From a number of various sources in not only American civilian and military intelligence, but from persons in the State Department and the Pentagon:
Mr Obama, in an “under the table” and “under the radar” attempt to reconcile his massive deficit — to the tune of roughly $16 trillion dollars — [see the US Debt Clock here], has tasked various elements of the US intelligence community to craft a plan that would not only work hand-in-hand with his current military sequestration efforts but would ultimately placate what he perceives to be the two largest challenges to false American “superiority” and perceived jingoism — at once both “leveling the global playing field” and also helping to solve national budgetary issues. At this point, the U.S. national debt is more than 22 times larger than it was when, say, Jimmy Carter became president.
Mr Obama has set the potential end-goals at this: the sale of Alaska first and foremost back to Russia — the first targeted buyer — and then a specific list of “elder” aircraft carriers to China.
One point at a time:
Russia, as most clear-thinking people realize, had a foothold in a number of places now claimed by the United States. Our current Ft. Ross in Fornicalia was once the most extreme outpost of Russian power. Russian settlers established Fort Ross in the early 1800’s, during a time of unprecedented international expansionism. Any number of people “claimed” Fornicalia but actual occupation became the tipping point.
Alaska, then, was “officially and formally” purchased from Russia in 1867:
The Alaska Purchase was the acquisition of the Alaska territory by the United States from the Russian Empire in the year 1867 by a treaty ratified by the Senate. Russia, fearing a war with Britain that would allow the British to seize Alaska, wanted to sell. Its major role had been buying furs from Indians, along with missionary work to convert them. The purchase, made at the initiative of United States Secretary of State William H. Seward, gained 586,412 square miles (1,518,800 km2) of new territory. Originally organized as the Department of Alaska, the area was successively the District of Alaska and the Alaska Territory before becoming the modern state of Alaska upon being admitted to the Union as a state in 1959.
As the intelligence offices were told, the loss of Alaska would play into the overall second term of Obama on three fronts: first, as an appeasement to Russia (please see Mr Obama’s comments to Russian President Medvedev in re his “guaranteed” second term), and also as a reduction of American Expansionism and exceptional debt.
With one extremely important additional aspect: it would close down the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez.
That, in concert with Mr Obama’s refusal to consider the Canadian Keystone XL pipeline, would yield the proverbial “win-win” Demorat situation.
Because, of course, in a second term the gloves would officially be “off” and Mr Obama could enable and envision his most liberal or true-to-form proclivities.
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