It’s starting: “Voting machine swaps Obama for Romney”

From (in Ohio):

MARION — Joan Stevens was one of several early voters at the polls on Monday. But when Stevens tried to cast her ballot for president, she noticed a problem.

Upon selecting “Mitt Romney” on the electronic touch screen, Barack Obama’s name lit up.

It took Stevens three tries before her selection was accurately recorded.

“You want to vote for who you want to vote for, and when you can’t it’s irritating,” Stevens said.

As Hugh Hewitt wrote: “if it’s not close they can’t cheat.”

And boy, ladies and gentlemen, is it ever getting close.

However, according to Dick Morris, it’s going to be a runaway election — for Romney.

Your thoughts on those two camps?


Notice how the DEM/MSM can’t even get a headline correct?  The proper headline should read: “Voting machine swaps Romney for Obama.”  Sheesh!



Your loving Demorats & Leftists at work again: “MSNBC Ridicules Romney for Collecting Food and Supplies for Hurricane Sandy Victims”


This one is really hard to believe, even for the most biased so-called “news network” in the nation.

MSNBC on Tuesday totally trashed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for collecting food and supplies at a storm rally event in Ohio to be sent to victims of Hurricane Sandy (video follows with transcript and commentary):

But here’s the best part:

Host Martin Bashir said, “Mayor Reed, so the Red Cross knows what it’s doing. Did he, did you detect perhaps a subtle dig there on Mr. Romney who spent today going against the guidelines established by the Red Cross and holding a campaign rally in Ohio that was dressed up like a charity drive collecting food and other supplies when the Red Cross expressly asked people not to do that?”

And isn’t that just like Leftists to support the Red Cross and its One Way Grip on “how things ought to be” in an emergency?  The Red Cross SAYS you, as an individual, cannot gather food and clothing and begin organizing yourself.

That’s one reason I don’t contribute to the Red Cross.  This is another.

Just as with elitist views of Demorats and Leftists, only they know what’s best for you.  Only they know how to do things properly.  Only they believe in themselves and the power of the government.  They do not believe in relief at a lower level, at citizens helping themselves (as those in Ohio did, in re Mr Romney).

America, aren’t you tired of all this elitist Demorat “I know better than you” pap?

That Mr Romney: Evil Incarnate for attempting to help victims of Hurricane Sandy.




President Obama Begs Off Answering Whether Americans in Benghazi Were Denied Requests for Help


In an interview with a Denver TV reporter Friday, President Obama twice refused to answer questions as to whether the Americans under siege in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, were denied requests for help, saying he’s waiting for the results of investigations before making any conclusions about what went wrong.

After being asked about possible denials of requests for aid, and whether it’s fair to tell Americans that what happened is under investigation and won’t be released until after the election, the president said, “the election has nothing to do with four brave Americans getting killed and us wanting to find out exactly what happened.

Right.  Remember that: “the election has nothing to do with four brave Americans getting killed and us wanting to find out exactly what happened.”

I’d instead insist: to the contrary!  The election has everything to do with Benghazi and your lack of leadership, your incompetent administration and their Leftist leanings.

But isn’t it odd that Mr Obama can rush to judgment and say that Major Nidal Hassan’s assault at Fort Hood was nothing more than “workplace violence” and that the arrest of Henry Louis Gates was racist?  Oddly enough, both of those conclusions were drawn overnight with no complaint from the DEM/MSM or any Obama sycophant.


R 51% O 46%...

R 50% O 46%…

R 49% O 48%..

Gallup: Obama’s Job Approval Drops 7 Points in 3 Days.




Obama: Vote early and vote often

From Reuters:

Obama, who was a U.S. senator from Illinois and had before becoming president, went to an early-voting facility to show his driver’s license before making his pick for president.

“I’m just glad I renewed my driver’s license,” the president said after a poll worker asked to see his photo ID. When he handed it over, she studied it closely.

But, of course, asking to see ID in order to vote is evil and oppressive.

Just one of those little niggling things that rhyme with “hypocrisy.”




Obama, Biden and the White House Lie: “White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails”

From Reuters:

Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.

The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.

The date was 9/11 (of 2012), and radical Islamists claimed to have attacked a United States consulate.  Yes, western-educated Muslims know how to use Twitter and create their own sites on Facebook.  Yes: Facebook.  Yet, despite that date, the Obama Administration didn’t quite seem to understand the importance of the day?

In a nutshell: the staff of the president knew within the very first hour of the Benghazi consulate assault that the attack had in fact begun and of a claim of responsibility by al Qaeda-type terrorists, all within two hours.

Funny thing: as I write this, the Reuters story is NOT in Place One of the NYT website nor that of the Washington Post or LA Times.  The DEM/MSM once again covers the narrow ass of Barack Hussein Obama.  And I’ll bet the story is NOT “above the fold” on any of its Thursday newspapers.

Anyone need any more reasons for what I term the self-immolation of the print media?

Perhaps I’m too strong; let me give everyone involved the benefit of the doubt.

That said, however, the situation then becomes another IF-THEN equation.

IF Obama and the White House was not involved until at least a week or two after —

THEN this points to massive incompetence and cover-ups in the Obama Administration’s intelligence community.

Either way, no matter how you cut it — at the minimum, there was staggering incompetence involved — right up to a cover-up and then leading to a series of outright lies proffered by Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton.  Et al.

To those who are yet “undecided”:

You don’t deserve to be citizens.  You don’t deserve to live in this country.  You don’t deserve to benefit from its wonders.  You don’t deserve to walk upright and chew gum simultaneously.  Because, obviously, you cannot.

I might suggest you’d best be served by moving to the UK or France where you can locate hot-and-cold running abortions, prostitutes, drugs, Free Cheese, and cash-for-no-work amongst the finest of historical artifacts western societies have to offer.

Because, being brain-dead, you don’t deserve to live here, in my country.


Please don’t forget: SCOTUS is 414.  With Anthony Kennedy in the middle.

The next president will get two — perhaps even three — nominations to SCOTUS.  You want Obama making these nominations again?