Thank God For Texas!

At least one state in the union hasn’t subsumed to complete insanity (though it too has its share of Leftists).

A Mexican killer is dead, having been executed by the State of Texas, after losing his appeal (another 5-to-4 decision) to the US Supreme Court.
No tears; just cheers.
From the UK Guardian:

Humberto Leal Garcia executed in Texas despite White House appeal

State governor Rick Perry rejects call from Barack Obama to spare Mexican’s life to protect US interests abroad

Overall, I think I’m starting to like this Rick Perry guy.
Again, from the Guardian:

Texas has executed a Mexican-born man after the US supreme courtand the state’s governor, Rick Perry, spurned appeals from Barack Obama to spare the convicted murderer’s life in order to protect US interests abroad.

Humberto Leal Garcia was executed by lethal injection for the rape and murder of a 16-year-old girl despite appeals of senior diplomats, military officials and prominent politicians who said the execution could jeopardise the lives of Americans.

Shortly before Leal was led into the death chamber in Huntsville the supreme court rejected by 5-4 an appeal from the White House to block the execution on the grounds it was in breach of an international convention governing the treatment of foreigners who are arrested and would therefore do “irreparable harm” to America’s interests.

Let’s be candid here, shall we?
Humberto Garcia has been in the United States since he was two years old. He’s as much of a Mexican national as Roman Polanski. He purposely chose to stay in the country, live here for years, and then break our laws. He somehow, simultaneously, didn’t mind making his money here, living here, enjoying our rights and protections. Then, somehow, magically, mystically, he wants to fall back on being a Mexican national after raping and murdering a 16-year-old girl; he was found with her blood on his hands, his clothing.

HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) — Texas executed a Mexican citizen Thursday for the rape-slaying of a teenager after he and the White House pleaded in vain for a Supreme Court stay, saying he was denied help from his home country that could have helped him avoid the death penalty.

In his last minutes, Humberto Leal repeatedly said he was sorry and accepted responsibility.

“I have hurt a lot of people. … I take full blame for everything. I am sorry for what I did,” he said in the death chamber.

“One more thing,” he said as the drugs began taking effect. Then he shouted twice, “Viva Mexico!”

There you go, Mr Garcia. “Viva Mexico!”
I say: “Viva Tejas!”

Muslims: Your Best Buddies

Or: not.

I recently received a “cold” e-mail from an alleged female. It read:


America has always been a melting pot, but in the post-9/11 world the environment can be downright hostile. Recent mosque protests and congressional hearings on American Muslims are all unfortunate examples of a rising tide of fear. This climate of suspicion towards our fellow Americans compromises the great values that our country was founded upon. We’ve put together a 2 minute film in response that I believe you and the readers of Bloviating Zeppelin will be interested in sharing, watching, and discussing:

The site also has many other cool features including the ability to share your own stories and even taking the “My Fellow American” pledge. I would love it if you could post or tweet about this and share the video. If you can, please let me know. I am here if you have any questions. Thank you so much.


Elizabeth Potter
Unity Productions Foundation

At first blush, I should care to point out: before 9-11, Islam wielded a minimalist hold on our country. Only after 9-11 did we become “guilty” — though we somehow, mystically, magically became SHORT at least 3,500 New Yorkers on that date. And wrecked a number of expensive buildings. Somehow.

After 9-11, we provided — as GOWPs — a venue to hear/consider/proffer/enable Islam. Up to that point, I couldn’t have cared less about Islam because, of course, Islam couldn’t have cared less about me.

In response to this “cold” e-mail I wrote:


“Elizabeth Potter” <></>


Wrong blogger.

It’s not fear, it’s common sense.

Unless and until I hear and read, weekly, the bulk of Muslims condemning Islamists, I don’t have a microsecond of time for Islam.

As I have written for, now, literally, years: “Islam IS as Islam DOES.”

And Islam does naught but wreak havoc and rain death upon not simply the rest of the world; that would be, a bit, understandable. But Islam kills its own indicating to me that Islam is unworthy of validation. There is a reason that this paragraph is true:

“Me against my brother. me and my brother against my cousin. Me, my brother, and my cousin against the stranger.”

Islam stems from bedouins and tribalism, nomadism. It respects, generally, nothing but strength. MALE strength.

Quite frankly, I’m surprised that a female — Elizabeth Potter — YOU — can possibly support such a misogynist “religion” — actually, a Death Cult — as Islam.

Unless, of course, you simply wish to be dominated. Kudos for you if this is you. That is an individual choice but NOT a choice of MY WIFE, for example.

So Elizabeth, I say to you: go away.

You’re boring, a pawn, and a sublimist.


You read the internet?

Check THIS out. Of course, Islam as peaceful and receding and tolerant.

Not quite.

So I say to you again: go away. Don’t send me any more e-mails.


Further, Islam is attempting to create entirely new states within defeatist/weak/Leftist Western states:

From the UK MailOnline:

Islamic extremists have called on British Muslims to establish three independent states within the UK.

The notorious Muslims Against the Crusades (MAC) group have named Yorkshire towns Bradford and Dewsbury and Tower Hamlets in East London as testbeds for blanket sharia rule.

The medieval ’emirates’ would operate entirely outside British law, according to a document on the MAC website.

It always amazes me when women support Islam. Because women are and will be the first to be subsumed and cast aside by Islam as practiced currently.

I ask: women, Leftists as you may be, do you not see the misogynistic-writing-on-the-wall?

Evidently: not.

Are you all historically blondes and bimbos?

Or are you actually, truly, this stupid?


Never Underestimate The Stupidity Of A Jury


This has been proven to me (as I have been in law enforcement for 35+ years) again and again and again — and the stupidity of jurors will continue for any number of reasons. This should come as, in truth, no shock whatsoever given the temper of the times and precedent.

Further proof of gullibility, doltishness, the sluggishly-moronic is the fact that the jury took only 11 hours to come to this abortion of a verdict.

In my opinion, Casey Anthony killed her baby, duct-taped her baby, and threw her baby into a swamp. Plain and simple. It was madness unleashed but, on the other hand, it was brilliant — not quite knowingly, though, I submit.

On Tuesday, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder in the first degree regarding her daughter Caylee Marie Anthony (video here). The defense team clapped and her relatives gave thanks. Casey Anthony is 25 years old. Today.

When the crime occurred, Casey Anthony was three years younger. Caylee’s skull was found in a Florida swamp in 2008, along with other body parts, wrapped in duct tape. Her daughter, Caylee, was two years old when she was killed (08-09-05 to 06-16-08). Caylee “disappeared” in June of 2008.

Let us not forget that Casey Anthony purposely decided to not report her daughter missing. Caylee’s skeletal remains were discovered December 11, 2008, six months after she was reported missing by her grandmother, Cindy Anthony.

Plus this:

On July 13, 2008, while doing yard work, Cindy and George Anthony found a notice from the post office for a certified letter affixed on their front door. George Anthony picked up the certified letter from the post office on July 15, 2008, and found that his daughter’s car was in a tow yard.[7] When George picked up the car, both he and the tow yard attendant noted a strong smell coming from the trunk. Both later testified that they believed the odor to be that of a decomposing body.[8] When the trunk was opened it contained a bag of trash, but no human remains.[9]

Caylee Anthony was reported missing to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office on July 15, 2008,[3] by her grandmother, Cindy. During the same call, Casey Anthony acknowledged to the 911 operator that Caylee had been missing “for 31 days.”[10][11] A distraught Cindy also told the 911 operator “There is something wrong. I found my daughter’s car today and it smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car.”[12]

Casey Anthony faces a one year penalty exposure behind four misdemeanor counts of false statements to law enforcement. The judge could decree her already “time served.”

Juries are ignorant and jaded; defense attorneys know this. And defense attorneys have been pushing, clearly, over the years, that unless a case plays out just as it does on CSI (or any of its myriad spin-offs), there is no evidence.

The brain-dead amongst us concurs.

I was, a number of times, subject to the Theatre that is a trial. And Theatre it is — bordering on insane Kabuki Theatre and rarely interrupted by judges because there are so few that are courageous. They predominantly quiver in fear of being overbearing. I proffer, in prime, Judge Lance Ito — the most publicly cowardly of judges in recent years. The most courageous of jurists I’ve ever witnessed? Multiple times? Clearly, Sacramento Superior Court Judge, the Honorable Gary E. Ransom.

Accidental or not, Caylee Anthony is dead and Casey, her mother, will soon be a free woman.

What happened? I submit this, in my opinion: Casey was 22, young, ignorant, self-absorbed due to her parents’ fluffing-up of her self-worth. She had a child. She wanted to party. Her child committed some kind of behavior that pissed her off. She reacted. Her child was dead. She had to hide her dead child. I had two specific cases with my time in Detectives that dealt with those situations and motives.

Still and all:

Despite the facts trotted out, juries don’t want to draw lines. They lack the capability to do so. Further, they ask: “This could be me. Would I want to condemn me?” They choose not. And they choose the simplest of defensive doubts. Because they are, at heart, simple-minded.

No more complicated than this.

Juries are stupid because, of course, if you haven’t figured out how to relinquish yourself of jury duty. . .


There is a rather special Hell reserved for Casey Anthony. She either killed her daughter in cold blood or accidentally. And then did her best to shove her association with her daughter away. Completely away.

When anyone says something similar to “you cannot expect everyone to act the same way upon news of the murder of a loved one or a wife or mother or father or ______.

In reaction, I always say: bullshit. In my experience, it is PRECISELY those whom I suspect FIRST.

Casey Anthony is young: she can always have more children.

“Obama Is Still Economically Fatuous,” Says His CEA Staff Report

Obama promised us the world. And what have we gotten? Double-digit unemployment, home sales numbers still plummeting, home values dropping, a $14.5 TRILLION DOLLAR deficit (see the US Debt Clock in real time here) and engagement in four concurrent wars — two of them started by The One himself: Libya and Syria.

The Obaka Admin released its Seventh Quarterly Report, which — if actually read — displays a staggering series of facts.

Primary Fact: the “stimulus” is now causing the economy to shed jobs.

Written by the president’s very own White House Council of Economic Advisors (three experts hand-picked by Mr Obama), the report (released this past Friday, July 1st) was noted by The Weekly Standard, which wrote:

The report was written by the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors, a group of three economists who were all handpicked by Obama, and it chronicles the alleged success of the “stimulus” in adding or saving jobs. The council reports that, using “mainstream estimates of economic multipliers for the effects of fiscal stimulus” (which it describes as a “natural way to estimate the effects of” the legislation), the “stimulus” has added or saved just under 2.4 million jobs — whether private or public — at a cost (to date) of $666 billion. That’s a cost to taxpayers of $278,000 per job.

In other words, the government could simply have cut a $100,000 check to everyone whose employment was allegedly made possible by the “stimulus,” and taxpayers would have come out $427 billion ahead.

Furthermore, the council reports that, as of two quarters ago, the “stimulus” had added or saved just under 2.7 million jobs — or 288,000 more than it has now. In other words, over the past six months, the economy would have added or saved more jobs without the “stimulus” than it has with it. In comparison to how things would otherwise have been, the “stimulus” has been working in reverse over the past six months, causing the economy to shed jobs.

Yes yes yes, Bush started it with TARP. Which provided nothing but debt. However, Mr Obama stepped in and ratcheted debt up to a rate and danger heretofore unprecedented in the history of the planet.

A final damning paragraph:

All sides agree on these incriminating numbers — and now they also appear to agree on this important point: The economy would now be generating job growth at a faster rate if the Democrats hadn’t passed the “stimulus.”

And trust me, there’s another one on the horizon. Just you wait.


Mr Obama is “done” with Slow Joe Biden. His 2012 running mate? Andrew Cuomo.

America: Still Exceptional

Despite what our current regime in DC might think, helmed by the defeatist Mr Barack Hussein Obaka and bolstered by the DEM.

But exceptional for a limited time only.

Because America, like any other country at any other point in history, can only absorb so much “undermining.”

Do you not recall the Underminer in the 2004 animated film, “The Incredibles“? Did he not say:

Behold, the Underminer! I’m always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! I hereby declare war on peace and happiness! Soon, all will tremble before me!

Mr Obama is The Underminer personified, as well as his administration. He and they do not believe in the inherent goodness and exceptionalism of this country. They instead believe that our influence, our power, our internal strength, needs to be minimized and, further, turned over to other agents and influences. And that is why, frankly, they and their kind need to be cast aside.

Any rational, logically-thinking and globally-aware human being of average intelligence knows that government, historically, has not been and will not be, in the future, The Answer.

The Answer lies with God, and the will of the Individual.

The Answer lies within ourselves. Either we work, we sweat, we toil, we expend energy in a fight for our labors, our jobs, our family, our friends, our property, or we decide to be Kept by a government. As has been said any number of times:

A government big enough to give you all you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.

Yes, we’ll barbeque today, we’ll drink some beer, we’ll grill some meats, have friends over, perhaps watch some fireworks.

But I submit the bulk of America still misses the point: we are an exceptional country. We have NOTHING to feel guilty for.

GUILT is an emotion that others, who wish to take us DOWN, want us collectively to experience.


If it were not for the United States of America, in its short, short run, the bulk of the planet would be operating under ever-more oppressive regimes and hundred-of-millions of human beings would have been further exterminated for the desires of a handful of tin-pot dictators.

A strong America keeps a strong planet.

A weak America enables Evil to propagate.

Uncomplicated as that.

From the Heritage Foundation:

In 1776, when America announced its independence as a nation, it was composed of thirteen colonies surrounded by hostile powers.

Today, the United States is a country of fifty states covering a vast continent. Its military forces are the most powerful in the world. Its economy produces almost a quarter of the world’s wealth. The America people are among the most hard-working, church-going, affluent, and generous in the world.

And our current dilemma, which must be handled and then diminished:

GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCY: William Beach and Patrick Tyrrell, “The 2010 Index of Dependence on Government: Dramatic Spike in Dependence Projected,” June 28, 2010:

The vision of the Founding Fathers was that we would control government, not that government would control us. The dependence of everyday Americans on government threatens our republican form of government, as well as broader civil society.

Despite the storm clouds not only on our horizon but hovering directly over each state, America is still exceptional. And everyone who states “not so” is an Underminer.

Plain and simple.

On this, our July 4th, I respectfully ask: draw a line. Make a choice. Us or them. Parasites or Hosts. Doers or takers. Patriots or Underminers.

I know on which side of the line I stand.