Ouch! Tenn. state senator presents Kathleen Sebelius with book that might come in handy

From Twitchy.com:

Tennessee State Senator Brian Kelsey presented Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius with a gift today during her visit to his state:

Kathleen Sebelius Twieet from KelseyFollowing that, the photograph is simply too priceless for words.  Please, oh please, lock onto the gesicht of Sebelius.  Enlarge for even greater grandeur.

Kathleen Sebelius Websites For DummiesSometimes Life is simply this enjoyable.



Kathleen Sebelius in her arrogance to America: “whatever.”

Kathleen Sebelius CUKathleen Sebelius is one quite arrogant bitch.

And that’s the best I can say of her.

From the BusinessInsider.com:


by Brett LoGiurato

It was two and a half hours into her testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday when Secretary of Health and Human Services became so exasperated enough to answer repeated questions with a simple, “Whatever.”


Let me, as pols say, “unpack that.”

Translated = tired of having to defend her steps and activities, and actually answer for decisions and actions to which she is tasked and responsible.

A mere two and a half hours into testimony.

Anyone who is a cop has been on the stand in open court for at least one to two hours, minimum.  On roughly each and every case.  You will have perhaps hundreds of cases in your career upon which you must testify.  And for which you are directly and personally answerable and responsible.

As a Homcide Bureau detective for my department, I have been on the stand not just for two days, not just four days, not just five days, but two weeks straight.

So, that Kathleen Sebelius had to actually answer a few questions for two hours and, at that point, decided to cork off into Dismissively Smarmy Mode, I say: boo fucking hoo.  My heart bleeds for you, as HHS Secretary, to the tune of a minimum of $180,000 per year.

Any of you make $180K a year?  Bueller?

“Did I hear it wrong?”

“Why aren’t you losing your health insurance?” Rep. Cory Gardner asks.  “Why are you not in the exchange?”

“I am not eligible for the exchange,” HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius replies.

FoxNews wrote:

Sebelius responded that given that she has affordable, available health insurance through her employee, she is not eligible to participate in the exchange, and it would in fact be illegal.

To applause from the chamber, Gardner said, “With all due respect Madame Secretary, I would encourage you to be just like the American people and enter the exchange.”

That was a LIE.  She is eligible.


And Mr Obama LIES and Jay Carney LIES and the bulk of persons in the Obama Administration LIE.

After all: “whatever.”

She has hers.  And the rest of you are Serfs, Proles and Groundlings, less than the mucus from her nostrils, the pus from her cysts.



Obama brain-glazingly tone-deaf, disconnected, ignorant and uninvolved regarding canceled insurance policies: “just shop around”

Right.  Just “shop around” for your healthcare.  “Dismissive, table for 300 million, please.”

You’ll be just fine after your insurance cancellation which, after all, isn’t really a cancellation but a “suggestion” or, better yet — think of it as nothing more than a transition.  A metamorphosis.  As in between the discordant pupae you are now, towards the gorgeous Obamafly you’ll be later.

Gorgeous, all beautiful, let’s just drink some green tea, go barefoot, wear billowing clothing in a hot yoga room, hold each other’s hand, sway, and voice some Gregorian chants.

But, of course, Obama says you’ll keep your health plan and your physician if you like them.  Except when you can’t as in: oh yeah, I guess I did happen to prevaricate just a bit.

Let me break that down and, as pols like to say now, “unpack it.”  Mr Obama, unpack this:  you LIED.

So, Mr Obama suggests a wondrous Plan B when confronted with his lie (and deflected by the Fellating Jay Carney): “just shop around.”

From Breitbart.com:

Obama Cancels ‘You Can Keep Your Plan’ Promise: ‘Just Shop Around’

In a speech at Boston’s Faneuil Hall on Wednesday afternoon, President Barack Obama discarded his now-infamous broken promise: “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.” Instead, he offered a new promise: “You will be getting a better deal,” the president told health insurance consumers.

Further, get this:

He blamed insurance companies, not Obamacare, for the canceled policies:

“Now, if you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you really like that plan, you were able to keep it. That’s what I said when I was running for office. That was part of the promise we made. But ever since the law was passed, if insurers decided to downgrade or cancel the substandard plans, what we said under the law is that you have got to replace them with quality, comprehensive coverage because that, too, was a central premise of the Affordable Care Act from the very beginning…

So if you’re getting one of these letters [canceling your insurance policy], just shop around in the new marketplace. That’s what it’s for…”

“Substandard,” Mr Obama?  You said our plans were “substandard,” Mr Obama?  Correct me if I may be wrong, but you didn’t quantify our plans as “substandard” when you PROMISED we could keep them.  You took in, verbally, ALL of our plans again and again and again.  Let me remind you, sir:

How odd.  I didn’t hear the word SUBSTANDARD mentioned ONCE in ANY of those videos.  Did anyone else?  Bueller?

Uh, hello?  Earth to Obama?  The insurance companies are doing nothing more than obeying YOUR law.

You know: the one that Congress had to pass so they could know what it contained:


I submit that even Kabuki Theatre couldn’t be this insane.

Kabuki Theatre

Top Democrat says those aren’t ‘cancellation notices,’ they’re ‘transitions’ into Obamacare

Surrender_Dignity_Forward_MaksimYes, ladies and gentlemen, here’s precisely what the Leftists and, more specifically, the current Demorats think of you: you’re not hurting, you’re not damaged, you haven’t been impacted in any way — you’re simply involved in a rite of passage.

It’s necessary, you see.  Like a horrible larvae to a beautiful butterly.  You’re the horrible larvae now, soon to be the beautiful Obamafly.

Top Democrat says those aren’t ‘cancellation notices,’ they’re ‘transitions’ into Obamacare


Insurance companies aren’t sending out cancellation letters, they’re helping people “transition” into Obamacare, according to a top Democrat.

“If [the companies] changed [the insurance plans] then they have to notify the people who have to have the opportunity to have another policy,” said House Ways and Means Committee ranking member Sander Levin, D-Mich.

In fact, according to Levin, the “so-called cancellation notices” merely “help people transition to a new policy.”

Right.  Those aren’t real cancellation notices on your insurance, they’re just “so-called” cancellation notices.  Your insurer truly doesn’t mean the cancellation.  It’s just a suggestion.  Like a guideline: “hey, we know you have some questions, but all we’re doing — as the insurer — is helping to nudge you a bit towards ObamaKare.”

Pretty soon, we’ll all be beautiful Obamaflies.




NBC News confirms: “Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance.” Obama LIED.

Obama Care Too OldFrom NBCNews.com:

Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance

By Lisa Myers and Hannah Rappleye

President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.

Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC NEWS that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.”

So there you go.  One faction of the American Media Maggot consortium has the balls to admit what is in plain sight, simply because the facts are now even too obvious to ignore and the horse is out of the barn.  They were, literally, forced to admit so.




Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy. And because many policies will have been changed since the key date, “the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”

NBC actually writes:

That means the administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them.

“That means the administration KNEW.  .  .”

But let me repeat:

OBAMA LIES.  And how can you, thence, believe ANYthing he says thereafter?

He is the Bernie Madoff of presidents.