“Net neutrality” to censor Drudge, Fox and ME?

Freedom of Speech StoppedAh yes, Leftists soon to get what they want, the censorship of those who oppose their policies?

As per normal it isn’t Republicans or Conservatives or those on the right who want to remove your freedoms and specifically your First Amendment freedoms, it is those who profess to be the most embracing and the most understanding and tolerant who wish to remove your freedoms: the Demorats and Leftists and so-called Progressives.

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Drudge, Fox News could be censored under new federal rules, experts warn

by Rudy Takala

A Washington, D.C., appeals court is set to hear arguments later this year on new net neutrality rules, which critics say could lead to government regulators censoring websites such as the Drudge Report and Fox News.

In its February vote on net neutrality, the Federal Communications Commission stated that broadband providers do not have a right to free speech. “Broadband providers are conduits, not speakers … the rules we adopt today are tailored to the important government interest in maintaining an open Internet as a platform for expression,” the majority held in its 3-2 vote.

The rules, which went into effect in June, require that broadband providers — such as Verizon or Comcast — offer access to all legal online content. It did not place such a requirement on “edge providers,” such as Netflix and Google. The FCC defines edge providers as “any individual or entity that provides any content, application, or service over the Internet, and any individual or entity that provides a device used for accessing any content, application, or service over the Internet.”

No right to free speech?

Writing in separate briefs, former FCC Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth and the Center for Boundless Innovation in Technology argues that the rules violate the First Amendment right of Internet providers to display the speech they choose.

“If rules such as these are not reviewed under the most rigorous scrutiny possible, government favoritism and censorship masquerading as ‘neutrality’ will soon cascade to other forms of mass communication,” the center argues.

“If the court upholds the FCC’s rules, the agency’s authority over the Internet would extend from one end to the other,” Fred Campbell, president of the Center for Boundless Innovation in Technology, told the Washington Examiner. “Because the same theories the FCC relied on to impose its new regulations on Internet service providers are also applicable to companies like Apple and Netflix, the FCC could extend its regulatory reach much further in the future.”

Could that “reach” mean me?  And you?  Our opinions on social media?  Any bit of written expression that involves an opinion or even a viewpoint?

More pointedly, our political opinions?  Opinions that could contradict those of the regime in power, as Mr Obama or others of power in DC?

Specifically, Campbell said, the FCC will likely try to control political speech.

“This possibility raises the risk that Congress or the FCC could impose restrictions on Internet video and other services that have traditionally been imposed on over the air broadcasting and cable television, including the fairness doctrine that once put the government in charge of determining whether broadcasters were fairly representing both sides of an issue,” he explained.

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai, who voted against the net neutrality rules, has said such restrictions may be coming if net neutrality is allowed to stand, warning in March that online political content like the Drudge Report could face greater regulation.

Why is it, however, that only Drudge and Fox News should be targeted?  Is it because the “rest” of the news agencies are so terribly unbiased — such as NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN?  It is no shock that there is much Left-wing bias in the newsrooms of what most would term the “mainstream media.”  Bernard Goldberg knew this years ago.  There are very few Republicans and right-wingers in MSM newsrooms.

Further, clearly the ignorant don’t know that Drudge doesn’t write news; the DrudgeReport is nothing more than a news aggregator.  It collects and collates news from sources around the globe, then slugs stories with a headline that catches.

Is this really the United States of America, when something like this could actually happen?



“Happy Hour” debate: Fiorina #1, Perry #2

In my opinion, Carly Fiorina “won” the JV “Happy Hour” debate on Fox News, with former Governor Rick Perry in a close second position.

There is no denying that Fiorina thinks quickly on her feet, replies with complete and cogent sentences, and is thoughtful in her remarks.  She speaks with confidence and utilizes facts when applicable.  She is sharp, classy and dare I say, presidential in demeanor.

Carly Fiorina can be the confidence and the truth of a Trump, but without the huffery-puffery and bombastic rhetoric.  This may have changed her course in the nomination process.

But: can she actually win?



Baltimore black-on-black murders since Gray: where are the riots?

Baltimore Black LeadersAnd the hits just keep on coming.

May was a great month for Baltimore, if you’re a dead black male.

34 black males died in May, in the great Demorat-controlled city of Baltimore.  There have been 109 homicides to date in Baltimore.  Easily over 95% of the victims were black.  Most all the suspects were — wait for it.  .  .

Just this past weekend under the tutelage of the Mayor Hyphenate, there were 27 shootings and 8 deaths.  How many were black-on-black?  I’ll give you one silly-willy guess.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Baltimore possesses a great number of “chocolates” as termed by Ray Nagin.

Let’s see: there are 622,000 people in Baltimore.  63% of its population is black.  The Mayor is black, the Police Chief is black, the city council president is black, the council itself is 2/3rds black, 48% of the police force is black, the Police Commissioner is black.  All chocolates.  But here is a very telling paragraph:

“It transcends whether the mayor is black or not,” said Lawrence Brown, a Morgan State University professor and community activist. “Black people view policing as racist, and it doesn’t matter if the mayor is black, the police chief is black or the president is black. There’s a long history of brutal policing in black communities, so people don’t have any expectations.” 

“Black people view policing as racist.”

And that’s a sentence you’ll be hard-pressed to overcome when it sources from people who are too many times criminals.  Note to black criminals: stop committing crimes, if you don’t want to be considered or “labeled” as a criminal.  Pretty damned simple.  Really.

From CBSBaltimore.com:

29 Shootings, 9 Fatal, Over Memorial Day Weekend In Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ)–It’s been a violent  weekend in Baltimore after a surge of shootings–some deadly across the city.

Amy Yensi has more.

Police say 29 people were shot, 9 of them killed over this weekend, adding to the  record-breaking violence.

The shooting didn’t stop on Monday night after a 9-year-old boy and another man were both injured by gun fire in the 2900 block of Arunah Avenue. Police say the child was shot in the leg and another man suffered a graze wound to the head.

35 killings in Baltimore in one month.  May was Baltimore’s deadliest month since 1999.

Of course, Freddie Gray was worth turning an already piece-of-crap Baltimore into an even larger piece-of-crap city, costing the city even more money and putting it in even greater debt.

Baltimore Cop Car Smashed With NarrativeMake no mistake: Demorats have been in charge of Baltimore since 1967, and since the 1968 riots nothing has been done in West Baltimore.  Repeat: nothing since 1968.  For 48 years Demorats have been in charge of Baltimore and apparently nothing much has happened.  The city hasn’t been able to repair itself since the 1968 Martin Luther King, Jr. riots.

Despite the fact that it has, to date, received $1.8 BILLION federal dollars.  Where did that money go?

Pat Dollard writes:

Thanks To Black Leaders And Black Criminals, Baltimore Has 27 Shootings And 8 Deaths This Weekend

This is the direct result of black leaders Barack Obama, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Attorney General Mosby,Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Al Sharpton, all declaring war on America’s cops, and lynching 6 Baltimore on phony murder charges.

[Prediction: those cops will be found not guilty, or guilty of much lesser charges. – BZ]

John Nolte writes:

“Poverty has nothing to do with it. This madness and chaos and anarchy is a Democrat-driven culture that starts at the top with a racially-divisive White House heartbreakingly effective at ginning up hate and violence. Where I currently reside here in Watauga County, North Carolina, the poverty level is 31.3%. Median income is only $34,293. In both of those areas we are much worse off than Baltimore, that has a poverty rate of only 23.8% and a median income of $41,385. Despite all that, we don’t riot here in Watauga County. Thankfully, we have not been poisoned by the same left-wing culture that is rotting Baltimore, and so many other cities like it, from the inside out. We get along remarkably well. We are neighbors. We are people who help out one another. We take pride in our community, and are grateful for what we do have. We are far from perfect, but we work out our many differences in civilized ways. Solutions are our goal, not cronyism, narcissistic victimhood, and the blaming of others.”

But here’s the dirty little secret that Demorats don’t want you to know, in concert with their Poverty and Race Pimp abiders like Jackson and Sharpton — who continue to privately profit from race baiting:

It isn’t a “race” problem with Baltimore.  It’s a Demorat problem.

Look at any busted and broken major city in the United States, and I’ll show you a city run by Demorats.  Demorat, liberal, “Progressive,” Socialist policies are historically a failure.  But no one wants to consider anything different.  Throwing more cash at Baltimore is like throwing cash at an African tinpot dictator.  It’ll never get past the government “heads.”  It will never “trickle down.”

That said, as my headline asks: so where are the riots?

Blacks rioted in Baltimore following one black male dying whist in Baltimore PD custody (in which half of the cops indicated were black, with one black female officer).

Yet, blacks continue to kill blacks in Baltimore with offhand impunity.

Where are the riots?

Oh, right.  That’s the wrong narrative.



All 6 Baltimore officers indicted

From WFSB.com:

Baltimore officers indicted for the death of Freddie Gray

by Zach Winslett

(RNN) – All six officers charged for the death of Freddie Gray have been indicted by a grand jury. 

“As our investigation has continued, additional info has been discovered, and, as is often the case, additional charges can be added,” Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby said.

In the meantime, the Mayor Hyphenate says Baltimore crime is off the charts.

And that hurts her.

Baltimore’s mayor: Spike in crime ‘disheartening’

by Yvonne Wenger

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake called the city’s recent spike in violence “disheartening” Thursday as police work to address a dramatic increase in homicides and nonfatal shootings.

“It’s extremely frustrating,” the mayor told reporters at a news conference. “It is disheartening, but I am still resolved to continue to reduce violent crime in our city.”

The city has experienced 100 homicides this year, compared with 71 at this time last year, the police department said. It’s the fastest the city has reached 100 homicides since 2007. Last year, the city reached the mark on July 4. Nonfatal shootings are up more than 70 percent with at least 19 people shot on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I wonder: are Baltimore police hedging their arrest bets?



Hillary arrogant: “I’ll ponder it.”

How much longer can Hillary Clinton avoid pointed questions?

Apparently as long as she continues her naked arrogance and the American Media Maggots choose to shield her.  This exchange between Hillary and Ed Henry (of that Evil Fox News) whom, she knew, wanted to ask a question that was not coated in pillowy, downy soft fabric:

This occurred at a bike shop in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where the dripping condescension could be cut with a knife.

Hillary completely avoids “sit down” interviews.  Further:

Hillary could never survive an interview with a serious journalist who would first, ask pointed questions and, second, hit her with follow-up questions and not allow her simply to pontificate and dodge.

She knows it.

Ed Henry Waits And TweetsEd Henry, who had a room across from Clinton in an Iowa hotel, even “camped out” in hopes of scoring some kind of interaction with the presidential candidate.  No soap.

Henry said:

ED HENRY: We had been through one of these campaign events after another, getting monotonous, one city after another. Roundtables. All candidates, Democrats and Republicans, are able to do their talking points, but we’ve gone 27, 28 days without a question. That’s why I just jumped in. I tried to do it respectfully when there was a pause in what she was saying and politely said, will you take questions from us? She was taking questions from her supporters who lobbed softballs. She eventually, after that funny moment where she said I’m pondering it, she pondered then marched to the back of the room and took five or six questions. 

It’s clear that Hillary’s handlers are keeping her away from any form of a serious interview.  She only speaks to pre-vetted groups who have been forced to give up their cell phones and submitted to screening.

For how long can she be efficiently shielded from actual questions?