Revealed: Obama to collect record taxes in 2013

TAXES GraphicFrom the

The federal Treasury expects to collect a record $2.712 trillion in taxes on Americans and U.S. business this year, shattering the 2007 high of $2.5 trillion in taxes.

Despite the sputtering economy and sustained high unemployment, the fine print in President Obama’s budget belatedly presented Wednesday revealed that the administration expects to take more in taxes than the Congressional Budget Office projects. CBO put the 2013 estimate at $2.708 trillion.

But wait; weren’t and aren’t we consistently told by Mr Obama that we need to pay more taxes because — well — we are simply undertaxed, one and all?  Don’t more of us have to step up to the plate in order to keep a morsel of food in the mouths of starving American children?

That said, how can it be that we are set to collect more taxes for this country than in its entire history?

Somehow, those two concepts simply don’t equate.  They don’t make sense.  They are, shall we say, incongruent.

On any number of levels.

First, let me pull out some basic stops.  There is an American Myth of “starving children.”  I call bullshit.  There are no “starving children” in this nation.  Instead, there are obese children and their equally obese parents or, in the case of many, parent (singular).  I don’t see Biafran-like children skelled over on the sidewalks of our cities.  I don’t see the skeletons of  starved infants splayed across the venues of our American Media Maggots because — if there WERE — you would see such a thing heralded and trumpeted not just for weeks but for months on the DEM/AMM channels ad nauseum.

This trumpeting doesn’t occur because the situation doesn’t exist.

The so-called “poor” in this nation drive a Lexus, possess an EBT card which yields lobster.  Check the receipt below.

Food Stamp ReceiptThey have their housing subsidized, their healthcare subsidized, their furniture subsidized, their children subsidized, possess a smartphone, a flatscreen TV, the internet subsidized, free schooling, free breakfasts, lunches and dinners for their children, free transportation, and free higher education.  And they don’t quite have to work if they feel diffident about it.

They possess sufficient time to war upon themselves, copulate readily and produce banks of children at will who become abandoned to the state when convenient, are responsible for nothing, are considered an entirely victimized class, are soothed and coddled and expected to produce or support nothing.

They, literally, have no expectations whatsoever placed upon them save that of the unresolved victim class.  They have their Victimhood hammered into their heads at all levels and for many years.

They are a Permanent Underclass and raped by the Leftists and Demorats who purposely support their ignorant, arrogant and barbaric ways.  These denizens have their ruffled fur smoothed, licked, groomed, and their ticks eliminated by the Taxpayers of our nation.  And they get testy when their fur isn’t sufficiently clean in a remarkably small amount of time.

But isn’t it odd that this seeming “underclass” possesses material goods and objects of a much higher level than I possess as an American Taxpayer?

And yet, Mr Obama and his minions are shouting to the treetops that we need — we must — make the minimum wage a “living wage.”

Because, after all, the ignorant tattooed and pierced shite who presses the CHEESEBURGER icon at McDonalds should and must make as much money as an entry-level firefighter, say.

In an “equal world,” after all.



It’s starting: “So Long, Yankees! China And Brazil Ditch US Dollar In Trade Deal Before BRICS Summit”

Killing The DollarFrom

China and Brazil agreed to trade in each other’s currencies just hours ahead of the BRICS summit in South Africa.

The deal, which extends over a three-year period and amounts to an exchange of about $30 billion in trade per year, marks the latest effort among two of the world’s largest emerging economies to shift the dynamics of international trade that have long favored the U.S. dollar.

“Our interest is not to establish new relations with China, but to expand relations to be used in the case of turbulence in financial markets,” Brazilian Central Bank Governor Alexandre Tombini said, Reuters reported.

The financial markets, globally, are beginning the process of change.

I don’t think the US will much care for this change.

It’s starting in Cyprus.  Migrating to Italy and Spain.  And now updated with the creation of the BRICS bank — a consortium of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Leaders of the five BRICS nations plan to create a development bank in a direct challenge to the World Bank that they accuse of Western bias.

And there you have it.  “Western bias.”  You can rest assured Mr Obama will do nothing.  He will be “concerned” and “monitoring.”

Leftists will want to tax more and continue spending, printing more money.  We are our own worst enemy and now — our enemies are taking overt fiscal steps against us.




UPDATE: Number Of U.S. Gun Makers Refusing Sales To Gov’t In ‘Firearms Equality Movement’ Triples In Two Weeks

Gun ControlFrom

By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr

On February 22, “Right Views” reported that a growing number of firearm companies have suspended the sale of guns to states, counties, cities and municipalities that restrict their citizens’ rights to own them.

In just two weeks, the number of companies participating in what has been named the “Firearms Equality Movement,” has more than tripled from 34 companies to 118.

The Police Loophole lists every company and links to the statements that each has released regarding their new policies.

Let me just throw this into the mix: what did the Obama Administration already do regarding private business in America?  That’s right, he forced the government into seizure of two of the three largest American automakers, GM and Chrysler.  The result no one saw coming or wanted to report?  Oh yes, that hundreds of dealerships closed.

A report by issued in July of 2010 by Neil M. Barofsky, the special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program of the Treasury Department, said that both GM and Chrysler needed to shut down some “underperforming dealerships.” But it also said the cuts shouldn’t have been made so fast and during a recession. The report estimated that “tens of thousands of jobs were lost as a result.”

“It is not at all clear that the greatly accelerated pace of the dealership closings during one of the most severe economic downturns in our nation’s history was either necessary for the sake of the companies’ economic survival or prudent for the sake of the nation’s economic recovery,” the report said.

What happens when the Obama Administration can’t get any more Colt or S&W or Ruger or Remington parts or firearms?

I think you can see where I’m going.