Rich businessmen pulling out of France as tax-hit looms


AFP – A flood of top-end properties are hitting the market as businessmen seek to leave France before stiff tax hikes hit, real estate agents and financial advisors say.

“It’s nearly a general panic. Some 400 to 500 residences worth more than one million euros ($1.3 million) have come onto the Paris market,” said managers at Daniel Feau, a real-estate broker that specialises in high-end property.

While it is not yet on the scale of the exodus of rich French after the election of Socialist president Francois Mitterrand in 1981, real estate agents said, the tax plans of France’s new Socialist President Francois Hollande are having a noticeable effect.

While the Socialists’ plan to raise the tax rate to 75 percent on income above 1.0 million euros per year has generated the most headlines, a sharp increase in taxes on capital gains from the sales of stock and company stakes is pushing most people to leave, according Didier Bugeon, head of the wealth manager Equance.

No surprise there.

What you can expect in Obama’s second term.

Both Hollande and Obama believe it is the duty of businesses and business owners to lose money in order to ensure some kind of mentally-deficient “parity” with all.  Profits still continue to = “bad.”

If you really want businesses to pull out and land in some other nation yielding some kind of modern-day “Atlas Shrugged,” then keep on pushing, Socialists.  You won’t be far from your wishes.  For when you throttle the motor of business you also halt the motor of freedom.




Jim Lehrer responds to “I was a poor moderator”

The Leftists came completely uncorked following Wednesday’s debate.

Mr Obama’s poor showing simply could not be the result of his poor showing.

Instead, it had to be other influences: sunspots, tidal pull, the Coriolis Effect, the nasty altitude in Denver and, of course, Jim Lehrer.

Mr Lehrer responded to the mass excoriation:

I thought the format accomplished its purpose, which was to facilitate direct, extended exchanges between the candidates about issues of substance. Part of my moderator mission was to stay out of the way of the flow and I had no problems with doing so. My only real personal frustration was discovering that ninety minutes was not enough time in that more open format to cover every issue that deserved attention.

I have to agree.  One important duty of a moderator is to “get out of the way” of the candidates.

That said, the Obama Handlers have decided it’s time to get back in Chicago-Style Politics As Usual.  No shock there.




Presidential Debate #1: Domestic Policy

The candidates debated at 6pm Pacific, from the University of Denver on Wednesday.

In my opinion, Mr Romney made any number of statements regarding facts that Mr Obama simply did not refute.  Obama obfuscated and changed topic.

Romney: “We know that the path we are taking is not working.”


Mr Romney proved that he has so much more experience than Mr Obama as to be ludicrous.  As governor; as a businessman; as a meeter-of-budgets; as a job creator; as a private business owner; as a manager; as a LEADER.

In this first debate, I would give a serious nudge to Mitt Romney as a winner; Obama stood tall but he fell back on repeated statement with few facts.  Both men withheld themselves.  Obama emphasized he was a fighter for the Middle Class.  But that was a massively hollow argument when his actions prove that he couldn’t quite care less about the Middle Class.  The only thing about “class” Mr Obama understands is that of CLASS WARFARE.

A brief bit of Roaming Through History with presidential debates:

Clinton’s “debate moment” against GHW Bush:

Al Gore, in 2000, tries to physically intimidate George Bush during the debate by violating his personal space:

Here, Obama kicks John McCain to the curb (truly, not too terribly difficult, considering):

I repeat: Romney ahead.  He kept composure and fought with facts.  He came out more aggressively than I suspected he would — and good for him.

Obama, when confronted with actual FACTS — as I insisted Romney do — Mr Obama had little if any cogent retort.  He seemed to be intensely scrutinizing his notes many times, head down.

I repeat: kill Obama with nothing more than FACTS.

Jugular time, Mr Romney.





Obama’s “Other” Race Speech:

Watch video from The Daily Caller (actually from YouTube; DC wouldn’t load):

Text from The Daily Caller:

In a video obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama tells an audience of black ministers, including the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, that the U.S. government shortchanged Hurricane Katrina victims because of racism.

“The people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much!” Obama shouts in the video, which was shot in June of 2007 at Hampton University in Virginia. By contrast, survivors of Sept. 11 and Hurricane Andrew received generous amounts of aid, Obama explains. The reason? Unlike residents of majority-black New Orleans, the federal government considers those victims “part of the American family.”

The racially charged and at times angry speech undermines Obama’s carefully-crafted image as a leader eager to build bridges between ethnic groups. For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he almost never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America. The mostly black audience shouts in agreement. The effect is closer to an Al Sharpton rally than a conventional campaign event.

Barack Hussein Obama embraces the “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright, and provides Wright with many kudos.  Here is the real “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright:

There’s nothing that accuses and convicts better than words captured on audio and video.  Nothing reveals PANDERING like TRUTH reveals pandering.  And in consideration of this: Barack Hussein Obama isn’t really “black.”

As Joe Biden said: “articulate and bright and clean.”  For a “black” man.

On the other hand, this isn’t truly anything more than any rational person realizes is immured in the wrinkled cortex of Mr Obama’s confused and contorted brain.

Oh my, Mr Obama.

The fecal material has now splattered upon the spinning blades.  Thanks to you.




Daily Caller: new video reveals the REAL Obama — 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific

The Daily Caller is promoting a new video which claims to display the true Barack Hussein Obama, and will be revealed at 6pm PDT and 9pm EDT.

Some clips from the video include:

-- 'We don't need to build more highways out in the suburbs. We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods'..

-- OBAMA DECLARES HOW POOR PEOPLE: 'Need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office'...

-- DAILY CALLER: 'For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America'...

I plan to be there for the video.

That said — anyone besides me so completely tired of the Race Card being played time and again and again?

Specifically: not the Mexican race card, not the Asian race card, but only the Black race card?

Stay tuned.