My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, as well as appear on the Sackheads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.
On Thursday night’s show, “The Aftermath,” I did something heretofore unencountered: I went into overtime. In order to fit all the information applicable, the show ran to 2.5 hours instead of the standard two. We covered:
Marine Le Pen destroys Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande;
Maxine Waters destroys herself;
California kills cops;
Local CHP officer killed;
The Swamp Strikes Back;
John McCain disgusts thinking people
I quantify The Aftermath as “all the stuff I couldn’t fit into the Tuesday show.”
Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin(on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.
Also check @BZep on Twitter and Gab to see if The Aftermath is scheduled for each Thursday at the same bat time, the same bat channel. My guest, Pat Dollard, couldn’t make it tonight but we’ve rescheduled the show for next Tuesday, February 28th, at 11 PM Eastern and 8 PM Pacific. Come listen to the eclectic and irascible Pat Dollard — he’ll open your mind like a bad can of cat food.
As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast. BZ
I stated last Monday on Ken McClenton’s The Exceptional Conservative Show that if Italy rebuked Leftist government proposals it would be on its way to its own “Italexit,” and, should that occur then France would be next. I also stated that if France slapped Leftist values and went forward with its own “Frexit” then the EU was well and truly done, no matter what Germany or Brussels did.
Renzi facing exit as polls point to Italy referendum defeat
by Angus MacKinnon
Rome (AFP) – Matteo Renzi’s time as Italy’s prime minister appeared to be over Sunday as exit polls indicated voters had overwhelmingly rejected constitutional reform proposals on which he had staked his future.
The reformist premier had vowed to quit if he lost the vote on proposals to streamline parliament and the first exit polls indicated he had been left with little other option.
Polls for national broadcaster Rai and the La7 television channel both called the vote decisively for the No camp. Their surveys put the winning margin at an average of 56.7 percent to 43.3.
But what were these so-called “proposals” on which Italy was voting?
The main opposition parties went into the vote insisting that there should be early elections if the proposals — curtailing the size and powers of Italy’s Senate and transferring powers from regions to the national government — were defeated.
Opposition parties denounced the proposed amendments to the 68-year-old constitution as dangerous for democracy because they would have removed important checks and balances on executive power.
The chamber would also have been stripped of most of its powers to block and revise legislation, and to unseat governments.
Read that correctly. Translated: the proposals were a naked power grab by the Italian government to remove whatever independence and authority local regions may have yet remaining because — as we all realize — any massive, centralized government knows much better than any individual how that person must live his or her life.
The bottom line concerns by voters were these:
Spearheaded by the populist Five Star Movement, the biggest rival to Renzi’s Democratic party, the “No” campaign also capitalised on Renzi’s declining popularity, a sluggish economy and the problems caused by tens of thousands of migrants arriving in Italy from Africa.
Say, might we have heard similar concerns expressed somewhere else quite recently?
Let’s talk specifics and reality.
The Italian government can’t pay its debt. Their budget deficit is growing. “The EU Fiscal Compact requires Italy to run budget surpluses large enough to cut its debt ratio by 3.6% of GDP every year for 20 years.” Really? You’d then best get ready, Brussels, to kick most everyone out of your blessed European Union and watch it crumble with those My Little Pony, purple-skied wishes.
The Italian banks are damned near bankrupt. Can they write down any of their bad debt? Negative, Will Robinson, because their capital ratios are already abysmally low.
Italy has an official unemployment rate of 11.4% meaning, of course, the actual unemployment rate is much higher due to persons who have stopped looking for jobs altogether. Just like the US. Just like any other country. Those figures are never collected or reported. But wait until you see these figures: “the youth unemployment rate is 65% in Calabria, 56% in Siciliy and 53% in Campania.”
Furthermore: “Industrial output has dropped by 35% since 2008, and investment by 59%.”
Stand by for the nominal Leftist bleats: it was nothing but ill-informed populism run rampant with Islamophobia, driven by irrational xenophobia, because all the commoners, proles, groundlings and serfs well and truly do not know what is best for them. And the Leftist Elites most certainly do. Blah blah blah. Rentoon rentoon rentoon.
These are indeed “interesting times” according to the Chinese saying. “Populism” is on the rise, no doubt — though I dislike that term. What I prefer to say is this: taxpayers are finally beginning to awaken to their being fleeced by big governments globally, run by Leftist Elites who wish to ultimately answer to no one or nothing. Populism cannot be tolerated because it portends a diminishment of their centralized mastery, challenges their authority, and blinkers their chances to make even larger and farther-reaching power grabs for complete and utter dominance.
That cannot stand. The unwashed masses must be put down, and quickly.
Yes, as Frank Underwood says, the money is fine and dandy.
But ultimately, it’s about the power.
From this photograph, who is still standing?
Correct. Angela Merkel. Cameron, Obama, Hollande and Renzi gone or going. Anticipate that there will be massive pressure on Merkel from Leftists to continue living the definition of insanity, and that she will push back in ways heretofore yet unseen.
Barack Hussein Obama “manspreading” before German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a clear attempt to sexually manipulate and oppress her.
No one knows the precise attribution, but the definition of insanity continues to logically be “doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.”
Merkel to seek fourth term to defend threatened ‘values’
by Deborah Cole
Berlin (AFP) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday she would seek a fourth term in elections next year to defend democratic principles in the face of looming threats at home and abroad.
Angela, the only looming threat to your country is — wait for it — you.
Predicting her toughest campaign to date, Merkel said the forces of populism as well as the uncertainty created by poll triumphs for Brexit and Donald Trump meant she had a “duty to serve my country”.
Translated: she is compelled to double-down on stupid because of the incessantly-pounding waves of pushback she is receiving regarding her philosophy and policies.
“We are facing struggles in Europe and internationally for our values and our interests and, simply put, for our way of life,” Merkel, 62, told reporters at the headquarters of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.
Well, Merkel got that right. Germans are indeed struggling for their values and their interests and way of life. Because you, Merkel, have shot down whatever values once existed a few years ago by allowing your country to be flooded with Muslims who have as much interest in assimilation as the average nematode. Or Muslim.
“This election will be more difficult than any before it, at least not since national reunification” in 1990, she added, citing a strong “polarisation of our society”.
Merkel, the EU’s longest serving leader, said she had “endlessly” weighed her choice and knew that in “distinctly difficult, even insecure times”, many leaders were looking to her as a source of stability.
Leftist GOWP “leaders” looked to her as a source of stability whilst the bulk of the German populace recognize that she is the opposite. She is a guilty follower of Leftist themes.
Please allow me to cut to the proverbial chase. Merkel is, in her mind, doing nothing more than atoning for the abominations of her country in WWII. The “sins of the father” and all. Except that her “atonements” are affecting all of Europe. For that matter, all of Western Civilization.
Let us not forget Deutschland was re-united in 1990 because of the massive ministrations and spending of Ronald Wilson Reagan, who also managed to emasculate and destroy the USSR which — oddly enough — is now known only as Russia.
So, Angela Merkel, to whom do you owe your ability to speak as you do, the freedom to run as you please? Yes, that would be Ronald Wilson Reagan.
You seek to tear down your country, however, just as did Adolf Hitler before you. And for that, it is worth weeping.
Your Leftist leanings precede you.
Angela Merkel (L), naturalist.
Never heard of this, never seen the photograph — though had its equivalent existed of, say Reagan or Trump, it would have been plastered across the media for months or years? True, all of that. One must recognize the real Angela Merkel.
“Merkel is the answer to the populism of our time,” said Saxony state premier Stanislaw Tillich of the CDU, welcoming her candidacy.
“She is basically the anti-Trump,” he told the newspaper group Redaktionsnetzwerk.
Whether she is or not — in the light of Brexit — remains to be seen.
Merkel is the person who kept Germany entrenched in capitalism and, is now, easily the world’s most powerful woman, raised under Communism and, as some see, the de facto leader of the EU. Except that her “values” caught up to her, as she originally said in 2010.
“A multicultural society in Germany had “utterly failed”,[49] stating that: “The concept that we are now living side by side and are happy about it” does not work[50] and “we feel attached to the Christian concept of mankind, that is what defines us. Anyone who doesn’t accept that is in the wrong place here.”[51] She continued to say that immigrants should integrate and adopt Germany’s culture and values. This has added to a growing debate within Germany[52] on the levels of immigration, its effect on Germany and the degree to which Muslim immigrants have integrated into German society.
Obama marks Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha with call to accept refugees
by Dave Boyer
President Obama marked the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha Monday with a call for the U.S. to welcome refugees and immigrants.
“We are reminded of the millions of refugees around the globe who are spending this sacred holiday separated from their families, unsure of their future, but still hoping for a brighter tomorrow,” Mr. Obama said in a statement. “And as a nation, we remain committed to welcoming the stranger with empathy and an open heart — from the refugee who flees war-torn lands to the immigrant who leaves home in search of a better life.”
Yes, precisely, Mr Obama. Let us turn the United States into a carbon copy of the current European Union with its invasion of unassimilating Syrians and Muslims — most of young male fighting age. Think: ISIS. There are already 5,000 ISIS Jihadists in the EU, according to the
5,000 ISIS jihadists at large in the EU: Europol boss warns huge numbers of terrorists have slipped back into European capitals after being trained in Iraq and Syria
by Imogen Calderwood
Europol boss Rob Wainwright warned about the number of free jihadists
Estimated between 3,000 and 5,000 fighters have slipped back into Europe
Claimed they sneaked back after being trained by ISIS in the Middle East
Warned ‘Europe is currently facing the highest terror threat in 10 years’
The British head of Europol has warned that as many as 5,000 ISIS-trained jihadists are wandering free in Europe.
Rob Wainwright, chief of the EU’s police agency Europol, said the agency believed between 3,000 and 5,000 jihadists have been able to slip back into Europe after training with ISIS in the Middle East.
‘Europe is currently facing the highest terror threat in more than 10 years,’ Mr Wainwright told Germany’s Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung newspaper.
Why would that be? Two words, one name: Angela Merkel, the GOWP von Deutschland.
I’m just curious: why so few Christians? From
15% Over Target: 11,491 Syrian Refugees Admitted Already; 0.46% Are Christians
by Patrick Goodenough
( – With three weeks of the fiscal year to go, the Obama administration has exceeded its Syrian refugee admission target by 15 percent, with 11,491 resettled in the United States as of the beginning of this week.
Since President Obama’s goal of 10,000 Syrian refugee admissions in FY 2016 was achieved on August 29, the number continues to pick up steadily.
August ended with a new monthly record of 3,189 Syrian refugee arrivals, and a further 751 have been ushered in so far in September: 749 Sunni Muslims; two Catholic Christians.
Wait, wait wait wait wait. I think we’ve just about exceeded our quota of Christians. Time to shut that door, yes? Unfortunately, the numbers get worse.
Just 54 of the 11,491 – 0.46 percent – are Christians. They comprise 14 Catholics, six Orthodox, four Protestants, one Greek Orthodox, plus 29 refugees identifying themselves simply as “Christian” rather than by denomination or sect.
Someone is going to lose their job after having let in 54 Christians. This cannot stand.
“But wait, BZ,” you say. “There aren’t Christians coming into this country because there aren’t Christians in Syria.” That’s odd; 10% of Syria is Christian. The US is all about fairness and equality. Our police forces need to be reflective of our communities. Don’t our Syrian “refugees” need to be reflective of their population?
Not when your dealing with Leftist GOWPs and Muslims.
‘Germans have had enough of this’ Polish experts blast Merkel & claim Europe ‘is dead’
by Charlie Peat
EUROPE is “at the end of its existence” following a summer of terror and the EU’s free movement policy, an ex-Polish counter-terror officer has warned.
Former Central Bureau of Investigation officer Jacek Wrona gave a damning forecast about the future of Europe, claiming people have lost faith in the political system.
Speaking on a Polish chat show, he said: “The worst problem for the police service is political correctness.
Hit pause for a moment.
That’s not just a problem for European police services, it’s a problem for US law enforcement as well. Already law enforcement in the US has hedged its bet before coming out and stating the obvious about various political issues. Law enforcement is certainly not immune from various cowardly administrators. They are people, after all.
Wrona was joined by military history academic Dr Rafal Brzeski who blasted Angela Merkel in the wake of a spate of terror attacks in Germany.
He said: “The Germans have had enough of this, which does not mean the government has had enough. These are two different approaches”.
The scathing attack comes as thousands of people took to the streets of Berlin to protests against the German Chancellor’s open door policy.
“Merkel must go” and “Queen of the smugglers” were just a few of the signs seen at a recent Berlin rally last week.
Crowds gathered in Washington Square on Saturday and vented their fury at Merkel’s leadership of the country.
Holding banners reading “Merkel must go” and “The queen of smugglers. Merkel must leave”, crowds flocked to the public square while the hashtag #Merkelmussweg is being used by protesters online.
Five attacks have taken place in Germany since July 18, leavingt 15 people dead, including four attackers, and dozens injured.
Will Europe learn? Time will tell. But read that last sentence, above, again.
Clearly, the US and the current administration learn nothing from history — even recent history displayed in front of their faces. It will take the deaths of more Americans to try to convince Leftists and Demorats otherwise.