A Man And His Dog

Jon Tumilson was a US Navy SEAL.

He was one of 22 SEALs shot down in Afghanistan earlier this month, flying in a Chinook helicopter.

At his funeral on August 19th in Rockford, Iowa, his Labrador Retriever, Hawkeye, would not leave his casket.

Anyone who believes that animals do not grieve or feel pain would be wrong. There are animal/human bonds that can be incredibly strong, moving and unbreakable.

More than 50 of Tumilson’s fellow SEALs attended the ceremony.

God bless you, sir. You were a true American WARRIOR and as such, to be honored. You didn’t demand your “due” like the bulk of Leftist and illegal drones; instead, you not only asked what you could do for your country but placed your very life on the line, quite literally.

A Sheep, a Wolf or a Sheepdog? You, sir, were a Sheepdog.

America, beware: your MEN willing to make sacrifices for their country are a steadily-dwindling breed.



And here is one of the comments featured in every video involving Petty Officer Tumilson:

God Bless the hands of the one that fired that RPG !

LearnToReadTheKuran 1 hour ago

My message to Islam: you need to be defeated on every front, in every way. I say: “Islam IS as Islam DOES.” And Islam does nothing but destroy and kill. Yours is not a religion; it is nothing more than a barbaric Death Cult adhered-to by the weak, gullible, naive and the brain-dead.

Dissent Is Patriotic?

These days, if you ask a Demorat or Leftist, dissent is now racist.

And I am profoundly sick of that double standard.

If you disagree with Mr Obama, you are doing so simply because you are a racist. Former President James Earl Carter, Jr certainly seems to think so.

But allow me to proffer a few salient points, if I may:

So, question: when one disagrees with Mr Obama, is an individual disagreeing with the white side or the black side? Many people mistakenly believe Mr Obama is completely black and that, as such, when one disagrees with Mr Obama one is simply racist.

That said, it is actually the Leftists and Demorats who regale in name-calling and personal attacks, as they — like defense attorneys — absent actual facts, craft their “defenses” predominantly in terms of personal attacks. Because, absent actual facts, that is all they have.

Case in recent point? Maxine Waters, who said that the TEA Party can “go straight to hell” in, oddly enough, an SEIU-packed Inglewood, Fornicalia audience.

Case in recent point? Frederica Wilson, who said:

Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, blasted the tea party movement on Monday night at a jobs fair in Miami.

“Let us all remember who the real enemy is,” she said. “The real enemy is the Tea Party. The Tea Party holds the Congress hostage. They have one goal in mind, and that’s to make President Obama a one-term president.”

The only things that Mr Obama and his addled minions seem to have solidified are the following:

1. Skyrocketing debt with no accountability or responsibility;

2. Race warfare;

3. Class warfare

Job well done, sir. You’ve almost, in the span of just three years, broken the entire back of our nation and, with that, placed the rest of the planet, literally, in jeopardy.



If you enjoyed the very first video, you’ll likely enjoy this:

John Bolton For President?

Rumors indicate that Mr Bolton is thinking of making an announcement on Labor Day.

Trust me, I would seriously consider Mr Bolton in our current list of GOP/Conservative possibles.

Facebook has a Bolton For President site here.

Full article by Mr Bolton here, on Human Events.

I wrote about Mr Bolton here.

Your thoughts?



I posit: if not a viable candidate for 2012, his name will be known and as such available for 2016.

Mr Obama: Killing Your Power Next

Because of new EPA rules regarding coal-fired electrical generation plants, it is anticipated that two things will occur:

1. Power prices will skyrocket and

2. Power supplies will range from rolling blackouts to complete blackouts

Already, Texas is addressing the issue due to the regulations which begin January 1st of 2012. From the DFW Star-Telegram:

The head of the Texas Public Utility Commission expressed concern Friday that a new federal air quality rule, set to take effect Jan. 1, will cause disruptions in electric service.

If implementation of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule is not delayed, “I have no doubt in my mind that this rule will result in reliability issues and rolling outages in Texas,” Donna Nelson said at the start of the commission’s meeting.

In review, you of course recall the comments made by Mr Obama in 2008:

I was the first to call for a 100 percent auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter,” Obama continued. “That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.

“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

Question for you: did we already vote “yes” on CapN Tax in Congress and I missed it?

Why, no, we didn’t. This is simply the EPA acting on its own.

Further, from The Washington Post:

Industry groups such the Edison Electric Institute, which represents investor-owned utilities, and the American Legislative Exchange Council have dubbed the coming rules “EPA’s Regulatory Train Wreck.” The regulations, they say, will cost utilities up to $129 billion and force them to retire one-fifth of coal capacity. Given that coal provides 45 percent of the country’s power, that means higher electric bills, more blackouts and fewer jobs. The doomsday scenario has alarmed Republicans in the House, who have been scrambling to block the measures. Environmental groups retort that the rules will bring sizeable public health benefits, and that industry groups have been exaggerating the costs of environmental regulations since they were first created.

I should care to point out that Texas has one of the more solid electrical generation grids in the nation. A state such as Fornicalia, which is an abortion of regulatory restrictions, will be further throttled. One has but to do what I call the Logical Extension:

At this point, anyone living in a dense population center such as LA, San Francisco, Sacramento, had best be prepared not just for a lack of power, but the resulting riots and looting from (no longer “minority) majority thugs.

But hey, in the midst of a second recent recession, whilst bordering on an actual Depression, it’s the perfect time to both jack up electrical — and hence, all — energy rates and ensure an interruption of electrical power because Americans can so afford both of these things presently.

Is there any aspect of American life that Mr Obama simply doesn’t want to eviscerate or kill?

Yes, one: the Good Life in DC.

Backslapping all around.



And any American would even remotely consider giving the man another four years to further grind this country flatter still, under his political heels?