Obama’s going down in November, and here’s why:

He can’t pack a stadium.

And his team is lying about it: “it’s the weather,” they bleat.

Right.  Here, John Sununu nails things down.

Then there’s the God and Palestine issue.  The original language of which Obama approved.  Putting God and Palestine back into the platform resulted in Demorat “boos.”  Right.  It’s time to “boo” God.  Perfect.

They’re even scrambling for the proverbial “balloon drop.”  How sad indeed.

Frankly, things are just falling apart in the Obama Camp.  It’s like an Our Gang comedy on steroids.

Only with a $16 TRILLION DOLLAR deficit.  A THIRD of which is Mr Obama’s fault and responsibility.

The coming Bob Woodward book isn’t helping things.

Then there’s that troubling Gallup poll with Mr Obama at a 47% disapproval rating.  The LOWEST ever.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, on Mr Obama’s watch: the US continues to slip down the rankings of global competition.

Thanks, Barry.

I submit this to you sir: you have NO idea how you’re about to be slammed in November.