Ferguson: grand jury results = NO indictment for Officer Darren Wilson

Ferguson No ChargesAnd there you go.


As I predicted.  I submit: Brown tried to disarm Wilson within the vehicle.  That was terrible “officer safety” on Wilson’s part.  I further submit: Wilson’s lack of experience with violence because of his place in Ferguson is responsible for the outcome.

But officers can only do and know what they have prepared for.

There is a GREAT difference between large departments and small departments.



Ferguson: Communist press weighs in

Looks to me like their own words exposed them as they are: incredibly stupid.

Question: how could the “authorities” have made this announcement worse?  Late, extended, and at night?  The only thing worse could have been to allow protesters into the grand jury room.  No one from the Brown family was given the courtesy of a notification.

A cluster.

Further: will the press somehow be able to expose the names and addresses of the members of the grand jury?  How reprehensible would that be?



Ferguson: just WHO is responsible for riots?

Ferguson Riots ResponsibleAll of them.  All the black racists.



Ferguson verdict expected in roughly two hours

Ferguson Riots FlamesTwitter and social media are expecting the grand jury decision to come down some time tonight, perhaps at the Justice Center in Clayton, MO, at around 8 PM Central time.

“Prosecutor Bob McCulloch is expected to announce the outcome of their deliberations soon.”

Another announcement indicates a decision released at 9 PM Eastern, which is 6 PM Pacific.

I submit: the grand jury will not indict Officer Darren Wilson.

Your thoughts?



Monday: Ferguson grand jury in?

PULL UP YOUR PANTSSt Louis County has promised local law enforcement a 48-hour “heads-up” prior to the official release of its grand jury results regarding prosecution of former Ferguson Police Department (MO) Officer Dennis Wilson, whose likeness I shall not post here.  The media already has a sufficient number of photographs of Officer Wilson and his home with its address and surrounding neighborhood.

In the meantime, as I write this ahead (it is Sunday night at roughly 9 PM Pacific), Ferguson is already at a boil — certainly not assisted by the loving New Black Panthers and the overall delay of the decision.

It’s as if the blacks extant cannot wait to riot and cork off.  Frankly, I believe that to be true, no matter the decision.

Further, a young black Marine says: pull your damned pants up.

A challenge unaccepted and refuted in Ferguson, Missouri.

PreparationIs this what preparation looks like in Ferguson?

Ferguson MO MessagePants up.  Yeah.  Right.