Questions about the “Affordable Care Act”

Doctors Guns IIFirst, a misnomer: the “Affordable Care Act” ISN’T, particularly for the American Taxpayers who are FUNDING it.

[An aside: you know, honest to God, I really do conjure that the bulk of what Rush Limbaugh terms “Low Information Voters” believe that the government is the source, the fount, of all income — and not the Mark I, Model I American Taxpayer.  America has, sadly, become Brain-Glazingly Ignorant within the past few generations.  Too many alleged Americans believe that their governmental Free Cheese grows on trees.]

I ruminate because of Old NFO‘s recent blogpost involving “My Medical Appointment.”

Please read it before continuing.

With that in mind, in re doctors now apparently asking patients about their firearms during a medical consultation that has and should have nothing to do with firearms, I posit a few questions for my ever-intelligent readers:

1. Are you or have you been posed any questions about firearms during a recent medical visit?
2. What was your answer?
3. Are these questions lawful?
4. Are you legally required to answer them?
5. What statutes are involved?  Provide citations.

Because, up to this point, much has been written that I suspect is hearsay, unsupported and/or otherwise anecdotal from other sites.

Please, I ask, if you have answers to the above questions, kindly provide situations and citations and statutes.


Excellent article about the issue, here.

Doctors Guns I


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13 thoughts on “Questions about the “Affordable Care Act”

  1. The VA is my primary care giver and no, no one has asked me anything about guns. My wife gets her care from the “civilian” sector and she hasn’t been asked anything either.

  2. Haven’t been asked any firearms related questions at the Community Health Clinic I use.

    Two years ago at a VA screening, I was asked three questions about my mental state. Can’t remember the exact questions now. Others may know them. Do know if I answered wrong, I would have my name in the system prohibiting me from buying a firearm.

    • Do know if I answered wrong, I would have my name in the system prohibiting me from buying a firearm.

      I think what you may find is, at least for now, that this is a state by state issue. Here in Florida it’s a non-issue but, in Hawaii a friend that I served with in Vietnam was given 50% PTSD rating and Hawaii won’t allow him a gun.

      Interesting to note that he was awarded a Purple Heart and after his hitch as a lowly enlisted man he went on to OCS, in his last years taught military history at West Point and then health issues forced his retirment as a Major, yet…..Hawaii thinks he’s not safe around firearms.

      Of course, I reminded him, that’s what he gets for living in paradise!! /s

      • The majority of legislators in Hawaii don’t believe any of us should own a firearm. You should see the hoops you have to go through just to buy 1 gun. I bought a handgun here and the process involved multiple trips to the police station after becoming certified to own one and then mug shots and 2 full sets of fingerprints on both hands….makes you feel like a criminal. On top of this, on my island there is no “legal” public place for me to go target shooting. I can’t wait to leave.

        • I know hgpsurf, I’ve got family there. In Honolulu. My mother was born there. So, I know your pain!!

          A long time ago, the FCC allowed a HAM operator to take over a deceased relatives call sign. I’ve owned my grandfather’s for almost 20 years now.

          If you’ve been to Punch Bowl or to the Arizona Monument you’ll see some of his work in the marble there.

  3. No doctor has ever asked me anything about firearms. My daughter just got a new doctor and I primed her on what to say if she was asked about gun ownership…no such questions were asked.

  4. The above said, I do know through a friend that her son’s pediatrician DID ask questions about firearms in the home — after the Newtown shootings, but never before.

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