WWII Vets Knock Over Shutdown Barrier to Visit Memorial

They didn’t become the Greatest Generation by being shrinking violets.

From the WashingtonFreeBeacon.com:

A group of World War II veterans in an Honor Flight group Tuesday knocked over barriers imposed during the government shutdown at the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C., to get inside.

WWII Memorial Govt Shutdown SignAfter having arrived by way of an Honor Flight (please click the link to read about this great organization, and check my post here), various WWII veterans decided that, “government shutdown” or not, they were not going to be kept from their memorial.

And shutting down a memorial like this — open as it is on the mall — required not just somebody at a gate or single barricade.  Oh no; it required purposeful barriers physically lugged into position.  See the photos.

The WashingtonTimes.com also wrote:
By David Sherfinski, The Washington Times  

A group that included elderly veterans forced their way into the World War II Memorial on Tuesday in defiance of a federal government shutdown that had closed the monument.

The memorial on the national Mall was closed along with most of the city’s memorials and museums after Congress failed to reach a federal spending deal by midnight Monday.

Allow me to interject the obvious now, at this point: these memorials were closed not because they were the most costly items to run in the government, but because Mr Obama purposely wants to hurt and negatively impact as many American citizens as he possible can, for the temerity of the GOP in not bowing to Mr Obama’s every whim.

WWII Memorial Govt Shutdown, Officers Perplexed - What Shall We Do

Federal park rangers and federal police, perplexed, don’t know what to do about all those damned pushy WWII veterans.  Arresting men in their 80s and 90s, in wheelchairs, might be bad for Mr Obama.

The Demorats and Mr Obama are in charge in DC.  It was their decision to close the monuments and parks.  Oddly enough, however, you do not see their salaries or perks impacted in any way whatsoever.  That’s because they don’t want to make themselves hurt; they want to make you hurt.  Obama and his sycophants simply utilize sophistry.

WWII Memorial Govt Shutdown Veterans Coming InContinuing:

Dozens of people, including several in wheelchairs, made their way on to the grounds of the monument just before noon as police officers, National Park Service personnel and tourists watched.

The group, which arrived in four buses, was part of an “honor flight” that brings veterans to the District to see the memorial. They were accompanied by a handful of members of Congress. Among those present were Rep. Steven M. Palazzo, Mississippi Republican; Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican; Rep. Louie Gohmert, Texas Republican; and Sen. Roger Wicker, Mississippi Republican.

But here’s the best part:

Mr. King’s spokeswoman confirmed to The Washington Times that he distracted the guards, giving the veterans the chance to break through.

And in my opinion, that’s simply a wonderful thing for those courageous Americans.





Here’s your heinous Gubmint Shutdown: “Even in shutdown, Feds get overtime, comp time, ‘Sunday pay’ “

US President Barack Obama speaks duringWow.  I mean, zowie.  A shutdown in the federal government will certainly hurt.  Considering that when Demorats typify a “complete government shutdown,” “complete” happens to only mean 40% of the federal government.

And with those exempted come some great perks:

Even in shutdown, Feds get overtime, comp time, ‘Sunday pay’


A federal government shutdown will temporarily cut off pay of thousands of Uncle Sam’s workers, but for those considered “excepted employees,” there could be a nice salary bump thanks to rules allowing overtime, compensatory time and other benefits provided to those the administration feels too important to furlough.

In advance of the potential shutdown, the Office of Personnel Management distributed a 30-page “Guidance for Shutdown Furloughs” that spells out who will get what, if anything, if President Obama and House Republicans can’t negotiate a break in the budget stalemate by Monday night, the end of the fiscal year.

Most workers won’t be considered excepted employees, but OPM emphasized that it’s not because their work isn’t valued. “Excepted employees include employees who are performing emergency work involving the safety of human life or the protection of property or performing certain other types of excepted work,” said the guide.

Interesting.  I wonder just who might be considered “performing emergency work,” or “certain other types of excepted work”?

Congress, perhaps?