One very quiet and very important point: “Supreme Court Asked to Clarify What it Means to ‘Bear’ Arms”

Jefferson the Use of ArmsFrom the Wall Street Journal Law Blog:

By Jacob Gershman

You might think the question would be settled by now, but the U.S. Supreme Court has yet to opine on whether the Second Amendment right to “bear” arms for self-defense extends outside the home.

We may soon get an answer. Lyle Denniston, writing for the Constitution Daily, reports about two gun rights cases that may get a hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court. Both cases, dealing with restrictions on the ability of minors to possess weapons in public, hinge on the difference between the right to “keep” a gun and a right “bear” one. The National Rifle Association thinks the issue is ripe for Supreme Court review. The justices are expected to discuss the cases next week and may then decide whether to grant review.

And yes, trust me, there is a massive arguable difference between “keep” and “bear.”  You may think this is slight, but it may become the Crux of the Biscuit.

The point seems as this:

The Supreme Court in 2008 made it clear that the right to “keep” a gun is a personal right, and that it means one has a right to keep a functioning firearm for self-defense within the home. But it has refused repeatedly since then to take on the question of whether that right exists also outside the home. If there is a separate right to “bear” a gun (and the Court, in fact, did say in 2008 that the two rights were separate), it has not said what that means.

WITHIN THE HOME.  My quite specific emphasis.

Does that right extend outside the home?

And yes, that is a major question that needs reaffirmation.

The NRA says you can’t really ‘bear’ something in the privacy of your home.  I submit, when the issue revolves around any firearm: the founders meant to “bear” a firearm in the defense of your investment surrounding and outside your home.  Most everything but.

NRA lawyers say:

“The explicit guarantee of the right to ‘bear’ arms would mean nothing if it did not protect the right to ‘bear’ arms outside of the home, where the Amendment already guarantees that they may be ‘kept.”

Facts in evidence, assisted with clarity and logic.

Which is why this point is challenged.



You may ask: why is it that I have been focusing on the Second Amendment so much these past few days when there are other, more allegedly immediate topics of interest to discuss with my readers and the nation?

An easy answer: because this nation will explode.  There is an astounding erosion of the standard “rule of law” in this nation by the current White House occupant.  It is on a death spiral that cannot be recalled, no matter how hard we want it or wish it or “hope” for it.  Hope is for idiots.  Preparation is for the intelligent.  I’m certain you’re quite reading between these lines.  I’m simply suggesting.


Now legal in New York:

AR-15 Legal In NYVarious laws in New York ban firearms upon what amounts to appearance.  From the NationalReviewOnline:

by Charles C.W. Cooke

Pass a stupid law, get a stupid result. This, Clash Daily reports, is a remodeled AR-15, and it is legal in New York despite the state’s “assault weapons” ban.  (see above)

Now, from the

HISSY FIT: The New AR-15 Design is Compliant with “SAFE Act” and Has Gun Control Activists Pouting

by Jonathan S., Guns-n-Freedom

Prototypes for the newly designed AR-15 are hitting gun shops across New York, as gun shops and machinists have designed a rifle that complies with the anti-gun law. At least one gun shop has received a letter from state police saying that the new AR-15 style rifles should be legal in the state as long as they don’t have some of the features that the law prohibits.

The new gun law bans all kinds of semi-automatic rifles that have been labeled with the “assault” term even though these are very common rifles and are no more powerful than the average hunting rifle.

Once again, proving that Leftists predicate all their actions but upon emotions.  “Assault rifles” look mean — they look “bullying.”

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, is it not?




Smith & Wesson, Sturm Ruger & Co leave Fornicalia:

(thanks for the h/t, Ron)

Smith & Wesson LogoS&W Bolts California

California lawmakers may not be able to outright ban firearms, but they’re adding enough regulatory hurdles to make it nearly impossible for gun manufacturers to continue doing business.

Sturm-Ruger-CompanySmith & Wesson is following the footsteps of Sturm, Ruger & Co. in ending California sales thanks to a bill requiring microstamping — tiny engraving of information such as make, model and serial number — on all new semiautomatic weapons and shell casings.

S&W pointed out that “a number of studies have indicated that microstamping is unreliable, serves no safety purpose, is cost prohibitive and, most importantly, is not proven to aid in preventing or solving crimes.”

Therefore, “Smith & Wesson does not and will not include microstamping in its firearms.”

We applaud S&W for not caving to draconian gun control measures and for rejecting decrees from those who won’t honor their oaths of office.


To the detriment of Fornicalians, but one in the “win” column for S&W and Ruger.  A reason that Barrett no longer sells their .50 caliber rifle to Fornicalia LE agencies, and refuses to service same: Fornicalia’s Draconian gun laws.


The “last round” you’ll ever need?

First, check the video:

RIP LAST ROUNDAnd with that in mind, what are the Logical Extensions?


Gun owners who prefer a hollow point design to a full metal jacket might have found a new favorite.

G2 Research (G2R) released it’s new Radically Invasive Projectile (R.I.P.) this month, hoping to “take the civilian and law enforcement markets by storm, and truly become the last round you’ll ever need.”

G2R, based in Winder, Ga., highlights that the bullet points are manufactured with trocar angles — or simply put, edges with three angles reaching one point — to “penetrate the dermis layer more efficiently.”

The G2R website explains the R.I.P. acts like a full metal jacket when it impacts solid objects: “It is capable of going through barriers such as sheet rock, plywood, sheet metal or glass and still performs its original intent. The bullet shreds through solid objects and only then, expands its energy.”

And whilst you thought technology slept — it did not.

Cliff Brown, G2 Research President, told The Blaze that excitement for the new round “went viral” after they visited the Las Vegas Shot Show in January, and published their research videos online.

“This bullet is designed to take out all your vital organs…inferior bullets won’t be a problem anymore,” Brown said. The company president stressed prevention of law enforcement injuries was a primary focus for the round designers.

“The R.I.P. will not defeat level 3A body armor, that was one of our main goals when designing this bullet,” Brown said.

And therein lies the rub.

The company’s site adds that G2R has tested the new round with numerous fully automatic and semi automatic firearms, as well as rifles. They claim to have zero failures when testing most well known firearms on the market including Sig, Glock, Beretta, Springfield, FN, Taurus, Walther, Khar, S&W and many others.


One comment:

snowleopard {gallery of cat folks}

Nice to see this.

Now watch for the Federal government to ban it save for their own agencies to use against American citizens when the final crackdown begins.

Snowleopard {gallery of cat folks}


Keeping focus: let’s not forget the continuing battle for our 2nd Amendment

[And thanks, Steve, for the h/t.]

From the

If there has ever been a speech that everyone needs to see regarding Obama’s plan to take our guns, this is the one.

In this clip we see an Army veteran — Aaron Weiss (who serves as a police officer) — speak on the motion to repeal the “Safe Act” at the Dutchess County Legislature of New York State.

God bless men who still speak plainly and tell the truth.  If he isn’t already, he should become a member of Oathkeepers.  I am a member.

And yes; politicians have no courage.  They would refuse to “stack up” because they leave those tasks to the Proles, the Groundlings, the Unwashed, the Serfs.  They have no concept of honor, duty, courage, fidelity, forfeiture, responsibility.  They exist to, these days, enrich their own pockets.  The word politician is spoken with the same reverence as the words shit, garbage, useless, immoral, bankrupt, and liar.  There are a few exceptions; a very few.

Politicians are the Elite and you are to be sacrificed when necessary to ensure their jobs and their re-election.

Why else would they be groomed, stroked, coddled, soothed, guarded by men and women with guns (which they would deny you!), encased in limousines, buffered by purposeful and misleading staffs, and ensconced in protected mansions in areas cordoned off from their electorate?

They are no longer of The People; they are separate from The People.

How many politicians do you hear of living on any street or boulevard called Martin Luther King in your community?