FBI Kabuki Theater

Or Theater of the Absurd.

Kabuki TheatreTake your pick.

In any event, there was an atrocious — I can think of no other word — catastrophe of potentially global implications that occurred in San Bernardino.  This video perhaps illustrates things at their base.

The media was given whole hog access to the terrorist base camp.

And the media just how happened to have had those things opened up to reporters?

As these photos would illustrate?

San Berdoo Scene, AMM In Suspect's Apartment

San Berdoo Scene 2And moreover, why?

Breitbart.com took the obvious bent.

The DailyWire also illustrates:

This Is The Most Insane Thing You Have Ever Seen on Live TV. Seriously. What The Actual F***?

by Ben Shapiro

The media are jackals.

The feds are incompetent.

We’re completely screwed.

That’s the only message we can take from the media’s three-hour tour of the San Bernardino terrorists’ apartment. On Friday, at media request, the landlord of the apartment pried off a board covering the door with a crowbar, and the media, in all of their vulpine glory, rushed forward to feast on material evidence in a terrorism investigation.

That heads are not yet rolling — at least in public — astounds and amazes me.

San Berdoo Scene 3Because mostly all month I have been extolling the independence and competency of FBI Director James Comey, whom I’ve quantified as one of the best directors to sit at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue in some time.

One reporter wrote:

I don’t see any fingerprint dust on the walls where they went in there and checked for fingerprints for other people that might have been connected with these two. You’ve got documents laying all over the place; you’ve got shredded documents…You have passports, you’ve got drivers’ licenses — now you have thousands of fingerprints all over inside this crime scene…I am so shocked, I cannot believe it.

San Berdoo Scene 4Now?  After this?

This is a clusterfuck of staggering proportions.

The UKDailyMail.com reveals:

San Bernardino police defend themselves after terrorists’ landlord allows media unfettered access inside their apartment – but MSNBC apologizes for airing it live

by Chris Spargo

  • The media was allowed unsupervised access into the home of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik on Friday

  • During their live broadcast, MSNBC showed identification cards that should not have been made public

  • ‘We regret that we briefly showed images of photographs and identification cards that should not have been aired without review,’ said MSNBC 

  • The San Bernardino police said it was still an active crime scene Friday morning, but the FBI later said that was not the case 

  • ‘If the police are watching this, they better be on their way down there to stop this from happening,’ said law enforcement specialist Harry Houck 

  • He also noted that it appeared the apartment had at no point been dusted for fingerprints based on what he was seeing 

I most definitely have a “take” on this, and it isn’t against the San Bernardino Police Department.  I find the FBI wholly at fault.  Having worked for the federal system and with local law enforcement for 41 years (and retiring only 5 months ago), here’s why:

The FBI determined the San Bernardino shootings were acts of terror.  Once the names of the suspects were released, anyone with half a nerve ganglion knew it was terror committed in the name of Islam.  It was personal, yes, because of where and whom the suspects targeted, but still Islamic terror, homegrown.

Because of that determination, any and all crime scenes become the charge of the overarching element — terror — and that means the FBI is charged with handling the case, from the crime scenes to the processing and the jurisdictional provenance.

San Berdoo Scene 5Yes, local law enforcement agencies were the first responders, but the FBI is tasked with taking the case, organizing it, investigating it, providing updates to the AG and ultimately to a courtroom should the fact pattern and future discoveries lead there.  It is not impossible the two Muslim suspects were assisted in some fashion and that their plans included any number of soft targets in Southern California.

In other words, the crime scene at the house, in my opinion, wasn’t the San Bernardino Police Department’s baby to rock.  It was the FBI because they will have ultimate authority in terms of potential prosecutions or developments in the future.

Because, physically, the house was within the limits of the City of Redlands.

But I can only conjure a short list of alternatives for this cock-up.

  1. No communications.  The FBI failed to communicate its needs to the other agencies involved.  It wouldn’t be the first time.
  2. Lack of monitoring.  The FBI failed to monitor what was occurring on their crime scene.
  3. A phone call from DC.  The Obama administration is clearly Muslim-friendly.
  4. Overall incompetence or indifference.

No matter, it is CSI Copwork 101 that, in a high-stakes case involving the death of a human being, particularly one of such criticality, you process the scene with unwavering detail, you take everything (because in the early portion of any given case you never truly know where the case will go or what piece of evidence will gain even more importance), nothing remains, because — once released — you can never re-live that scene again.  It will never be the same.

You would never, ever, ever leave any bit of indicia behind at a crime scene of this significance because, as a defense attorney, if and when it comes to that, I will tear you a new asshole on the stand and make you look the complete SCOAMF; a Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure.

This is not a small problem; this is potentially a catastrophic problem.  I can’t help siding with Michael Patrick Tracy on this one.

When the American Media Maggots stop to wonder why they were let into a particular scene, you know you have an issue.



Syrian refugees in US somehow DISAPPEAR: it’s STARTING already

Syrians Fleeing From ISISFrom GatewayPundit.com:

Breaking: Syrian ‘Refugee’ Already MISSING IN LOUISIANA

by John Binder

Liberals continue to tell us the “vetting process” for refugees is under control. They insist the federal government is monitoring every Syrian once they make it to America.
But, of course, that’s a total fallacy.

Chris Nakamoto at WBRZ writes:

We’re learning more details on the Syrian Refugee in Baton Rouge. Catholic Charities helped the refugee. However, we’re told the immigrant left after a few days, and Catholic Charities doesn’t know where he or she went. It’s not their job to track them. Details on WBRZ Channel 2 at 6.

Right.  So the Catholic sponsors couldn’t care less.

So just where might at least some of the Louisiana Syrian “refugees” be?  The Hayride.com lets us know:

Here Are The Exact Numbers Of How Many Syrian Refugees Are In Louisiana And Where They Are Located

by John Binder

Nearly two weeks ago, the Hayride exclusively reported on Syrian refugees potentially resettling in the state, it seems that some 14 refugees have already resettled in the state, according to WWL.

Here’s the breakdown of where the Syrians have resettled in the state:

  • 7 in Kenner.
  • 6 in New Orleans
  • 1 in Baton Rouge

Also, the New York Times has released this map, showing exactly where all Syrian refugees between 2012-present have been resettled in the country. Take a look:

syrian-refugee-mapISIS is already here in the US.  They were first elements of other anti-American Muslim groups but have now sworn fealty to ISIS.

Syrians have been stopped in Turkey from boarding aircraft, and stopped in the nation of Honduras, in possession of false Greek passports.

We do not need more Syrians imported into the United States, now or ever.  I say this not to be harsh or critical, but to be realistic.  As The Realist, it is clear that ISIS is driving its forces within Syria and other Middle Eastern nations and, further, insulating themselves within less-radicalized Syrians in flight.  Some of the terror suspects from the Paris attacks insinuated into Syrian groups specifically in order to kill French people.

With this freshly in our minds, Mr Obama is not just stupid, he is not just philosophically bent, he is dangerously evil when he wants to, at this juncture, purposely import Syrians into the United States — which is already starting to occur, as you can see.

If our government can’t manage a handful of Syrians in one city, what makes anyone think it can manage — or even would care to manage — hundreds, or thousands, or ten-thousand Syrians here in the United States?

Chris Christie is right.


PERIOD.  No women, no children, no infants.

The safety and security of America comes first.




After Paris, Obama triples down on EVIL

Paris Attack Bataclan Concert Site Dead BodiesIt wasn’t enough for Mr Obama to say, on May 23rd of 2013, that “the global war on terror is over.”

It wasn’t enough for Mr Obama, the very day of the Paris attack, to say that “ISIS is contained.”  When of course it wasn’t, 129 bloody bodies later.

It wasn’t enough for Mr Obama to say that he must now “increase and accelerate” the number of Syrians we place onto hallowed US soil.  Without an adequate intelligence data base this is a terribly dangerous action which jeopardizes the lives of Americans.

Because as the Paris attacks occurred, Syrians were in fact being landed in New Orleans.  And with that information, a modicum of common sense began to occur.

There began to become pushback by US governors on the Syrian “refugee” infiltration.  It was a wonderful and timely outcome stemming from a continuing wave of insanity from Obama and DC.

Mr Obama then decided that, on Monday, it was time to triple down on his stupidity as illustrated by the graphic which reflects Obama’s actual quote.

Because, as Obama says,

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France.  I’m too busy for that.”

Obama isn’t interested in American leadership.

Obama isn’t interested in America winning.

Mr Obama’s thoughts are inchoate, absurd, puerile, jejune, naive and, well, I’m running out of adjectives here.

What occurred in Paris can happen in any American city on any day.

“ISIS is an Obama creation.”
— Mayor Rudy Giuliani

“It would be malpractice on behalf of Islam to not take advantage of the Syrian  refugee crisis.”
— Dr Ben Carson

This is a proverbial “clash of civilizations.”  Either Islam wins or Western Civilization wins.  There is no “in between.”  There is no “moderation,” no gray area.

Mr Obama understands precisely none of it.  To him, this is a practice of artifice made in the vacuum of his mind.



When you lose your borders

When we lose our borders, we get what is occurring now next to our border in Mexico.  You get Mexican cartel gunmen murdering people in broad daylight.  You get this.

LZ 1 LZ 2 LZ 3

Mexican authorities continue to look into the kidnapping that led to a firefight that killed five Los Zetas cartel members and one Mexican soldier.  Sad.  That was at one time a very nice Lincoln Navigator with beautiful leather.  The equivalent of a Mexican hoopti.

When you lose your borders, you lose your sovereignty.  Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Demorats wish to enable that to occur even faster, by granting illegal invaders rights to ObamaKare.  She said so, specifically, in Tuesday night’s Demorat debate.  Most of the Demorat contingent tried to more of a Leftist than the next — with the exception of Jim Webb, who graduated from the naval academy, first in his class, served in the Marine Corps and, further, was Secretary of the Navy.  He received the Navy Cross, Silver Star, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts.  Then you have Socialist Bernie Sanders, a “conscientious objector” during Vietnam who wants to be Commander In Chief of the US military.  Can you imagine?

When you value illegals over your own countrymen, you lose your country, your sovereignty, your identity as a nation.  Go see Sicario and try not to be even more resolute that our borders absolutely must be shut and controlled.  In the meantime, an illegal alien who was deported (and came back) has raped a sleeping woman in Chicago.

Just as is happening in Europe now.  People in Europe are being removed from their own homes in order to accommodate the “refugees” from Syria.

It has been proven that the so-called “refugees” from Syria aren’t necessarily that.  The bulk of them are economic “refugees” who are taking advantage of the offer of Euro Free Cheese provided by EuroGOWPs.

The Swiss are starting to push back against the migrant crisis, and Sweden is in political turmoil over the migrant crisis and the number of “refugees” in their nation.

“Refugee” criminals are now so brazen, knowing German police will do nothing, that they have taken to social media posing with stolen property.

In Germany, 1 in 3 citizens want Angela Merkel to resign over her “open arms” refugee policy.  “Easy access” and Free Cheese are the obvious attractions for migrants.

Let’s be frank.  Europe is doomed.  Its overall visage has been fundamentally changed overnight and there is no going back.  Each country receiving Syrian “refugees” and ISIS elements (oh yes, there are ISIS elements embedded in the flood — just look at how many young males, the perfect age for soldiers, are in the throng) will not be able to turn back that clock.Syrians Fleeing From ISISCheck the photographs.  Do the research yourself.

Europe is broken.  Islam has thundered into most every country there.  This is purposeful but it is also the result of the US taking no stance and “leading from behind.”  A vacuum was created.  Putin decided to fill it, along with Islam.

This is what you get when your country is run by GOWPs of all makes and models.  Marseilles is 90% Muslim, the UK is going, as is Germany, Sweden, Switzerland.  Islam is larfing its arse off.  Islam plays Long Ball, ladies and gentlemen.

The US — though divided from that problem by the Atlantic — has its own obvious border problems.  Also taken advantage-of by Muslim elements who only must get their ankles damp.

When you lose your borders, you lose your individuality, your language, your culture, your sovereignty, everything good that was the core of your country.  Europe is learning that lesson now and so are we.

Take a peek at the photos above once more.  This is what you will begin to see inside the US in a very short time.  On American streets.  We could have stopped it but decided, politically, not to.  Just as Mexican cartels assassinate police officers, attorneys, journalists, politicians and judges in Mexico, so may they begin to do so here.

Stand by for even more terrible consequences.


Syrian Muslim Refugees

America is caught “flat-footed”

Putin And His AxeThat’s how any number of news organizations are quantifying the actions by Russia in Syria today.

And this is how respected Obama is by the Russians: the US received an entire one-hour warning by a Russian general who appeared out of thin air at our Baghdad embassy, stating that the strikes would be occurring, and decreed by demarche that we must pull our own troops and aircraft out of Syria.  Translation: we are Russia and we will do what we wish when we wish, and you stay the hell out of the way.

This is a stuttering clusterfuck of a moment for Mr Barack Hussein Obama who, just two days ago, shook hands with Vladimir Putin, convinced that he had saved the world and put America in her place once again.  Which he has.  The part about putting America “in her place.”

John Kerry spoke with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in the Security Council of the UN a short time ago (today is Wednesday), and it is abundantly clear that Kerry is over his own personal head as well, since I noted that when initially speaking in the conference regarding “deconfliction,” Mr Kerry’s voice broke twice.

“I am confident Assad’s days are numbered,” Mr Obama said, if you recall.

And yet they are not.  Putin supports Assad and has, now, a rather clear and situational presence in Syria as their planes flew from local bases.  I found that information on the internet just now.  I cannot possibly imagine Obama didn’t know that and hadn’t made any plans or began contacting Russian sources.  Unless he hadn’t or didn’t.  First, you have to care about being a world power.

Sukhoi SU-34 Fullback

Russian Sukhoi SU-34.

Just how, by the way, did those Russian Sukhoi SU-34 Fullback fighter aircraft seem to slip so quietly and rapidly into Syria?  By a little Israeli trick: running them under much larger cargo aircraft in order to take on the radar signature of one large airframe.  Russia already has a naval presence in the port city of Tartus, Syria.

Our feckless occupant of the Spite House, mind you, will somehow attempt to push this off on either poor intelligence or some type of US military mixup.  I submit, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.  I know many military persons and they are good, honest, loyal people who only want to see the United States succeed and keep its position of power and respect in the world.  They also know that Obama is frequently in contravention of US success or supremacy.

The foreign policy of the United States currently involves puppy dogs, unicorns and fairies.  The policy is that there is no policy save that of bowing, appeasement, empty words backed by no actions and “hope.”

And one stuttering, unconfident SofS named John Kerry.

This is what happens when you deal, in ignorance, with despots and Muslims.

“He’s (Putin) bidding for dominance in the Middle East.”  – John Bolton

“Power is passing in the Middle East from America’s weak hands.” – John Bolton.

“Russians knew from the get-go that they weren’t going to be targeting ISIS.” – John Bolton

“He (Putin) sees no American pushback.” – John Bolton

In one day, the world seemingly transitioned from the United States of America to Russia.

Russia has just swindled us in Syria.  For “deconfliction” so that the Russians don’t shoot down our own aircraft.

Because they warned us, after all.