July 4th, 2015

Americans are quite incredibly stupid.  Watch this, if you dare.

In some ways I am left speechless; in others, I expected it.

But allow me to make a point, if I may.

These are the same people who vote.  They vote for Obama.  They vote for Demorats.  They vote in local, state and national elections.  These are the people in whose hands is, essentially, your liberty and freedom.

And they are voting away liberty and freedom.  Your liberty and freedom.

The are the ignorant Free Cheesers.  They will continue to “vote themselves largesse” with no thought whatsoever to the source of that largesse.  Many of them believe money simply stems from the US government.  It gushes forth in bounteous floods and washes.

People with actual knowledge and education know this is incorrect.  And they know a philosophy and mindset like those persons in the video and those persons who voted for Obama and Demorats is — as Leftists like to say — unsustainable.

It all will lead to a crash, if you will.  For America, it will be a rather ugly, abrupt, unhealthy crash.

Watch Greece.  That is America’s future if it keeps on its current path.

In the meantime, please enjoy at least one beautiful thing from this post, the Star Spangled Banner as sung by John Elefante, former lead singer for the group Kansas.

God bless America, the last and best hope of the entire planet, land of the free and home of the brave.

God bless those at work today — the American soldier who protects us around the world, and the American law enforcement officer who patrols our streets and neighborhoods — while we celebrate with friends and family.

Please say a prayer for them and keep them safe.



July 4th

Obama Imperial FaceI’m at work today, but in celebration of this day, I recommend reading the information at these links:

The Declaration of Independence.

The US Constitution.

The Bill of Rights.

The Federalist Papers.

When in doubt, always, always go back to the basics.

God bless America, the last and best supporter of freedom on the planet and, as always, an experiment in progress.

Today’s government, unfortunately, confiscates your rights and then sells them back to you via taxes and blood.  The greatest threat to this country and its American Taxpayer is not Islam or Right Wing radicals and soldiers — as the federal government would have you believe.  It is that government itself.