BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 9-17-20, with JOHN TRUMAN WOLFE and ALLEN THOMAS

Hour 1: BZ spoke for the first time ever to JOHN TRUMAN WOLFE, financial expert, author of America the Litigious, Mind Games, and The Gift has also released his bestseller – Crisis By Design: The Untold Story of the Global Financial Coup and What You Can Do About It. Wolfe draws on experience as a senior credit officer in two banks. He is also the co-founder of a Los Angeles based business management company, where, he oversaw the business and financial matters of some of the biggest names in Hollywood. He also publishes a monthly newsletter called Strategic Financial Intelligence, which provides insight into what’s coming.

And if Mr WOLFE is to be believed — and he sure as hell makes sense to me — it isn’t good. He does believe that we as a country are headed for a fall, as numerous countries are looking to eliminate the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Something that would be disastrous for us.

He also points to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, as the most powerful bank you’ve never heard of, whose goal it is, essentially, to take care of themselves first if/when the rest of the fiscal world falls about everyone’s head.

BIS is the wizard behind the curtain, and one of the purposes of BIS is the collapse of the American dollar. There are also the BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South America — an organization to also remove American power via the US dollar.

The future is somewhat grim and Mr WOLFE is of the opinion that cryptocurrency is coming and there isn’t much anyone can do about it. Any semblance of fiscal privacy you might have will be completely terminated.

JOHN TRUMAN WOLFE called President Trump “the most productive president in the history of this country” — deeds, essentially, not words. “What he does has been very pro-survival for the nation. The list of his accomplishments in face of opposition has been stunning. If he loses, God help us.”

Hour 2: BZ featured the return of ALLEN THOMAS, paranormal, unexplained, UFO and Sasquatch hunter, researcher and investigator, to provide an update on all of those topics and more!

Fig. 1: ALLEN THOMAS, one each.

Just before I talked to ALLEN, I presented this breaking news story — to be completely ignored by the American Media Maggots — Joe Biden is now officially listed as a criminal suspect in a Ukrainian court and, as we all know, the AMM will bury the story.

Remember this captured video of Biden revealing the facts of the Burisma case?

Here is the news story revealed:

I also reviewed this stunningly-awkward yet revelatory sound bit from the Harris Faulkner show on September 16th, where Newt Gingrich lets the obvious cat out of the obvious bag when he names George Soros as being responsible for funding Leftist DAs. Melissa French and Marie Harf object and tell Gingrich that he can’t say that.

“So it’s verboten,” Newt Gingrich responds.

You’ll notice the sound went down, there was a good amount of dead air, no one spoke, Newt Gingrich didn’t speak, and then Harris Faulkner cut away for another story, slicing off Speaker Gingrich — who spoke the truth.

My guess? Faulkner’s producers were screaming in her earpiece to drop Gingrich, resulting in the dead air and her confusion. Ultimately she obeyed her producers.

Notice how it’s portrayed on YouTube below. “Conspiracy.” Not.

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 9-17-20, w/JOHN TRUMAN WOLFE” on Spreaker.

Here is the show on YouTube; click the red arrow to play.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

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Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 9-10-20, with DAN BUTCHER and Sack Heads SHAUN

BZ began the show with an audio tribute to 9-11-2001, that most infamous Tuesday.

Hours 1 and 2: BZ heralded the triumphant return of the loquacious and garrulous DAN BUTCHER, The Second Best News Man In The Business, to the Saloon.

DAN BUTCHER, a serious Texas Media Magnate (as opposed to magnet), regaled us with his tale of having nearly died twice, once due to a serious head injury, and the second time due to pancreatitis!

Sack Heads SHAUN bounded into the Saloon in the second hour, and we all took on the issues of 2020, Wuhan-19, Leftists, the American Media Maggots and more!

Why take my word for it? Listen to the show below!

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 9-10-20, w/DAN BUTCHER” on Spreaker.

Here is the show on YouTube; click the red arrow to play.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
  • Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.
  • Want to listen to the show on the huge Podcast AddictClick on this.
  • Do you like Spotify? You can listen to the Saloon via Spotify right here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 9-8-20, with ERIC RIGARD, the GOP candidate for California Assembly, District 9

Hour 1: BZ spoke for the fourth time to ERIC RIGARD, the GOP candidate for California Assembly in District 9. The district map is here.

District 9 incorporates a portion of the southern City of Sacramento, Executive Airport, the Pocket Area, Greenhaven, Florin, Mack Road, Elk Grove, Galt, and into San Joaquin County and Lodi, with a portion of Stockton.

As we discovered, ERIC RIGARD is a man driven by faith and issues, not necessarily parties, and wants to bring responsible social, fiscal and common sense viewpoints into common discussions. And, as opposed to Democrat incumbent Jim Cooper, ERIC will actually show up for votes and not abstain.

VOTE ERIC RIGARD for California Assembly, District 9, on November 3rd!

Hour 2: BZ and Sack Heads SHAUN dissected the recent article by Michael Anton entitled The Coming Coup?

The Coming Coup?

by Michael Anton

As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup. You might have missed it, what with the riots, lockdowns and other daily mayhem we’re forced to endure in this, the most wretched year of my lifetime. But it’s happening.

It started with the military brass quietly indicating that the troops should not follow a presidential order. They were bolstered by many former generals—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—who stated openly what the brass would only hint at. Then, as nationwide riots really got rolling in early June, the sitting Secretary of Defense himself all but publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act. His implicit message was: “Mr. President, don’t tell us to do that, because we won’t, and you know what happens after that.”

Please read the entire article. It will be well worth your time. And you’ll then come to realize and understand why Jeffrey Goldberg wrote his piece of shit, uncorroborated, anonymous and unattributed article at The Atlantic. In preparation.

Even John Bolton, who hates Trump — and had it been true, would have jumped at the chance to place the instance in his book — said the incident mentioned by Goldberg never occurred. That’s all I need to hear.

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Tuesday, 9-8-20, w/ERIC RIGARD” on Spreaker.

Here is the show on YouTube; click the red arrow to play.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
  • Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.
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  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




Coronavirus update, Pt II

Very little you think you know about Wuhan-19 is real. Why would that be? Because most everyone has been lying to you for quite some time about the figures and statistics.

For political purposes.

You absolutely, undeniably, must understand that in an election year, everything is about the election. That’s the very first given.

The second given, for me, is that I have disabused, dragged kicking and screaming, into realizing that little if anything is a “coincidence” any more. Way too many incidents and elements have come together in something of the proverbial “Perfect Storm” to lend any credence to the word “coincidence.”

And within this encompassing, I’m going to examine “the science,” because “the science” is allegedly what all of these closures and lockdowns are about, are they not? With one glaring exception and miscalculation.

There is no such thing as “the science.” There are scientific opinions about, but saying there is “the science” about Wuhan-19 is like getting a bunch of doctors in a room and talking about “the science” of the common cold. Thirty-seven doctors, thirty-seven opinion.

And — if you’re an actual adult — wouldn’t that be what you want? Isn’t that why you’re told, consulting a doctor, that if you wish you should seek another OPINION? And that is also why doctors PRACTICE medicine, because there is no “one right way” to consider a given topic of medicine, to be a proper “medical practitioner”?

But as you will soon discover, to Leftists and those who immediately drew politics into the Wuhan-19 arena at the very earliest opportunity this year, there is only “the science.” Their science. No one else’s.

Oh. Except when Leftists told you it was, you know, “no big deal.”

Other possibilities cannot be considered other than those of Leftists and the doctors and organizations they own, including diagnoses, prophylactic implementations of medicine, precautions, applications, advice, medical solutions, and recovery.

There is one way. And one way only.

To the point where, according to social media giants such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter — even considering another solution or even an opinion is something that is dangerous and must not even be shown or exposed to the public.

Where once multiple opinions of doctors were thought to be pro forma and advisable, today in Leftist Land they are absolutely verboten and cannot even be discussed or addressed. Not a word, not a sentence, not even a few seconds of heretical video! Disbeliever! Nonconformist! Renegade! Apostate!

Now let’s look at some facts and alternatives to the lockstep presentations demanded by Leftists and Demorats, and provide you with stories, articles, interviews and information that the American Media Maggots, along with the Demorats and Leftists, have done their very level best to ensure you never — and I mean never — see, hear or read.

First, let’s begin with “the science” itself.

From the

Why We Can’t Trust Anything ‘The Science’ Says Any More

by Joy Pullmann, 7-10-20

These scientists are attempting to hide information that doesn’t conform to what roving violent mobs are attempting to impose at the blunt ends of bricks, sticks, and guns.

Despite standing behind their data and method used to conclude there is “no evidence of anti-Black [sic] or anti-Hispanic disparities across [fatal police] shootings,” a study’s authors want to retract their work because it contradicts left-wing politics.

“Although our data and statistical approach were valid to estimate the question we actually tested (the race of civilians fatally shot by police), given continued misuse of the article (e.g., MacDonald, 2020) we felt the right decision was to retract the article,” Michigan State University’s Joseph Cesario and the University of Maryland at College Park’s David Johnson wrote in their retraction requestaccording to the blog Retraction Watch.

Okay, do you understand what they said? Politics just killed the science and eradicated all the statistics gathered — because scientists didn’t like how, politically, their material was being used. Oh, the information was correct. They just politically despised some of the end-users of the material.

And now, did you notice, we have to have a blot called RETRACTION WATCH for those stories, like this, “dangerously” reveal information that isn’t politically correct and therefore SHOULDN’T BE KNOWN and SHOULDN’T BE READ — justifying the ELIMINATION of the elimination?

Cesario and Johnson link to work by the Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald, who is often viciously protested for publicizing data indicating that racial disparities in policing and crime are typically due not to racism but to higher rates of criminal behavior among blacks and Hispanics as compared to whites and Asians.

I’ve gone through all of this before. Blacks commit a greater amount of crimes that whites, in percentage, despite being only 13% of the US population. That is a fact. YUFAM blacks — Young, Urban Fighting Age Males. But you can’t say that.

Some research finds black Americans are more likely to be involved in physical altercations with police, although it is currently not established whether that is due to racism, behavior differences, or something else.


Research also has found that black officers shoot black suspects at the same rate white officers do, and that police are if anything more reluctant to shoot nonwhites. The latter is the main conclusion of the study Cesario and Johnson want to retract due not to scientific error but to politics. (my emphasis)

Their finding directly contradicts the left-wing narrative fomenting riots across the nation after George Floyd, a black man with illicit drugs in his blood, died after a nearly nine-minute chokehold from a Minneapolis police officer. Floyd, a multi-time convicted criminal who once held a gun to a pregnant black woman’s belly during a robbery, was used as a pretext to revive the narrative that all U.S. police officers are racist and so is the country and the rule of law they represent.

‘The Science’ Is a Mask for Arbitrary Power

These researchers are attempting to hide information that doesn’t support policies roving violent mobs are attempting to impose at the blunt ends of bricks, sticks, and guns. This bias and cowardice is only the tip of the iceberg of the scientific corruption we’ve been seeing increase since, perhaps, the scientific method became accepted as a valid way to perceive reality.

But here’s the crux of the biscuit for this post.

Another pervasive recent example is, of course, the use of “science” as a shield for politicians to make largely arbitrary, ill-informed, and oftentimes abusive decisions about how to handle COVID-19. In recent months, we’ve been told that “science says” so many contradictory and even flat-out false things, it’s hard to even keep track of them all.

Science says don’t wear a mask. Except that you absolutely should wear a mask. Even though it isn’t recommended by medical scientists using data from other respiratory disease outbreaks. But it’s still helpful. Or actually it’s not really, according to the Centers for Disease Control in 2017. Yet you should still wear a mask, or else. Who knows?

Science says gathering in groups will spread coronavirusExcept if those groups are thousands of anti-America protesters crowding together on hot streets. Oh, wait, yes, that actually does spread the disease. And so does attending church. But not going to the grocery store. While going to the beach is dangerous. Except being outside is actually about the safest place you can be.

Except that there are second waves of transmission in hot, summery places where lots of people outside. The science said summer would slow the virus. Except now it’s not, and you need to stay inside. Except when you’re going outside. But don’t you dare plant your garden when you’re out there, or go to your cabin. But other people from other states can go to their cabins in your state. Because science!

Hold that thought. We might revisit this article.

Everyone realizes that Wuhan-19 wasn’t important until Leftists finally realized that it was important. Here’s New York Mayor Warren Wilhelm saying “nah, it’s all good.”

Here’s Mayor Wilhelm on March 10th of 2020.

(Hey, as an aside, what’s up with all the Leftist fake names anyway?)

President Trump decided to stop US taxpayer dollars from flowing into the WHO, the World Health Organization, which is nothing more than a shilling front for China. Here’s an article you didn’t hear about, from

World Health Organization admits China never reported coronavirus outbreak

The WHO changes its tune after a damning report about China’s COVID-19 response from House Republicans

TheBlaze, 7-3-20

The World Health Organization backtracked on their claim that China alerted the international public health agency about the initial coronavirus outbreak. The WHO now admits that China never notified them about the onset of the deadly disease.

“After months of investigating, it’s become crystal clear the Chinese Communist Party’s cover-up of the coronavirus, especially in the early days of the outbreak, played a significant role in turning what could have been a local epidemic into a global pandemic,” Rep. Michael McCaul (Texas), lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a member of Congress’s China Task Force, said last month.

Didn’t hear about that from the American Media Maggots.

We have this from the

White House official: Beijing allowed Chinese nationalists ‘to seed and spread’ coronavirus in US

by Mike Brest, 7-3-20

White House economic adviser Peter Navarro claimed that the Chinese government knowingly allowed people who had contracted the coronavirus to travel overseas before the virus was declared a pandemic.

“I want everybody right here today, as the day before America’s Independence Day, to understand where this virus started — with the Chinese Communist Party that is making us stay locked in our homes and lose our jobs. They spawned the virus. They hid the virus. They sent hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationalists over here to seed and spread the virus,” Navarro said.

“Here’s the point: While they were preventing any domestic travel from Wuhan to Beijing or Shanghai, locking down their transportation network, they freely sent hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals on aircraft to go around the world,” the White House adviser explained before the host interjected again.

There is evidence that China covered up the coronavirus’s spread, muzzled whistleblowers, intimidated doctors, misled the World Health Organization, and blocked outside health experts. In April, the U.S. intelligence community reportedly believed that the Chinese Communist Party downplayed the outbreak and that China continued to mislead the world. Just this week, the World Health Organization backtracked on its assertion that the Chinese government alerted the United Nations agency about the coronavirus outbreak.

I wrote, at length, about the egregious decision by New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo mandating the placement of hot Wuhan-19 patients into state nursing facilities, where the elderly were thusly sentenced to die. Cuomo doubled down on his decision and then said he was not to be blamed for those deaths. Ask Janice Dean who is responsible.

Janice Dean blasts NY Gov. Cuomo’s ‘tone-deaf’ media tour: ‘It’s not funny’

by Victor Garcia, 7-16-20

Fox News meteorologist blasts governor’s ‘arrogance’ on handling coronavirus

Fox News’ chief meteorologist Janice Dean strongly criticized New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Wednesday, slamming the political leader for taking a victory lap for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and ignoring that thousands of New Yorker died, including her elderly in-laws.

“My husband lost both of his parents. His mom died in an assisted living facility and his dad in a nursing home. They died of coronavirus alone. We never had a funeral. We never had a wake. We weren’t able to see them before they died,” Dean said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“And to see Governor Cuomo on television just this past week talking about his love life and this disgusting poster that is basically a depiction of 32,000 people that died? It’s not funny. It’s tone-deaf. And it makes my heart hurt because we’re still mourning our loved ones. And we think that part of the reason is because Governor Cuomo allowed over 6,000 COVID-recovering patients into nursing homes for 46 days straight.”

We all realize, of course, that only the most valiant, pure and Mother Theresa-like values and motivations are at play here, during a pandemic, correct? Because, as Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots insist, it is they who are certainly not politicizing something as horrible as a global virus, correct? The only motivations are those of discipline and selflessness.


STUNNING: Fauci’s Remdesivir Costs $9 Per Dose, Will Be Sold at $3,000 per Treatment — China Company Linked to Soros Will Also Mass Produce the Drug

by Jim Hoft, 6-29-20

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons ( filed a lawsuit against Department of Health and Human Services and the FDA for “irrational interference” by the FDA with timely access to hydroxychloroquine.

Never in history have we seen such a determined effort by the scientific community and pharmaceutical industry to downplay and lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

But there was great pushback against hydroxychloroquine for two reasons. The first reason was because it was safe and very inexpensive. The second reason is because Donald Trump promoted its use.

Dr. Fauci did promote the use of remdesivir. He was excited to share the news on its effectiveness in April.

The one person behind the promotion of Gilead’s remdesivir is the doctor who has worked with Gilead for a long time, Dr. Fauci. He also has downplayed and criticized the use of the much cheaper drug hydroxychloroquine:

Pharmaceutical giant Gilead announced the pricing for its coronavirus drug remdesivir.

Gilead said the drug will cost $520 per vial, or $3,120 for a six-vial treatment.

Then something really bad began to happen. For Demorats and Leftists.

Daily COVID-19 Deaths in the U.S. Have Fallen Dramatically Since April

by Jacob Sullum, 6-22-20

The downward trend continued after states began lifting their lockdowns.

Amid concerns about post-lockdown increases in COVID-19 infections, there is one striking piece of good news: Daily deaths from the disease in the United States have fallen dramatically since April, and that downward trend has continued into June. Even taking into account the average lag between laboratory confirmation and death—about two weeks, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—the loosening of restrictions on movement and economic activity that began at the end of April so far has not led to the surge in COVID-19 deaths that many lockdown supporters predicted.

Then something better happened for Demorats and Leftists. Numbers started to increase.

Dr. Marc Siegel says politics is masking the truth behind spike in coronavirus cases


Click here, then play the video to listen.

By the way, this video was removed wholesale from YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, like so many others. This is a running theme. No one wants you to hear the truth.

Remember what I wrote about a global pandemic being totally apolitical? You couldn’t be more wrong. Leftists made it completely political and still are. First, from

Melinda Gates: ‘Black People, Indigenous People’ Should Get Coronavirus Vaccine First

by Kyle Morris, 6-25-20

Bill Gates’ wife, Melinda, said last week during a virtual Forbes philanthropy summit with her husband that “black people” and “indigenous people” should receive the coronavirus vaccine first, if they are in the healthcare field.

Of course. No vaccines to Evil Whites. You know. Like themselves.

“Here in the United States, it’s going to be black people who really should get it first and many indigenous people, as well as people with underlying symptoms, and then elderly people.”


Oregon county to revise mask exemption for people of color due to ‘horrifically racist’ backlash

by Catherine Park, 6-24-20

One Oregon county has exempted people of color from its face covering mandate due to heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment, according to a statement posted to Lincoln County’s website.

The announcement, made on June 17, was met with “horrifically racist commentary,” according to the statement. A higher than normal volume of calls have since been made to county municipalities, causing more harm than good, according to the county.

“We included the last protection for those within our communities of color who historically, and often personally, found themselves the victims of harassment and violence,” the statement read.

“After last month’s protests, the national attention given to issues of racism, police tactics and inequality, we felt this last exception would be embraced and understood as a small effort to start addressing the realities some of our neighbors deal with on a daily basis,” the statement continued.

Apparently, once again, Leftists and Demorats intending to kill black people.

And doing such a wonderful job of it too, as evidenced by Planned Parenthood, an organization adored by Demorats and created by the racist advocate of black genocide, Margaret Sanger.

But hey, a good black is a dead black. Just ask Leftists and Demorats. And blacks themselves because, clearly, in Leftist Urban Rat Cages, black lives don’t matter. Want statistical proof? Go to Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

And speaking of media lying bullshit, did you hear of NBC’s lies? Of course you didn’t.

NBC News Spent Weeks Reporting On A Contributor’s Journey Battling Coronavirus – But He Never Had It

by Shelby Talcott, 7-10-20

NBC News spent weeks documenting its science contributor’s battle with COVID-19, but now he admits that he never tested positive for it.

Dr. Joseph Fair, a virologist, believed he had the virus and appeared on air numerous times to discuss his struggle with illness in May and June. On Tuesday, Fair admitted that he tested negative for the virus multiple times but had originally believed he had it regardless. Fair also tested negative upon taking an antibody test.

But of course NBC kept the lying virologist on the air because they knew no one was paying any attention.

“My undiagnosed/suspected COVID illness from nearly 2 months ago remains an undiagnosed mystery as a recent antibody test was negative,” Fair tweeted Tuesday. “I had myriad COVID symptoms, was hospitalized in a COVID ward & treated for COVID-related co-morbidities, despite testing negative by nasal swab.”

I speak Leftist, so I’ll translate: “If you’re sufficiently stupid to believe me, I’ll be sufficiently agile in making you believe me. Because I, like you, have a victim card that I’m allowed to play — as a Leftist — and these moments are mine.”

In the meantime, “the science” continues to prove that there are two levels of laws, rules and regulations — one for the elites, and one for the proles, groundlings, servants, subjects, vassals, and serfs. You know: the little people.

D.C. Exempts Lawmakers, Government Employees From New Mask Order

by Josh Christenson, 7-23-20

Washington, D.C., mayor Muriel Bowser (D.) issued a universal masking order for her city Wednesday but exempted lawmakers, judges, and federal employees.

The order mandates the wearing of masks in all indoor and outdoor settings where social distancing cannot be observed. No other designated profession is exempt from wearing a mask, except when a piece of work equipment would preclude mask use. Consequences for ignoring the order include fines of up to $1,000.

The mayor’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Apparently we are all unaware that, just like rioters, the Wuhan-19 knows how to avoid DC politicians and employees as well. Talk about a well-educated Chinese virus!

On June 18th in Kalifornia (always spell it with a “K”), Governor Newsom mandated that everyone wear a mask outside. That was an empty mandate as almost no one did — with the exception of those select few critical thinkers who somehow equate safety to wearing a mask inside their personal car.

And then on July 2nd, Governor Newsom completely failed to hide his disgust with any sort of religion save that of Islam, with the following:

Houses Of Worship Told To “Discontinue Singing” Under Order From Newsom As Pandemic Worsens

by Dale Kasler, 7-2-20

Californians are still free to attend their house of worship. But they’re not supposed to sing or chant.

Citing the risk of spreading the coronavirus, updated COVID-19 guidelines issued Wednesday by the state Department of Public Health say “places of worship must therefore discontinue singing and chanting activities.”

This is interesting in light of the fact that some of the agencies that may customarily tasked with enforcement are declining. Luckily, my local law enforcement agency has declared it’s not wedging its deputies between that rock and hard place.

Sacramento Sheriff, other capital agencies won’t enforce Newsom’s mask order. Here’s why

by Alexandra Yoon-Hendricks and Michael McGough, 6-20-20

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office will not be enforcing the statewide order Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Thursday requiring masks and face coverings in public as coronavirus cases continue to increase in California.

In a statement Friday, the Sheriff’s Office recommended people should be “exercising safe practices” during the pandemic, including wearing masks, but said it would be “inappropriate” to criminally enforce the governor’s order, or target people and businesses for failing to do so.

“Due to the minor nature of the offense, the potential for negative outcomes during enforcement encounters, and anticipating the various ways in which the order may be violated, it would be inappropriate for deputies to criminally enforce the Governor’s mandate,” a statement from Sheriff Scott Jones said.

Agreed. One of a handful of Kalifornia (always spell it with a “K”) law enforcement administrators who still believe in their oaths of office.

In the meantime, you and I both knew inherently that very little of this Wuhan-19 thingie made a lot of sense. Of course things were confusing at first but, in retrospect, it would appear that certain personnel knew much more about it (I’m talking to you, Dr Anthony Fauci), and the drugs that could help — far before they let on.

From the very beginning our Spidey senses started tinging and we realized that very little of what we were told passed the proverbial “smell test.” Particularly when doctors themselves began to weigh in.

Also, we weren’t listening very closely as some administrators told us how the death statistics were gathered and under what parameters. Listen to this audio cut. Listen very carefully as the Illinois Director of Public Health, Dr Ngozi Ezike, explains how Wuhan-19 deaths are tallied and under what circumstances deaths are attributed to Wuhan-19. ”

This is a clear admission they were inflating the death numbers from Wuhan-19. “It doesn’t mean it was the cause of the death; but they had Covid at the time of death.”



Which is very interesting, because Minnesota Senator Scott Jensen (a medical doctor) already told us this. And because he was honest about this fact and said so out loud, people tried to destroy him. First, his initial revelation on the Laura Ingraham show on April 8th.

You see, people conveniently forget all of this. “People” being Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots.

Then, Dr Scott Jensen explained what happened to him following his appearance.

Part II:

But all was not lost and “cancel culture” did not win his his instance.

If nothing else, I hope you have extruded something similar to “it appears ‘the science’ does not demand everyone stay away from work, from school, from people, from now until we have a vaccine — or even after that” from this post. “The science” appears to be far from that. And yes, again, “the science” does in fact get down to “keeping the nation in chaos, respectful of Fear Porn, in order that President Trump doesn’t acquire a second term.”

Here’s a Truism from Ann Coulter: “They need a shutdown during a falling death rate so they can credit the shutdown for the falling death rate.”

I will repeat this until it is understood. Shutting down our country again & again until the coronavirus disappears will not do anything except cause economic despair & lead to more catastrophic long-term health problems down the line. We can manage this without more lockdowns.

For my final illustration, there’s this from the — a situation I can guarantee you heard nothing of because the job of the American Media Maggots is to protect the Demorat Party — the Club of Original Racism — and all of its aligned anarchist elements.

COVID-19 patient was black and paralyzed, so doctors decided his life wasn’t worth saving

by Charles Camosy, 7-10-20
Last month, a disabled, 46-year-old African American man was euthanized without his consent or that of his wife. But rather than exploding amid our racial-justice moment, the story hardly yielded a peep from those who control our national discourse.
In 2017, Michael Hickson suffered a brain injury that left him paralyzed. Still, he was able to enjoy many activities: having books read to him, listening to music, answering trivia questions. He had memory problems, but he recalled his birthday and Social Security number with ease. Michael was leading the kind of life many people with disabilities do: not without difficulties but intrinsically valuable and dignified.
Then Michael contracted COVID-19 and was admitted to St. David’s Medical Center of South Austin, Texas. A disagreement over his care led to medical decision-making being taken away from his wife and given to the state and his medical team.

Michael Hickson. This is a human being. Covid made him nothing.

And I include the photo because it makes the situation even more obvious, striking and despicable.

Michael didn’t do well and needed intensive care. His wife, Melissa, apparently did not trust his medical team and decided to (legally) record the exchange she had with her husband’s doctor.
As the recording shows, they agreed that Michael should not be intubated, but Melissa still wanted Michael to be treated aggressively. The doctor insisted aggressive treatment wouldn’t “help him improve” and “right now, his quality of life . . . he doesn’t have much of one.”
Melissa was taken aback: “What do you mean?” she asked. “Because he’s paralyzed with a brain injury, he doesn’t have quality of life?”
“Correct,” the doctor flatly replied.
Pressed further by Melissa, who admirably kept her cool, the doctor admitted he’d had three patients survive who were in Michael’s situation but claimed her husband’s case “doesn’t fit those three.”

I apologize to the author — please note: Charles Camosy — but the significance of his story is such that it deserves to be printed and read in its entirety.

Michael’s “quality of life is different from theirs,” she was told. The others “were walking and talking people.”
Melissa tried to respond, but the doctor had had enough. “I don’t mean to be frank or abrasive, but at this point, we are going to do what we feel is best for him along with the state, and this is what we decided.”
Melissa did get in one last shot by telling him that this was a decision to kill her husband. And she had good reason to think so: Giving her husband food, water, oxygen and medicine would have not been burdensome treatment. And Michael may have beaten the odds.
The hospital had plenty of space for him. The issue, the doctor made clear, was Michael’s disability. The state and the hospital decided that they shouldn’t try to save someone with his disabilities.

Read that again: The hospital had plenty of space for him. The issue, the doctor made clear, was Michael’s disability. The state and the hospital decided that they shouldn’t try to save someone with his disabilities.

After pro-life journalists broke the story on June 26, the National Council on Disability publicly called on the federal Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services to investigate the hospital for violating Michael’s civil rights.
“When a medical facility makes a decision to deny medical care to a person with a disability that is based on, or influenced by, biased views about life with a disability, it runs afoul of federal civil rights laws,” the group said.
Yet when the Washington Post, a paper otherwise all in on outing structural racism, picked up the story, it framed Melissa’s claims skeptically and credulously accepted the hospital’s word that “it wasn’t possible to save” Michael and that none of its decisions was made on the basis of his disability.
Sorry, but the recording was clear: An ­institution with power over Michael’s very life had deemed it a life unworthy of life.

But wait; there’s always more.

Owing to structural health disparities, many African Americans have a justified fear of being treated like “throwaway people” in a clinical setting, particularly when it comes to so-called “end-of-life” decisions.
And because doctors are often ableist in their assumptions, the vulnerability of African American patients are magnified when they are disabled. Health providers consistently rate the quality of life of their disabled patients worse than the patients themselves.
When confronted with the fact that patients generally prefer length of life to quality of life, many physicians find themselves “surprised” and admit: “We think we know what is best for a patient, but this is often wrong.” It’s appalling.
If you care about racial justice, remember Michael Hickson. Say his name. Tell his story.

Due to an issue, not of his making, Michael Hickson was euthanized because he contracted Coronavirus while disabled. Recall:

In 2017, Michael Hickson suffered a brain injury that left him paralyzed. Still, he was able to enjoy many activities: having books read to him, listening to music, answering trivia questions. He had memory problems, but he recalled his birthday and Social Security number with ease.

And so here we go. Why should Michael Hickson live? How productive is he going to be? Shouldn’t we just let him die?

Great words, because it’s no longer a question. He’s no longer a “problem.” He’s just dead.

Aren’t you proud America? Isn’t this what you want, Demorats? Leftists? Winnowing the field? Culling the herd?

Introducing the most virulent disease of 2020 into nursing facilities, mandating by law that those persons infected with Wuhan-19 be placed into buildings containing, in small rooms, those Americans with the least possible physical ability to fight off the Wuhan-19 virus, America’s elderly — and being shocked when almost 50% of American deaths from the virus are in fact from nursing homes?

Where, oh, by the way, the staffs are the least trained — and possess the least amount of proper equipment?

Ezekiel Emanual: death boards. No one should live over the age of 75. And the unborn and just-born should be killed as well.

Michael Hickson was not a chunk of flesh. He was responsive and he was aware. He caught a virus. So he was euthanized. Like a dog, or a horse with a broken leg.

This is August of 2020.

But THIS is where we are as a nation?


And still people lie to you, and me, day after day after day.

This is how we do things — in the United States of America — in August of 2020.




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 9-3-20, with author TERRENCE McCAULEY, then SACK HEADS SHAUN and JACK ALEXANDER in the Second Hour

Hour 1: BZ spoke once more to suspense/Western author TERRENCE McCAULEY who, this time around has TWO new books to talk about, THE KELLY TRAIL and GET OUT OF TOWN. We discussed McCAULEY’s writing schedule, 2020, escapism, a smattering of politics and the world of publishing.

Hour 2: BZ continued speaking to TERRENCE McCAULEY about his books, and a wonderful interview it was. Check out his thriller books here, and his Western books here. In times like these where some honest escapism is required, there’s nothing like reading a good book, and I recommend every one of McCauley’s books! I have them all, I’ve read them all.

Continuing in the second hour, BZ along with Sack Heads SHAUN asked JACK ALEXANDER to explain the story below, where it appears that Australia is in the grip of a tyranny it’s never yet experienced, at least in the state of Victoria.

Coronavirus: Pregnant Victorian woman filmed arrest

by Natalie Brown and Natalie Wolfe, 9-3-20

Victorian police have doubled down on their decision to detain a pregnant anti-lockdown protester, whose arrest sparked global headlines.

A pregnant anti-lockdown protester, who live-streamed her arrest on social media, has broken her silence about the clip that seems to have divided the internet.

Zoe Buhler, 28, was yesterday charged with inciting a protest against COVID-19 restrictions in Ballarat’s CBD.

The video on her Facebook page had already been viewed more than 1.4 million times in the space of four hours by Wednesday night, climbing to 4.6 million views early this morning.

Sack Heads SHAUN stepped into the Saloon during the second hour, and we all talked about the violent riots, the effect on law enforcement and massive Leftist and Demorat hypocrisy. We also met and spoke to a new Australian resident who called the show, known as Dingo Dundi, who echoed was Jack was saying in terms of the miserable shape of freedom in Australia.

If you want to hear the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 9-3-20, w/TERRENCE McCAULEY” on Spreaker.

Here is the show on YouTube; click the red arrow to play.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

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