Voter fraud: 1 in 8

demorat-voter-fraud-cartoonThe Pew Research Center report recently made a shocking discovery.

And that is:

ONE in EIGHT voter registrations in the United States is significantly inaccurate or no longer valid. That amounts to — wait for it — EIGHTEEN MILLION people. Plus another FOUR MILLION people ineligible or dead voters on the rolls.

Let that seep into your brainulus for a moment or three.

What is the population of the United States? That would be 318 million persons.

Frankly, it makes me wonder how my mother and father are voting right now. Oh right; my mother died in 2002 and my father in 2009.

When Donald Trump states “the election is rigged” — considering all that has been revealed recently — could that be the actual understatement of understatements?

Go to my posts here and here for verification.

At worst, ponder the Broken Clock Theory.

At the most obvious, consider that, as of Tuesday, because of two James O’Keefe Project Veritas videos, there have been at least four firings or resignations of Leftists directly due to PV’s revelations. Just on Tuesday.

The collusion and corruption is absolutely unprecedented. “Homeland Security” shouldn’t be running national elections. Because of having input into thousands of elections, one corrupter would have to influence only only venue instead of many. Entirely too tempting.

That mentioned, I will always despise George Bush for creating “Homeland Security” in the first place. All you had to do, George, is DEMAND that all the alphabet agencies play nice amongst themselves or you’d cut their funds.

The “Bully Pulpit.” Who had it, GW?

One must “repair” voting discrepancies at the state and county level, since it’s not a federal issue. Oh yes; unless certain personnel make it a federal issue. Except that Patrick Kennedy of the State Department was offering a federal bribe, a “quid pro quo” if you will, to FBI agents for key postings — to look the other way in DNC and HRC investigations.

Don’t quote to me statistics or political incidents from the 1800s. Yes, politics was rough then. What they didn’t have is the digital age where hacking can be done by, literally, jammie-wearing, thumb-sucking, T-ball, PlaySkool Leftists sitting in their parents’ basements.

But perhaps the key question might be: can the DC swamp actually be drained? I make this analogy because, originally, the White House was constructed in a swamp that is now termed a “tidal plain.” Right. Word pablum.

And the actual overarching question that no one is addressing?

The largest hard fiscal “re-set” in the history of America and possibly the world is looming.

Despite all the massive forces arrayed against one of the THE worst Republican candidates in history, HRC officially stands at 45% to DT’s 39%. To me, that bespeaks volumes, absolute volumes.

Hillary can’t break 47%. Despite the incredible and staggering amount of illegal and adverse and biased ramparts behind her. And ALL of the American Media Maggots. 278 contiguous days without hosting an actual open press conference?

Trump is up 38 to 31 with Independents.

I still believe there are any number of Americans who are quiet, who won’t make themselves known, who — on any number of sexual, melanin levels — wait until they take that moment to step into a booth.

We can choose to devolve or evolve.

The corruption is widespread and systemic.

I ask each and every one of you #NeverTrump ‘ers: In 2020, just who is your perfect candidate of choice, The One who is so incredibly a savior and for whom you are so willing to sacrifice four to eight years? Why are they perfect? And why are they more important then than now?

I’m waiting.



Demorat moron says Jews = termites

Remember this wondrous video?  The day that Guam tipped over?

It was good for a larf for quite some time; years in fact.  God bless YouTube, immuring forever the idiocy of politicians.  In this case, a Demorat politician.  Let’s relive these fateful few entertaining minutes once more.

Hank Johnson, (D), (M)oron (I)mbecile, steps into it again.


Congressman who once feared Guam could capsize compares Jewish settlers to ‘termites’

by Adam Kredo

A Democratic member of the House Armed Services Committee compared Jewish Israeli settlers to termites on Monday while speaking at an event sponsored by an anti-Israel organization that supports boycotts of the Jewish state.

Rep. Hank Johnson, D- Ga., launched into a tirade against Israel and its policies toward the Palestinians, comparing Jewish people who live in disputed territories to “termites” that destroy homes. Johnson also compared Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a remark that drew vocal agreement from those in the room.

Let us also not forget that the DNC emails revealed by Wikileaks illustrated that the entire Demorat Party itself minimizes Jews particularly in the form of Hillary Clinton’s opponent Bernie Sanders, trying to portray Sanders — a Jew — as an atheist.

Welcome once more to the cretinous, anti-Semitic face of the Demorat Party.



Bernie Sanders to go Independent?

Hillary Clinton and Sanders-AThe Demorats are worried.

For obvious server-like reasons.

Bernie Sanders is tending to attract more persons to his rallies than is Hillary Rodham Clinton, despite the fact that she has, at this point, a greater purse.

Yes, there may be trouble in River City, with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Fool.  Okay; maybe that doesn’t completely rhyme.

But it still portends trouble.

Just as Trump is beginning to seriously worry persons in the Old Staid GOP — the RINO RINO Being Walked by Michalle ObamaElement if you will — Bernie Sanders is beginning to worry the DNC.  Because if there’s one thing that Sanders can’t stand, it’s corporatists like Hillary Rodham Clinton, no matter what she says.  Her son-in-law, for example, Marc Mezvinsky, is a hedge fund manager for Eaglevale Partners (which lost its investors 48% last year; that’s called a “massive hedge fund loss”), and he and Chelsea live in a $10.5 million dollar condo in Manhattan.  Paid for by — wait for it — hedge fund profits and the Clinton Foundation.

Sanders makes no bones about his disdain for a capitalistic society, and his equal disdain for all things corporate.

That said, the Demorats profit, truly, more from corporate donations than do Republicans, in a greater dollar amount.  Cut off those donations, as Sanders wants to do, and —

I’m certain you can see the problem.

Bernie Sanders sees the problem as well.

That’s why the Sanders world is quietly abuzz — by those who buzz — about his consideration for going Independent.  He not only doesn’t want to be beholden to corporate interests and payback, he wants to — gulp! — curtail those things altogether, ideally.

[Cue the breast-beating, wailing, tears, floor-stomping by Demorats.]

Not precisely what you wanted to hear or read, Demorats, but there it is.  Now publicly put out into the ether that is the internet.

Bernie Sanders is waiting to see if the Demorats may turn their ship another direction, and just how well — ala Trump — he is treated or mistreated by them.

My my my, how the plot thickens.

And isn’t that just a fine kettle of fish?


Kettle of Fish

Leftist Racism 101:

Obama RelaxingExample One:

“We Ask DNC Members: How Much of Opposition To Obama is Racist?


by Matt Vespa

On February 28, MRCTV’s Dan Joseph decided to stop by the DNC winter meeting to ask committee members just how much of the opposition to President Obama is racist.

Joseph asked, How much of the opposition is race-based? And how much is policy based?

One commiteewoman said about half of the president’s detractors are against him because of his race, while another said it was over 50%.

There you have it.  Anyone opposing Mr Obama simply must be a racist.


FCC targets black conservative in TV station fight

(from the

by Phillip Swartz

For years, the Federal Communications Commission has allowed TV stations to execute joint operating agreements allowing themselves to outsource tasks such as advertising sales to group owners with more resources.

But when conservative columnist and entrepreneur Armstrong Williams recently purchased two stations, making him one of America’s few black owners of local TV affiliates, the commission unexpectedly decided to use his acquisition as a test case to review the practice.

The actions — coupled with other recent FCC decisions such as a plan to survey newsrooms that alarmed news media before it was withdrawn — have injected questions about whether a commission set up by Congress to be nonpartisan is now acting with a political litmus test under the Obama administration.

Now, in brief, what have we learned?

1. That to question Mr Obama, who is black, is racist in nature, and
2. To question a black who is a Conservative is not racist in nature

See?  Aren’t racial issues simpler when you’re a Leftist?