Smashing cop cars is legitimate

Baltimore Cop Car Smashed

A disenfranchised and aggrieved young black male, having found his “space to destroy” courtesy of the Mayor Hyphenate, does in fact destroy a new $29,000 Chevrolet Caprice Baltimore PD vehicle which, with complete upfitting, costs $36,000.  Prepare to pay up big time, all you Baltimoreans.

So says Benji Hart of Salon Magazine:

Baltimore’s violent protesters are right: Smashing police cars is a legitimate political strategy

It’s crucial to see non-violence as a tactic, not a philosophy. If it fails to win people over it’s a futile tactic

by Benji Hart

As a nation, we fail to comprehend Black political strategy in much the same way we fail to recognize the value of Black life.

And right off the bat I have a few immediate comments for Mr Hart.

Baltimore Cop Car Smashed By More

More disenfranchised and aggrieved young black males, having witnessed the grand fun of the first disenfranchised and aggrieved young black male, decide to partake in the joy of demolishing the same unfortunate Baltimore PD Chevrolet Caprice.

First, smashing police cars is a tactic for those who don’t have to ultimately pay for those cop cars.  Welfare drones such as the thuggish imbeciles portrayed above surely worry not about taxes or having to fund the local government because, in a fashionable reversal, the government funds them.

So for people with no literal investment in a thing, such as that lonely cop car (and many more like that one), it is incredibly easy to destroy.  They didn’t pay for it and ne’er shall they pay for its replacement — which will be more expensive than the original.

Second, please allow me to inject a shocking shard of common sense at this point, common sense that very, very few people seem willing or sufficiently courageous to say or write: I will value black life when black life values itself.  Until then, meh.

Baltimore is controlled by blacks.  90% of those killed in Baltimore are black.  90% of the suspects of those murders are black.  90% of those arrested for robbery are black.  85% of all arrested in Baltimore are black.  Black black black.  As Ray Nagin said, “chocolate.”

Inner city hood rats like the ones displayed above are endemic throughout urban areas of all major American cities — and that brings us to an incredibly important question.

Just who runs the governments of these major American cities, rife with thugs the likes of which are illustrated above in full riotous action?

Why yes, that would be Leftists and Demorats.

And just who has failed these thugs and inner city denizens?  Is it the police, who have no say in the society in which they must operate?  Is it the citizens themselves?  To a point, yes.  But not with ultimate responsibility.

Who has truly failed these inner city denizens?

It is the same Leftists and Demorats who run the governments of these cities.

Kevin Williamson just Tweeted that “Baltimore is the Left fighting the Left over the failed policies of the Left.”

Kevin D Williamson[Kevin D. Williamson, a black man, has his excellent article here, about Baltimore and its riots.]

And that is entirely correct.

We see ghettos and crime and absent parents where we should see communities actively struggling against mental health crises and premeditated economic exploitation. And when we see police cars being smashed and corporate property being destroyed, we should see reasonable responses to generations of extreme state violence, and logical decisions about what kind of actions yield the desired political results.

“Corporate property being destroyed.”  Of course.  Because there are corporate businesses on every street corner in Baltimore, owned by giant conglomerates thousands of miles away.  Except: that is predominantly bullshit.  Most of the businesses impacted were small and personally/locally owned.  Sure, CVS is a “corporation.”  But it also employed local people who depended on that CVS for a paycheck.

I’m overwhelmed by the pervasive slandering of protesters in Baltimore this weekend for not remaining peaceful. The bad-apple rhetoric would have us believe that most Baltimore protesters are demonstrating the right way—as is their constitutional right—and only a few are disrupting the peace, giving the movement a bad name.

Of course.  Calling a thug a thug is slander, as we watch selfsame thugs act thuggishly and brutalize local businesses, looting, burning.  Clearly, yes, according to Leftists, calling a criminal a criminal is slanderous labeling of the worst degree.

I do not advocate non-violence—particularly in a moment like the one we currently face. In the spirit and words of militant Black and Brown feminist movements from around the globe, I believe it is crucial that we see non-violence as a tactic, not a philosophy.

“I do not advocate non-violence.”

A wonderful thing, Benji Hart.  Perhaps your very own neighborhood and even your apartment building might be caught up in the next flash-burning of a major city.  I can only hope.  Then and only then might you begin to realize that violence — as you have clearly advocated — has consequences.

You Leftist loon.



Speaking of Leftist Loons, the Left is excoriating Whole Foods because they deigned to feed National Guardsmen called into Baltimore.  Horrible!  Heinous!  Feeding sandwiches to the enemy!

Baltimore Angry Black LadyThank goodness Urban Intelligentsia like @AngryBlackLady get to weigh in on Whole Foods being kind.  Damn them for being kind.  Do I sense a Leftist boycott in the offing?


Baltimore Extracting A Wounded OfficerBaltimore PD extracting a wounded officer.

Baltimore Fire Dept ResponseBaltimore Fire Department response to a burning building.

Baltimore Rioters Using Stolen Cop EqpmtDisenfranchised and aggrieved young black males use stolen Baltimore Police Department equipment against them.

Baltimore Youths RocksDisenfranchised and aggrieved very very young black youths picking up rocks to hurl.

Baltimore PD Van BurningA little torch job on a valuable $50,000 police van.  No problem.  #spacetodestroy

Baltimore FD RespondingBaltimore FD attempting to save a building in the city.

Baltimore Black Moron On CarA disenfranchised and aggrieved young black male stands atop a burned vehicle, akin to a trophy in his “space to destroy” courtesy of the Mayor Hyphenate.


Blacks need “space to destroy”

Blacks Space To DestroyBaltimore AbandonedJust when you thought you’d heard it all regarding governmental capitulation to violent blacks, just when you thought you’d heard it all from the mouths of black racists, in steps the Mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, a black Leftist-Hyphenate female.  Shocked, I am?

Baltimore Mayor HyphenateNot particularly.


The odd tactic of giving Baltimore protesters ‘space’ to destroy property

by Daniel Rivero

Sometimes a protest is just a riot camouflaged in self-righteousness. It might not start that way, and the actors might not think that it is. But nonetheless, sometimes it is.

What no one expected is what Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake admitted in a press conference on Sunday: that she asked the Baltimore Police Department to “give those who wished to destroy space to do that.”

There you go.  It’s finally out and optioned for discussion.  Blacks are “owed” police cars to break and burn, windows to smash, businesses to damage and loot.  They are “owed” this due to buzz words like “disenfranchisement” and “aggrieved,” amongst others.

But wait; this concept did not start with Mayor Hyphenate; oh no.  It did begin, however, with a Leftist Mayor and another female at that: Diane Feinstein when Mayor of San Francisco during the White Nights homosexual rioting of 1979 following the verdict against Dan White, who shot and killed Mayor George Moscone and homosexual board member Harvey Milk.  Feinstein told SFPD to stand down and let gays essentially burn and riot.

Baltimore Riot Cop Cars Burn

A disenfranchised and aggrieved black male takes advantage of Mayor Hyphenate’s bestowage of space for blacks to destroy property as they see fit.


At this point in Baltimore, it is mass lawlessness.  Seven police officers have been hurt.  Police vehicles have been damaged.  Businesses have been vandalized and looted.  A CVS drug store was looted and is now burning fiercely, smiling aggrieved and disenfranchised black citizens stealing all they can carry from the site.

Baltimore Rioting

A single disenfranchised and aggrieved young black male, due this destruction, takes advantage of the Mayor Hypenate’s “space to destroy,” as well he should.

They — sorry, not just “they,” but blacks — are looting, live on TV, even as I write this.  I’m watching the live video.

Baltimore Rioting From CVS

A disenfranchised and aggrieved young black male liberates toilet paper and sodas from a burning CVS, adjacent burning vehicles, enjoying the very reasonable albeit temporary pricing advantage.

This isn’t about Freddie Gray, this is simply about an opportunity to riot, to loot, to steal, to damage.  Mayor Hyphenate is correct when she said blacks are “destroying.”  And oddly enough, 41% of Baltimore PD is black and the head officer, the Baltimore Police Commissioner, is black.

Baltimore Riots

Disenfranchised and aggrieved young black males have sought and found their very own personal “space to destroy,” as per the Mayor Hypenate, salaam Alaikum.

But wait, I thought the police force “reflecting the community” was supposed to ease and ameliorate racial ills, to soothe like aloe vera on a burn?

The aloe has eased to the point where the Maryland governor has placed their state national guard on alert.  Milwaukee Sheriff Clarke is calling for a declared state of emergency.  He is asking for this before there are what he calls “bodies on the ground.”

The treatment of racist blacks and violent blacks and rioting blacks with kid gloves.

People have said to me, in person and in e-mails and social media, “BZ, why do you have to say that blacks are racist?  Doesn’t that make you uncomfortable?  It makes me uncomfortable.  Doesn’t that bring you under even more scrutiny as a white male?  And how can you even make the claim?”

To me, it’s very easy.  Until everyone is equal, truly equal, no one is equal.  When one vertical bipedal unit of a certain melanin count receives preferential treatment in any fashion over another, there exists unequality.  When anyone advocates for one race over another in any fashion, by definition you are a racist.  Blacks can be every bit as racist, if not more so, than Caucasoids.  Look how many black racists voted for Obama twice, simply because he was perceived to be a black man, no matter his qualifications, his history or his philosophy.

That is every bit as racist as me voting for a Caucasoid simply because of his or her skin color.

Leftists still believe: “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

I’ll be expecting Mayor Hyphenate to provide appropriate places for Caucasoids to riot whenever they feel aggrieved.

Fat chance.

And that’s why she’s a racist.


Baltimore SignTomorrow’s future Baltimore Leftist mayor.

Sharpton Two Worlds CollideHere, Sharpton proves that two worlds do indeed collide.


Memorial Day and gun control

Gun Control -- Wrong HouseSome of the finest engraving ever witnessed on a firearm.

In my mind, Memorial Day and the Second Amendment go hand-in-hand, as does the full Bill of Rights and our US Constitution.

More and more persons, Leftists and the ignorant and the naive, want to give and bargain away our freedoms for perceived security.

They predicate their decisions, opinions and philosophies but upon emotions and not facts or reality.

One man said:

“On some positions, cowardice asks the question, is it expedient? And then expedience comes along and asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? Conscience asks the question, is it right?

There comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must do it because conscience tells him it is right.”

Who was this man?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

One man said:

“We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.”

Who was this man?

Sir Winston S. Churchill.

Why is this country still safe?  Its Constitution and Bill of Rights.  And its military soldiers.



Sen. Tim Scott wasn’t invited to event commemorating MLK march on Washington

Trayvon MLKAnd why is that even remotely important?

Because Senator Scott is the only black in the US Senate.

But wait; there’s more: he’s a Republican from South Carolina.

You want to talk about racism?  How about thousands and thousands of racists all huddled up in DC in support of more racism?  And the rampant hypocrisy of not inviting the only black senator in the entire country?  But: he’s not needed.

Senator Tim Scott, (R), SCSenator Tim Scott, (R), South Carolina

Keep it up, folks.  I’m thinking there’s some pushback coming.


And where was our current sitting black SCOTUS justice, Clarence Thomas?  Colin Powell?  Condoleezza Rice?  Allen West?  Michael Steele?  Herman Cain?  Janice Rogers Brown?  Keith Butler?  Larry Elder?  Elbert Guillory? E.W. Jackson?  Mia Love?  Star Parker?  Thomas Sowell?

Yes: all uninvited and — all Conservatives or Republicans.

The racism and blatant hypocrisy can’t be more clear than that.

And, oh yeah: MLK Jr was a Republican.


Charlie Rangel: Tea Party Is ‘Same Group’ Of ‘White Crackers’ Who Fought Civil Rights

Rangel -- Not BlacikFrom

In an interview with the Daily Beast published Friday, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) suggested Tea Partiers are the “same group” who fought for segregation during the Civil Rights movement.

“It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn’t care about how they looked,” Rangel said.

A racist statement just like this racist statement regarding “creepy ass crackers.”

And I’m done with racism being a so-called “one way street.”

Let’s face it: Charlie Rangel appears as the ancient white guy with a George Hamilton tan gone horribly wrong via bad wrinkles in Buenos Aires for the past year.  His voice sounds just like Frank ‘Frankie Five Angels‘ or ‘Frankie Pants’ Pentangeli requesting a favor on the Godfather’s wedding day.  He is as black as Vito Corleone from the old country, having spent some time in the Italian sun.  Or perhaps a darkened paint booth, similar to something a 1954 Chevy Bel Air might have encountered in the day.

And: really?  More racist smegma from a Poverty & Racist Pimp tax criminal?

When: historically, blacks have been Republicans?  When a Republican fought to free slaves?  When a Demorat — Lyndon Johnson — fought to enslave blacks once again via welfare and was astoundingly successful at removing the black male from the once-nuclear black family?  When MLK was a registered Republican?  When Demorats believe that more black babies need to be aborted — and they easily get their wish?

From the Virginia Black Conservatives:

History is the decider of truth, and I implore those who read this note to take a moment and look at history:

1. Today’s Democrat-ideology on race began to take shape under President Andrew Jackson and Vice President John Calhoun.

2.Jefferson Davis (Confederate President) was a Democrat Senator from Mississippi. The Democrat Party was pro-slavery to the point of secession. Many Democrats during this time viewed slavery as a need both for the master and the slave.

3.Liberal abortion advocate Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project was designed to control and reduce the population of the black race in America.

4.FDR-Approved and allowed the Tuskegee experiments to take place, and would stay until 1970 under the Nixon administration.

5.Senator Robert Byrd-Long time Democrat was active in the Klan up until the 1940s

6.FDR-issued an executive order during WWII to send Asian-Americans to interment camps while at war with Japan.

7.John Kennedy-As a U.S. Senator, voted against the first Civil Rights Bill in 1957.

8. Robert Kennedy-Approved the FBI plans to wire-tap Dr. King; citing concerns of communist ties.

9.Segregation was a concept that received praise by Southern Democrats until the late 1960s. Notable segregationist (Clinton’s mentor-Orville Faust, George Wallace-converted the term to Dixiecrat).

Notable Democrat Quotes on race:

Jefferson Davis-In reference to slaves “credulous creatures” who “depended on their master for survival”

Woodrow Wilson-In reference to the silent film Birth of a Nation “It is like writing history with lightning, and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true”

Former Klan-member and Democrat Senator, Robert Byrd  — in reference to his view on race “Well there are a such thing as white niggers too…” which indicates by default his perception of the term nigger is black human.

Bill Clinton-In reference to Barack Obama: “A few years ago this guy would be getting us coffee”

Hillary Clinton in reference to Indian immigrants- “Mahatma Gandhi runs a gas station in St. Louis”

Joe Biden: In reference to Barack Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy…I mean that’s a story book man”

Joe Biden: “You cannot walk into a 7-11 or Dunkin doughnuts without having a slight Indian accent, I’m not joking”

Harry Reid: In reference to Barack Obama and why Obama is a winnable candidate: “He’s light skin with no negro dialect”

A very telling paragraph:

FYI-1977-1981: Democrats were in the same place of power (Control of House, Senate, and Presidency), and how did the state of Black America improve during that time? Ask yourself this question: Were you, your neighbor, your racial status better than it was three years ago before the liberals gained control, and has your sign of hope began to show economically since the election of President Obama?

If you’re black, can you answer that question?

I submit: no you can’t.  Perhaps all of two black persons read my blog because I am not an apologist for defeatist philosophies.  Today, no one wants to read about having to work harder, of having to not rely on race or age or any number of “protected classes” to get ahead in life.  Everyone wants their own protected version of Free Cheese and all others can go straight to Hell.



