Here’s one major difference between Leftists and Conservatives:
Leftists and Liberals and Demorats won’t “own it.”
Conservatives will.
Yahoo News via the AP recently featured an article entitled “Bill Clinton: New-look GOP makes Bush look liberal.”
Clinton, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Minneapolis, said there was no mistaking that Republicans have tacked hard right and questioned whether former President George W. Bush would fit in among the party’s candidates this year.
“A lot of their candidates today, they make him look like a liberal,” Clinton told an enthusiastic crowd at a downtown hotel as he campaigned for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Dayton.
Clinton pointed to the tea party movement’s influence on the GOP.
“The Boston Tea Party was protesting abuse of power. This is now trading public power for the abuse of private power,” Clinton said, just as a tea party-backed candidate was declared the winner Tuesday night in Delaware’s hotly contested Republican primary for U.S. Senate.
In response, I say this: Yes. I will Own It.
Because I concur:
Former President Bush was, in many ways, too liberal for myself and other Conservatives. Just off the top of my head, he was too much the Globalist, way too much the Spender, too much the Illegal Immigrant Embracer, pissed away billions of hard-earned American taxpayer dollars on AIDS in Africa (when those dollars went solely into the pockets of black tinpot dictators), and actually considered turning our ports over to foreign entities.
That said, I’d amend Mr Clinton’s allegation by writing this:
It’s not the Republican Party that’s embracing “ideology over evidence.” It’s Conservatives that are doing so, and the GOP is not liking this one bit. My donations to the RNC are over, and have been moribund for over two years. There are too many Demorats in the party posting the letter (R) after their names.
I send money, now, directly to those Conservative candidates I personally support. I delete the “middle man.” Michael Steele’s antics and those of the RNC taught me well. I recently donated four-figure checks to three upcoming Conservative candidates. I eliminated the GOP completely.
Yes, the RNC and Michael Steele taught me well.
Moreover, those RINOs with the (R) after their names taught me well.
Conservatives: SHOW UP in November and POUND THE POLLS with your votes AGAINST Demorats. SHATTER the grip the Demorats have over the House and Senate.
Mr Obama? You are NEXT, sir.