended by it,” Brokaw continued. “This is not a political issue or a conservative or a liberal issue. It really is about trusting your government especially when it comes to one of the most sensitive parts.”


3) The DOJ is found to have tapped the phone records of Associated Press (AP) reporters for months.  From the AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press in what the news cooperative’s top executive called a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into how news organizations gather the news.

The records obtained by the Justice Department listed outgoing calls for the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters, for general AP office numbers in New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn., and for the main number for the AP in the House of Representatives press gallery, according to attorneys for the AP. It was not clear if the records also included incoming calls or the duration of the calls.

In all, the government seized the records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012. The exact number of journalists who used the phone lines during that period is unknown, but more than 100 journalists work in the offices where phone records were targeted, on a wide array of stories about government and other matters.

In a letter of protest sent to Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday, AP President and Chief Executive Officer Gary Pruitt said the government sought and obtained information far beyond anything that could be justified by any specific investigation. He demanded the return of the phone records and destruction of all copies.

First thought: only when reporters are personally affected do the American Media Maggots somehow locate the air their lungs require to actually object to the rights-killing abominations of the Obaka Administration.  They — reporters — are sacrosanct; everyone else, fodder and grist for the mill.

Final thought about Mr Obama’s Umbrage Central: he objects vocally to the IRS events, which means he has NO skin in that game.  He, on the other hand, has MUCH skin in the Benghazi game which results in his vocal and continuing denial of responsibility.

I can only hope that Mr Obama is popping Tums and drinking pink cement in quarts, daily.

That would make me smile widely.



As one USAF general told my father at dinner in our on-base house one evening in the late 60s: “I don’t get ulcers; I give them.”