TODAY is National “Talk Like A Pirate” Day!

Today is national “Talk Like A Pirate” Day!

Annoy friends, irritate neighbors, piss off passers-by. . . !

One example that comes to mind to apply to the younger set:

“Arrrrr, arshole, wearin’ yer jeans just a little low on yer skinny ass, arrrrrrr ya son??”

There’s so much more. Your creativity is the only limit!

And finally:

Q: “You know why pirate jokes are so bad?”
A: “Because they arrrrrrrrrrr. . .”



Pressure & Reality: Starting to Work on the Demorats?

Reality and pressure may be starting to set in with, at least, a handful of Demorats.

From CNN Politics, of all places:

Washington (CNN) – Thirty-one House Democrats, most of whom face tough re-election bids this fall, have signed a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer urging them to extend expiring tax breaks for all income levels, including the wealthy.

And another little salient but ignored tidbit from

Democratic candidates are spending three times more advertising against the health reform law than they are in support of it.

Since the beginning of Congress’s August recess, Democratic candidates have poured $930,000 into ads deriding the health overhaul but just $300,000 in pro-reform spots, according to Evan Tracey at Kantar Media.

One Demorat House candidate in Tennessee is actually asking Speaker Pelosi to step down for the “good of the order”:

Democratic District 6 Congressional candidate Brett Carter is asking U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to step aside for the good of Democratic candidates.

Again, pressure and reality starting to get in the way?

Carter, in an announcement made in Nashville on Thursday morning, said he sent a letter to Pelosi requesting her to step aside.

“I think it is incumbent on Speaker Pelosi to step aside,” Carter said.

Citing a report in the Murfreesboro Daily News Journal, where Carter was described to have an albatross around his neck in the form of Pelosi, said the divisiveness she generates hamstrings his and other Democratic candidates’ abilities to focus on the issues.

“I don’t believe my situation is unique,” Carter said.

If elected, Carter said he would not cast his vote for Nancy Pelosi to be speaker.

This is a perfect juxtaposition for Conservatives.

An even bigger opportunity for Republicans.

Will they take advantage of it?


Hey, whilst you’re at it, why not “suggest” a nice caption on the top photograph, eh?

Bill Clinton: New-look GOP makes Bush look liberal

Here’s one major difference between Leftists and Conservatives:

Leftists and Liberals and Demorats won’t “own it.”

Conservatives will.

Yahoo News via the AP recently featured an article entitled “Bill Clinton: New-look GOP makes Bush look liberal.”

Clinton, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Minneapolis, said there was no mistaking that Republicans have tacked hard right and questioned whether former President George W. Bush would fit in among the party’s candidates this year.

“A lot of their candidates today, they make him look like a liberal,” Clinton told an enthusiastic crowd at a downtown hotel as he campaigned for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Dayton.

Clinton pointed to the tea party movement’s influence on the GOP.

“The Boston Tea Party was protesting abuse of power. This is now trading public power for the abuse of private power,” Clinton said, just as a tea party-backed candidate was declared the winner Tuesday night in Delaware’s hotly contested Republican primary for U.S. Senate.

In response, I say this: Yes. I will Own It.

Because I concur:

Former President Bush was, in many ways, too liberal for myself and other Conservatives. Just off the top of my head, he was too much the Globalist, way too much the Spender, too much the Illegal Immigrant Embracer, pissed away billions of hard-earned American taxpayer dollars on AIDS in Africa (when those dollars went solely into the pockets of black tinpot dictators), and actually considered turning our ports over to foreign entities.

That said, I’d amend Mr Clinton’s allegation by writing this:

It’s not the Republican Party that’s embracing “ideology over evidence.” It’s Conservatives that are doing so, and the GOP is not liking this one bit. My donations to the RNC are over, and have been moribund for over two years. There are too many Demorats in the party posting the letter (R) after their names.

I send money, now, directly to those Conservative candidates I personally support. I delete the “middle man.” Michael Steele’s antics and those of the RNC taught me well. I recently donated four-figure checks to three upcoming Conservative candidates. I eliminated the GOP completely.

Yes, the RNC and Michael Steele taught me well.

Moreover, those RINOs with the (R) after their names taught me well.

Conservatives: SHOW UP in November and POUND THE POLLS with your votes AGAINST Demorats. SHATTER the grip the Demorats have over the House and Senate.

Mr Obama? You are NEXT, sir.



For those of you maximally-skilled, I am just getting, I suspect, into the 20th century.

I have dismissed Internet Exploder for Firefox.

You know what?

I kinda like Mozilla’s Firefox better.

Take that, Microsoft.


I am still estupido when it comes to computers. But I figured out the Firefox thingie. Or more appropriately, my wife did. Thank God I married someone vastly smarter than myself. Let that be a lesson to all my readers: do the same.

Vote For US Defense? — You Vote For Amnesty

The obsequious Harry Reid is once again doing his political job —

But you have to be awake and aware to understand it:


Washington (CNN) – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday he will add the DREAM Act, a controversial immigration measure, to a defense policy bill the Senate will take up next week.

The decision means the defense bill, which often passes with bipartisan support, will be home to two major, thorny political issues – the other being the repeal of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

Reid called the DREAM Act “really important” and said it should be passed because it provides a path to citizenship for young illegal immigrants who go to college or serve in the military. DREAM is an acronym for Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act.

“I know we can’t do comprehensive immigration reform,” Reid said at a news conference. “But those Republicans we had in the last Congress have left us.”

Many Hispanic voters are angry with Democratic leaders for not doing more to pass an immigration overhaul. The decision by Reid to add the DREAM Act now could help soothe that anger.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called Reid’s decision “needlessly controversial.”

The Senate will need 60 votes to take up the bill next week, and Reid said Tuesday he doesn’t know if he has enough votes.

Heads UP, America:

The Demorats will SCREW you at every turn.

This brings me back to a few Basics upon which I insist in an ideal political future:

1. Truth In Bills:
There is only one topic per bill. There shall be no riders in any bills.

2. Truth In Funding:
When bills indicate a funding source or a repository, those sources or repositories can ONLY be used for the individual bill or source point.

3. Tort Reform:
Remarkably simple for major reform: all losers pay. They shall pay all court costs and attorney fees. For both sides.

4. No Exemptions:
Bills passed federally apply not only to the population of the United States, but to every person in politics. There shall be NO exemptions for anyone — in the House, Senate, SCOTUS –on any level, in any state.

5. Truth In Donations:
The greatest amount that any political candidate may acquire in any campaign shall be limited to $1,000. That includes individual donors, agencies, entities or corporations. Jerry Brown actually had ONE good idea in his shallow life.

And that’s just a start.

Honest: NO.

Leadership: NO.

Open: NO.

Oppressive Government: YES.