“Doctors dump health insurance plans, charge patients less” — the coming look for medicine?

ObamaKare LogoFrom Breitbart.com:

WICHITA, Kan., June 14 (UPI) —
A Kansas physician says he makes the same income and offers better quality care to his patients after he dumped all health insurance companies.

Thirty-two-year old family physician Doug Nunamaker of Wichita, Kan., said after five years of dealing with the red tape of health insurance companies and the high overhead for the staff he hired just to deal with paperwork, he switched to a system of charging his patients a monthly fee plus the price of an office visit or test, CNN/Money reported.

For example, under Nunamaker’s membership plan — also known as “concierge” medicine or “direct primary care” practices — each patient pays a flat monthly fee to have unlimited access to the doctors and any medical service they can provide in the practice, such as stitches or an EKG.

We all know that the cost of healthcare is going to skyrocket under Mr Obama’s dutiful and loving ObakaKare in 2014.  It’s doing so already.  The cost of healthcare in Fornicalia may increase up to 146%.  See article here.

ObamaKare is also causing businesses to shed employees so that they stay under the minimum employee coverage cap of 50, or to cut hours to less than 30 per week.

The Roberts Supreme Court cleared the way for ObamaKare by ruling that its mandate is a tax and not a penalty.

That all said, there is going to be much pain under ObamaKare, for me and you and the American Taxpayer.  There will be little pain, of course, for those lampreys who simply want a continuation of their Free Cheese, to include illegal Mexicans and other illegal and parasitic invaders.

Free Cheese Parasite & TaxpayerFirst, there will be pain.  Much pain, as illustrated above.  This introductory period will be a very bad time for the average American Taxpayer to get sick or injured.

Slowly but surely, however, things will come around.  Nature abhors a vacuum and the sucking sound created by ObamaKare will produce a void that will be filled by American ingenuity, both lawful and “unlawful” — though I consider ObamaKare and the complete government takeover of American medicine in and of itself unlawful.

First, “concierge” programs like the one above will increase.

There may also be cash-only programs offered solely to the wealthiest of us, with exclusive doctors catering to individuals on the highest of orders.

We may also go back to something of a bartering system.

But this vacuum will be filled, ladies and gentlemen; the “get-around” is only beginning to ferment.

In the meantime, this from Breitbart.com:

U.S. producing ‘abysmally low’ number of primary care doctors

Despite a shortage of U.S. primary care doctors, less than 25 percent of new doctors go into this field, and fewer still work in rural areas, researchers say.

Lead study author Dr. Candice Chen, an assistant research professor of the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services, said the study also found only 4.8 percent of the new primary care physicians set up shop in rural areas.

Currently, the United States is producing primary care physicians at rates that are “abysmally low,” Chen said.

Ladies and gentlemen, the doctor-to-patient ratio in the United States is already execrable.  Under ObakaKare with millions more persons to be poured into the equation, and senior doctors retiring at an unprecedented rate because they don’t wish to be involved in more bureaucracy (as the current bureaucracy is stealing their soul), the only possibly immediate result is in fact rationing of services.

As most everyone — at least on the Left Coast — realizes, good luck in even being able to communicate in English with your doctor or nurse.




ObamaKare: so good for us ALL

obamacare-cartoon-2-aSo good, in fact, that Politico spouts this headline:

Obamacare? We were just leaving …

Dozens of lawmakers and aides are so afraid that their health insurance premiums will skyrocket next year thanks to Obamacare that they are thinking about retiring early or just quitting.

The fear: Government-subsidized premiums will disappear at the end of the year under a provision in the health care law that nudges aides and lawmakers onto the government health care exchanges, which could make their benefits exorbitantly expensive.

Clearly, from this, the authors of ObamaKare have made a large mistake: they didn’t exempt nearly enough people in DC.



A reminder from Milton Friedman: Capitalism vs Socialism

“I don’t even trust you to do that.”



“I’m in favor of reducing taxes under any circumstances, under any excuse, with any reason whatsoever, because that’s the only way you’re ever going to get effective control of government spending.  If you don’t reduce taxes to get rid of that surplus, it’s going to be spent.  The rule for hundreds of years is that governments will spend whatever the tax system will raise, plus as much more as they can get away with.”

— Milton Friedman, 1999



All your children are belong to us

All Your Kids Are Belong To UsFrom this original phrase.

That said, here is a video featuring Melissa Harris-Perry.  Apparently she failed to receive the memo indicating that hyphenated names are so very 80s.

Kurt Nimmo says:

In the video below, (actually, above) college professor and MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry says your children are not yours – they are owned by the community. She says public education has failed because we have not allowed the state to confiscate more of our money.

Once you go there, you can make the intellectual argument that there must be a thinning of the herd, here and there.  She states:

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.

Nimmo writes:

Melissa Harris-Perry is regurgitating the Obama “you didn’t build that” meme. “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that,” Obama said during a campaign stop in Roanoke, Virginia. “Somebody else made that happen,” it was not the result of individual initiative. “The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”

“Like most people of his ideological bent, Obama either cannot or will not distinguish between society — which is created through peaceful commerce and other forms of private cooperation — and the state — an anti-social artifact built on conquest, coercion, and confiscation of wealth,” writes William Grigg. “Government produces nothing; it is an exercise in pure consumption and, usually, the destruction of capital. As Nietzsche famously said, everything the State has is stolen.”

Some insight from AmericanThinker.com:

But traditional educational metrics are not what she is talking about. That stuff is just a red herring. No, her true intention is purely socialistic, and the motive is political, not scholastic.

She suggests that children should not be educated by their families, but rather, they should be educated by the state in a manner which the state approves. Since the state administers the education system, it decides upon the textbooks that children read, and the lessons they learn. And if only the state can be given more authority and resources to do so, the collective will thrive.

Another, more famous socialist said something quite similar:

“Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state. The state will take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing. Your child belongs to us already… what are you?”

These are the words of Adolf Hitler. One has to be careful with references to Nazism, because often they are interpreted as outrageous hyperbole. But this is not hyperbole. The purpose of both statements is to destroy the individualism that results from unique family and cultural experiences, and replace it with a homogenized humanity that is engineered by the state. What are you, after all, in the context of the greater collective?

One thought: the primary foundation of Leftism is that they know better than you how you should live your life.

Get used to it: your children are not your own.  Only the government may own your children.