Another reason to keep importing illegal Mexicans into the US:

If we want the United States to not only look like Mexico but be Mexico — then keep it up, DC politicians.

Because, of course, Mexico is such a wonderful country. To wit, from the Associated Press:

Official: 140 Acapulco schools close over threats

By ADRIANA GOMEZ LICON, Associated Press – 4 days ago

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Only one week into the school year, 140 elementary schools in the Pacific resort city of Acapulco closed Monday after teachers refused to show up for fear of extortion threats and kidnappings by drug gangs.

About 600 teachers in the slums on Acapulco’s mountainsides said they were intimidated by recent cases of extortion and abduction, said Julio Bernal, schools delegate for the southern Mexican state of Guerrero. Bernal said 140 of about 1,400 schools in Acapulco didn’t open.

Two teachers said at least four of their peers had been kidnapped on the outskirts of Acapulco in the past eight days. The teachers agreed to discuss the situation only if their names were not used, saying they feared for their safety.

One of the teachers, who works at an elementary school, said she had seen men drive by the school with rifles sticking out vehicle windows. She said fellow teachers had received extortion threats demanding they give half of their salaries or face attack.

The second teacher said dozens of his peers have asked the government to assign more police officers to schools of six subdivisions but their plight has been ignored.

“Authorities are turning a deaf ear,” he said.

El Universal, one of Mexico’s largest dailies, reports that one teacher, who was apparently in charge of handing out pay, received a typewritten letter from one of the drug gangs. In it, the paper reports, the gang demands that within 15 days, the teacher send it a list with “the name, address, cellular phone numbers and copies of every teacher’s voter registration.” The gang also demanded that the teacher send a copy of the district’s payroll.

“Tell the teachers that beginning Oct. 1, they will pay a 50 percent rent on their salary and holiday bonuses,” the letter read. Those who don’t like the terms can leave, it said, otherwise they know we don’t mess around.

Imagine that. Drug cartels simply deciding to take 50% of teachers’ salaries, because they can. Police on the take, judges on the take, school officials on the take, politicians on the take, common people living in fear because the system is corrupt from top to bottom, due to drug cartels, their violence, their money. I don’t believe I indulge in pleonasm writing this.

Right. That’s precisely why we need to ensure our borders are completely unsealed and, further, that we decide to purposely not enforce our border laws.

Because, apparently, we don’t just want to look like Mexico, we want to turn into Mexico.

You ignorant DC whores.

You’re enroute to getting your wish.



And oh yes. Joyous day. Fornicalia passed part one of AB 131, their own Dream Act, awaiting part two signing:

Now that the California Assembly has approved AB 131, the second half of a package referred to as the California Dream Act, will Gov. Jerry Brown sign it into law? Brown has until Oct. 9 to sign the bill, which would provide undocumented college students with publicly-funded financial aid. The bill cleared the Assembly this afternoon 45 to 27; it was approved by the Senate last week.

YOU, the Fornicalia Taxpayer, need to PAY MORE MONEY in order for ILLEGAL MEXICANS to attend universities.

Obama Backs Down

And John Boehner shows a bit of spine, at least for a few moments.

The story:

Barack Hussein Obama wanted to address a joint session of Congress this coming Wednesday, September 7th. Oddly enough, that was specifically the same day that there was a previously-scheduled GOP presidential debate.

As a result, Speaker Boehner said there were logistical and parliamentary problems and the date wasn’t feasible. There were words back and forth. The words “pro forma” and “normal” and “customary” were bantered about. The word “unprecedented” as well.

Despite all, Boehner somehow prevailed. Obama re-scheduled his address for the next day, Thursday the 8th. Of course, this pissed off NFL interests because that is the NFL season opener (Green Bay vs New Orleans). However, networks have already said if the president goes long, they will cut away. “Are you ready for some TelePrompter?” Or is this just a “run of bad luck“?

As a result (you would expect no less from this network), MSNBC correspondent Richard Wolffe said on “The Last Word“:

The interesting question is: What is it about this president that has stripped away the veneer of respect that normally accompanies the Office of the President? Why do Republicans think this president is unpresidential and should dare to request this kind of thing? It strikes me that it could be the economic times, it could be that he won so big in 2008 or it could be, let’s face it, the color of his skin. This is an extraordinary reaction to a normal sequence of events.”

That is to say: any obstruction to Mr Obama must be, per se, racist in nature foundationally.

Let me be blunt, if I may, in response:

Mr Obama was elected because of the perceived color of his skin (He’s only half black — but, depending upon his audience, he can go total verbal “ghetto” when he wishes to pander). GOWPs voted for Mr Obama because of his melanin count. The vote for Mr Obama was primarily a vote against Bush, not a vote for a man whose background was mostly ignored by the purposely-ignorant DEM/MSM.

Because of his melanin-count. Specifically and truly. And, further, because he could be slipped in as a contender and not offend the Bulk Of Yokels. He didn’t have the dark purple/black skin color. He didn’t have the wide, flat nose. He didn’t have the expansive lips. He could, in other words, “pass” and not be fundamentally offensive to the American electorate. To those who voted due to looks and not beliefs or philosophy or history. He was, in fact, the Magic Negro.

And so, when facts won’t work, when background won’t work, when experience won’t work, when history won’t work, when policy and philosophy won’t work —

Why, you simply play the Race Card.


And America may, perhaps, be starting to actually “clue in.”

So on Thursday, who’s stupid enough to actually watch Mr Obama vs the NFL opener?

That’s right: about a hundred ignorant people.


I’m rooting for Green Bay. Go, Pack!



Demorats actually trying to distance themselves from The One??

Dick Cheney: Figuring Out How To Pay For His Heart Disease

No one can say that Dick Cheney isn’t brilliant.

At the young age of 37, he’d already experienced heart problems.

Richard Bruce Cheney (b. January 30th, 1941) served as the 46th Vice President of the United States, from 2001 to 2009 under President George Bush.

Once a heavy smoker, Cheney sustained the first of five heart attacks in 1978, at age 37. Subsequent attacks in 1984, 1988, 2000, and 2010 have resulted in moderate contractile dysfunction of his left ventricle.[135] [136] He underwent four-vessel coronary artery bypass grafting in 1988, coronary artery stenting in November 2000, urgent coronary balloon angioplasty in March 2001, and the implantation of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator in June, 2001.[135]

In early July 2010, Cheney was outfitted with a left-ventricular assist device (LVAD) at Inova Fairfax Heart and Vascular Institute to compensate for worsening congestive heart failure.[145] The device pumps blood continuously through his body.[146][147] He was released from Inova on August 9, 2010,[148] and will have to decide whether to seek a full heart transplant.[149][150] This pump is centrifugal and as a result he is alive without a pulse.[151]

Because of his history of public service, he was sufficiently intelligent to realize that taxpayer dollars could pay for his medical issues from then to infinity.

Your taxpayer dollars at work.

No matter what your political philosophies may be.

You think these people DON’T plan these things?


Rep. Allen West threatens in letter to leave the Congressional Black Caucus over TEA Party bashing

From The Daily Caller:

In response to recent comments made by Indiana Democratic Rep. Andre Carson and California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters that denigrate the TEA Party movement, Florida Republican Rep. Allen West — a member of both the Congressional Black Caucus and the TEA Party Caucus — sent a letter to CBC Chairman Emanuel Cleaver Wednesday requesting that the body condemn such remarks.

“As Chairman of the CBC, I believe it is incumbent on you to both condemn these types of hate-filled comments, and to disassociate the Congressional Black Caucus from these types of remarks. Otherwise, I will have to seriously reconsider my membership within the organization,” West wrote. (OPINION: Andre Carson: Serial racebaiter)

The freshman congressman declared, “It is unconscionable when a fellow CBC Member, Congressman Andre Carson, comes to South Florida and claims that some in the TEA Party would love to see black Americans ‘hanging on a tree.’ It is appalling to hear another CBC colleague, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, say ‘The TEA Party can go straight to hell.’


West added that Carson’s comments, which caricature the TEA Party movement as a group of racists, are “baseless” and “desperate.” West reiterated that the movement is focused on fiscal responsibility and American Exceptionalism and wrote that the the CBC should be working to end the “Balkanization” of America. (RELATED: Rep. Allen West decides against campaign for Senate)

Finally, Representative Allen West stated:

As a member of the CBC, I look forward to working with you to help end this practice. All of us, especially Congressman Carson, Congresswoman Waters and others who have engaged in racially-motivated rhetoric, should follow the example of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., not the example of Reverend Jeremiah Wright,” West added, concluding that he hopes to work with the CBC to bridge divides.

Rep. Allen West states the obvious. He needs to seek higher office. Much higher.

As most of my readers already agree.


New Obama Regulations: BILLIONS More For His “Perfect Storm”

Mr Obama, at the point of the Perfect Storm economically, is proposing even MORE regulations which would cost billions and billions of taxpayer dollars. From The Washington Times:

President Obama told Speaker John A. Boehner in a letter Tuesday that his administration is considering seven regulations that would each cost the U.S. economy more than $1 billion per year, although he added that these rules are “merely proposed.”

All told, the seven proposed rules cited by Mr. Obama would cost companies at least $38 billion per year and could cost as much as $100 billion annually.

“Before finalizing any of them, we will take account of public comments and concerns and give careful consideration to cost-saving possibilities and alternatives,” Mr. Obama wrote to the Ohio Republican.

Right. Just as you gave massive consideration to the electorate before you shoved ObakaKare down America’s throat in the middle of the night. Just as you crowed about “transparency” in your administration. Just as you decreed there would be days and days of posting on the internet — for public consideration and scrutiny, in the name of fairness and transparency — before any bill would be passed.

And we should, of course, believe you now?

To continue:

The president listed four proposed Environmental Protection Agency rules and three in the Department of Transportation as having the high potential cost. An EPA regulation on air quality standards could cost between $19 billion and $90 billion per year.

And this on top of the EPA regulations regarding coal-fired electrical generations stations which go into effect this coming January 1st — regulations that Texas says will cause rolling brownouts in the state? I wrote about that here, on August 22nd.

Demorats and Leftists just don’t “get it” and they never will. It’s not to say that some of what the Demorats do or want don’t have merit. But in times such as these, there has to be a line that won’t and can’t be crossed — and we have crossed it. Way crossed it.

The Demorats want to both extend that line and, further, absolutely explode beyond it.

All for the sake of votes and power, with no thought given to potential current and future consequences and national conditions.

More taxes! More regulations!

Where does it end?