If I Could Create My OWN Radio Station:

I have to admit, up front, that I am a child of the 60s and early 70s.

I grew up on my college radio station WWSU, then WHIO, then an accumulation of literal “albums” from that point on. When albums consisted of flat, 1′-round, vinyl LPs.

When I was pushed into an “airshift” on WWSU because one DJ had to attend one class.

And I liked it. Quite frankly: absolutely LOVED it.

He was gone. I took his place. Rathskellar popcorn. My waiting tables there — at Wright State University in Ohio. Then an airshift that turned into The Grunge.

I was the only DJ that got shut down, physically, by the WSU police by playing Frank Zappa’s “Penis Dimension” over the various halls’ speaker systems.

From WWSU, I migrated to WHIO and to WDVR and to the west coast.

From thence to my California State University’s KEG (AM) and KSSU (FM).

In the very early 70s, myself and Randy Bobo ran one of the absolute first “two-up” radio shows in history.

WAY before they were “popular.” We used to eat breakfast on the air. And we called ourselves the “Dr Fong Radio Travesty Of The Air.”

We would play parakeet training records. Or we would mix The Section with a sound effects record of a Cessna homing into its airport.

I played Black Sabbath with Foghat with Budgie with Yes with King Crimson with Steppenwolf with 801 with Neil Young with Cactus with Captain Beefheart with Dust with Deep Purple with ELO with so many others.

If I could do it all again?

I would wrap it all up in spades with KOZT – FM.

In Ft Bragg, Fornicalia.

You simply can’t get any better than that.

Monday’s Obama: “A Run Of Bad Luck”

More people gushing over The One, his terrible trials and tribulations.

Mr Obama continued with his Deflection Tour this month.

Everyone and everything else is responsible for our current terrible state EXCEPT Mr Barack Hussein Obama:

We had reversed the recession, avoided a depression, gotten the economy moving again,” Obama told a crowd in Decorah, Iowa. “But over the last six months we’ve had a run of bad luck.” Obama listed three events overseas — the Arab Spring uprisings, the tsunami in Japan, and the European debt crises — which set the economy back.

Nothing at all, of course, to do with his previous, current and future anticipated policies, eh?

Along with his current worst ever approval rating of 38%. Something like the very tail end of President Bush’s second term.

It’s all simply due to a “run of bad luck.”




Note to Mr Obaka: you might also mention sunspots, tidal pull, mission creep, bad Tarot cards, increased flatulence, prevailing westerly winds and rust that never sleeps. Those things are likewise equally responsible, eh?

Sunday’s Obama Says: C’Mon Baby!

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies.

Increasing America ‘s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, ‘the buck stops here.’

Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

— Senator Barack Hussein Obama, March 2006


Bloomberg: NO Clergy At Ground Zero On 9/11


Steve Jobs Steps Down

Steve Jobs, two days after his resignation announcement.

Say what you will about Apple, but Steven Jobs was a major portion of the creation of a company that, at one point, made more money than the federal government in a given day recently.

Jobs, with Steve Wozniak, started Apple in 1976, with Ronald Wayne. Wayne sold his shares in the company back to Jobs and Wozniak in 1977 for $800. One word: mistake.

Wozniak initially hand-built the first computers. And Apple first introduced actual 5.25-inch “floppy” discs which, then, truly were floppy. I wish I still had the ones I used back then, just for kicks. Apple invented the “mouse.” Apple invented the GUI, graphic user interface — as opposed to DOS.

With Steve Jobs stepping aside for clear health reasons, thus ends and closes a massive door in the computer world. Jobs was a master in terms of marketing, branding and ideas.

I can recall purchasing my brand new Mac IIcx in 1989, having to physically drive to Cupertino in order to buy it. I paid $6,000 for my Mac IIcx, which included an IBM-type full keyboard, Apple color monitor and b&w Apple Imagewriter. For $6K, I acquired 1 meg of RAM and a 40 meg hard drive. And I was sitting on top of the computer world.

After some challenging times, Apple now is known not just for quality products held apart from others, but the simple physical elegance and — not so unimportant — their packaging as well. Open an iPod or iPhone and you’ll find true elegance and quality in presentational packaging.

These days, I purchased an iMac for my wife this year, and I have a 15″ MacBook Pro purchased for me by my wife. I find, having used PCs for so long, that the Apple system isn’t quite as “intuitive” as they promise. That said, there is no doubt that Apple is still a powerhouse in the computer and electronics world, and highly profitable as well.

I fear that Mr Jobs won’t last the year. I suspect he has either cancer or AIDS, diseases that are terrible and relentless.

Mr Jobs was a major force in the creation and revitalization of personal computers. He changed a generation and, as such, helped to literally change the world. God bless, sir.