Former Haitian senate president: exposing the Clinton Foundation

Just how truly helpful is the Clinton Foundation?

Astoundingly helpful, if one counts bribes and pressure and corruption.  Please watch and, more importantly, listen carefully to the video, then read the story.

I am pushback and, as such, it is my job to present the facts, figures and representations that the American Media Maggot lapdogs avoid altogether, provide as half-truths or lie about. Now that you’ve seen the video, read the Saturday story from

BREAKING FLORIDA: FORMER HAITIAN Senate President Drops CLINTON BOMBSHELL Exposing Unbelievable Corruption At Trump Event

Former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, shocked a large crowd at a Trump campaign event in Little Haiti, FL. Sansaricq exposes all of the dirty dealings of the Clinton’s in Haiti while he was still in office. Donald Trump to his credit, allowed him to speak his mind and expose to the world what kind of criminals are attempting to scratch and claw their way back into our White House.

Sansaricq also claims he begged the Clinton Administration not to invade Haiti. His request was followed up with a visit by an anonymous messenger from the White House who encouraged him to “side” with the Clinton Administration and he would “be the richest man in Haiti.”

The Haitians said following the US invasion of Haiti: “ ‘Lave men ou, siye li a te.’ It looks like you wash your hands and dry them in dirt.”

Let me summarize what happened to Haiti. The US invaded it twice, the first during WWI. The second time was during the Bill Clinton administration in 1994, where 20,000 troops were sent by Willie J to quell the “illegitimate regime” of General Raoul Cedras and his terrorist rabble of gangbangers/enforcers, known as FRAPH.

This invasion occurred on the heels of, if you recall, the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia (Blackhawk Down).

What many people don’t know is that, as Bob Shacochis writes:

Col. Mark Boyatt, the overall commander of Special Forces in Haiti, told his commandos to begin regarding FRAPH as Haiti’s “loyal opposition,” as if the terrorists, overnight, had become Haiti’s equivalent to the Republican Party, rehabilitated patriots eager to remake Haiti into a modern democratic nation.

Who gave that order? Sandy Berger and the White House. Thank you Willie J. Why did we go there in the first place, you buffoon? Today’s PlaySkool T-ball journalistas are not the least bit curious.

Clinton pulled our forces from Haiti in 1996, with many considering Haiti to be in worse shape than when we arrived. Some Haitians asked “why has America come to save us? Who will save us now?”

He also suggests that Hillary Clinton “disclose the audit of all money” related to the Haiti earthquake crisis, as he claims they scammed the poorest citizens of Haiti out of BILLIONS of dollars through the Clinton Foundation.

“Not even 2% of that money went back to Haiti. So Mr. Trump, we are asking you, begging you, the Haitian community will side with you if one day, you ask Hillary Clinton publicly to disclose the audit of all of the money they have stolen from Haiti in 2010 after the earthquake. Haiti is a very poor country. Haiti needs defenders. You said you would champion our cause. We welcome you sir and we will work with you. Ask Hillary Clinton publicly, during your next debate for an audit of all of the money they have stolen from Haiti.” 

So, let me see if I have this correct: Haiti was made a Clinton Sandwich.  One piece of corrupt bread was applied in 1994 by Bill, and the other piece of corrupt bread was applied by Hillary in 2010 following the earthquake, in the name of the Clinton Foundation.

Yet the Clintons want the vote of every Haitian in America.

It’s like asking the mentally defective (now, damned near 50% of the voters) to take a ball-peen hammer and smack themselves in the temple, then beg to do it again from the person who provided the hammer.

