A Man And His Dog, Pt II:

Earlier, on August 26th, I wrote about the devoted dog who refused to leave the casket of his owner, SEAL member Petty Officer Jon Tumilson, one of 22 SEALs shot down in Afghanistan in their Chinook helo on August 6th — a crash that killed thirty-eight soldiers and crew members overall.

Tumilson’s Labrador retriever, Hawkeye (below and above), was being taken care of, temporarily, by a friend.

From the UK Mail Online, it appears the friend, Scott Nichols, has had Tumilson’s dog Hawkeye willed to him.


Maxine Waters: give blacks MORE!

Representative Maxine Waters, a black female Fornicalia Demorat — of course — wants the United States to fund a new jobs program of a TRILLION DOLLARS or more.

Hey, no problem. Pocket change. From her Sunday appearance on Meet The Press:

I’m talking about a jobs program of a trillion dollars or more. We’ve got to put Americans to work. That’s the only way to revitalize this economy. When people work they earn money, they spend that money, and that’s what gets the economy up and going.”

What can you say about this, other than it is based solely in race by a female black Demorat whose only existence is predicated on naught but race.

Ignorant OTRPs (One Trick Racist Ponies) like Maxine Waters are so yesterday and, on the other hand, so incredibly transparent. They exist not to “move on” from race issues but to keep race issues on Front Street solely to pander to the ignorant, the racist, those who generationally have relatively prospered from Free Cheese.

I can remember, even in the early 80s when I was married to my first wife, who was a nurse — and worked in what was then the “county” hospital where those on welfare delivered their children. After working there, and then working for a private hospital, she said she had never been called more bad names than there. By welfare women. Black, Mexican, white, it didn’t matter. She was called a bitch, a cunt, a fucking whore. By women, delivering children, who didn’t have to pay one red cent for their personal delivery care. One of the major reasons she decided to leave and strike out on her own, not connected to the county or the state in L&D — Labor and Delivery — her favorite venue.

A racist like Waters does nothing more than confirm people’s racial stereotypes and keep her “own people” down. It puts money in her personal bank account every month. She smiles inwardly with every check stub.

She no more has a concept of what a “trillion” actually means than she can grasp any concept that isn’t racially-shaded.

To Maxine and Al and Jesse et al: you simply need to go away and die off. Only then might this country actually shed its Race Glasses and move ahead.

As opposed to doctors who say: “first, do no harm.” The Race and Poverty Pimps and Pimpettes say: “first, line my pockets.”


China wants to purchase LA Dodgers baseball team

First, China holds one of our planes and its crew hostage under President GW Bush in 2001. Bush does nothing in response.

Second, China purchases a massive bulk of our debt. DC does nothing in response.

Third, China holds the largest fleet of diesel-electric submarines extant and recently commissions its own 1,000-foot aircraft carrier making it, clearly, a true Blue Water navy.

Now, China wants to purchase the Los Angles Dodgers baseball team.

Why not?

Let’s just allow China to steamroller our entire nation over and over.

And do nothing in response.

Happy Labor Day.

Because, after all, our heavy industries are now in other countries — including China — and we have lost our steel and major manufacturing capabilities.

So: enjoy your Labor Day. Grill your steaks. If you can afford them. If you have a job. If you still have a modicum of a pension. We can’t even build our own — literally — bridges.

Welcome to 9.5% national unemployment. Which is a highly-incorrect figure. Welcome to 20% Fornicalia unemployment. Welcome to almost 50% unemployment in certain Fornicalia cities and counties. Welcome to one-in-ten Americans unemployed.

And that doesn’t even factor the ILLEGALS in the country STEALING jobs from lawful citizens.

Though the federal government has decided this is an acceptable thing. And Fornicalia deciding it will fund ILLEGAL MEXICANS into college with taxpayer dollars.

For one reason only: VOTES.


New San Francisco Bay Bridge: built in CHINA and NOT the United States

On October 17th of 1989, at 5:04 pm (PST), the Loma Prieta Earthquake caused hundreds of millions of dollars of damage in the State of Fornicala, killing 63 people and injuring 3,757 people.

Some double-deck portions of the I-880 (Nimitz) freeway in Oakland collapsed down, killing 42 people. [I posted some remarkable and detailed photographs (that no others had) of another freeway incident in the Bay Area when a tanker fire absolutely melted steel — just as it did on 9/11 — though some people insisted that could never occur, then and now.]

The former elevated Embarcadero Freeway – SR (State Route) 480 — was also brought down and then never replaced.

Additionally, one 50-foot section of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge likewise collapsed, killing one person, sending them (in their car) down to the waters below (see photo). One month later, the bridge was re-opened.

The current bridge, still in use, consists of two separate decks; the upper deck moves five lanes westbound into San Francisco on I-80, and the lower deck moves five lanes eastbound into Oakland and the rest of the East Bay on I-80. I had business there just this past weekend and traveled over the bridge.

Decisions were made that, because of stability problems, the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge would be rebuilt to a large degree. It was clear that quake issues necessitated major repair or replacement for future safety and endurance. The Bay Bridge western span underwent large seismic retrofitting.

The largest project is the eastern span replacement, and is expected to be completed in 2013.

See the photo below.

But, mind you, where is it that the steel and overall fabrication for the eastern span replacement project sources?

Oh, yes: that would be CHINA.

From — oddly enough — the UK Telegraph:

New San Francisco bridge built in China to be shipped to US

First, China made cut-price clothes and knick-knacks. Then it learned how to make mobile phones and iPads. Now it is making a 2,050 ft-long bridge spanning the San Francisco bay.

Next month, four enormous steel skeletons, the last of the 12 segments of the bridge, will be shipped 6,500 miles from Shanghai to San Francisco before being assembled on site.

The bridge, which will connect San Francisco to Oakland on the other side of the bay, is a sign of how China has moved on from building roads and ports in Africa and the developing world and is now aggressively bidding for, and winning, major construction and engineering projects in the United States and Europe.

We couldn’t build these sections in the United States? We didn’t have the smelting capability? We didn’t have the workers? We didn’t have the industrial memory or the physical plant? What WAS it that said: America couldn’t do it?

But yet: China can?

Are you beginning to understand the length, breadth and depth, America?

No; I suspect you do not. You can’t be bothered to wonder about this and ask the requisite questions.

You just want your TV pablum, texting, and your Free Cheese.

You ignorant masses.

With your young futures purposely, by Leftists, uneducated and naive and isolated.

This is only one of thousands of things that will have dire US consequences.

My God, ladies and gentlemen; we can’t even fabricate our own bridges.