God bless and console the United States soldier

Let the angels rain down upon the one nation that continues to support the rest of the entire planet, enabled by the goodness and dollars of you and me. American taxpayers. Who don’t mind paying our fair share.

As long as we are not diminished, belittled, forgotten or ridiculed.

Everything Europe does today.

To us. You. Me. Our president.

How long can Europe demand we consume their shit? With no pushback?

I object.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, May 25th, 2017, featuring guest/author Jim Curtis

My thanks to the SHR Media Network™ for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

As an aside, because the ™ symbol so annoys my Favorite Troll™ I’ve decided to apply it elsewhere as you can see.

Our special guest on the show was veteran and author J.L. “Jim” Curtis from OldNFO.org, Jim’s author page on Amazon.com describes him this way:

JL Curtis was born in Louisiana in 1951 and was raised in the Ark-La-Tex area. He began his education with guns at age eight with a SAA and a Grandfather that had carried one for ‘work’. He began competitive shooting in the 1970s, an interest he still pursues time permitting. He is a retired Naval Flight Officer, having spent 22 years serving his country, an NRA instructor, a retired engineer in the defense industry, and now a starving author. He lives in North Texas, He currently has two series in work. The Grey Man, a Texas based current fiction series revolving around LEOs and Marines. And the Rimworld Series, started with a short story that was an Amazon Best Seller for five days after its release.

I’ve read Jim’s work, I purchased all of his books (as you can see above) and I believe in his writing. For those who enjoy military/law enforcement-oriented books, Jim’s THE GREY MAN series is highly recommended. For those of a sci-fi bent, Jim’s newest book (the beginning of a series) RIMWORLD: Into The Green will please those of a more realistic science fiction nature. Either way you can’t go wrong with a Jim Curtis book. I’m a reprobate bastard so I like the actual printed books that I can hold in my fetid paws.

You can (heavy sigh) acquire his books on Kindle as well. If you must. Harumph.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • We speak to veteran and author Jim Curtis;
  • White Mamba dislikes my bartender Flakbait; guess who’s serving tonight?
  • Another Bolivian time check;
  • Another great chat roll; thanks to Mary Brockman for bringing the horde with her;
  • BZ chickens out on activating the live video stream; cowardly indeed;
  • Alan Dershowitz writes about terrorism; he’s absolutely correct. Why did it take a Leftist attorney to write a piece that should have been penned by Republicans?
  • Euro Leftists snicker at Trump whilst he calls on them to pay their “fair share.” This is a slap in the face to EVERY American Taxpayer; you are EXPECTED to pony your cash up for your Euro betters you dumpy proles, groundlings, commoners, serfs, US trash; I wonder why you’re not speaking GERMAN today, eh wot?
  • Only 5 of the 28 NATO countries are contributing their contractual 2% GDP to help out NATO; it’s the US that mostly funds NATO as it does with the United Nations;
  • Estonia and Poland are meeting their NATO obligations; France, Germany, Belgium are not even pretending to do so;
  • It’s the AMERICAN TAXPAYER who is getting boned by the entitled European Elite cock gobblers who DEMAND that you pony up your cash;
  • The EU proves BZ’s Criminal Axiom is now applicable to Europe: “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine unless you have the strength to keep it”;
  • Europe to American Taxpayers: get going. Harder work and more of it;
  • BZ wants to set up more author interviews in the future to include CJ Box, Brad Thor and perhaps even Joseph Wambaugh, my personal hero from the 1970s;
  • Trey Gowdy: surveillance programs will not be reauthorized until answers are given;
  • President Trump: leakers will be prosecuted. The NYT has now decided to jeopardize the security relationships between the US and foreign powers;
  • Lou Dobbs: we are at war;
  • Too many Republicans are EstabliHacks and kissing the arses of Demorats;
  • Virginia Trump travel stay issued from the 4th DCA;
  • Muslims are now determining the “fake law” for the United States;
  • Minnesota wavers on FGM; “I guess it might not be all that bad”;

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, May 25th, 2017″ on Spreaker.

Jim Curtis reminds us, by the way:

In honor of Memorial Day, the entire Grey Man series will be on sale starting Friday, the 26th, ending on the 30th. Get them early for the deeper discount.

Go here for the discount.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.



Article 50 triggered: Brexit truly begins

As opposed to all of the forces aligned against the very concept of Brexit itself by most every monied and arrogantly-assumptive elitist in Europe, a very critical step to the UK removing itself from the European Union begins.

From the Australian.com:

Brexit trigger approved as UK parliament approves Article 50

Parliament has given its approval for Prime Minister Theresa May to start Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, even as Scotland signalled its opposition by announcing plans for a fresh independence vote.

The House of Lords rejected a last-ditch attempt to amend a bill empowering Mrs May to begin Brexit, paving the way for it to become law as early as Tuesday.

Let me be blunt: this exists as a dagger to the heart of the Caucasoid GOWPs extant throughout the European Union whose life revolves only but about the One World Barbecue.

Just as Chuck Schumer is currently weakening America in order to provide more power to the Demorats by refusing to approve the final cabinet positions and appointments of President Trump, the Caucasoid GOWPs of the EU have done their level best to weaken Europe by trying to obstruct Brexit with all their might. Both are maliciously destructive, purposefully so.

The prime minister could then trigger Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty at any time, starting two years of talks that will end with Britain becoming the first country to leave the bloc.

Mrs May’s spokesman sought to play down speculation that she would send her notification letter to the European Council on Tuesday, when the bill is expected to receive royal assent from the Queen.

But if independence is the issue, so it is “locally.”

But the prospect of an imminent start to Brexit was enough to push the nationalist devolved government in Scotland into calling for a new independence referendum.

For those ignorant of geography or history, let’s not forget that England is on an island, and so is Ireland. Scotland exists on the northern portion of the island. I apologize if I insult the older readers amongst us, but newer readers have no idea what is the United Kingdom.

For his service to country and courage in the face of overwhelming odds, Nigel Farage should be knighted.

Steve Hilton, former Senior Advisor to David Cameron, proposed a series of questions to be considered for roughly every bill or movement in any government:

  • Should the federal government be involved in this at all?
  • Is it a function of government and is it really necessary?
  • Should we be doing this at the federal level?
  • Power and accountability should be placed in the hands of persons in local communities in terms of decision-making, not larger government

Additionally, I would — as the Bloviating Zeppelin for the US — add these critical questions and qualifiers:

  • Is it Constitutional?
  • Is it fiscally prudent?
  • How will it be funded?
  • Does it add to the deficit?
  • Does it reduce or enhance freedoms?
  • Does it enhance or diminish US sovereignty and power?

I can guarantee you this: the instigation for Brexit revolves around the perceived and actual loss of control forced upon the EU client states by Brussels and, to an equal or greater degree, by Angela Merkel’s insistence that the EU be overwhelmed by Muslims who have no intention of assimilation whatsoever.

  • Borders
  • Language
  • Culture

You couldn’t see this coming, could you, elitists?

No. Because they couldn’t understand that, after a period of time, the proles, the serfs, the groundlings, the commoners — they sometimes come to their senses.

When they do, they are not pleased.



EU Parliament goes “all in” on censorship

Heads up, America. What Leftists want for Europe frequently is advocated here in the United States.

From the UKTelegraph.com:

Censorship concerns as European Parliament introduces ‘kill switch’ to cut racist speeches

by Associated Press

Press freedom organizations have raised concerns about censorship after Members of the European Parliament approved extraordinary measures to combat hate speech. 

MEPs granted the parliament’s president authority to pull the plug on live broadcasts of parliamentary debate in cases of racist speech or acts and to purge offending video or audio material from the online system. 

Critics say the rules are vaguely worded and could be manipulated or used as a tool of censorship. 

Censorship in Europe? Perish the thought, you wanker!

“This undermines the reliability of the Parliament’s archives at a moment where the suspicion of ‘fake news’ and manipulation threatens the credibility of the media and the politicians,” said Tom Weingaertner, president of the Brussels-based International Press Association.

Facts in evidence. EU “journalistas” have it right on this one.

But some MEPs say nationalist rhetoric has recently crossed the line of what is acceptable.  

“There have been a growing number of cases of politicians saying things that are beyond the pale of normal parliamentary discussion and debate,” said Richard Corbett, a British MEP who backed the new rule.

“What if this became not isolated incidents, but specific, where people could say: ‘Hey, this is a fantastic platform. It’s broad, it’s live-streamed. It can be recorded and repeated. Let’s use it for something more vociferous, more spectacular,'” he told The Associated Press.

This is the quintessential Straw Man argument, because the EU’s installation of this policy providing shocking power over speech is most certainly aimed not at what they’re publicly stating, but — bottom line — at speech with which Leftist elitists disagree. Like, say, Brexit. Or sovereignty. Or independence. Or any make and manner of speech with which EU elitists agree must be quashed. Like this: oppositional speech. Of any kind.

What is the European Parliament? Answer: a bastion of Leftist elitists whose decisions take precedence over the rules and laws of client states in the EU.

Rule 165 of the parliament’s rules of procedure allows the chair of debates to halt the live broadcast “in the case of defamatory, racist or xenophobic language or behavior by a member.” The maximum fine for offenders would be around 9,000 euros ($9,500).

What is “xenophobic”? According (here in the US) to Bill Kristol, speech by President Trump saying “America first.” Kristol thinks that’s “depressing and vulgar.” Likely Kristol would love to suppress Trump’s speech.

In the EU and in many areas of the US and particularly Canada, to state the unseemly and hidden truths about Islam is also xenophobic.

To bandy about the words “American exceptionalism” is also considered xenophobic by many Leftists, elitists and GOWPs.

Of course, like much of the law passed by Leftists, it isn’t done in the light of day.

The new rule, which was not made public by the assembly until it was reported by Spain’s La Vanguardia newspaper, offending material could be “deleted from the audiovisual record of proceedings,” meaning citizens would never know it happened unless reporters were in the room.

Mr Weingaertner said the IPA was never consulted on that.

Oh please. When and where were advocates of free speech ever consulted by those who would limit same?

A technical note seen by the AP outlines a procedure for manually cutting off the video feed, stopping transmission on in-house TV monitors and breaking the satellite link to halt broadcast to the outside world.

A videotape in four languages would be kept running to serve as a legal record during the blackout. A more effective and permanent system was being sought.

It is also technically possible to introduce a safe-guard time delay so broadcasts appear a few seconds later. This means they could be interrupted before offending material is aired.

Stop right there. “Offending material.” Just who determines the likes of “offending material”? Correct. The Leftist elitists who demanded the policy in the first place.

But it’s not about just perceived “racist speech.” It’s also about non-PC speech. Already at the BBC all climate change “deniers” can’t acquire any air time or employment at Auntie Beebe. It’s just not popular. Wouldn’t be prudent.

Leftists have what I term BZ’s Succession of Oppression. It goes like this, in three major stages:

  • Tolerance
  • Acceptance
  • Advocacy

These days, if you are not an active advocate of any and all Leftist policies, you are now an ______-ist. Fill in the blank.

Finally, Tucker Carlson interviewed an EU GOWP Drone who has apparently never watched any of his shows.

I repeat at the risk of being a repetitive member of the Department of Redundancy Dept: it’s nothing more than another Leftist Straw Man argument.



After Brexit, Frexit?

Have the French finally had enough of jumping whenever Brussels or Merkel demands? Because it is, frankly, Brussels and Merkel who have determined the recent path of France.

First, Angela Merkel’s importation policy of illegals has not only inundated her country to the tune of one million+ Muslim “refugees” who are assimilating not unlike oil and water, but the flood has turned Paris and other cities into nightly displays of carbeques, riots, disturbances and increased crime — also creating actual “no-go” zones in France.

Folks, an important clue and safety tip from me to you: If you’re planning on seeing wonderful, beautiful Paris, you’d best cancel your rather expensive vacation, save your cash, and visit the downtown area of your nearest high-density, high-rise, low-footprint urban rat cage. You’ll see the same thing and at a fraction of the cost. You’re welcome.

The French are also tired of having their culture eradicated and enclaves formed by Muslim migrants.

There are those who, after Brexit, think that Italy or France will be next to step out of the European Union.

Italy already defeated a referendum about constitutional reform proposals that would transfer power from regions to the centralized Italian government. In other words, it was a Leftist power grab by former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi which would have removed checks and balances from the system. The power to block or revise legislation or even unseat a government would be been removed by Renzi.

The proposal failed at vote and, as promised if it failed, Renzi resigned.

Bottom line. What caused Italian voters to rebuke Renzi’s proposals? A crap economy and the flood of tens of thousands of migrants into Italy. Italian voters could see they were losing the country and losing the capability to keep what is their Italian culture and their Italian history.

At the time, around the middle of December, I said and wrote that likely Italy would attempt to exit the EU next and then possibly France. I also said that if France managed to leave, the rest of the European Union would essentially break apart like a dried leaf.

From the UKExpress.com:

FIRST BREXIT, NOW FREXIT: Brussels insider claims France WILL be next to leave EU

by Zoie O/Brien 

EXCLUSIVE: FRANCE will be the next member state to abandon the European Union, a Brussels insider has claimed.

Support for the bloc is declining across many of the 28-member-states with referendums and elections opening up across the continent.

Referendums have rocked the EU over the last few months with the British Brexit, the Dutch refusing an EU treaty with Ukraine and the coming votes in Italy and Hungary.

While each vote has been on a separate issue, the common consensus is voters are really using the ballot box to make clear their views on the European Union.

And, the prognosis for Brussels is not good.

Follow me please. I’m going somewhere with it.

(Hungarian MEP György Schöpflin) said: “If you are looking for a country to leave (the EU) look at France.

“In Hungary support for the European Union is at around 65 per cent – in France it is around 40, and it is low in Italy as well.

“We want a European Union that is ready to listen. They are not ready to listen and they are going their own way.

The UK started with Nigel Farage’s Brexit — still highly contested — and now appears to be moving towards Italy examining its own ejection from the European Union.

Is there already a ground level movement to have France leave the EU? From Breitbart.com:

Le Pen Hits back at Hollande’s anti-Populist NYE Speech: ‘After Trump, Brexit, the French Want Independence’

by Victoria Friedman

François Hollande denounced populism and nationalism ahead of upcoming French presidential elections, but Marine Le Pen hit back saying after Trump and Brexit, the French share the worldwide “aspiration for independence” in the fight against globalism.

In his New Year’s Eve address, President Hollande, who earlier in December said that he will not be seeking reelection in 2017, alluded to Front National candidate Le Pen when he warned against what he called “rising extremism,” citing Brexit in the U.K. and the election of Donald J. Trump in the U.S.

And therein lies the link. The commonalities are the rise of Donald Trump, the fall of the establishment or status quo on both political sides in the United States and, across the pond, the fall of the Leftist establishment by way of Brexit.

Leftists were, frankly, totally gobsmacked when Trump gained momentum despite every attempt by the Demorats, Leftists, social media, collusion by the American Media Maggots, DNC and much cheating along the way. Frustration grew as Trump became stronger and stronger. It was — and hate to use this term — a “populist wave.”

Simultaneously, sensing the time was right, Nigel Farage assembled the political components to push for and achieve UK’s Brexit. But please note there is a unifying commonality between all of these things: the creation of Donald Trump, the success of Brexit, the rumblings of Italy and, now, France.

The commonality is the standardization of the responses and pushback by Leftist elites to each and every one of those situations. It all went something like this.

Nominal Leftist bleats: it’s nothing but ill-informed populism run rampant with Islamophobia, driven by irrational xenophobia, because all the commoners, proles, groundlings and serfs well and truly do not know what is best for them whilst the Leftist Elites most certainly do. Commoners lack the brainulal horsepower to consider the greater overarching umbrella and must be convinced to properly and rightly concede power to a higher, more all-knowing singular authority

Taxpayers are finally beginning to awaken to their being fleeced by big governments globally, run by Leftist Elites who wish to ultimately answer to no one or nothing. Populism cannot be tolerated because it portends a diminishment of their centralized mastery, challenges their authority, and blinkers their chances to make even larger and farther-reaching power grabs for complete and utter dominance.

The Leftists in Europe aren’t backing down. There is a push for this:

Under the radical proposals, EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels. 

This is what, ultimately, Leftists in the US would also like to see. A proverbial One World Barbecue. But that is precisely what the vote for Brexit was about: removal of centralization in Brussels and the ability of those who pay taxes in the UK to hold elected persons responsible — as opposed to those unelected few many hundreds of miles away.

The excuses of the Leftist elites are like a company saying “you’re not buying our product, so it must be the consumer’s fault.”

The elephant in the room on both sides of the Atlantic was also the corruptive forces of unbridled migration and immigration. People are sick of it. They don’t want to see their cultures disappear.

There will be another country to leave the EU. Will it be Italy or will it be France?


If the Brits have “Brexit,” then how about Departugal?  Italeave?  Fruckoff?  Czechout?  Oustria?  Finish?  Slovlong?  Latervia?  Byegium?  Leaving only Germlonely?