BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 2-21-19 with guest KARI BAXTER DONOVAN

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

On January 17th, it was the second anniversary of BZ broadcasting on the SHR Media NetworkBZ has held his show, the Berserk Bobcat Saloon, on SHR continuously since January 17th of 2017. BZ is forever in debt to the co-owners of SHR, Sack Heads SHAUN and Sack Heads CLINT for believing in me and providing me with air time, a studio and unparalleled support. God bless them for that. I had a message, and they allowed me to become something of a messenger.

Hour 1BZ began the show with BZ’s ECPG or East Coast Political Goddess, the ever-effusive citizen journalist KARI BAXTER DONOVAN. Kari’s life has been turned upside down on social media and we spoke to her about the hijacking of her website Populist Media. Hers was a cautionary tale when you work with others you don’t really know, involve cash, and make agreements that are not immured in paperwork or honesty. Please listen to see what the hell happened. KARI will likely return to Big League Politics and, of course, she’ll be going to CPAC this year.

Hour 2: BZ covered the waterfront and proffered a bunch of Happy Stories, followed up by an in-depth examination of the sordid conduct recently displayed by Jussie Smollett, and the implications of his actions.

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The sad story of a sad, young, gay black man.

The sad story of a sad, young, gay black man who somehow felt he wasn’t a sufficient victim for the Left or, well, labored under some serious mental Leftist issues. Or perhaps in an even more craven context, became nothing more than a seeker of hack publicity.

Things began this way on January 29th, from

‘Empire’ Star Jussie Smollett Hospitalized After Homophobic, Racist Attack

by Antoinette Bueno

Jussie Smollett has been hospitalized in Chicago after an apparent homophobic and racist attack, ET can confirm.

According to the Chicago Police Department’s incident details, a 30-something man was walking when two unknown offenders approached him and gained his attention by yelling out racial and homophobic slurs towards him. Police say the offenders allegedly began to attack the victim with their hands about the face and poured an unknown chemical substance onto the victim.

At some point during the alleged incident, one of the offenders wrapped a rope around the victim’s neck. According to police, the offenders then fled the scene, and the victim was self-transported to Northwestern Hospital. He is in good condition, and Area Central Detectives are investigating.

Just “enough” information, just enough speciousness.

“Jussie was walking when two guys started yelling racial and homophobic slurs at the Empire star,” the source says. “Jussie was then attacked by the men and was repeatedly hit. Jussie tried to protect himself and at one point the men poured a substance on him believed to be bleach and one of the guys put a rope around his neck. After some time the men fled the scene and Jussie went to the hospital. Jussie is mostly physically OK with some scrapes and bruises, but he’s more emotionally shook up.”

According to TMZ,  the attack happened at around 2 a.m. when Smollett went out to get a sandwich, after which someone yelled, “Aren’t you that f***ot ‘Empire’ n*****?” The outlet reports that the the two offenders — who allegedly are white and wore ski masks — beat Smollett badly enough to fracture a rib, then tied a rope around his neck and poured bleach on him. 

 “This is MAGA country,” TMZ reports the offenders yelled as they fled after the assault. 

From the beginning, this did not pass the BZ “smell test.” Why would two Caucasoid MAGA hat/ski mask wearers hang around in the -9º Chicago temperatures at 2 AM in order to hope for a young, gay black man to walk by — their kit already prepared with bleach, gloves for thumping and a rope for lynching?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez weighed in immediately, naturally.

As did the bulk of Leftists around the nation. Because after all #MeToo also includes gay black men, correct?

Then a funny thing happened. People began their own version of the proverbial “smell test.” And not just hateful, ancient and decrepit Caucasoid males. Joe Budden said “it’s a lie, he’s lying.”

Shit just unravels from there. Breitbart provides a timeline for what they term a hate-hoax attack.

January 29

Smollett was hospitalized after an attack described by the Chicago Police Department as a possibly “racially-charged assault and battery.”

Smollett alleged that his attackers asked him, “Aren’t you that faggot Empire nigger?”

TMZ reported on Smollett’s claims at the time:

The 2 men — both white and wearing ski masks — viciously attacked Jussie as he fought back, but they beat him badly and fractured a rib. They put a rope around his neck, poured bleach on him and as they left they yelled, “This is MAGA country.”

Chicago police claimed via statement:

Given the severity of the allegations, we are taking this investigation very seriously and treating it as a possible hate crime. Detectives are currently working to gather video, identify potential witnesses and establish an investigative timeline.

Empire creator and producer Lee Daniels derided American in his acceptance of Smollett’s claims as prima facie, describing them as “just another fucking day in America.”

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), acceptedSmollett’s claims at face value while blaming President Donald Trump for the alleged attack:

The recent racist and homophobic attack on acclaimed actor and activist Jussie Smollett is troubling. The rise in hate crimes is directly linked to President Donald J. Trump’s racist and xenophobic rhetoric. It is dangerous for any society to allow a tone of divisiveness and hatred to dominate the political discourse. As this rhetoric continues to bleed into our everyday lives, dangerous behavior will continue to place many law-abiding individuals at risk. We pray for a full physical and mental recovery Jussie Smollett and many unnamed victims of this forum of hate based terrorism.

Sen. Cory Booker called for an “anti-lynching” bill to be passed in Congress while referencing Smollett’s claims.

Cory Booker


The vicious attack on actor Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching. I’m glad he’s safe.

To those in Congress who don’t feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention. 

Jussie Smollett Hospitalized After Homophobic & Racially Motivated Attack

Musician and ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett is recovering in a Chicago hospital after falling victim to a hate crime.

18.8K people are talking about this
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) accepted Smollett’s claims while blaming Trump:

But we have to understand this is happening for a reason. Why all of a sudden do we have people unable to study while black, unable to mow a lawn while black, unable to have a picnic while black, and being attacked? It’s coming from the President of the United States. He’s dog-whistling every day. He’s separating and dividing, and he is basically emboldening those folks who feel this way, maybe never said and never talked about it, never could act it out, but now they’re on it.

Presidential hopeful and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) accepted Smollett’s claims as true, describing the alleged attack as a “modern day lynching.”

Kamala Harris


.@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery.

This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.

30.2K people are talking about this
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) framed Smollett’s accusations as accurate, characterizing the alleged attack as “racist” and “homophobic.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden cast Smollett’s charges as authentic, criticizing “homophobia” and “racism.”

Joe Biden


What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.

The New York Times


Jussie Smollett, one of the stars of the television show “Empire,” was attacked in Chicago by 2 assailants who yelled racial and homophobic slurs. The incident is being investigated as “a possible hate crime,” according to the police.

19.9K people are talking about this


January 30

Local law enforcement reviewed hundreds of hours of surveillance footage, finding no evidence to corroborate Smollett’s claims.

CNN reported on the Chicago police’s inability to substantiate Smollett’s accusations:

In a place so far with a high number of private surveillance cameras, they cannot find any images of the two alleged attackers. After combing through hundreds of hours of videos, the only image of Smollett police obtained from security cameras was inside the Subway sandwich shop near the location of the reported crime — and he was standing alone.

Chicago police requested the city’s help in finding persons of interest related to the alleged attack on Smollett, issuing a “community alert” towards such an end.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel framed Smollett’s claims as legitimate during a press conference. “Obviously the alleged statement of what happened here is horrific and there’s no place for it in the city of Chicago,” he said.

Read the rest of the story here.

Smollett said “I’m pissed off” when he was interviewed by ABC News’ Robin Roberts on February 15th. Such righteous indignation, indeed.

But then things really did start to fall apart. People began to notice when, at first, Smollett refused to let Chicago PD access his phone. Later, he acquiesced but only after having “scrubbed” a few things, he said, on the phone itself.

“Smell test.” Remember that? By now, we’re talking cat box. wrote:

Jussie Smollett Still Hasn’t Talked To Cops Again About Attack & “Developments”

by Dominic Patten

Things may be moving towards some sort of formal prosecution in the Jussie Smollettalleged attack case but Chicago PD have yet to have a new sit-down with the Empireactor as more “developments” come to the surface.

However, a well-placed law enforcement source tells Deadline that despite emerging and complicating evidence and requests for a further formal interview, Smollett has not made himself available “in a timely fashion” to investigators.

But wait. You’re the victim here. Right? Why does a victim feel the need to “lawyer up?”

“Smell test.”

Some people began to dig — obviously not the American Media Maggots, who are largely agendized, political and biased — and turned up some annoying evidence.

Jussie Smollett Guilty of Giving False Info to Cops in 2007

by Calvin Freiburger

For the five people left in the United States that still believe Jussie Smollett was beaten by bigoted Trump supporters roaming the streets of Chicago, it turns out there’s yet another reason to be skeptical: he’s done this sort of thing before.

NBC Philadelphia reports that in 2007 the Empire actor pleaded “no contest” to driving under the influence, driving without a license…and giving false information to law enforcement.

Smollett was sentenced to two years probation in the case.

Wait. You mean Smollett has a history of lying to cops? Imagine that.

“Smell test.”

Then things began to turn. From the


by Kerry Picket

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deleted her original tweet sympathetic for “Empire” actor and singer Jussie Smollett amid reports that Smollett may have staged the alleged January 29 attack against himself.

Cory Booker called the Smollett attack a “modern day lynching.” Now he’s circumspect.

Kamala Harris called it a “lynching.” Now she’s circumspect. With odd laughter.

How cautious were these two massive Leftists when the issue of Kavanaugh emerged? Where was their reflection, consideration or circumspection? Non-existent.

And here is a meme-deflating paragraph:

Chicago police now suspect that Smollett paid two acquaintances to stage an attack against him, according to reports from numerous outlets. The two men, who are U.S. citizens of Nigerian descent, were arrested Wednesday but released from custody Friday. They are reportedly cooperating with investigators.

Even CNN began to embrace the “smell test” and found Smollett beginning to fail.

Two arrested in connection with attack on ‘Empire’ star Jussie Smollett are released without charge

by Dakin Andone & Ryan Young

Two men who were being questioned in connection with an attack reported by “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett have been released without charge, the Chicago Police Department said Friday.

The men, who were arrested Wednesday, were released “due to new evidence as a result of today’s interrogations,” said Chicago police Chief Communications Officer Anthony Guglielmi. “And detectives have additional investigative work to complete.”

Translated: the Nigerian brothers rolled like a Douglas fir in a northwest river.

Only when they knew the meme was bullshit did the American Media Maggots begin to weigh in. From

Brothers say Jussie Smollett paid them to participate in alleged attack, source says

by Carter Evans

The two Nigerian brothers arrested in connection with the assault on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett are no longer suspects in the attack. They’re now cooperating with police.

A source close to the investigation confirms to CBS News the brothers told detectives Smollett paid them to participate in the alleged attack on January 29 and that they purchased the rope — which was found around Smollett’s neck — at a nearby hardware store. The source said detectives have evidence to corroborate the sale, something the men’s attorney alluded to Friday night.

“New evidence that was brought to their attention, obviously I had it, my clients had it,” said Gloria Schmidt, the brothers’ attorney.

The Chicago Police Department released a statement Saturday night saying information from the brothers had “shifted the trajectory of the investigation.”

To continue with

Jussie Smollett, pals reportedly rehearsed alleged attack

by Lia Eustachewich

Jussie Smollett allegedly promised to pay his two pals $4,000 to stage his racist and homophobic assault — which the trio even rehearsed beforehand, according to a new report.

The embattled “Empire” star paid $3,500 to bodybuilding brothers Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundairo before they left for Nigeria the day of the Jan. 29 attack, and promised another $500 upon their return to the US, sources told CBS Chicago.

Late Saturday, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said cops reached out to Smollett’s lawyers to arrange a follow-up interview.

Why would Smollett’s attorneys allow a follow-up interview? Smollett could only sink himself deeper.

“Smell test.”

Then, another nail, from

POLICE: Rope Wrapped Around Smollett’s Neck Was Purchased by Smollett

Police sources tell CBS Chicago that the rope wrapped around Smollett’s neck was traced back to a purchase made by Smollett himself.

Jussie Smollett appears to have picked the wrong location for his “hate crime” to be caught on video, if we compare his Good Morning America interview to the latest reports about the two Nigerian men who say the actor-singer paid them to stage an assault.

As of now, it looks as though police believe Empire star Smollett not only lied about a phony hate crime committed against him by supporters of President Trump, he also hoped to arrange for the hoax to be recorded by a surveillance camera. then reported on Tuesday the 19th:

Report: Jussie Smollett To Face Grand Jury Over Alleged Hate Crime Hoax

Actor Jussie Smollett is set to face a grand jury over an alleged hate crime hoax after new developments shifted the direction of the Chicago Police Department’s investigation.

Brandon Straka, creator of the entire #WalkAway movement, who’s been on my radio show on two prior occasions, opined regarding the Jussie Smollett situation.

Tucker Carlson absolutely nails it. How many thousands and thousands of dollars were wasted on an investigation that was a hoax from the beginning? Dollars and time that could have been utilized to investigate actual crimes in Chicago?

Then there was this on Wednesday, from

Jussie Smollett attack: Smollett officially a suspect in criminal investigation for filing false police report, police say

Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi confirmed Wednesday afternoon that Jussie Smollett is officially a suspect in a criminal investigation for filing a false police report, a Class 4 felony.

Guglielmi said CPD detectives are currently presenting evidence before a Cook County grand jury.

“Smell test.”

And so, to recap:

  1. Smollett has a history of hating Donald Trump and smearing his voters;
  2. Police didn’t find any video footage of the attack from cameras in the area;
  3. Smollett won’t turn over the complete phone records that his manager claims show they were talking when he heard the attack;
  4. Police didn’t find any white suspects like he described but rather a pair of Nigerian brothers with ties to Empire;
  5. Police say records show the brothers bought the rope that wound up around Smollett’s neck;
  6. Police found a magazine and stamps that may have been used to make an (almost-certainly fake) letter threatening Smollett; and
  7. Smollett has lied to police before.
  8. Chicago PD announced on Wednesday the 20th that Smollett is now a suspect in a Class 4 felony regarding his hate crime hoax.

Here is now what needs to occur. Smollett needs to be prosecuted not just for filing a false police report, but for an actual hate crime itself. Jussie Smollett was apparently readily willing to identify two innocent Caucasoids as “suspects” and sacrifice them on the altar of his own racial bias, and seek their conviction.

And finally, this Thursday, February 21st press conference from Chicago Chief of Police Eddie Johnson.

“Smell test.” Smollett’s case reeked.



Here is a website that is a compendium of hate crime hoaxes:


Obama golfs; Chicago bleeds

Obama Playing Golf

Mr Obama’s heart skips a beat on the beautiful links.

Don’t bother Mr Obama, he’s busy playing golf.  He can’t be bothered by those 13 people killed and tens of thousands displaced following the floods in Louisiana, or those blacks shot and killed on the mean streets of Chicago — even after it was those black votes he desired because of a certain melanin match or a certain Republican president Mr Obama accused of being “uncaring” during Katrina in NOLA.

You see, Mr Obama detests “fakery.”  He detests the “theater” of politics.

Obama Detesting Fakery 1Mr Obama detesting political fakery during Sandy.

Obama Detesting Fakery 2Mr Obama detesting political theater during campaign.

And then — what? — more shootings and death in Chicago?  Meh.  Not worthy of even a mention.  Those deaths and that carnage doesn’t serve to advance Mr Obama at all.  One must serve before one acquires a mention.

From this past weekend:

Dozens Shot, Four Killed over Weekend in Gun-controlled Chicago

by AWR Hawkins

Dozens were shot–four fatally–over the weekend in heavily gun controlled Chicago.

This death and violence follows the 52 who were shot–nine fatally–during the previous weekend in Chicago.

According to ABC News, a 7-year-old girl was among the wounded. She was shot while attending “a vigil for another shooting victim.” A 36-year-old woman was also shot while attending that vigil.

At one point during the weekend — “an intense 14-hour stretch of violence that ran from Saturday into Sunday” — someone was shot in Chicago “every 33 minutes.” The Chicago Tribune reported the same portion of the weekend — “from Saturday afternoon to early Sunday” — was especially violent last weekend too. During that time alone, “five people were killed and at least 19 others were wounded.”

Forty-nine people were shot, nine fatally, two weekends ago, and “52 people were shot, seven of them fatally” the weekend before.

You know, in Chicago.  That Demorat/Leftist city controlled historically by Demorat/Leftist mayors (and Mayor Rahm Emanuel now), a pristine and shining example of Demorat/Leftist values where blacks are lifted from poverty, have jobs and are able to acquire their dreams in a Utopian atmosphere of understanding and funding, and guns are proscribed for a violence-free, clean environment.

I mean, there are gun laws in Chicago.  Real gun laws.  And gun laws stop criminals!  Right?

Of course they do.  Just ask a Demorat or a Leftist.

Obama Looking Out Window AF1The closest Mr Obama may get to Louisiana or Chicago this week.

That, of course, goes hand-in-hand or, perhaps, blood puddle-in-blood puddle with my prior post only a few days ago where 100 people were shot in Chicago on a single weekend as well.

If you want to stop gun violence, you’d best start with inserting the black father into the family equation and stop paying people for more children absent a father, embrace religion and churches, clean up schools and bring the trades back into them, lean on “stop and frisk,” demand the “broken windows” mindset from police, emphasize education with a focus on the basics and halt generational welfare.  Blacks in urban neighborhoods have just as much a right to be safe on their streets and in their homes as anyone else.

Let’s face it, Obama is “calling it in” and “checking out” as a lame-duck president.  I submit: he didn’t much care about the job in the first place.  He liked the perks.  Hated the bother of it all.



The former FEMA director, Michael Brown, who accused Mr Obama today of fiddling while Louisiana flooded — boy, is he gonna get his ass audited.

Poor bastard.

Louisiana Floods

More black lives not mattering: 100 people shot in Chicago

Blood PoolBecause, in truth, black lives don’t matter to Leftists, they don’t matter to Demorats and they sure as hell don’t matter to other urban black males.

Ripped from today’s yawning headlines at the

Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

by Alexandra Chachkevitch

Nearly 100 people have been shot in Chicago in less than a week, pushing the number of shooting victims so far this year to more than 2,500 — about 800 more than this time last year, according to data kept by the Tribune.

Between last Friday afternoon and early Thursday, at least 99 people were shot in the city, 24 of them fatally.  At least nine people were killed on Monday alone, the deadliest day in Chicago in 13 years, according to Tribune data. Among the wounded that day was a 10-year-old boy shot in the back as he played on his front porch in Lawndale.

The number of shooting victims in Chicago stood at 2,514 Thursday morning. At this time last year, 1,725 people had been shot.  The city has not seen this level of gun violence since the 1990s, a trend the Police Department has blamed on lax gun laws and feuding gang factions.

“Lax gun laws.”  What a load of horse-crap.  Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation, on par with Los Angeles and New York.  Assault weapons?  Banned.  Go here.

If you want to stop gun violence, you’d best start with inserting the black father into the family equation and stop paying people for more children absent a father, embrace religion and churches, clean up schools and bring the trades back into them, lean on “stop and frisk,” demand the “broken windows” mindset from police, emphasize education with a focus on the basics and halt generational welfare.  Blacks in urban neighborhoods have just as much a right to be safe on their streets and in their homes as anyone else.

Yawn.  More young urban black males killed.  Meh.

Let us not forget it is Lyndon Baines Johnson, Democrat, Hero of the Left, the consummate personal opportunist and 36th president, who said — regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957 (as Senate Majority Leader) to Hubert Humphrey, “Hubert, it don’t take any genius to be for civil rights from Minnesota.  How many black people you got in Minnesota?  Humphrey said, about 12,000.  Johnson said to Humphrey, “you make me sick.”

Let us also not forget that it was LBJ who said “I’ll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next two-hundred years.”

And so he has.  It’s nothing more complicated than this: I’ll respect black lives when Democrats respect them, and when they respect themselves.

I’m going to have a very long wait.

Hey, hand me a beer, would you?



Chicago, Illinois State Representative: “Maybe The Police Are Killing Some Of These Kids”

Rep Monique Davis, IllPeople actually voted this person into office.

From CBSChicago:

Updated 07/20/13 – 10:56 a.m.

CHICAGO (CBS) – An Illinois state representative has publicly raised the possibility that Chicago police officers might be the ones responsible for the unsolved murders of black youths in Chicago.

State Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago) was interviewed about Chicago crime Tuesday on WCHB-AM in Detroit.

“I’m going to tell you what some suspicions have been, and people have whispered to me: they’re not sure that black people are shooting all of these children,” Davis said.

“There’s some suspicion – and I don’t want to spread this, but I’m just going to tell you what I’ve been hearing – they suspect maybe the police are killing some of these kids.”

When WBBM asked Davis if she thinks it’s possible that police are killing children, she said, “I don’t know. I don’t know that they are, and I don’t know that they aren’t, since no one’s been arrested. We don’t know who’s doing it.”

I’ll make this little suggestion: the suspects will be black male gangbangers.  I know, I know, call me crazy.  But it’s this little uncertainty that I have.  You might wish to consult the graphic below:

Homicide Males CDCOr from

In relation to homicide the number one killer of black men is other black men.  It is a national tragedy that black-on-black crime ranks as the 4th leading cause of death for black men.  In the age group of 15 – 34 black-on-black crime is the #1 killer of black men.

That is worth repeating: “In the age group of 15 – 34 black-on-black crime is the #1 killer of black men.”

Additional information here and here and here.

Sometimes the obvious is simply too intuitive to ignore, Rep Davis, unless one happens to be inherently racist.  I believe you can do the mathematics on that one.