Will or will not Julian Assange unload on Hillary?

julian-assange-wikileaksI’m hearing yes he will.

I’m hearing no he won’t.

YES has been in the news for the past two months.

From HeatStreet.com:

‘October Surprise’ Thwarted? Wikileaks Cancels Highly Anticipated Tuesday Announcement Due to ‘Security Concerns’

by HeatStreet Staff

Wikileaks has abruptly canceled a much-anticipated announcement on Tuesday, according to NBC News. The announcement had been expected to be founder Julian Assange’s long-promised document dump on Hillary Clinton.

NBC’s Jesse Rodriguez reported that the Tuesday announcement — which was to come from the balcony of London’s Ecuadorian Embassy, where Assange has sought sanctuary for years – was canceled due to “security concerns”.

So: who “got” to Julian Assange either with cash or explosives or blackmail?

Assange appeared on Fox News last month, repeating his assertion that Wikileaks has damaging documents on Clinton and suggested WikiLeaks may soon release “teasers”. More than three weeks later, that release has yet to take place.

Assange himself has also recently hinted publicly that low-level DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered this summer in Washington DC, had been the source for Wikileaks’ document dump on the DNC. And that Rich’s alleged role in the leaks was linked to his death.

Why pull back now? “Security concerns” had not been much of a concern earlier. Why are they now?



Hillary Clinton throws a camshaft on many levels

And frankly, it’s funny as hell to watch.

Hillary Clinton has still not gotten over the fact that she lost the 2008 presidential election to a black man who had not paid the dues that she perceived she has.

She may lose the first debate tomorrow, Monday.

By all accounts, Hillary believes she is simply “due” the office because of her water-carrying for the Demorats over the years and her seemingly-unflagging support of her serial-philandering husband, William Jefferson Clinton. You know, the man who has his “blond bimbo” over to the Clinton family Chappaqua compound when Hillary is gone with such frequency that the Secret Service calls her the “Energizer.”

It is Hillary Rodham Clinton’s “basket of deplorables.” It is her sense of entitlement to the White House. It is beneath HRC to have to remotely attempt to justify her bid for the White House. The air of entitlement is both thick and rich on many levels. Her victory is due her. “You don’t like me, therefore you are wrong and bad and worth destroying.”

Hillary Clinton cannot connect with independent voters, she fails to connect with younger voters for obvious reasons, she attempts to “re-introduce” herself on damned near a weekly basis. North Carolina, Ohio and Nevada have become “swing states.”

However, you can visibly perceive the unwellness in not only the body but the soul of Hillary Rodham Clinton. And just as she makes the speech above, two new articles emerge about her health — following her odd exhibition of strabismus during a recent speech in Philadelphia.

Though the immediate video below is amusing to a degree, its source material is not doctored and reveals an incredibly-serious and continuing health issue.

Following her fall as I documented here, a number of sources have weighed in with regard to health. Again. From TheHill.com:

Clinton’s eyes — a window into her health issues

by John R. Coppedge

In 2014 Conan O’Brien did a spoof of Hillary Clinton‘s interview with Diane Sawyer about her lack of lingering health issues following her 2012 concussion. In an obviously photoshopped version Clinton’s eyes are made to oscillate crazily.

It was a very funny piece. Now, it may not seem so funny.

Hillary Clinton exhibited abnormal eye movements during her recent speech in Philadelphia and they were not photoshopped.

Her eyes did not always move in the same direction at the same time. It appears that she has a problem with her left sixth cranial nerve. That nerve serves only one function and that is to make the lateral rectus muscle contract. That muscle turns the eye in the direction away from the midline. 

Please allow me to step in at this point and allow that the author is John R. Coppedge, MD, FACS, a general surgeon from Texas. Not a pundit, not a political hack.

First: this is the Conan O’Brien video to which Coppedge refers:

Like all things medical, there is a long list of potential causes but in my opinion the most likely one, based on Clinton’s known medical history is an intermittent lateral rectus palsy caused by damage to or pressure on her sixth cranial nerve.

It is known that she suffered a traumatic brain injury in late 2012 when she fell and struck her head. What is also known is that she was diagnosed with a transverse sinus thrombosis — blood clot in the major vein at the base of the brain. Almost all patients with a transverse sinus thrombosis suffer swelling of the brain and increased intracranial pressure. Most have headaches, balance issues and visual disturbances — all of which Clinton was reported to have following that event.

Clinton’s physician reported that she was placed on Coumadin (a blood thinner) to dissolve the blood clot. Actually, that is incorrect, because Coumadin has no effect on an existing clot. It serves only to decrease the chance of further clotting occurring Clinton’s physician has also reported that on follow up exam, the clot had resolved. That is surprising since the majority of such clots do not dissolve. The way it was documented that the clot had resolved has not been reported.

Does Hillary Clinton play a part in her situation? Continue reading.

Critics will rightly point out that I have not examined Clinton. They will point out that I am not ophthalmologist or a neurologist. But I am a physician and the concepts discussed above are taught to every medical student early in their education. Her traumatic brain injury, transverse sinus thrombosis, subsequent symptoms, falling, passing out and now the obvious problem with eye movement are all fact, not speculation.

It would be very helpful if Clinton agreed to an independent exam and to have the questions raised here answered. It is too important not to get this right.

Has Hillary Clinton been controlling her own medical treatment, avoiding the obvious?

From the NYPost.com:

Hillary refuses to take neurocognitive test

by Daniel Halper

Hillary Clinton won’t be taking a neurocognitive test, and releasing the results to the public — telling a reporter “there’s no need for that,” even after collapsing as she was leaving a 9/11 memorial event last week in Manhattan.

Clinton made the comment, suggesting she will not be releasing any further medical information this presidential campaign, in an interview Wednesday with Florida’s WFTS ABC Action News.

Why am I focusing so closely on the “medical issues” of Hillary Rodham Clinton? Because the American Media Maggots would do precisely the same thing had the roles been reversed with regard to Donald Trump. Like a pit bull, they would have worn the issue down to the bone with Donald Trump. If it took weeks, if it took months, they would not have cared.

Desperate times for Hillary, requiring desperate measures — to include wearing an earpiece through which she could receive verbal prompts when placed in, say, “challenging situations” such as — wait for it — the debates with Donald Trump, the first of which occurs tomorrow, Monday the 26th.

The thought first emerged from a series of photographs taken on September 8th at the Commander In Chief Military Forum with she and Donald Trump, as they were interviewed separately.

But this is not simply my speculation. There is an email released by WikiLeaks in which Huma Abedin makes reference to Hillary’s “earpiece” in 2009.

hillary-clinton-earpiece-email-via-wikileaksPlease note: one does not customarily refer to, say, hearing aids as an “earpiece,” should the Hillary defenders weigh in.

Further, once the issue came to light, a source whose work includes intelligence stated he saw her wearing a similar flesh-colored piece in her ear a number of years ago. Certainly nothing like the USSS wears for dignitary protection.

hillary-clinton-earpiece-repWas and is Hillary Clinton being fed information from an outside source, either by way of RF or Bluetooth technology and, moreover, will she be wearing a similar unit during the debates?

Hillary Rodham Clinton, I think you have a problem. Quite a number of them, in fact.

Donald Trump is a risk.

But Hillary Clinton is a certain disaster.



Sorry, can’t pass this up.

Nor can I pass up Pepe the Frog:



At last: WHY Hillary wasn’t indicted for emails

hillary-clinton-and-obakaBecause Barack Hussein Obama was involved.

He made a phone call to Loretta Lynch. She met with William Jefferson Clinton. James Comey also received a telephone call. The rest is history.

How do we know this? Because of newly-released FBI documents furnished on Friday — right before the weekend. Anyone besides myself think this is no coincidence?

From Politico.com:

Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

by Josh Gerstein and Nolan D. McCaskill

President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.

The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton’s private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

First question: why would Barack Hussein Obama do that? Obvious answer: to keep information concealed.

In an April 5, 2016 interview with the FBI, Abedin was shown an email exchange between Clinton and Obama, but the longtime Clinton aide did not recognize the name of the sender.

“Once informed that the sender’s name is believed to be pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: ‘How is this not classified?'” the report says. “Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president’s use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email.”

Wait. Did I just see Huma Abedin throw Barack Obama under the bus?

The State Department has refused to make public that and other emails Clinton exchanged with Obama. Lawyers have cited the “presidential communications privilege,” a variation of executive privilege, in order to withhold the messages under the Freedom of Information Act.

The report doesn’t provide more details on the contents of that particular email exchange, but says it took place on June 28, 2012, and had the subject line: “Re: Congratulations.” It may refer to the Supreme Court’s ruling that day upholding a key portion of the Obamacare law.

Let us now do what I call the “Logical Extension,” this time using DC politics as the yardstick.

Barack Hussein Obama may claim he did not know that Hillary Clinton had a private server, but that would be an utter lie as her “private” email address was HRC22@ClintonEmail.com. I’d call that a bit of a give-away.

As mentioned above, the only reason for Obama’s utilization of a pseudonym would be for purposes of concealment.

Because the email exchanges between Obama and Clinton fall under “presidential communications privilege,” we do not yet know the nature of the content. However, you can be assured that once Clinton’s private server became an issue unto itself, Barack Obama had his own self-serving reasons to ensure she was not indicted: it would have revealed himself as an abject SCOAMF for 1) having sent government messages to an unsecured private server, and 2) doing so under an alias, and 3) being complicit in compromising classified information on a non-governmental server.

It was clearly in Barack Hussein Obama’s best political interest to ensure that Hillary Clinton was not indicted because, had she been, he knew she could have revealed information about him that I suspect was neither lawful nor pleasant. The Clintons despise the Obamas and vice versa.

Ladies and gentlemen, for me the clouds are beginning to part.

Remember, Julian Assange insists he has an even larger round of surprise Hillary Clinton emails to reveal some time in October.

In a purely schadenfreude sense, I cannot wait.



Contest: come up with the best email pseudonym for Barack Hussein Obama, including the host name as well. Winner will receive good tidings and an air fist-bump.


Former Haitian senate president: exposing the Clinton Foundation

Just how truly helpful is the Clinton Foundation?

Astoundingly helpful, if one counts bribes and pressure and corruption.  Please watch and, more importantly, listen carefully to the video, then read the story.

I am pushback and, as such, it is my job to present the facts, figures and representations that the American Media Maggot lapdogs avoid altogether, provide as half-truths or lie about. Now that you’ve seen the video, read the Saturday story from 100percentfedup.com:

BREAKING FLORIDA: FORMER HAITIAN Senate President Drops CLINTON BOMBSHELL Exposing Unbelievable Corruption At Trump Event

Former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, shocked a large crowd at a Trump campaign event in Little Haiti, FL. Sansaricq exposes all of the dirty dealings of the Clinton’s in Haiti while he was still in office. Donald Trump to his credit, allowed him to speak his mind and expose to the world what kind of criminals are attempting to scratch and claw their way back into our White House.

Sansaricq also claims he begged the Clinton Administration not to invade Haiti. His request was followed up with a visit by an anonymous messenger from the White House who encouraged him to “side” with the Clinton Administration and he would “be the richest man in Haiti.”

The Haitians said following the US invasion of Haiti: “ ‘Lave men ou, siye li a te.’ It looks like you wash your hands and dry them in dirt.”

Let me summarize what happened to Haiti. The US invaded it twice, the first during WWI. The second time was during the Bill Clinton administration in 1994, where 20,000 troops were sent by Willie J to quell the “illegitimate regime” of General Raoul Cedras and his terrorist rabble of gangbangers/enforcers, known as FRAPH.

This invasion occurred on the heels of, if you recall, the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia (Blackhawk Down).

What many people don’t know is that, as Bob Shacochis writes:

Col. Mark Boyatt, the overall commander of Special Forces in Haiti, told his commandos to begin regarding FRAPH as Haiti’s “loyal opposition,” as if the terrorists, overnight, had become Haiti’s equivalent to the Republican Party, rehabilitated patriots eager to remake Haiti into a modern democratic nation.

Who gave that order? Sandy Berger and the White House. Thank you Willie J. Why did we go there in the first place, you buffoon? Today’s PlaySkool T-ball journalistas are not the least bit curious.

Clinton pulled our forces from Haiti in 1996, with many considering Haiti to be in worse shape than when we arrived. Some Haitians asked “why has America come to save us? Who will save us now?”

He also suggests that Hillary Clinton “disclose the audit of all money” related to the Haiti earthquake crisis, as he claims they scammed the poorest citizens of Haiti out of BILLIONS of dollars through the Clinton Foundation.

“Not even 2% of that money went back to Haiti. So Mr. Trump, we are asking you, begging you, the Haitian community will side with you if one day, you ask Hillary Clinton publicly to disclose the audit of all of the money they have stolen from Haiti in 2010 after the earthquake. Haiti is a very poor country. Haiti needs defenders. You said you would champion our cause. We welcome you sir and we will work with you. Ask Hillary Clinton publicly, during your next debate for an audit of all of the money they have stolen from Haiti.” 

So, let me see if I have this correct: Haiti was made a Clinton Sandwich.  One piece of corrupt bread was applied in 1994 by Bill, and the other piece of corrupt bread was applied by Hillary in 2010 following the earthquake, in the name of the Clinton Foundation.

Yet the Clintons want the vote of every Haitian in America.

It’s like asking the mentally defective (now, damned near 50% of the voters) to take a ball-peen hammer and smack themselves in the temple, then beg to do it again from the person who provided the hammer.



How Hillary can tell things aren’t going well

Besides the NY Times, the New Yorker, CNN and NBC abandoning you, and having Jimmy Kimmel say:

KIMMEL:   “Hillary Clinton was supposed to be in California today — but she had to cancel the trip because of illness. You probably know Hillary was coughing a lot in public last week and then yesterday she was forced to leave a 9/11 memorial because she was feeling faint. Turns out on Friday Clinton’s doctor had diagnosed her with pneumonia but they kept it secret until this happened and they were forced to admit it. You know, these conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health would be a lot harder to believe if they didn’t actually come true.”

Then there was this slap-in-the-face that occurred during a Hillary Clinton rally Friday, attended by Michelle Obama — from the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Michelle Obama greeted with ‘Four More Years’ chants at Clinton event

by Al Weaver

FAIRFAX, Va. — In her first appearance on the campaign trail in support of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, first lady Michelle Obama was greeted with chants of “four more years,” all the while bashing Donald Trump for his comments questioning where President Obama was born and talking up Clinton as the Democratic nominee.

Soon after she took the stage at George Mason University, Obama spoke about first family’s impending departure from the White House, which was met with chants from supporters.

“My family is almost at the end of our time in the White House,” Obama said before she was drowned out by groans from the crowd before they started up the “four more years” chant. Throughout the chants, the first lady kept saying “noooo.”

How gloriously embarrassing it must have been for Hillary Rodham Clinton whilst, at “her house,” her “guest” received greater accolades, grandeur and huzzahs than did she.

With this in mind: the Clintons despise the Obamas and vice versa.  Recently leaked Colin Powell emails prove it.

colin-powell-email-clintons-obamasThere was also the recent 2014 book written by Edward Klein entitled “Blood Feud” in which Michelle coined the very creative descriptor “Hildebeest” for HRC. Willie J was known to have said “I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived,” the New York Post wrote.

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

Mr. Clinton was particularly upset at Mr. Obama’s suggestion during the 2008 campaign season that he was a racist, The Blaze reported. Mr. Obama — who was forced to admit he needed Mr. Clinton’s support to win — ultimately phoned the former president in 2011 and asked him to play golf.

Mr. Clinton’s response to the invite, which he did ultimately accept: “I’m not going to enjoy this,” Mr. Klein wrote in his book.

Then there’s this bit-o-tid:

Mr. Klein goes on to chronicle that during the golf match, Mr. Clinton talked about his wife’s presidential qualifications — and was taken off guard when Mr. Obama, at one point, said: “You know, Michelle would make a great presidential candidate, too,” as quoted by a Clinton family friend.

Finally, it was Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign that started the whole Obama “birther” movement, as confirmed today by MSNBC, Politico, Bloomberg News, McClatchy, CNN and more news organizations — not the GOP or conservatives or Donald Trump or any other.

Ah yes, Michelle stealing all the air from a Hillary Clinton event.

Shades of a possible future if the Hildebeest stalls?