Boehner’s Plan B

Kabuki TheatreJohn Boehner is going to get the GOP to violate their pledge to not raise taxes, via his Plan B.  The DEM/MSM is already portraying Beoehner as having “conceded” on Wednesday.

Boehner will let the Demorats have their way, and then call it a victory.  I quantify it via one word only: capitulation.

George HW Bush broke his word to the taxpayers in 1988, in re “read my lips: no new taxes.”  And it ended his tenure.  Bang.

Yes, the Republicans cannot block tax increases.  But apparently they may sign off on Obama’s will to cut another $100 BILLION dollars from defense.  That is insanity personified — if for no other reason than because of the profligate manner in which Obama himself is applying our American military in numerous theaters around the planet.

And none — none — of the Republicans apparently have the huevos to publicly stand against Boehner and stand on a refusal to increase taxes.  With a singular exception: I listened to Marco Rubio speak on Hannity’s show indicating so.

Hugh Hewitt and his callers excoriated Plan B.  He wrote on Wednesday:

Plan B raises taxes.

A yes vote on Plan B violates the pledge many if not all GOP candidates took, and convoiuted logic won’t change that and Grover’s pardon won’t matter.

After the routine violations of the “Pledge to America” of 2010, GOP credibility is in tatters.

MSM will begin every story on taxes for the next two years with “The GOP once before broke its pledge not to raise taxes, so…”

Plan B cuts defense by $100 billion.

Plan B won’t pass the Senate.

So why exactly did this get pushed forward, without consultation with the Senate leadership and without any chance for the GOP base to weigh in?  At what point does GOP leadership figure out the “representative” part of their job?

This is a huge, indeed potentially catastrophic mistake, and the Speaker ought to withdraw the plan and send everyone home with a vow to make any tax cuts in the new year retroactive.  We will go over the president’s cliff, but the GOP will have some credibility left and may yet remember that the party of Reagan defends the military that defends us and, crucially, doesn’t raise taxes.

Thank you Hugh.  Precisely.

The Fed has already said it will print a TRILLION dollars next year.  Inflation is going to hit, in 2013, in a way and manner that harkens back to 1980 — where I was paying 12% for a home loan with a minimum of 20% down, and vehicle loans hovered around 20% to 25% or more.  Or worse.  Much worse.

Recognize this: HALF of the people in the US don’t have a mortgage, so the elimination of the mortgage deduction means nothing to the bulk of the Free Cheese electorate.  But what might you then conclude about the already-poor health of the housing market if this deduction is eliminated?

Boehner is not taking this crisis seriously.  Obama is not taking this crisis seriously.  No one in Congress is taking this crisis seriously.

Let me state things as bluntly as possible: these assholes have no skin in the game and play, cavalierly, with your “skin.”  That is because Congress does and has historically exempted itself from the bulk of the bills it passes — plus —  by the time each individual has reached DC they have a sufficient layer of fiscal scams and insularity as to guarantee their continued profit but upon retirement.  There is always another high-paying job awaiting for Congress Critters because that is their nature and their history and their linkage.

Congress simply has no skin in the game.  And they are not held to answer save “censure” or harsh language or perhaps a bit of sarcasm or temporary embarrassment via some red cheeks.

This is generational theft.  This is immoral.  It borders on actual evil because it is planned and plotted and designed and calculated to the Nth degree.

Make no mistake: on both sides of the aisle.

It’s all Kabuki Theater at this point.





Welcome to Monday: “Morgan Stanley’s Doom Scenario: Major Recession in 2013”


The global economy is likely to be stuck in the “twilight zone” of sluggish growth in 2013, Morgan Stanley has warned, but if policymakers fail to act, it could get a lot worse.

The bank’s economics team forecasts a full-blown recession next year, under a pessimistic scenario, with global gross domestic product (GDP) likely to plunge 2 percent.

“More than ever, the economic outlook hinges upon the actions taken or not taken by governments and central banks,” Morgan Stanley said in a report.

Ladies and gentlemen, you can’t keep printing money.

You can keep businesses in the dark with little or no way to ensure at least a few years of societal and fiscal consistency and security.  Everyone, from private citizen to small mom-and-pop business to major national powerhouse needs to be able to plan for the future.  To have some certainty about the future.

Bush started things with TARP.  But Obama took the ball and geometrically expanded it into QEs 1 – 3.  Ben Mountfield writes here that the “quantitative easing” thrusts — i.e., printing more money — are no panacea.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you think it’s not coming — bad things — just go on back to watching The Voice and Honey Boo Boo.




Obama for 2013: “You didn’t build that, but I WILL take your business cash for my inaugural.”

“I can see my needs better than you can.”  – Barack Hussein Obama

On two fronts:

In terms of taxes, and

In terms of fleecing businesses for personal reasons:

Obama Considers Allowing Corporate Cash for Inauguration

“President Barack Obama’s fundraising advisers have urged the White House to accept corporate donations for his January 2013 inaugural celebration rather than rely exclusively on weary donors who underwrote his $1 billion re-election effort. People involved in his re-election campaign said White House staff and campaign advisers have been debating whether to accept corporate money to stage the events but haven’t made a final decision,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

Again, more flip-flops anyone?  Bueller?




Black Friday: a day to decompress

Yes, I am at work.

No, I am not shopping.  Nor queuing up in line for alleged “bargains.”

In Sacramento, where I work, the local early morning news shows are indicating a rather dismal response to Black Friday.  No real crowds.  This may not bode well.

Today is tryptophan-recovery day, also.  For me, lamb-recovery.

Do well; be safe.  More politics later.