This was the first time I’d ever seen it in my area:
A dark-skinned man, with dark short hair, no beard, contemporary clothing (as in a short-sleeved shirt, jeans, Vans) in the company of a woman who was completely obscured from head to toe, with an unimproved vision area directly in front of her face. A full burqa.
And they were attending a movie, this Sunday, at a local theatre.
Muslims, clear.
With a remarkable exception: apparently HE didn’t much feel like keeping with Islam whilst, on the other hand, he felt compelled to keep his wife or girlfriend or “friend with benefits” close at hand and in totalis obscurum.
And therein lies the rub:
For those of you who love to embrace the opposite of this country’s foundation, here is your future:
If you’re a misogynist male, you’ll love it.
If you’re a female — ahem — not so much.
Because, under True Islam, under Islam As Practiced, the male is simply Superior and the female is simply Subservient. And subject to killing if the male is displeased.
Doesn’t quite sound to me as though met with egalitarianism.
Because if you’re a Leftist and female you simultaneously disapprove of this post and will be the first to be sublimated as chattel or killed under Islam.
Islam and Sharia are here, ladies and gentlemen. Just waiting for you to be weaker and stupider.
This might be better for the summer: