Americans: Here Is Your Problem

Your current party in charge believes in no foundational documents.

Facts in evidence.

1) You can’t get straight answers out of Obama’s Minions and
2) You can’t get them to say they believe in our core documents to the exclusion of all else.

And we’re somehow shocked that there exist problems in this administration?

You can’t even stand up and say that you will adhere, as a Justice, to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to the exclusion of all else?


Cleaning The Course

[No politics today. Moritorium. –BZ]

In my prior job, I did a little of this. And drove it. And enabled it. And managed it. Back when we actually had training and EVOC and a coordinated motor unit in my department — before not just training was essentially eliminated wholesale but my entire department was abused and ridden and driven into the ground by incompetence, incompetents, arrogance, indifference, naivete, the mismanagement of funds, the abuse of power, with negligence in hiring, negligence in training and negligence in retention.

If somebody would only ask (and I suspect it’s just a matter of time), I could make so much more money testifying against my department than I could working for it. And every sentence would be factual (oh, the truths I could tell)!

That said, it’s time to revel in some incredibly-amazing skill:

On April 30th of 2011, GPPD Motor Officer Donnie Williams — on my most despised motorcycle ever — (Harley-Davidson), dragged appropriate footboards and kept the revs up whilst remarkably-feathering the clutch (Not so long thereafter replaced?) in order to clean an incredibly-intricate, detailed and complicated competitional exercise pattern.

One mistake, and he was gone.

One cone down, and he was gone.

He cleaned every-damned-thing.

This from the April 30th, 2011 Grand Prairie Police Motorcycle Rodeo — hosted by the GPPD in Texas.

I’m not bad on a bike. But Donnie Williams, however, might just be an alien from another galaxy.

Dude, you are in fact a Motor Officer Star.


Thanks, Chris!

It Actually Occurred: S&P DOWNGRADED the Credit Rating of the United States of America

A very few people, in one company, determined an edict that will have complications to come for quite some time.

Standard & Poors just now downgraded the credit rating of the United States of America for the very first time in its history, from a AAA rating to a AA+ rating.

And that makes every difference in the world. Literally.

Under the watch of Mr Barack Hussein Obama.

You OWN it, sir.

We are now, adrift, in completely uncharted territory.

Standard & Poor’s announced Friday night that it has downgraded the United States credit rating for the first time, dealing a huge symbolic blow to the world’s economic superpower in what was a sharply worded critique of the American political system.

Lowering the nation’s rating one-notch below AAA, the credit rating company said “political brinkmanship” in the debate over the debt had made the U.S. government’s ability to manage its finances “less stable, less effective and less predictable.” It said the bi-partisan agreement reached this week to find $2.1 trillion in budget savings “fell short” of what was necessary to tame the nation’s debt over time and predicted that leaders would have no luck achieving more savings later on.

The decision came after a day of furious back-and-forth between the Obama administration and S&P. Government officials fought back hard, arguing that S&P made a flawed analysis of the potential for political agreement and had mathematical errors in its initial analysis, which was submitted to the Treasury earlier in the day. The analysis overstated the U.S. deficit over 10 years by $2 trillion.

“A judgment flawed by a $2 trillion error speaks for itself,” a Treasury spokesperson said Friday.

The downgrade will push the global financial markets into unchartered territory after a volatile week fueled by concerns over the European debt crisis and the slowdown in the U.S. economy.

Analysts say that, over time, the downgrade is likely to push up borrowing costs for the U.S. government, costing taxpayers tens of billions of dollars a year. It could also drive up costs for borrowing for consumers and companies seeking mortgages, credit cards and business loans.

A downgrade could also have a cascading series of effects on states and localities, including nearly all of those in the Washington metro area. These governments could lose their AAA credit ratings as well, potentially raising the cost of borrowing for schools, roads and parks.

But the exact impact of the downgrade won’t be known until at least Sunday night, when Asian markets open, and perhaps not fully grasped for months. Analysts say the impact on the markets may be modest because they have been anticipating an S&P downgrade for weeks.

This occurred on a Friday, when there are two days before the markets open on Monday. And this has the chance to affect, obviously, every aspect of American finance and commerce. From loans to the prime rate to gas prices to trucking rates to food and water and shelter to the ability of the United States to even defend itself.

Every mortgage in the US could be “called” in a fiscal constriction. Every person owing cash on their homes could find themselves in foreclosure.

This is no joke.

No one has any idea where this could go, in our current environment.

If you think this rating has no affect upon you, you would be so incredibly wrong.

This is uncharted, incredibly uncharted territory. Everything is up for grabs.


Moonbattery: John Kerry Says NO Media “Equal Time” to the TEA Party

Every day, the world gets turned upside down by one more notch.

On yesterday’s (Friday, August 5th) MSNBC “Morning Joe“, Senator John Kerry (D – MA) said:

And I have to tell you, I say this to you politely. The media in America has a bigger responsibility than it’s exercising today. The media has got to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual.”

“It doesn’t deserve the same credit as a legitimate idea about what you do. And the problem is everything is put into this tit-for-tat equal battle and America is losing any sense of what’s real, of who’s accountable, of who is not accountable, of who’s real, who isn’t, who’s serious, who isn’t?”

That’s correct, the American media has a responsibility to not provide “equal time” to TEA Party type ideas or “notions.”

So let’s see: if there is speech with which Mr Kerry disagrees, then it is to be dismissed out-of-hand. But let’s portray things a bit more plainly: it is dissent that Mr Kerry wishes to suppress — in total contravention of, I’d care to point out, the First Amendment.

In truth, it is challenging and caustic speech that requires defense, not political pablum spewed by — for example — the likes of Mr Kerry and his ilk. And even then, of course, Mr Kerry’s speech requires protection under the First Amendment. I have no desire whatsoever to suppress what Mr Kerry says. Nor, rightly so, any lawful ability to do so. That is as it should be.

I contend, further, by dint of his Senatorial position, Mr Kerry holds no major sway on veracity; I would submit, perhaps even the reverse. It is his job to fabricate and parse and minimize.

The final upside-down aspect I’d care to point out today: 58-year-old Roseanne Barr has decided to run for President of the United States:

I was raised a Socialist.”

That there, buddy, is called a Clue. She said she will rid Americans of all taxes, overlook student loans, eliminate the exchange of money and legalize marijuana. Will her family at least vote for her? Oh, that’s right; she doesn’t have a family.

The Moonbattery keeps on keepin’ on.


EU: Foreshadowing The “Change We Can Believe In Tomorrow”

The stock market lost 512 points on Thursday — the most points in one day since 2008.


Because of information that the EU is in the process of collapse, and it’s bordering on being irreparable. It’s on Life Support; Germany is doing chest compressions as best it can with some occasional breaths. But it can’t jumpstart the entire EU. Just remember the acronym PIIGS — those are the countries in dire straits: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain. Who bailed out Portugal’s energy grid recently? Yes, that’s correct: the Chinese.

This week, it’s called a “market correction.” Nice phrase.

The real portent will occur at the end of today. As logical thinkers know, one day does not a trend make.

Europe is on fire. Thursday’s stock market sell-off was a key indicator that things are bad and confidence is low, but — things are not yet, for us, beyond being irreparable. If not staved off, however, there could be a US double-dip recession. Recession = bad. Depression = the worst.

But DC still doesn’t get it and philosophically can’t get it — meaning Mr Obama and the Dems (and some Old Guard GOP Ninnies as well). Mr Obama wants to “raise taxes on the rich” and create another “stimulus package.” TARP and stimulus packages have been crazilywildly — ineffective. Is this actually Cloward-Piven enacted in real time by an adherent?

So, beyond that, what’s Mr Obama’s solution? Road trip!

And of course, he’s backtracking just a bit. Shocking, yes?

After Obama quipped earlier this summer that shovel-ready jobs weren’t as shovel-ready as “we expected,” it seemed that a central tenet of the 2012 campaign was probably going to be something along the lines of, we just haven’t had enough time. At his Chicago fundraiser last night, that’s exactly the stance he took, even going back to blaming George W. Bush:

It’s been a long, tough journey. But we have made some incredible strides together. Yes, we have. But the thing that we all ought to remember is that as much as good as we have done, precisely because the challenges were so daunting, precisely because we we were inheriting so many challenges, that we’re not even halfway there yet. When I said ‘change we can believe in,’ I didn‘t say ’change we can believe in tomorrow.’ Not change we can believe in next week. We knew this was going to take time because we’ve got this big, messy, tough democracy,” President Obama said at a campaign fundraiser in Chicago on Wednesday night.”


In conclusion, I leave you with this quote from Jean-Francois Revel:

Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself.


When we go down, who is going to cushion our fall as we historically cushioned the falls of innumerable countries in our short history? Whilst keeping the entire world safe?

That’s right: no one.