Fornicalia To Outlaw “Open Carry” In Public

Currently, because I am a full time peace officer in Fornicalia (though ancient, with about 40 years of service), I know that it is lawful for a citizen to openly carry a handgun in a holster, unloaded, in public. Some 2nd Amendment advocates have done so — lawfully — in recent Fornicalia demonstrations.

Because of this — and the TEA Party/Right-linked inference, the Fornicalia legislature passed a bill recently, now sitting on Governor Jerry Brown’s desk, which would forbid the practice completely, making any public carry of a firearm, unloaded, illegal.

Under the current section PC 12025 of the Fornicalia penal code:

(f) Firearms carried openly in belt holsters are not concealed within the meaning of this section.Meaning that, in this fashion, you cannot be arrested for “carrying a concealed firearm” under PC 12025 if the weapon is unloaded.

However, section (A) of PC 12025 states:

Both the pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person and the unexpended ammunition capable of being discharged from that firearm are either in the immediate possession of the person or readily accessible to that person, or the pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person is loaded as defined in subdivision (g) of Section 12031.

. . . which makes you guilty of “carrying a concealed firearm” in concert with the firearm actually being concealed on your person or in a vehicle.

California penal code section PC 12031 states:

(a) (1) A person is guilty of carrying a loaded firearm when he or she carries a loaded firearm on his or her person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or in any public place or on any public street in a prohibited area of unincorporated territory.

Violations of both of these sections are misdemeanors and citeable; that is to say, in Fornicalia, a physical arrest is not mandated; a citation would suffice, dependent upon a number of variables. So far.

To date, open public carry of a handgun in Fornicalia is legal, as long as you are not in a post office, government building, school zone and a number of other delineated areas. The handgun must be displayed openly and be unloaded.

Some Fornicalia officers would, however, argue that carrying an unloaded firearm openly on your person and its ammo somewhere else (as in a pocket) is itself per se illegal. On its face, absent other circumstances, officers thinking that would be wrong. Lawful, abiding citizens not intending to commit a felony would be conducting themselves properly, in general. People v. Clark (1996) 45 Cal.App.4th 1147 , 53 Cal.Rptr.2d 99 — indicates so.

Go here for California Open

Go here for the open carry argument.

Go here for a further analysis of the definition of “loaded” in Fornicalia.

Finally, from the LA Times article:

Brown has until early October to act on the bill, and his past comments and actions on the issue of guns have sent a mixed message. In April, he told a gathering of police officers that it is natural for people to have guns in their homes, and said he owned three firearms.

The Logical Extension, as I like to call it, is this: as goes Fornicalia, so goes the rest of the nation. Leftists and Socialists and Liberals and “Progressives” recognize it. With that in mind, the bill’s passage (or not) will either buttress support for the 2nd Amendment — or start the anti-gun snowball rolling down the hill, gravity-fed, in other states.


Fornicalia To Outlaw Open Carry In Public

Currently, because I am a peace officer in Fornicalia, I know that it is lawful for a citizen to openly carry a handgun in a holster, unloaded, in public. Some 2nd Amendment advocates have done so — lawfully — in Fornicalia demonstrations.

The Fornicalia legislature passed a bill recently, which now sits on Governor Jerry Brown’s desk, which would forbid this practice completely, making any public carry of a firearms, unloaded, illegal. Under the current section PC 12025 of the Fornicalia penal code:

(f) Firearms carried openly in belt holsters are not concealed within the meaning of this section.Meaning that, in this fashion, you cannot be arrested for “carrying a concealed firearm” under PC 12025 if the weapon is unloaded.

However, section (A) of PC 12025 states:

Both the pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person and the unexpended ammunition capable of being discharged from that firearm are either in the immediate possession of the person or readily accessible to that person, or the pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person is loaded as defined in subdivision (g) of Section 12031.

. . . which makes you guilty of “carrying a concealed firearm” in concert with the firearm actually being concealed on your person or in a vehicle.

California penal code section PC 12031 states:

(a) (1) A person is guilty of carrying a loaded firearm when he or she carries a loaded firearm on his or her person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or in any public place or on any public street in a prohibited area of unincorporated territory.

Violations of both of these sections are misdemeanors and citeable; that is to say, in Fornicalia, a physical arrest is not mandated; a citation would suffice, dependent upon a number of variables. So far.

To date, open public carry of a handgun in Fornicalia is legal, as long as you are not in a post office, government building, school zone and a number of other delineated areas. The handgun most be displayed openly and be unloaded.

Some Fornicalia officers would, however, argue that carrying an unloaded firearm openly on your person and its ammo somewhere else (as in a pocket) is itself per se illegal. On its face, absent other circumstances, officers thinking that would be wrong. Lawful, abiding citizens not intending to commit a felony would be conducting themselves properly, in general. People v. Clark (1996) 45 Cal.App.4th 1147 , 53 Cal.Rptr.2d 99 — indicates so.

Go here for California Open

Go here for the open carry argument.

Go here for a further analysis of the definition of “loaded” in Fornicalia.

Finally, from the LA Times article:
Brown has until early October to act on the bill, and his past comments and actions on the issue of guns have sent a mixed message. In April, he told a gathering of police officers that it is natural for people to have guns in their homes, and said he owned three firearms.
The Logical Extension, as I like to call it, is this: as goes Fornicalia, so goes the rest of the nation. Leftists and Socialists and Liberals and “Progressives” recognize this. With that in mind, the bill’s passage (or not) will either buttress support for the 2nd Amendment or start the anti-gun snowball rolling down the hill, gravity-fed, in other states.


US To Bail Out The EU?

Quite possibly.


The U.S. is coming to Europe’s financial rescue.

So far, America’s role is fairly limited. But if the crisis continues to grow and the U.S. takes on a wider role, U.S. consumers and taxpayers could feel a bigger impact. The biggest exposure could come from America’s status as the single largest source of money for the International Monetary Fund.

The latest round of American financial assistance came Thursday with a promise by the Federal Reserve to swap as many dollars for euros as European bankers need. In the short run, those transactions won’t have much impact because the central banks are simply swapping currencies of equal value. If the move helps avert a wider crisis, it could help spare the global economy from another recession.

But over the long term, consumers could feel the impact of central bankers flooding the financial system with cash, according to John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics.

“This is a lender of last resort function,” he told CNBC. “With the dollar injections that the Fed has done, it’s like giving a patient medicine with really bad side effects.” Ryding said the bad side effect in the U.S. has been inflation, which has picked up to 3.8 percent year over year.

Fed policymakers meet next week to decide whether the flagging U.S. economy needs another round of easy-money measures that could include buying more Treasury bonds to push more cash into the financial system.

So far, no one has floated publicly the idea of the U.S underwriting a broader bailout of the European financial system. But Senate Republicans have already voiced concerns over such a move

Your taxpayer dollars at work.


Nobel Prize Winner Resigns Over “Global Warming”


The global warming theory left him out in the cold.

Dr. Ivar Giaever, a former professor with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday, Sept. 13, from the premier physics society in disgust over its officially stated policy that “global warming is occurring.”

The official position of the American Physical Society (APS) supports the theory that man’s actions have inexorably led to the warming of the planet, through increased emissions of carbon dioxide.

Giaever does not agree — and put it bluntly and succinctly in the subject line of his email, reprinted at Climate Depot, a website devoted to debunking the theory of man-made climate change.

“I resign from APS,” Giaever wrote.

Giaever was cooled to the statement on warming theory by a line claiming that “the evidence is incontrovertible.”

“In the APS it is ok to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible?” he wrote in an email to Kate Kirby, executive officer of the physics society.

“The claim … is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me is that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this ‘warming’ period,” his email message said.

To deny so-called “Global Warming” is to deny the standard 70s VW van bumper stickers:

  • Question Authority
  • Disco is to music as Etch-A-Sketch is to art

Or, more pointedly, as AlGor says: “Global Warming skeptics are this generation’s racists.”

“Global Warming” is more specious bullshit prompted by the Religious Left in order to take control, by government, of various corporations, processes, agencies, businesses, with the purposeful confiscation of additional monies from American taxpayers in mind. Laws are being drafted and advocated that would completely collapse entire viable economic systems.

With the final goal to be the complete enabling of Cloward-Piven, the destruction of this country, the subsumation of American Power, and the triumph of government and Socialism over any amount of the private sector.

Socialist powers wish to re-create Europe. When, in fact, those selfsame powers cannot see that this paradigm clearly does not work — not then — not now. With Europe abandoning its former thoughts.

What was said about history?

– Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana