BOULDER, CO – OCTOBER 28: Presidential candidates Ohio Governor John Kasich (L-R), Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz (R-TX), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) take the stage at the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate at University of Colorados Coors Events Center October 28, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. Fourteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the third set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
As Americans, we tend to quantify people as winners or losers.
In this debate, first, who was the loser?
In my opinion, that’s easy: CNBC was the loser. The “moderators.”
They should be ashamed of their clear bias but Leftists have no concept of “shame.” Shame itself is a biased concept according to the Leftist philosophy. No one should be made to feel ashamed. Except, of course, Conservatives. They actually stood up for themselves.
This debate boosted CNBC’s ratings more in one night than in the last few years. CNBC knows that, which is why they agreed. John Harwood was a smug NYT-typical goon displaying his true colors. Proving nothing more than: CNBC still sucks. And CNBC, tomorrow, will go back to being as insignificant as it was on Tuesday. A fly speck.
Specifically, CNBC ratings became higher in one night than they’ve been in the past four years. Due to the GOP. And CNBC despises the GOP. It’s their job.
The very first question: “what’s your greatest weakness.” Each question was no accident. It wasn’t “off the cuff.” There was nothing “off the cuff” for these debate questions. The primary question was: “how are we going to fuck these Republicans?”
“Even in New Jersey what you’re doing now is called rude.”
Frankly, the candidates beat the moderators Wednesday night. Each moderator was a Flaming Liberal.
The story was: the moderators tried, at every turn, to bait the candidates. The story slowly became about the coalescence of the GOP group as opposed to the moderators. Carly Fiorina spoke for the greatest amount of time, Jeb Bush for the least amount of time, with Rand Paul next least. Rubio spoke for the “second greatest” amount of time. Jeb Bush is now in keeping with his replacement of Mitt Romney for the poster child of “uninvolved.”
The judgment in retrospect will be: this was a train wreck for CNBC and validates what more people are coming to realize. The American Media Maggots really are maggots.
Cruz did well, Rubio did well and Fiorina did well.
Trump, though he was of lesser energy, didn’t lose points.
Carson will stay the same. People either love him or hate him.
Christie did well but he’s on the bubble. This was make or break for Christie.
Kasich and Huckabee and Paul were unimpressive. They will and should subsume. Kasich always pisses me off so I’m biased — but — I couldn’t care less. And no, I couldn’t care less that blind people have “non-24” either.
Jeb Bush attacking Marco Rubio was a bit of craven theater that resulted in Bush being diminished still. Bush still doesn’t “get it.” Thankfully, to his demise.
Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina.
Those are my Top Three.
Advice to the GOP debaters in the future. Turn against Obama, then turn against his policies, then proffer your own solutions. Make the linkage. Connect the dots. You’ve made a good advancement in terms of not attacking yourselves, particularly in this debate. Keep calm and carry on.
Continue this trend at the next debate.