6,125 Proposed Regulations and Notifications Posted in Last 90 Days–Average 68 per Day

From CNSNews.com:

(CNSNews.com) – It’s Friday morning, and so far today, the Obama administration has posted 165 new regulations and notifications on its reguations.gov website.

In the past 90 days, it has posted 6,125 regulations and notices – an average of 68 a day.

Some of the proposed regulations revise regulations already on the books.

The website also links to a video of a speech President Barack Obama gave at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 7, 2011, in which the president promised to remove “outdated and unnecessary regulations.”

A number of groups, including the Competitive Enterprise Institute, expect a rush of new regulations now that President Obama has won a second term.

Yes indeed, welcome, America, to the second terms of the president who believes you are simultaneously under-taxed and under-regulated.

And he’s going to do something about that.

Right now.


When UK’s The Economist thinks you’re over-regulated, you have a problem, considering the magazine’s source.



Tuesday: a traveling day for BZ

Today — as incongruent as it may seem — my wife and I are traveling from the Mendocino coast back to my aerie in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Because I will be occupied by driving, I won’t be able to blog about the election today, until perhaps much later after I get home.

In the meantime, I have but this to submit:

A photo from a point somewhere within my general mountain locale.

Couldn’t quite tell you where this may be.  Ahem.

But it certainly represents my true feelings today, Obama Removal Day.




What has Obama actually accomplished? NOTHING!

And this video displays that fact in a way few other words or pictures can:

Mr Obama is clearly mouthing the same empty platitudes he did back in 2008.  He’s back with “promise” after “promise.”

He “promises” once again.

But what has he actually delivered?

The only difference?  Mr Obama’s hair exhibits just a bit more gray.

In the meantime, back at the ranch, Romney now takes the edge in “favorability.”

Gallup: 51% to 46%, Romney.

Rasmussen: 50% to 46%, Romney.

Obama supporters continue to threaten Romney with death, backed by riots.

In a global poll, Obama is massively ahead.  That said, I couldn’t care less what Europe thinks of the United States, nor any other country for that matter.  If Europe, for example, so elevates and adores Mr Obama then they can have him, and I suggest he move immediately — upon his defeat — to another continent.

Which he won’t do, of course, because he won’t place his very narrow ass where his mouth trots.

Mr Obama’s “doctrine“?  Here is the actual “Obama Doctrine“:

Embolden our enemies. Undermine our friends. Diminish our country.

I used to think that my former governor, Gray Davis, was the emptiest of political empty suits.

Mr Obama has since taken that title by leaps and bounds.

Empty Suit: thy name IS Barack HUSSEIN Obama.


I’m not cocky; I’m confident.  Mr Obama is a one term president.



From Obama’s Thursday “performance” on Comedy Central: “If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal.”


I know it’s Comedy Central, but you’ve now declared the deaths of four Americans to be less meaningful than “optimal”?

Mr Obama, you are absolutely disgusting and hideous.  You don’t even rate an F word.

Just go away and let the adults handle things, you petulant, self-centered, preening child.


The mother of an American diplomat killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has hit out at Barack Obama for describing the attack as ‘not optimal’, saying: ‘My son is not very optimal – he is also very dead.’


Tuesday’s presidential debate: the TRUTH actually comes out now

Despite what you may hear or read on the DEM/MSM — who are doing their level best to confuse, obfuscate, divert, misdirect and outright lie — things are not going quite so well for Mr Barack Hussein Obama.

First: those pesky polling numbers that the Left are trying to avoid like the proverbial plague: 51% would vote for Romney, 45% would vote for Obama.  Hello?  Can you say the word “plummet”?  I knew you could.

Second: it turns out that, factually, the Demorats acquired more speaking time than the Republicans.  How does that happen — ? (The sound of my hand slapping my forehead.)

Third: Candy Crowley interrupted Romney 28 times.  She interrupted Obama 9 times.  In the first debate, Lehrer interrupted Romney 15 times and Obama 5 times.  Nah.  No bias there whatsoever.

Fourth: the University of Colorado predicts there is a 77% chance Romney will win the popular vote.  The poll has accurately predicted every presidential election since it was developed in 1980.

Fifth: the White House itself contradicted the president’s debate statement about his early declaration of the Benghazi attack as an act of terrorism.

Sixth: Mr Obama “spiked the football” in his glee over the assassination of Osama bin Laden.  And political glee it was.  His administration swore that al Qaeda was “on the ropes” when, in fact, they were building for Benghazi.  Even Diane Feinstein (whom I voted out for Emken) — an ancient female Leftist — admits that “it appeared an intelligence mistake along with inadequate security were to blame for the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, a Bay Area native, and three others.”

If al Qaeda is “on the ropes,” then WHY did the FBI announce that it recently foiled an attack on the Federal Reserve bank in New York, involving a man named  Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis as the suspect?  He wouldn’t happen to be MUSLIM, would he?  He wouldn’t happen to be linked to al Qaeda, would he?  Nah; not with a name like that.

And there wouldn’t be an online terror magazine name “Inspire,” would there?  In fact, here is Volume One.

No.  Of course not.  None of the above is true.

Just ask Mr Obama.

Because, after all, al Qaeda is “on the run” and “on the ropes” and, if Mr Obama can continue this lie, he can therefore justify the massive defense cuts he proposes.

Who needs the American military, anyway?

Who needs a debate?

Hell, who needs a vote?

Just take the presidency, Mr Obama, by fiat and EO.