New Medical FICO Score:

Didn’t see this one coming, eh?

But it’s a logical extension of budgetary times via Mr Obama and ObakaKare:


Within the next 12 months, whether you like it or not, about 10 million Americans are expected to be scored — much like a credit score — on how likely they are to fill a prescription and take all the pills the doctor ordered, on schedule.

FICO , creator of the widely used credit score that predicts whether you’ll borrow responsibly, is now rolling out its new Medication Adherence Score.

FICO based its score on a formula that predicts whether you will take your prescription drugs. FICO says that since correct use of medication is important for patients, medical providers, insurers and pharmaceutical companies, the Medication Adherence Score will help achieve that goal. They predict it will improve therapy effectiveness and reduce health care costs.

The company says those who score low can be targeted for extra reminders and educational efforts, with the goal of making patients more likely to complete their prescribed regimens.

“It’s very important to identify those people who may need that additional education and that additional help,” says Dave Shellenberger, senior principal consultant in FICO’s health care division.

Critics aren’t so sure. Since the score uses information on patients’ employment, homeownership and living situations, they say that in the current economic environment, the Medication Adherence Score may unfairly target people who have found themselves in challenging financial situations. It could also, they say, open the door for a new way for insurance companies to charge different prices for different scores. This happened in recent years to consumers buying auto insurance: The cost of those policies are now likely based on an auto insurance credit score .

Hello, ladies and gentlemen?

Your every move from birth to death monitored by your Loving Federal Government? Not just “monitored” but RATED?


Mr Obama Is SO Far Out Of His League:

Mr Obama acquired the presidency because he was, primarily, perceived as black.

Surely, his melanin count is higher than mine; an albino tortoise has a higher melanin count.

He was installed because he read a nice TelePrompTer — not because he was a miraculous extemporaneous speaker. Truth be told, Mr Obama speaks poorly “off the cuff” with his phrases packed in “uh” and “uh” and “you know” and various inept fillers.

Mr Obama wouldn’t have qualified for my high school debate team, extemporaneously.

He brought few qualifications to the brew. He voted “present” whilst in the Senate.

He got to the Senate because he was from Chicago.

He was from Chicago because he was black and he was corrupt. Most everything from Chicago is corrupt. Just ask Cermak, Daley, Washington, Rahm Emanuel, or the history of corrupt Illinois governors to include: Ron Blagojevich,

DC Political Pigs At The Trough:

With luck, I hope to be engendering a revulsion within each and every one of you with regard to all politicians — not just Demorats, but staid Republicans as well.

The Old DC Guard need to be destroyed. On both sides of the aisle.

The only survivors we can afford, literally and figuratively, will be actual Conservatives.

That said, please let this video speak for itself:

DC politicians, with a handful of exceptions, are out for themselves, and you can be damned. They’ve “got theirs.” You, as a singular individual, simply do not “factor.”

These days, individuals enter politics for, predominantly, the sole purpose of increasing their individual wealth. Have you never considered or asked the question: WHY would people spend thousands or hundreds-of-thousands or MILLIONS of dollars to run for a given office if there were no RETURN on their investment — lawful or, moreover, otherwise?

It is long PAST time to restrict government on all levels — not increase it.

Don’t you think it’s time to kick Leftism, Liberals, Socialists and Progressives to the curb? Because, when you think about it, when and where is it that they’ve succeeded in bettering our society?

Do these names sound familiar? — Castro, Khrushchev, Stalin, Rousseau, Lenin, Hitler, Marx, Pol Pot, Chavez, Mao Tse Tung, Kim Jong-Il?